Chapter 124
As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

The villagers talked a lot.

It seemed that, with a blow to the head, he felt that what he said made sense.

After all, it was too sudden, wasn't it.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced over and saw the person who said this.

"Wang Quanyou, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Immediately, Zhou Degui pointed at Wang Quanyou and cursed.

"Folks, I'm not talking nonsense. You can figure it out if you think about it in your heart. Why did such a thing happen not long after Zhang Xiaofan came back? Yes, he said on the surface that he opened this clinic to facilitate everyone's medical treatment, and the medical treatment is also very cheap."

"But, haven't you ever thought about how anyone in the world opens a clinic not to make money?"

"What he did before was just to earn everyone's money later."

Wang Quanyou stepped out of the crowd and spoke loudly to the crowd.

Listening to Wang Quanyou's words, the hearts of the villagers began to shake.

"Wang Quanyou has some truths in what he said, Zhang Xiaofan, you didn't deceive everyone just to get involved with the village chief, did you?"

Some villagers started talking.

"That's right! We just listened to what you said, you wouldn't really conspire to deceive everyone, would you?"

"It's no wonder that this clinic is so kind. It seemed that there was no money to see a doctor before. It turns out that it is to cheat us little by little."

"Hurry up and give me back the ten dollars."

"Me too, give us back the ten dollars!"

For a moment, it was all the voices of "punishing" Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhou Degui was trying his best to explain.

"Villagers, don't you all know what kind of person Wang Quanyou is?"

"Wang Quande lost his feet while working outside. He came back two days ago and tried to extort 5 yuan in compensation."

"This kind of person has no humanity at all. Do you believe what he says?"

"Everyone knows Xiaofan's personality since he was a child. Now that he has returned from college, he just wants to use what he has learned to benefit everyone, because he knows that the reason why he was able to go to college was because of the stone village. folks."

After all, Zhou Degui is the village head, so the momentum of his speech and language organization ability are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But as soon as Zhou Degui finished speaking, Wang Quanyou laughed and continued: "Everyone has their own judgment on what kind of person I am, but the fact that Zhang Xiaofan wants to cheat everyone out of money is indisputable.

You think I don't know, but Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Tiezhu are very close.

Folks, Zhang Xiaofan went to Zhao Tiezhu's house twice in the few days since he came back.

Everyone really thought he was coming back to benefit everyone?

Hehe, maybe he came back to do something shady with Zhao Tiezhu.

Village head, don't you have any points in your heart? "

It seems that Wang Quanyou was already prepared to come here, he came here for Zhang Xiaofan.

It was a sentence that caught Zhang Xiaofan's "weakness". After hearing it, everyone instinctively felt that it was so.

When the name Zhao Tiezhu was heard, the villagers gritted their teeth when they heard it.

But usually everyone avoids talking about it, but today Wang Quanyou said it directly.

It must be easy to arouse the anger in the heart.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan has been to Zhao Tiezhu's house twice, it is even more reason to believe Wang Quanyou's words.

"Oh! It turns out that Zhao Tiezhu drove a small car to the clinic that day, not to see a doctor, but to do something."

"Zhang Xiaofan, I didn't expect you to be such a person, are you worthy of your grandfather?"

"A person like you who doesn't want to repay you will actually do such a thing."

The "condemnation" of the villagers reached its climax at this time.

Zhou Degui was still trying his best to explain, but it didn't seem to work.

Instead, Wang Quanyou talked about him and Zhao Tiezhu.

For a while, Zhou Degui was at a loss for words.

However, Wang Quanyou was bold today, and actually mentioned Zhao Tiezhu again and again, if this matter got to Zhao Tiezhu.

He couldn't eat and walked away.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan came out.

He didn't rush to speak, but just looked at Wang Quanyou with a special look, and then looked at the villagers.

Wang Quanyou really has a way of fanning the flames.

It seems that today is to take revenge on Zhang Xiaofan.

There is no way, Zhang Xiaofan ruined his good deed, how can he swallow this breath.

So taking advantage of the presence of so many villagers today, they framed Zhang Xiaofan.

He felt that with so many villagers around, Zhang Xiaofan would not dare to make a move.

"Wang Quanyou, I have a medicine here that makes people speak the truth after taking it. Do you dare to try it?"

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly, it seems that he was not affected by what happened just now.

"Hmph, Zhang Xiaofan, are you treating me like a three-year-old child? There is no such medicine in the world."

"Maybe what you gave me was poison. Seeing that I exposed you, you will poison me to death."

Wang Quanyou said disdainfully.

"With so many people watching, I'll give you poison, so shouldn't I wait for the police to catch me?"

"What's more, you are so fond of telling the truth, what are you afraid of?"

"Could it be that you said so many unsubstantiated things today just to frame me?"

Zhang Xiaofan's words made Wang Quanyou's expression a bit ugly.

"Zhang Xiaofan, don't try to use aggressive tactics, I won't be fooled by you."

"Folks, as long as Wang Quanyou said what he just said after taking my honesty medicine, then I will admit it."

"If Wang Quanyou changes his statement, it is obvious that he came here to retaliate against me and said a bunch of things without any evidence, inciting everyone to doubt and even hate me."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Wang Quanyou, try it."

"Yes! Wang Quanyou, try it."

"You have so much backbone today, what are you afraid of, try it quickly."

The villagers instantly turned into a spectator mentality.

This is Zhang Xiaofan grasping the psychology of ordinary people who like to watch the excitement.

At the same time, it also allowed everyone to calm down from the high anger just now.

After everyone said this, Wang Quanyou seemed to have no reason to refuse.

If he didn't agree, he would be said to have a guilty conscience.

Wouldn't that be Zhang Xiaofan's success?

Isn't it just medicine? With so many people watching here, he must not dare to use any poison.

There is no medicine for honesty in this world.

Thinking about it, Wang Quanyou said: "Why don't you dare to do this? Instead, I expect it to be an honest medicine, so that your ugly behavior can't be completely covered up."

"Good!" Zhang Xiaofan said with a satisfied smile.

Then into the clinic.

1 minute later.

Zhang Xiaofan took out a cup and walked up to Wang Quanyou.

"Just drink this medicine."

Wang Quanyou took the cup and drank it down without saying a word.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled in satisfaction, then patted Wang Quanyou lightly.

After seeing that kind of laughter, Wang Quanyou felt creepy.

But after a while, I don't feel anything.

After taking the medicine, Wang Quanyou felt nothing at first.

However, half a minute later.

He felt a simmering excitement.

"Ha ha!"


Suddenly, Wang Quanyou burst out laughing out of nowhere.

Everyone was stunned.

I don't know why Wang Quanyou is laughing.

"Wang Quanyou, what are you laughing at?"

Zhou Degui asked displeasedly.


Wang Quanyou didn't answer, but was still laughing.

"It's okay, it's easy to get excited after taking the honesty medicine."

"This proves that the medicine is effective, and it will be fine after a while."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hands and started talking.

"Wang Quanyou, if you tell the truth, you won't be so excited."

Zhang Xiaofan walked up to Wang Quanyou and said.

Wang Quanyou was still laughing wildly.

Those who didn't know thought it was a neuropathy attack.

Wang Quanyou felt that he was about to suffocate from laughing.

Excessive excitement can kill people.

"I hahaha. Wrong. Hahaha."

After laughing for a long time, Wang Quanyou finally came up with three words.

"Aren't you telling the truth? What's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked loudly.

"What I said hahaha just now was... nonsense. I...hahahaha just said that in order to revenge you hahaha."

Wang Quanyou knew that he had been tricked by Zhang Xiaofan, he laughed so uncomfortably, as if life would be worse than death, if he didn't tell the truth, he might be laughed to death here.

Unable to bear it, Wang Quanyou was "forced" to speak out.

Because Zhang Xiaofan is willing to "antidote" himself only if he speaks out.

Although Wang Quanyou spoke intermittently, his voice was so loud that everyone could hear him.

"Here, how do you tell the truth?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

Then he patted Wang Quanyou lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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