Chapter 125
At this moment, three villagers came over.

"Fellow folks, you must trust Xiaofan. In the past, the three of us often went to the mountains to cut firewood, and we often drank the mountain spring water."

"But I feel that my body is getting worse day by day, and I feel more and more uncomfortable."

"So I couldn't help it, so I came to show Xiaofan two days ago."

"He personally verified that we are chronic poisoning."

"Now he says that the mountain spring water is poisonous, which proves that it has existed before."

These three are the villagers who felt very unwell that day and came to Zhang Xiaofan for medical treatment.

That is, the three who were poisoned by drinking mountain spring water.

But at that time Zhang Xiaofan didn't tell them that they often drink the poison from mountain spring water.

After they heard about this just now, they also rushed over from home.

Now is the right time.

There was some commotion in the crowd.

Because they believed Wang Quanyou's words just now.

At this time, Wang Quanyou stopped laughing.

"Oh! We misunderstood Xiaofan!"

"Wang Quanyou bastard, really shameless!"

"Wang Quanyou, you have treated Wang Quande's family like that and now you are here to frame Xiaofan, you are such an inhuman bastard!"

"Get out of our stone village!"

"Yes! Get out of our Stone Village!"

Wang Quanyou turned into a mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

The villagers also apologized to Zhang Xiaofan one after another.

At this moment, Wang Quanyou was powerless and collapsed on the ground.

Because, the laugh just now made him feel powerless all over his body.

This is what Zhang Xiaofan learned from the old man to "medicine epilepsy with a smile".

Some specially formulated exciting traditional Chinese medicine, plus the stimulation of acupuncture points.

It can make people laugh in an instant.

Moreover, people seem to be laughing, but in fact, life is worse than death.

Because of the special Chinese medicine, the internal organs seemed to be twitching. While laughing, it was actually very painful.

If it wasn't for Zhang Xiaofan who used his fingers to release the acupoints and medicine when he was shooting, Wang Quanyou could have suffocated with laughter.

Just for a moment, Wang Quanyou even saw death.

After regaining some strength, he looked at Zhang Xiaofan as if he saw the King of Hades.

Hastily ran away rolling and crawling.

I was unstable while running and fell several times.

Looking at Wang Quanyou, Zhang Xiaofan could only shake his head.

He really didn't want to deal with Wang Quanyou in such a cruel way.

But if he makes mistakes again and again, he must be severely punished.

He tried "medicine for epilepsy with a smile". He was punished by the old man because he didn't study medicine well for a few days.

But the "experience" was only a few seconds at that time.

But just for those few seconds, Zhang Xiaofan felt that if ordinary people "experience" for more than 1 minute, they would absolutely feel as if they had died.

Wang Quanyou just now felt that way.

From today on, Zhang Xiaofan should have an indelible fear in Wang Quanyou's heart.

After Wang Quanyou finished making trouble, the villagers lined up in an orderly manner.

Spend ten yuan to drink Zhang Xiaofan's liquid medicine.

Of course, there were also a few unscrupulous villagers shouting during the period.

However, it's just yelling, it's a matter of health.

That is honestly spending ten yuan to buy Zhang Xiaofan's liquid medicine.

Selling it for ten yuan is just a symbolic payment by Zhang Xiaofan.

Originally, Zhang Xiaofan thought that there was no need for money, but he thought that he was opening a clinic after all, so he would charge a little.

Although the medicinal materials used are relatively common, the prescription is from the "Miraculous Doctor Art".

That is the "unique secret recipe" for general poisoning that is not deep. (only if the detoxification is not deep)

It's almost a cure for the poison.

Compared with the detoxification methods of Western medicine and ordinary Chinese medicine detoxification methods on the market, the effect is not a little bit better.

Therefore, if you really want to count the price, it is not too much to sell a cup of liquid medicine for 1000 yuan.

Just like the three poisoned villagers who had already felt unwell a few days ago, although the poisoning was not particularly deep.

But after all, it has already caused harm to the body.

If they go to the hospital, it is estimated that the money they will spend should be their hard earned income for a year.

Just a full-body examination will cost a lot of money, let alone treatment.

But Zhang Xiaofan used the remaining human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum with "unique prescription", and a single medicine can solve the problem.

Of course, if toxins like Li Guangsheng's have penetrated into the whole body and are already very deep, acupuncture is needed, and what is needed is "Ghost Valley Nine Needles".

Behind the seemingly simple treatment is Zhang Xiaofan's mysterious and superb medical skills.

Back to the village is to benefit the villagers with my own ability.

Therefore, using the mysterious medical skills I have learned to treat the villagers in Shitou Village must not cost money.

If I have learned such a mysterious medical skill, I will go back to the village and think about how to earn money for the treatment of the villagers in the village.

That is not at all sorry for the old man's instructions, but also for my own heart.

To put it simply, it's not that Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to use his medical skills to make money, but that he doesn't want to and can't make money in this way.

to noon.

With the last villager leaving.

After a busy morning, I finally finished the work.

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, a gentle little hand was placed on his shoulder.

Massage yourself up.

"Brother Xiaofan, you are amazing. Stone Village is really blessed to have you."

It was Wang Fang.

Wang Fang has been working in the village committee since today.

This morning, the village cadres went to inform the villagers, and she was also in it.

Running around, she has been busy all morning.

"Fangfang, I'm not tired, you don't need to press for me."

"It's you, after running all morning, you should be tired and hungry, right? Go back and have lunch and take a rest."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile on his face.

"I'm not tired, but happy."

While speaking, Wang Fang's hand continued to press Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

"It must be a pleasure to work with you, Brother Xiaofan!"

"What's more, I heard from the village chief that Wang Quanyou came to make trouble, and you gave him a hard lesson."

"That's a pleasure to hear."

Wang Fang was as happy as a child.

She smiled happily, and with her youthful, delicate and lovely face, it made people feel happy.

In terms of seniority, Wang Fang wants to call Wang Quanyou uncle.

However, after the incident between Wang Quanyou and her father that year, in Wang Fang's heart, Wang Quanyou was no longer worthy of being her uncle.

Not to mention what happened these days.

Wang Fang only hated Wang Quanyou in her heart.

When Zhang Xiaofan was about to say something, various men's voices suddenly sounded outside the clinic.

Zhao Tiezhu?
Vaguely, Zhang Xiaofan heard Zhao Tiezhu's voice.

Zhang Xiaofan heard the sound and walked out.

Wang Fang also followed.

That's right, the voice just now belonged to Zhao Tiezhu.

He and several people are sitting in Zhou Degui's office at the moment.

Erlang's legs are crossed, and a cigarette is still in his mouth.

And Zhou Degui had a flattering smile on his face, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu.

It can be seen that Zhou Degui is afraid of Zhao Tiezhu, the village tyrant.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan was also surprised that Zhou Degui was so afraid of Zhao Tiezhu, so he was so bold to have sex with Shen Chunhua.

This is also fatal.

It seems that Zhou Degui is also fearless when he is tempted by beauty.

Now that Zhao Tiezhu is here, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't need to go to him anymore, he will "negotiate" about the chemical plant here.

Thinking that something unknown might happen later, Zhang Xiaofan persuaded Wang Fang to go home.

But as soon as Wang Fang walked to the gate of the village committee, he was bumped into by a man.

"Damn, you don't have eyes!"

The man immediately cursed at Wang Fang.

Wang Fang apologized quickly.

But after seeing Wang Fang's appearance, the man had an angry face just now, and laughed instantly.

"Oh! It turns out that she is such a beautiful and lovely little sister."

"It's okay, brother, don't be angry!"

"You kiss my brother, and I promise not to get angry."

At the same time, Wang Fang also saw clearly the appearance of this man, with a bald head, bumps on his face, and the yellow teeth that were exposed when he spoke were really disgusting.

Wang Fang was so frightened that she quickly took two steps back.


Wang Fang cursed.

After scolding him, ignore him and just turn around and leave.

However, the bald man quickly grabbed Wang Fang's hand.

"What are you doing!"

After being grabbed by the bald man, Wang Fang wanted to break free.

But she is a girl after all, how can she break free from the hands of a big man.

"Doing indecent things at the gate of the village committee, you're afraid you're just looking for it!"

As soon as the words fell, the bald man felt as if his abdomen had been hit by a huge boulder, and his internal organs seemed to be shattered.


Zhang Xiaofan's foot directly made the bald man fly two or three meters away, the pain made his face contort.

(End of this chapter)

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