Murano's little genius

Chapter 129 Long time no see

Chapter 129 Long time no see
There was no agreement, and Zhao Tiezhu didn't give an answer face to face.

In this way, Zhao Tiezhu left the village committee with his two injured younger brothers.

"Xiaofan, you...this."

After Zhao Tiezhu and the others left, Zhou Degui spoke incoherently.

He heard and saw everything that happened just now.

After living for so many years, it was the most "exciting" scene he had ever seen.

Zhang Xiaofan singled out the village tyrant Zhao Tiezhu.

The instant the storm rose, it was the end of the battle.

"Xiaofan, what should we do next!"

"Zhao Tiezhu will definitely find a way to get revenge on you when he goes back!"

"There's no way he's going to shut down the chemical plant."

"Also, you bald. Hey!"

However, Zhou Degui still spoke out what he was most worried about.

From his words, it felt that Zhang Xiaofan was "certainly to die".

"Village chief, don't worry, I have my own plan."

Zhang Xiaofan said confidently.

But Zhou Degui was still chattering.

There was no other way, Zhang Xiaofan had no choice but to leave the village committee.

Then he made a phone call to Zhao Tieniu.

Zhang Xiaofan was going to have a detailed interview with Chen Yifa about ordering medicinal seedlings, so he had to drive Zhao Tieniu's three jumpers there.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, it was because he hadn't completed the "task of borrowing seeds", and now Zhang Xiaofan didn't have the energy he had yesterday.

Naturally he didn't want to go to Zhao Tieniu's house.

Zhao Tieniu gave Zhang Xiaofan the three jumpers.

"Brother Tieniu, it's about the child."

"It's okay, your sister Qian told me all about it."

"Since it can't be done, pick another good time."

From Zhao Tieniu's face, Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem to see any disappointment.

On the contrary, I am happy.

This is strange.

Zhao Tieniu's borrowing of this matter was a matter of being forced to bow to reality.

His wife and good brother did that to have a child, and he must feel extremely painful in his heart.

But thinking of allowing Sun Qian to conceive a child, she could only endure it.

However, after all, I endured it, and I definitely didn't want this to happen deep down in my heart.

When Zhang Xiaofan ran out in a hurry yesterday, Zhao Tieniu was heartbroken.

But when he asked his wife Sun Qian with a broken heart.

That heart, as if walking into the light from the darkness.

But a happy one.

Therefore, Zhao Tieniu must be in a slightly better mood today.

"Xiaofan, people from the village committee called this morning to say that the mountain spring water near our village is undrinkable and has toxins. They said you discovered it. What's going on?"

Since Zhao Tieniu asked, Zhang Xiaofan told him the situation.

Moreover, he was also told about the Zhao Tiezhu Chemical Factory.

After listening to this, Zhao Tieniu cursed loudly.

At the same time, I also support what Zhang Xiaofan is doing.

However, after all, Zhao Tieniu is still very worried about Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan understands Zhao Tieniu's worry, so he can only tell him that he has his own measure and plan for this matter.

When Zhao Tieniu heard what Zhang Xiaofan said, he naturally believed him.

Because Zhao Tieniu knew that Zhang Xiaofan planned everything before acting, and he was not an impulsive person.

Coupled with being smart and having ideas that ordinary people don't have, there must be a difference in handling things.

Anyway, it's not what Zhao Tieniu can think of.

"Brother Tieniu, how are you finding people?"

"I have found fifteen of them, and I will look for the remaining five."


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan felt relieved.

"After the [-] people are found, you can lead them to start construction, and I will rent all the fields."

Ten acres of soil should be started according to the requirements of planting.

This is also an important job.

After chatting with Zhao Tieniu for a while, Zhang Xiaofan left the stone village in the three bungee.

Driving three times, Zhang Xiaofan was whistling, as if he was not affected by what happened with the bald head and Zhao Tiezhu today.

Zhang Xiaofan had his own plan for their affairs, it was soldiers who came to cover them up, not to mention, now he is taking the initiative to attack.

They will not be given any chance to fight back.

In a word, the chemical plant must be shut down.

When Zhang Xiaofan arrived in the town, he went directly to Chen Yifa's place.

The seedlings of some medicinal materials also need to be ordered, and the time is about three days.

As for the money, this time Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to mention to Chen Yifa that it can only be paid after the medicinal materials are harvested like last time.

This is not a small sum, and many of the medicinal seedlings in the ten acres are precious medicinal materials.

Zhang Xiaofan did a simple calculation, at least 20.

He definitely can't afford the money now.

The only way is to owe first.

Chen Yifa agreed without even thinking about it.

No matter from which angle he stood, Chen Yifa had no reason not to agree to the money.

Last time Zhang Xiaofan's batch of medicinal materials made the company earn a small fortune.

Zhang Xiaofan has a "treasure land" for planting medicinal materials, and Chen Yifa can agree without even thinking about it.

Not to mention that Zhang Xiaofan is Li Peishan's "god brother".

This time, not only did Zhang Xiaofan not be allowed to take the money out, Chen Yifa returned 3 yuan to Zhang Xiaofan.

The reason is very simple, last time the batch of medicinal materials were sold, the 3 yuan was negotiated last time, after selling more than that amount, most of the money was still Zhang Xiaofan's.

Many seedlings still need to be ordered, and it takes three days like last time.

Because he received a phone call, Zhang Xiaofan didn't stay any longer, thanked Chen Yifa and left.

Whose phone is this?
It belongs to Li Tingting.

At first Zhang Xiaofan was hesitant to pick it up. .

But thinking of what Ye Tongtong came to say to him, he still took it.

Li Tingting's call was to explain the information.

"Are you free? I'm in town right now."

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly said something.

"Yes! I'm in town too."

Li Tingting is very happy.

A milk tea shop on the corner of the street is where the two met.

Zhang Xiaofan, riding a three-bouncer, arrived first.

From when Ye Tongtong came to find her, to when Li Tingting called to explain in person.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan is a human being, an animal with feelings.

He understood Li Tingting's feelings.

Especially the moment Ye Tongtong walked into the milk tea shop and sat down.

Zhang Xiaofan felt the joy of being in love from her smile.

Today's Li Tingting is wearing a long white dress, just like Snow White in the fairy tale.

However, in Zhang Xiaofan's mind inexplicably appeared the proud appearance of Li Tingting who was naked in the hotel that day.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, and waved away the voluptuous picture.

Taking Li Tingting's gaze, Zhang Xiaofan said, "Long time no see."

These words are meaningful.

Not long at all, not even a few days.

Long time no see doesn't apply at all.

But, why did Zhang Xiaofan say that.

Because, he wanted to get to know Li Tingting again.

Li Tingting is really different.

(End of this chapter)

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