Murano's little genius

Chapter 130 The Special Girlfriend Relationship

Chapter 130 The Special Girlfriend Relationship

Zhang Xiaofan finally seems to understand that what happened in college is already a thing of the past.

The man he is now is also the man he was before, but he is not the man he was before.

What happened in college doesn't mean it will happen now.

Even if encountered, Zhang Xiaofan is confident that he can solve it.

"Brother Xiaofan, long time no see."

Li Tingting smiled.

Also follow Zhang Xiaofan's words.

With just one glance, she could feel that Zhang Xiaofan is different today.

"I don't know what you like to drink, so I just ordered a cup."

Zhang Xiaofan put a cup of milk tea in front of Li Tingting.

Zhang Xiaofan almost never comes to the milk tea shop.

That is, just now Li Tingting said to meet here, and Zhang Xiaofan came earlier, thinking that girls like to drink milk tea, but I don't know what kind of Li Tingting likes to drink, so I ordered a cup first.

"This is my favorite drink."

Li Tingting held the milk tea with both hands, smiling beautifully and happily.

Such a coincidence?
Zhang Xiaofan thought in his heart.

It was just something he ordered casually.

But Zhang Xiaofan also found that there were too many coincidences between him and Li Tingting.

"Brother Xiaofan, I'm sorry."

"I have already severed my friendship with that person."

Li Tingting suddenly said with a twinkle in her eyes.

There is a feeling that a girlfriend apologizes to her boyfriend for doing something wrong.

It looked a little pitiful.

Especially her sexy little lips make you want to go up and take a bite.

"Is it Gao Xiangyang?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Hearing this, Li Tingting was not surprised.

Because Ye Tongtong went to find Zhang Xiaofan, Ye Tongtong had already sent her a message later.

"Who is he? Is the picture real?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

Because, this is what Zhang Xiaofan cares about.

A man can actually get Li Tingting's cell phone to do this kind of thing.

And, in that photo, they were still holding hands.

"He is my classmate in college. He secretly took my mobile phone at our party that day."

"In college, I was in the same club as him. He should have secretly seen the password I entered on my phone, so he could unlock my phone."

"That photo was because when we were in college, our club was going to shoot a promotional video, and it arranged for us to take it."

"He and I are just ordinary classmates."

"But from now on, he will no longer be my classmate."

Li Tingting explained very seriously.

After Ye Tongtong told her about it, Li Tingting was actually so frightened that she cried.

It was not easy for her to meet Zhang Xiaofan, a unique man who met her inner expectations in the fate bestowed by God.

If it is because of this that their fate will come to an end.

How unacceptable and sad that would be.

So, today she had other things to be busy with, but she still chose to come to Zhang Xiaofan.

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't misunderstand, I also guessed that someone sent it with your mobile phone.

That message will not be sent by you.

However, don't take photos with other men casually in the future. "

This is what Zhang Xiaofan said.

another man?

What does it mean?
Li Tingting couldn't help touching her hot face after listening.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's words are full of trust and overbearing.

Listen, it's like she's his woman.


Li Tingting nodded obediently.

"Is Ye Tongtong okay?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

That day, he was so frightened by the murderer Du Feng that he fainted.

"She's fine, but she's already heard from the police that you took her as a murderer's hostage."

"I was going to come with me today, but something happened at her house and she had to go back."

"She said that when the matter is settled, she will thank you in person."

Li Tingting said.

"Don't, I'm afraid of her."

Zhang Xiaofan said quickly, making unnecessary movements with his hands.


Li Tingting covered her mouth and smiled.

"She's just like that, just get used to it."

After all, Ye Tongtong and Li Tingting are best friends, so she still understands Ye Tongtong's temperament.

"By the way, is she really your girlfriend?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

No matter how you look at it, the personalities of the two are very different, they really don't look like girlfriends.

"Tongtong is my best friend and best friend, we played together till the end of the day."

Li Tingting moved a few black hairs, and then took a sip of milk tea.

"No wonder, he still tests me."

"What test?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"No, Tongtong just went to look for you when I was with you. She didn't say what she was talking about with you."

Li Tingting said.

"Huh? This"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized that it seemed inappropriate to speak out.

After all, this is a bit too much. Anyway, ordinary girls can't accept it.

Li Tingting may be angry after hearing this, and her relationship with Ye Tongtong may even change.

"Are you trying to say that she seduced you with her body and then tested you?"

Li Tingting asked.

"Well, how did you know that?"

Zhang Xiaofan was a little confused, but Li Tingting guessed it right.

Li Tingting smiled again, so brightly that the flowers are still beautiful.

"What she always told me was that if I fell in love with a boy, she would test every aspect of that boy."

"Including sex?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked without any concealment.


And Li Tingting didn't think there was anything wrong.

I go!

Zhang Xiaofan has gained knowledge, is this the relationship between girlfriends?

"Tingting, don't you think this is not quite that?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked in a low voice.

"It's okay! Tongtong and I are best friends, we usually share everything we have, not to mention, she did it for my own good, I understand."

Zhang Xiaofan.
Li Tingting has already said this, what else can Zhang Xiaofan say?

Zhang Xiaofan thought of Ye Tongtong's big and small thing, and wanted to tell Li Tingting at first, but after thinking about it, Li Tingting should know about it, after all, they are best girlfriends.

Also, it's not appropriate to say it.

Saying it out means that Zhang Xiaofan saw Ye Tongtong's naked appearance.

Can Li Tingting accept it?
Unless Ye Tongtong herself told Li Tingting herself.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiaofan would not be appropriate to speak out about it.

"Brother Xiaofan, you met a murderer that day, were you not injured?"

Li Tingting asked with concern.

Li Tingting was still very scared when she heard Ye Tongtong mention this.

When a murderer reflects reality, for most people, it sounds like goosebumps.

"It's okay, if something happens, you may want to take flowers and go to the hospital to see me."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You can't joke about that.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Li Tingting pouted a little unhappy.

After continuing to chat for 10 minutes, Li Tingting received a call.

"Brother Xiaofan, I have to leave first, but we have agreed that I will go to Stone Village to visit your grandfather in two days."

Li Tingting is naughty with cuteness, cute with grace, and graceful with seriousness.

For Li Tingting, she wants to really feel Zhang Xiaofan up close.

She wanted to feel everything about Zhang Xiaofan.

After watching Li Tingting get into a small car, Zhang Xiaofan got into his own three bungee.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan, who wanted to open up, also wanted to know Li Tingting better.

The number of times she and Li Tingting met and the time they spent together was limited after all.

(End of this chapter)

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