Murano's little genius

Chapter 134 What's wrong with a hug

Chapter 134 What's wrong with hugging
Zhang Xiaofan thought the light bulb was broken, but when he went to turn on other lights, they didn't turn on either.

This is puzzling.

So, he called Zhou Degui.

As a result, Zhou Degui told him that the wiring of the village committee was old, and some of them were broken, and they could be repaired tomorrow.

This is interesting.

"Well, Dr. Miao, the wiring here is broken and the lights won't turn on. Can you look at some kerosene lamps?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Miao Yuchen.


A look of hesitation flashed across Miao Yuchen's face.

The village committee of Stone Village was different from what she had imagined, it looked tattered.

And alone, there is no one around, it looks very lonely.

Now there is no light. Although she is a doctor and usually very bold, she can't bear it. This place is a village in Dashan.

Plus being a girl, there must be some fear.

"It's okay. Anyway, I slept until dawn."

Miao Yuchen convinced herself that she should not be afraid.


After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan found a kerosene lamp in the clinic with a flashlight, and lit it up.

Seeing this kerosene lamp, a flash of memories suddenly flooded Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

When I was a child, there was often no electricity in the village.

At night, I sit alone under a kerosene lamp and practice calligraphy.

Sometimes, when he fell asleep while practicing, grandpa would put him on the bed to sleep.

During that time, Zhan Xiaofan lived the simplest and purest time.

"Although the bed is a bit small, it can barely sleep."

Zhang Xiaofan cleaned up the little bed.

Through the dim kerosene lamp, Miao Yuchen took a look at Zhang Xiaofan's clinic.

Although the clinic is not big, the sparrow is small and well-equipped.

And, things are neatly arranged.

From this look, we can tell that the doctors in the clinic like neat and clean people very much.

And that person is Zhang Xiaofan.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After Zhang Xiaofan finished everything, he felt that it was not appropriate for him to stay here for too long.


Miao Yuchen nodded.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew at the door, and because the kerosene lamp was blocked by the windshield, it only flickered for a while, but did not go out.

But it was the light of the kerosene lamp that flickered a few times, which made Miao Yuchen's heart tense, and her heart jumped.

She clenched her fist tightly.

"Can you chat with me here for a while?"

The moment Zhang Xiaofan was about to close the door, Miao Yuchen spoke.

Maybe it would be nice to have a chat with someone for a few days.

Through the light of the kerosene lamp, Zhang Xiaofan saw Miao Yuchen's unnatural expression and her tightly clenched hands.

I also understood something in my heart.

"Alright, it's early anyway."

Zhang Xiaofan walked in again.

Just like that, Miao Yuchen sat on the small bed, Zhang Xiaofan sat on the stool.

Lonely men and widows, handsome men and beautiful women.

In this way, the two chatted for half an hour.

Seeing Miao Yuchen's expression relaxed a lot, there was a smile on his face.

Zhang Xiaofan left.

And after Miao Yuchen had such a relaxed chat with Zhang Xiaofan, the fear in his heart basically disappeared.

Zhang Xiaofan returned home, went to bed and slept after taking a shower.

But as soon as he lay down, his phone rang.

"Miao Yuchen?"

Just now Zhang Xiaofan gave Miao Yuchen his phone number, so that he can call him if he needs anything.

Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

"Xiaofan, come here quickly, I'm so scared, there seems to be someone outside."

Miao Yuchen's voice was not loud, but she was anxious and scared.

Just now, when Miao Yuchen was about to go to sleep, she vaguely heard the sound of someone walking outside, and then, she vaguely saw the shadow of the person.

Miao Yuchen yelled a few times but no one answered.

The silence of the night frightened her.

Hastily called Zhang Xiaofan.

"It should be just kittens and puppies."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"No, it's really a human, I can see the shadow."

Because of fear, Miao Yuchen dared not speak loudly.

At this time, she was sitting with her legs hugged, and she didn't dare to lift her head.

"Okay, then you wait for me."

There was no other way, Zhang Xiaofan had no choice but to put on his clothes and go to the clinic again.

Although only a short 5 minutes.

But Miao Yuchen felt that five hours had passed, which was extremely long.

I don't know if it's an illusion or real, but she also vaguely heard the voice of someone talking.

She became more and more frightened and hid under the small bed.



Footsteps sounded.

And getting closer.

Miao Yuchen is a girl after all, she is extremely scared at this moment, how much she hopes Zhang Xiaofan will appear right now.


The door opened.

Miao Yuchen didn't dare to open her eyes.

She squatted under the crib with her legs crossed, biting her lip tightly.

Suddenly, a hand patted her back lightly.


"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

She quickly yelled, but she still didn't dare to open her eyes.

"Doctor Miao, it's me."

The voice sounded, it was Zhang Xiaofan.

"Do not touch me!"

But Miao Yuchen still shouted as if she didn't hear it.

"Doctor Miao, it's me."

Zhang Xiaofan raised his voice and continued to shout.

Miao Yuchen seemed to hear it, and she slowly raised her head.

Tears had already accumulated in those beautiful eyes because of fear.

The moment he saw it was Zhang Xiaofan.

As if seeing the Prince Charming in her life, she was so excited that she quickly got out of the crib.

Then hugged him hard.

Without saying a word, he just hugged Zhang Xiaofan fiercely.

Get rid of all the fear just now.

Holding Zhang Xiaofan in his arms is like arriving at a safe haven, so comfortable and warm.

Zhang Xiaofan could only raise his hands.

She originally thought that Miao Yuchen was a doctor, she wouldn't believe in ghosts and monsters, and she wouldn't be easily scared, her courage was beyond the reach of ordinary girls.

Staying in this clinic for one night, even if there is fear, it should be just a little bit.

Unfortunately, the current situation is seriously unexpected.

"Doctor Miao, there is nothing to be afraid of, it's just your psychology."

Zhang Xiaofan looked around just now, there was no one at all.

"No, there are really people."

"I was standing at the window just now, and that shadow was very scary."

Miao Yuchen hasn't recovered yet, because she didn't notice that she is hugging Zhang Xiaofan fiercely at this moment.

It's like the feeling of a boyfriend and a girlfriend who haven't seen each other for a long time, and after meeting suddenly one day, they hug each other fiercely.

"Cough cough!"

"Doctor Miao, if you hug me like this again, I might be out of breath."

Needless to say, this woman Miao Yuchen is really strong.

The strength of holding Zhang Xiaofan with both hands made him feel a little uncomfortable to breathe.

"A big man, let me give you a hug, what's the matter?"

Miao Yuchen said in a coquettish tone.

(End of this chapter)

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