Murano's little genius

Chapter 135 No, I'm Still Scared

Chapter 135 No, I'm Still Scared

Although the hug is a little tight, breathing is a little uncomfortable.

However, for Zhang Xiaofan, another feeling is really interesting.

A faint fragrance of hair invaded the tip of the nose, refreshing and so comfortable.

When hugging, the bodies between the two people touch each other.

All Zhang Xiaofan felt was a soft squeeze.

It seems that the rumor that women are made of water seems to have some truth.

Being hugged by Miao Yuchen like this, it's a bit uncomfortable in performance, but it's also a different kind of enjoyment anyway!


Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan felt something was wrong.

Although it is separated by clothes, it is one piece for each person after all.

It is impossible to have such softness when wearing a hood!

Is it?

Miao Yuchen wasn't wearing a mask!

Zhang Xiaofan is 100% sure, because a cartoon cover suddenly appeared on the small bed.

Obviously, Miao Yuchen took off the cover.

Probably for sleeping comfort.


In this situation, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help swallowing his saliva in astonishment.

He and Miao Yuchen have only met twice, not only seeing her body, but now...
"Ah! Someone!"

Miao Yuchen screamed again, and hugged Zhang Xiaofan even tighter.

Bury his head directly into Zhang Xiaofan's chest.

Zhang Xiaofan's back was facing the door, he hastily turned his head.

A dark shadow ran over.

There are people!
"Doctor Miao, you stay here, I'll see who it is."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"do not want!"

Miao Yuchen shook the head buried in Zhang Xiaofan's chest vigorously.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan regrets asking Miao Yuchen to sleep here.

This is not the beautiful and brave female doctor in her mind who is wearing a white coat, has a perfect figure, is beautiful and has a temperament.

This is clearly the little girl from the neighbor's house.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just going out to have a look."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a coaxing tone.

"do not want!"

Miao Yuchen was still the same.

"If you do this again, I will really leave you here alone."

Zhang Xiaofan's tone was slightly heavy, it seemed that he was serious.


"You yell at me, you actually yell at me!"

Miao Yuchen cried.


Zhang Xiaofan is confused, is this really the mature, beautiful, sexy and temperamental female doctor Miao Yuchen?

Little girls don't do this, do they?
Miao Yuchen's crying made Zhang Xiaofan's heart soften.

There is no way, Zhang Xiaofan can't see a woman crying.

"That... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Zhang Xiaofan apologized.

Hearing this, Miao Yuchen's sobbing stopped.

After continuing to comfort him for a few minutes, Miao Yuchen slowly moved his hands away from Zhang Xiaofan's body.

The woman who has cried is really pitiful and distressing!

Under the dim kerosene lamp, Zhang Xiaofan saw Miao Yuchen's red eyes, that delicate face, probably owed a loving kiss to reveal its original smile.

"You go out first."

Miao Yuchen lowered her head and said softly.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"But don't go far."

Miao Yuchen said.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look outside."

After Zhang Xiaofan came out, he turned on the flashlight.

He was sure that the shadow just now was a person.

What are you doing sneaking here this late at night?
Holding a flashlight, Zhang Xiaofan looked around the house of the village committee for a week.

Finally, he found something.

Next to the toilet of the village committee, some mud bricks were piled up.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over.

"Come out!"

Coming to the mud brick, Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

Immediately, a person rushed out.

It's just that Zhang Xiaofan strode up and caught him directly.

"Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!"

Zhang Xiaofan directly took a flashlight.

He knew who that face was.

Just the flat four in the village.

Because he always wears a crew cut and is the fourth eldest at home, he is called the fourth son with a crew cut.

"Pingtousi, it's late at night, you don't turn on the flashlight, what are you doing sneakily at the village committee?"

According to Zhang Quandan, although the cut-off looks honest, he often peeks at the widows in the village taking a bath.

That's a little out of character.

"Let go of me first, it hurts!"

Grabbing Zhang Xiaofan with his backhand, Flathead grinned in pain.

"Come here sneakily at night, and come here to scare people. You still want me to let go if you don't tell me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, I said, I said, I saw you bringing a woman into the clinic, so I followed."

"Then you go back by yourself, the woman stays here, I just think about what to see."


As soon as Pingtou four words were finished, he was slapped by Zhang Xiaofan.

"What the hell! Zhang Xiaofan, I've already said it, why are you still beating me?"

Although the slap was weak, it almost knocked out the flat-headed four's teeth.

"If you're so stupid, I'll knock out your teeth, believe it or not?"

Zhang Xiaofan waved his fist.

The flat-headed four felt scared, he didn't expect that Zhang Xiaofan, who looked gentle, would strike so fast and ruthlessly, he didn't even give him a chance to fight back.

The reason why he didn't leave after being discovered just now is that he didn't think Zhang Xiaofan could do anything.

But now, he regretted it.

In his eyes, Zhang Xiaofan at this moment is more terrifying than the village tyrant Zhao Tiezhu.

"I believe, I believe!"

Pingtousi quickly squatted down, and was scared by Zhang Xiaofan within a few seconds.

"come over!"

Zhang Xiaofan motioned for four to follow.

Although the flat-headed Si usually likes to peek at women, he is not as courageous as he imagined.

If you really encounter someone like Zhang Xiaofan who hits you at the mouth, you will be scared to death.

I could only follow obediently.

At the door of the clinic.

"Doctor Miao, this is the person you saw just now."

"Nothing to be afraid of."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"What were you doing sneaking outside the door just now?"

Miao Yuchen seemed to be a different person again, and asked in an angry tone.

Moreover, the expression is very serious, a little cold.

The flat-headed four looked at Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan scolded.

"I see you are beautiful, so I just want to see you."


As soon as Pingtou Si finished speaking, Miao Yuchen slapped him.

Loud and clear.

This is the same position as Zhang Xiaofan.

"Why did the nest hit someone again?"

The flat-headed four covered his face, he was in pain, he refused to accept, he was wronged.

I didn't even look at it, I just thought about it, so I was slapped twice.

Miao Yuchen's slap made Zhang Xiaofan's eyes shine again.

Unexpectedly, she actually has this side.


"Pingtousi, don't let me know that you do this kind of thing again, or I will beat you until you have few teeth next time."


Seeing that Miao Yuchen didn't speak after the beating, Zhang Xiaofan made it up.

Hearing that he could walk, Pingtou Si ran away like an escape.

"Xiao Fan, why don't you stay here with me tonight, I'm afraid he will sneak back again."

"It's okay, he dare not come back."

"What if there is a second such person?"

Miao Yuchen said.

Facing Miao Yuchen's still somewhat fearful eyes, Zhang Xiaofan could only say: "Don't be afraid, these people dare not do anything out of the ordinary, they are lustful but not courageous."

"No, I'm still scared."

Miao Yuchen bit her lip, her beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Xiaofan pitifully.

Zhang Xiaofan scratched his head, what happened to Miao Yuchen?
(End of this chapter)

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