Murano's little genius

Chapter 150 You can be impolite, but you can't do it

Chapter 150 You can be impolite, but you can't do it
When Zhang Xiaofan wanted to say something, Zhao Tieniu came back.

Seeing Zhao Tieniu coming back, Zhang Xiaofan said there was something to do in the clinic, so he took the opportunity to leave.

As for the matter of borrowing seeds, Zhang Xiaofan suffered from "procrastination".

It's like we usually have the courage to finally get up the courage and make up our minds to get rid of a tangled matter right away.

However, it was accidentally interrupted by other things.

After that, it's hard to get that energy back.

Just like the current Zhang Xiaofan, when it comes to borrowing seeds, he can procrastinate as long as he can.

Zhao Tieniu and Sun Qian were never given a chance to mention it.

Coming to the clinic, Zhang Xiaofan took some medicinal materials.

He remembered something.

That is to treat Ye Tongtong's big and small things.

He has already purchased the medicine to treat her thing.

But Li Tingting said that she had something to do at home and went home.

However, Zhang Xiaofan still took out his mobile phone and called Ye Tongtong.

After all, he said at the time that he would call Ye Tongtong when the medicinal materials were ready.

Regardless of whether she is free or not, she must do what she promised.

After beeping several times, Ye Tongtong still didn't answer the phone.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan wanted to hang up, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Ye Tongtong?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hehe, Xiaofan, do you miss me? Call me."

Ye Tongtong's first words, especially that voice, made Zhang Xiaofan's skin crawl.

The girl Ye Tongtong said these words without restraint at all.

"Of course I miss you. As a doctor, I miss your condition."

"Last time, I prepared all the medicinal materials for the question there."

"You see when you are free, and if you are free, you can come for treatment."

Zhang Xiaofan deftly resolved Ye Tongtong's problem.

"Look, because of some things these days, I have forgotten."

"But Xiaofan, I can't leave for the time being, I wonder if you can come and treat me?"

Ye Tongtong said.

"Alright, but there will be an additional toll."

Zhang Xiaofan thought about it.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable."

"Also, can't you tell Tingting about this?"


Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I can't tell you that."

"If you don't tell me, then I won't go."

Zhang Xiaofan pretended to threaten.

"If you don't come, I'll tell Tingting that you took off your clothes and watched me."

Ye Tongtong on the other side of the phone pouted.

Zhang Xiaofan has convinced this beauty.

Helpless, I can only agree.

Anyway, if Li Tingting didn't ask, he didn't intend to talk about it.

"Okay, then I'll send you the address, you can come here now."


"What? No time?"

"It's not, but I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry."

Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised by Ye Tongtong's urgent request.

"What's unexpected, don't you like to see me without clothes?"

Ye Tongtong's words made Zhang Xiaofan completely confused.

"Send me the address, I'll go there now."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaofan became more and more suspicious that Ye Tongtong was really Li Tingting's best friend?
It's not like a passerby at all!
Zhang Xiaofan drove a tricycle, followed the address sent by Ye Tongtong.

And the address Ye Tongtong sent was in the town.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to hurry back before dark.

The address Ye Tongtong gave was a farm in the town.

There is a farm in Shi'ao Town, which is very unusual.

It's not that farms are unusual, but building a farm in a place like Shi'ao Town obviously doesn't want to make money.

Zhang Xiaofan parked the three rounds at the gate of the farm.

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan parked the car, a tough-looking man came over and said to him in a very bad tone: "Hurry up and drive the car away, this is not where you came from!"

"Well, I'm here for dinner."

Zhang Xiaofan said casually, after all, he parked the car in the parking space of someone else's farm, Zhang Xiaofan thought that the man didn't park for himself, so he said so.

"This is not a place for you to eat." The man continued to say coldly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned: "You run a farm and don't feed others, what does that mean?"

"Outsiders are not accepted here, please leave quickly." The man looked at Zhang Xiaofan expressionlessly.

Zhang Xiaofan was convinced, and he didn't do business with such a big farm.

"I'm here to find someone, my friend is inside." Zhang Xiaofan said.

"There is no one you are looking for, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

The man twisted his neck with a cold expression.

"I really didn't lie to you. My friend asked me to come here. Look, she even sent me the location."

Zhang Xiaofan still kept talking patiently, and even took out his mobile phone to show the man.

However, the man didn't even look at it, he just wanted to grab Zhang Xiaofan's phone and throw it out.

But, how could Zhang Xiaofan allow someone to snatch something from him?
Hands dodged like ghosts.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned and said coldly.

"I said, don't blame me for being rude if you don't leave!"

The man stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Then you mean I can't go in no matter whether there is someone looking for me inside?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The man didn't answer.

Instead, he wanted to grab Zhang Xiaofan directly and throw him on the road.

The man is about 1.8 meters tall and has a strong build. It seems that he can easily grab Zhang Xiaofan and throw him out.


But just as the man's hand was about to catch Zhang Xiaofan's hand, he grabbed it backhanded.

The man felt bad, and wanted to grab Zhang Xiaofan with his strong and powerful hands.

It's a pity that the man felt as if his hand was being twisted by iron tongs, and he couldn't move the slightest.

Moreover, I also felt unprecedented severe pain, as if my muscles and bones were about to be twisted, so I could only scream.

"You can be rude, but you can't do it!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Come on, someone wants to break in!"

Suddenly, the man took out a walkie-talkie from his trouser pocket with his other hand.

Then he put it to his mouth and spoke while enduring the severe pain.

This is to call others over.

Sure enough, within ten seconds, four or five young men wearing the same clothes ran over.

Zhang Xiaofan took a closer look at these people, all of them have good body shape.

It looks like it's been trained.

Moreover, the eyes of each person looking at themselves are very sharp, just like the eyes of a cheetah looking at food.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. He was the one who moved first. What's more, I also told him that the people inside called me here."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to fight.

And he also had doubts in his heart, is this farm really a farm?

Also, did Ye Tongtong post in the wrong place, where would she be?

(End of this chapter)

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