Murano's little genius

Chapter 151 Xiaofan, I'm Ready

Chapter 151 Xiaofan, I'm Ready
"Fuck him!"

They didn't listen to Zhang Xiaofan's words at all, they surrounded him with an electric baton in their hands.

The electric baton made a crackling sound, and most people would feel scared when they heard it.

Suddenly, one of them rushed up with an electric baton.

Zhang Xiaofan reacted quickly and pushed the person in his hand out.


A burly man shook his body a few times before being stunned by the electric shock.

Maybe seeing his brother being stunned, several people looked at Zhang Xiaofan with sharper eyes.

It was with a wave of anger!

In an instant, several people rushed up almost at the same time.

Zhang Xiaofan could only shake his head.

What's wrong with this world, can we still have a good chat.

As a result, it was conceivable that those people were lying on the ground.

However, Zhang Xiaofan also "treats his own body with his own way".

After dodging the electric baton of one of them, a "stick" hit each of them with lightning speed.

The power of the electric batons should not be underestimated. Everyone trembled and fell to the ground and convulsed.

Didn't even have the strength to yell.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan's phone rang.

It was Ye Tongtong who called.

"Xiaofan, are you here?"

"Here we are, right at the gate of the farm."

"But I said where is your farm! It's fine if I was stopped, and I was almost stunned."

Zhang Xiaofan said dissatisfied.

"The farm? What farm?"

Ye Tongtong asked.

"It's just a farm! The kind of farm where you eat."

"I didn't mention the farm! The address I sent was a residential courtyard."

Zhang Xiaofan.
Looking at the few people on the ground who still couldn't get up, Zhang Xiaofan knew it was a mistake.

"My aunt, you sent the wrong address, please send it to me again."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I took a look and it seems that I sent it by mistake. I will resend the location to you."

"It's not that you seem to have made a mistake, but you really made a mistake."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head with a wry smile.

That too was left speechless.

Knowing that I came to the wrong place, this kind of thing happened.

I quickly got on the tricycle.

Then he looked at the few people lying on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, it's not because I came to the wrong place, it's just your bad luck."

After speaking, started three rounds and drove away.

While driving the tricycle, Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the cars parked at the gate of the farm just now.

It seems that there is a car he has seen somewhere.

But I didn't think about it.

Finally, ten minutes later.

Zhang Xiaofan came to the address Ye Tongtong sent later.

It is a relatively remote location in Shiwu Town.

After parking the car, Zhang Xiaofan came to the gate of the small farmyard.

There was a small car parked in front of the door, Zhang Xiaofan remembered that this car belonged to Ye Tongtong.

Then it was right this time.

This small courtyard of the farm can be seen to be some years old at first glance, with bricks and tiles and a gate.

That has a strong sense of history.

The door wasn't closed, it was just ajar.

Zhang Xiaofan pushed the door open and entered.

The first thing that catches the eye is a clean small courtyard. There are three tile-roofed houses directly in front of the courtyard, and one tile-roofed house on each side of the small courtyard.

The layout of this kind of yard is exquisite at first glance.

The door of one of the three houses directly in front of the small yard was open.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over slowly.

At this moment, Ye Tongtong came out with a plate of water in both hands.

The moment she was about to splash it in the yard, she saw Zhang Xiaofan.

Hastily withdrew his hand.

Ye Tongtong didn't speak, but put the tray down, then walked to Zhang Xiaofan, pulled her aside, and said softly: "My grandma just fell asleep, so I can't speak loudly, I'm afraid of waking her up."

"Come into the room and talk."

After speaking, Ye Tongtong pushed away the room on the left side of the courtyard.

Pull Zhang Xiaofan in, then close the door.

The room looked clean and tidy, there were girls' things everywhere, and there were women's clothes that were not cleaned up on the bed, and there was a faint fragrance.

Obviously, this is the room where the girls live.

"You live in this room?" Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Yeah." Ye Tongtong nodded.

"This is my grandmother's house, and I grew up here when I was a child."

Ye Tongtong said.

"Grow up here? Your parents put you here?"

Zhang Xiaofan was puzzled, Ye Tongtong saw that the family conditions were very good.

It's not that it's not good to grow up in grandma's parents, but that her parents have the conditions to give her better living conditions, why let her grow up here?
on purpose, or
"You have a lot of questions, let's get down to business first." Ye Tongtong suddenly showed her white teeth and said with a smile.

After speaking, she was about to unbutton her white shirt.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Xiaofan asked with wide eyes.

Ye Tongtong smiled and said, "Didn't you come to treat me? How can you treat me if I don't take off my clothes?"


Ye Tongtong's words are not wrong, Zhang Xiaofan is not only here to deliver medicine today, but to treat Ye Tongtong.

Because Ye Tongtong remembered that Zhang Xiaofan's treatment method was medicine plus acupuncture and massage.

How about acupuncture and massage without undressing.

Why!Ye Tongtong today is as active and bold as ever.

"That. Take it off later." Zhang Xiaofan said.

It's not that Zhang Xiaofan is embarrassed.

Instead, he remembered that this was Ye Tongtong's grandmother's house.

Wait a minute, massage and acupuncture will take at least an hour, if her grandma wakes up and walks in.

That situation can be interesting.

"Why, don't tell me that you are embarrassed. Last time, you said that there is no gender in front of the doctor. Also, last time you saw me all, and now you don't want to see it?"

Ye Tongtong pouted.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan quickly explained.

After explaining, Zhang Xiaofan went on to say: "Why don't we change places?"

"No, I don't go to Stone Village to find you because I can't leave." Ye Tongtong rejected Zhang Xiaofan's suggestion.

And Zhang Xiaofan scratched his head, seemed a bit embarrassed.

"Don't think about it, it's okay, if you are afraid, then hurry up now, my grandma won't wake up so soon."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's troubled expression, Ye Tongtong said.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and said, "Okay."

Immediately, Ye Tongtong stretched out his jade hand and continued to unbutton the clothes one by one, and then took off the shirt.

It is still a beautiful scene.

That smooth white skin, like the tender lotus root that comes out of mud but not stained, not only wants to touch, but also wants to eat a bite.

Especially in that ominous place, there is "thousands of miles of snow light".

In an instant, Ye Tongtong stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan with nothing on, and then obediently lay flat on her bed.

And Zhang Xiaofan also entered the state of treating patients, and was not affected by the beautiful scenery.

Ye Tongtong closed her eyes, and said, "Xiaofan, it's fine, I'm ready."

"That... has to be taken off too." Zhang Xiaofan said.

Ye Tongtong opened his eyes and looked at where Zhang Xiaofan was looking, then bit his sexy lips.

Without saying a word, she obediently took off her pants.

(End of this chapter)

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