Chapter 250

I just said that casually, and I didn't expect to hear such a new word.

"Do you know practitioners?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"I've only heard of it."

"But there is one thing, a cultivator is an existence that can cultivate into a fairy."

"It is simply not comparable to the ancient warriors."

"But cultivators in this world only exist in legends, and no one has ever seen it."

The man in the martial arts suit said.

"Hehe, if you haven't seen it, it means you are weak. If the weak have never seen it, it doesn't mean they don't have it."

Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

"Impossible! I heard that cultivators have vitality in their bodies that ancient warriors do not have."

"do you have."

The man in the martial arts suit didn't believe it.

"Is this what you said?"

Zhang Xiaofan controlled the mysterious gas, and put a trace of it on his fingertips.

call out!
It turned into an air blade and pierced through the shoulder of the man in the martial arts suit.

The man in the martial arts suit couldn't help crying because of the severe pain.

He looked at the blood hole on his shoulder with fear, he was afraid, he regretted it!
"No, how can there be practitioners in this small FY County? But your strength"

"Among the ancient warriors, only those who have reached the legendary prefecture-level cultivation base can release their internal energy and external energy to kill people."

"But your qi is definitely not the true qi of an ancient warrior"

"Then. You are really a cultivator!"

"If you can choose me again.
He knelt down.

"Senior, let me live. I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai."

Zhang Xiaofan took a step and walked to the side of the man in martial arts uniform.

Then he said blankly: "If you were me, what would you do?"

Bu Daodao was speechless.

If it was Zhang Xiaofan who was kneeling on the ground, he would destroy it without hesitation.


Zhang Xiaofan kicked with his right leg, directly hitting the chest of the man in martial arts uniform.

It sank in an instant, and then the whole person flew out like playing football.

He looked at Zhang Xiaofan in despair.

The liver and gallbladder ruptured, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

All the security guards saw this scene.

They are clear about the identity and strength of this Master Yi.

That is the person who has the best relationship with Cai Dong besides Cai Dong's younger brother. He can crack stones with one punch and tear tigers and leopards with his hands.

But now, Zhang Xiaofan is like a chicken being abused by an eagle.

They know that even if they rush up, they will only be lying on the ground dying.

Now that you know the result, you might as well just run away.

Before Zhang Xiaofan could speak, the rest of the people in security uniforms turned around and ran away.

It's not worth it to die for money.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to walk towards the villa.

Go to the door and push it open.

"Hehe, what a cultivator!"

"I didn't expect you to find this place so quickly, let alone you are a cultivator."

In the lobby of the villa, Cai Delong was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs, with a fearless expression, looking at Zhang Xiaofan with a gloomy expression.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to walk in, looked at Cai Delong expressionlessly: "Where are they?"

Cai Delong stood up, his expression suddenly became weird: "Did you say those two beauties?"

"Zuzu! It's a pity that neither of them are virgins, otherwise they could have a good time."

"I'll ask again, where are they?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

Cai Delong laughed loudly: "Haha, Zhang Xiaofan, you are angry! You are a cultivator, so what can you do to me? Let me tell you, I have already hidden those two women of yours."

"If you dare to be presumptuous, maybe they will be raped by three people, maybe more."

Zhang Xiaofan was furious, clenching his teeth: "Cai Delong, you bastard!"

"you wanna die!"

Cai Delong continued to laugh: "Haha, come on! Kill me! Do you dare?"

"Is it hard to feel right now?"

"I want to see you angry and painful, but you can't do anything to me."

Suddenly, Cai Delong grinned his teeth, his eyes burst out with fury, he wished he could tear Zhang Xiaofan to pieces immediately: "You beat my brother to death, you know how painful he is? You know how much I feel. sad?"

"I tell you, I will make you suffer a hundred times more pain than me!"

Zhang Xiaofan already had killing intent in his heart, a strong killing intent billowed from his body!

The air in the villa became somewhat oppressive, like an abyss of death.

Cai Delong is also an ancient warrior, he felt Zhang Xiaofan's strong and thick murderous aura.

Cai Delong's eyes narrowed, this was the most terrifying time he felt the murderous aura so far.

Even breathing has to be careful.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan with a solemn expression.

"Cai Delong, if I make a move, you won't survive a second!"

Zhang Xiaofan said heavily.

"Zhang Xiaofan, your status as a cultivator can really scare me from the bottom of my heart!"

"But you think I'm powerless to fight back when you make a move?"

"You can easily defeat Master Yi and Dehu who ate the explosive pill, which indeed proves that your cultivator's strength is very terrifying."

"But I, Cai Delong, can cover the sky in FY County. Do you think I have no other cards?"

At this point, Cai Delong took out a delicate box.

After opening it, I took out something the size of a purple quail egg from inside.

"Since you can't defeat you even after eating the Explosive True Pill, then this one given above will definitely be able to defeat you."

"Although you are a cultivator, judging from your fight with Master Yi, you should only be the most basic cultivator."

"And if I take this pill."

"You will not be my opponent."

Cai Delong began to feel complacent.

Looking at the strange thing in Cai Delong's hand.

Zhang Xiaofan could feel the strange aura from it.

Obviously, it is also a pill.

"Hehe, is it a man who can only be beaten by taking medicine?"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered.

"Hmph! Zhang Xiaofan, if I don't step on the ground myself, I won't be able to get over it in my life."

"Your appearance has bankrupted our plan."

"In FY County, it belongs to our Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry, and it belongs to me, Cai Delong."

"I will defeat you, I will make your life worse than death!"

While Cai Delong was speaking, he directly put the purple pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

Cai Delong laughed out loud.

He raised his hands and looked up at the ceiling.

In an instant, Cai Delong's figure skyrocketed several times.

A majestic and turbulent breath swept over.

Not only did his stature skyrocket, Cai Delong's head also changed, like a mutated giant.

At this time, Cai Delong has completely changed, his figure has increased several times, and he has super-developed muscles.

A pair of eyes the size of copper bells looked at Zhang Xiaofan without any emotion.

He clapped his palms together!


A huge shock wave shattered all the glass in the villa, and the power was enormous.

"Zhang Xiaofan, be scared!"

"This time, I will let you really feel what strength is!"

"Although the maintenance time is only 3 minutes, although there will be serious problems in the body after that."

"But it's enough to defeat you, and it's worth it!"

Cai Delong in this state roared loudly, his voice was vicissitudes and hoarse!
Cai Delong, who clenched his fists tightly, released a surge of surging aura, like a huge wave, really powerful.

Although his stature skyrocketed, his speed was extremely fast.

Cai Delong stepped on it!
The concrete floor was dented with a deep footprint.

Breaking through the ceiling, swinging his fist away.

That fist was as big as a casserole, and it was powerful enough to break through an iron wall.

Zhang Xiaofan met each other with fists.



Stronger than a TNT explosion.

A powerful air wave and shock wave shattered everything in the villa into debris.

If it weren't for the high quality of the villa, it might have collapsed in the shock wave just now.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help taking a step back.

Surprised in my heart, Cai Delong's power like this is comparable to his own pure power.

It might have weighed tens of thousands of catties.

It seems that the pill he took just now is really abnormal.

Cai Delong showed a look of disdain: "Hehe, it turns out that your strength is already at the level of an early master of the ancient Zhongxuan class.

It seems that you are indeed a fledgling among cultivators.

"You are powerful, but you are very weak in front of me now!"

"The next trick. I can hurt your vitality!"

Cai Delong quickly rushed to Zhang Xiaofan.

He is very confident in himself now, he feels that the next palm can seriously injure Zhang Xiaofan.

The current him is not only powerful, but his muscles and bones are like iron, and his skin is like copper.

Coupled with the stimulation of true energy, the strength of these 3 minutes made his physical strength comparable to that of a mysterious master!
Zhang Xiaofan snorted coldly.

With a movement of his body, his speed was extremely fast.

Cai Delong narrowed his eyes.

He couldn't see Zhang Xiaofan's figure clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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