Murano's little genius

Chapter 251 Rescue 2 people

Chapter 251 Rescue Two People
Zhang Xiaofan's fist hit Cai Delong's huge body several times in succession.

And they are all the weaknesses of body acupuncture points.

Cai Delong's huge body directly knelt on the ground.

"Asshole, why do I feel like I can't exert myself!"

"Zhang Xiaofan, what did you do?"

Cai Delong said angrily.

"You are as stupid as Cai Dehu, and you also forgot that I am a doctor."

"You have grown bigger and stronger."

"The physical defense is also much stronger."

"However, your weakness is also obvious."

"Your acupuncture points are like the sea in front of me."

"Although you have become stronger, you can't close your acupuncture points."

"I only need a few punches, and you have no strength to fight back."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Cai Delong was so enraged by Zhang Xiaofan's words, his anger came as soon as he said it.

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

He rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan like crazy.

Zhang Xiaofan hesitated and fired a cannonball, which flew towards Cai Delong's chest.

Stimulate the vitality in the body, and punch out with one punch.

Cai Delong was hit by Zhang Xiaofan's punch, and spit out a mouthful of blood mist.

Then he fell to the ground and tried to sit up.

It seems that I have no strength.

Right now Cai Delong's internal energy is out of order, his internal organs were seriously injured by Zhang Xiaofan's punch just now.

Cultivation is useless.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan firmly.

He didn't understand how Zhang Xiaofan's punch just now became so powerful again.

"You don't understand my strength."

"You took the medicine and it really made me cautious."

"But don't forget, as you said, I am a practitioner."

"There is an unbridgeable gulf between us."

"What are my means, how do you know?"

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan just said these words casually, to deceive Cai Delong.

Cai Delong was not reconciled, he was full of confidence, how could he be defeated by Zhang Xiaofan like this.

He wanted to arouse the true energy in his body, he wanted to stand up.

Make the injury in the body worse.

The injuries in Cai Delong's body have long exceeded his expectations.

As long as he dared to use his true energy, he would immediately be countered by his true energy.

Several meridians were immediately broken.


Cai Delong shouted angrily, he was also unwilling and could not believe it.

With this useless cry.

3 minutes have passed.

Cai Delong's body quickly returned to its original state.

This made his already seriously injured body worse.

It is no exaggeration to say that Cai Delong's current body is a tattered body.

Healing is also a useless person.

Stepping over Cai Delong lying on the ground, Zhang Xiaofan quickly searched the villa.

However, he searched every room, but he couldn't find it.

Is it really not here?
Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan's super hearing seemed to hear Zhou Shuyi's voice.


This is Zhang Xiaofan's first feeling.

"Yes, there is a basement here!"

Zhang Xiaofan followed the sound and found the location of the basement.

He did not find the entrance.

Instead, he stomped heavily on the top of the basement to make a hole.

The basement was broken open.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly entered inside.

In the basement of dozens of square meters.

Zhang Xiaofan discovered Li Yulan and Zhou Shuyi.

However, several men in black were tearing at their clothes.

Obviously, this is to force that kind of thing.

Zhang Xiaofan's simple and rude way of entering made several people startled.

However, they were not given time to react.

Zhang Xiaofan's feet moved with ice-cold eyes.

In an instant, several people lay on the ground immediately, without even screaming.

After Zhou Shuyi and Li Yulan opened their eyes, they saw Zhang Xiaofan.

Immediately pounced on it.

One left and one right hug Zhang Xiaofan tightly.

The body trembled with fear.

Considering that Zhou Shuyi and Li Yulan were still in shock.

Zhang Xiaofan led them out of the villa with his arms in his arms.

However, when leaving the basement, Zhang Xiaofan discovered something special with his keen perception.

They took it away together.

Get on the tricycle and go directly back to Stone Village.

Back to Stone Village, it was already very late.

Zhang Xiaofan sent Li Yulan home first.

After seeing Li Guangsheng and Wu Shufen, Zhang Xiaofan did not tell them the real situation.

It just said that Li Yulan went to the county seat and picked her up by himself.

Zhang Xiaofan said this to avoid worrying them.

These words came from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, Li Guangsheng and Wu Shufen didn't suspect anything.

"Sister Yulan, I'm fine now. I'm home. You should sleep well. I have to send Sister Shuyi back."


Li Yulan lying on the bed held Zhang Xiaofan's hand tightly.

Li Yulan is not a little girl, and now that she is back home, although she is still afraid, she already feels the warmth and security brought by Zhang Xiaofan.

However, if Zhang Xiaofan hadn't wanted to send Zhou Shuyi home, she really wanted Zhang Xiaofan to accompany her tonight.

"kiss Me."

Li Yulan made such a request shyly.

And Zhang Xiaofan also kissed her flawless face.

Li Yulan smiled with satisfaction, showing her white teeth.

Probably because she couldn't help it, Li Yulan put her arms around Zhang Xiaofan's neck and kissed passionately.

"Sister Yulan, let's go to another day."

Zhang Xiaofan can clearly distinguish the current situation.

Hastily withdrew his mouth.


Li Yulan was not unhappy because she was not satisfied.

Leaving from Li Yulan's house, Zhang Xiaofan sent Zhou Shuyi back home.

Zhou Shuyi is not as courageous as Li Yulan.

Now she is still very scared, holding Zhang Xiaofan's hand tightly.

His head was still resting on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

"Sister Shuyi, where's the child?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I saw that you were very busy during this time, and something happened. After I went to see you yesterday, I sent the child back to her mother's house."

"Let my parents take care of it for a few days. Although I have no ability, I really want to help you for a few days."

"No matter what you do, you can do laundry and cooking, as long as it can help you."

"But on the way back, I was arrested by them."

"Xiaofan, I'm sorry."

"Not only did it not help you, but it also made you messy."

While talking, Zhou Shuyi cried.

She felt that not only could she not help Zhang Xiaofan, but she had become a burden.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan hugged Li Yulan.

A woman like Li Yulan is really silly and cute.

All I think about is how to help myself and repay myself.

No matter what you say, don't listen.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was happy because of her.

To let a woman do this, as a man, I feel somewhat happy.

"I'm glad you didn't make trouble."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"If you really want to help, I will ask Tieniu to arrange some work for you tomorrow."

"But it's okay, it's only for a few days."

"After that, you have to take good care of the children."

Zhang Xiaofan hugged Zhou Shuyi and said.


Zhou Shuyi agreed, she nodded happily.

"Xiaofan, I'm hungry, can you cook a bowl of noodles for me?"

Zhou Shuyi looked at Zhang Xiaofan with twinkling eyes and said.

"Okay, you wait for me here."

Zhang Xiaofan directly hugged Zhou Shuyi with the princess, and then put her on the bed.

Then went out.

ten minutes later.

Zhang Xiaofan walked in with a night of steaming noodles.

"Sister Shuyi, it's time to eat noodles."

Zhang Xiaofan put his face down and said.

However, Zhou Shuyi was not on the bed.


The door closing sounded.

Zhang Xiaofan looked back, it was Zhou Shuyi.

"Miss Shuyi, you
Looking at Zhou Shuyi, whose hair was still wet before her eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan's mouth was dry, and he couldn't look away for a while.

During Zhang Xiaofan's ten minutes of cooking the noodles, Zhou Shuyi secretly went to take a shower.

Zhou Shuyi, who had just finished her shower, was wearing an ultra-short suspender dress that she hadn't worn for a long time.

It revealed her round and jade-like legs, and her snow-white and flawless legs.

Continue to look up, Zhang Xiaofan swallowed his saliva.

It is indeed tempting.

Zhou Shuyi, who is still breastfeeding, has a proud bust.

Put on this not-so-loose suspender dress.

This is to express the four words towering into the sky properly.

This dress may be a matter of design, or it may be a matter of intention.

It was impossible to completely wrap Zhou Shuyi's bust.

A touch of spring is indeed exposed.

This kind of beauty, this kind of temptation, is indeed greater than having no clothes.

This stimulates your brain's unlimited imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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