Murano's little genius

Chapter 261 Establishing a company?

Chapter 261 Establishing a company?

Go back to the village committee and come to the village committee office.

Seeing that it was Zhang Xiaofan walking in, Lin Wanrou hurried forward: "Xiaofan, have you seen that mysterious masked man?"

Zhang Xiaofan sat down, and replied with a relaxed expression: "That masked man is from our stone village, thanks to him running fast, otherwise I would have to catch him back."

"Also, he won't dare to do these pranks again in the future."

"I didn't expect it to be a prank. It seems that I will make an announcement tomorrow. Anyone who engages in these pranks should call the police immediately."

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Lin Wanrou felt relieved, she took a deep breath.

The pretty face seemed to be relaxed.

Otherwise, it will be stretched all the time, which will affect the beautiful appearance.

Zhang Xiaofan thought over and over again, and decided not to tell Lin Wanrou the real situation.

After accompanying Lin Wanrou back to her place of residence, Zhang Xiaofan also walked back home.

After returning home and taking a shower, I also went to bed early.

However, he suddenly remembered the stove he bought at auction.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the so-called alchemy furnace in the cabinet.

The stove is not big, about thirty centimeters high and ten centimeters in diameter.

The color of the furnace looks like ancient bronze from a distance, but it doesn't look like it when you look closely, it is faintly golden.

In short, looking at Zhang Xiaofan like this, he can't tell what material it is.

In addition, it is not heavy. Under the same size, copper, iron, and aluminum are not so light.

It's really strange.

The furnace body has strange patterns, plus a unicorn that seems to be alive.

The three stove feet are like the feet of the legendary unicorn.

Zhang Xiaofan has seen the alchemy furnace at the old man's place, not only has he seen it, he has also used it.

It's just that the shape of the stove at the old man's place is more in line with his imagination of the stove.

And now this is really weird.

The old gentleman said to Zhang Xiaofan, as a person who studies medicine, how can he not know how to make alchemy?

Therefore, in order to teach Zhang Xiaofan how to make alchemy, the old man spent a lot of thought.

Zhang Xiaofan can feel all this, so in order not to disappoint the old man's painstaking efforts.

Zhang Xiaofan studied and studied hard, although he didn't know if he could use it in the future.

In less than a week, Zhang Xiaofan basically mastered the alchemy techniques and methods taught by the old gentleman.

The old man even praised him to his face.

Afterwards, the old man asked Zhang Xiaofan to practice no less than hundreds of kinds of elixir.

Just to test his level.

As a result, they all handed in perfect answer sheets.

However, Zhang Xiaofan knew less than [-]% of those pills that were refined.

Looking at the alchemy furnace in his hand, Zhang Xiaofan thought of Cai Dehu's Explosive True Pill.

How could they refine such an effective pill?
In addition, why did the three major families in Qingyun City take photos of this alchemy furnace?
Could it be?Can this furnace refine all kinds of pills that the so-called ancient warriors ate?
Zhang Xiaofan's heart is full of various doubts.

The next day, as usual, Zhang Xiaofan went to the clinic after breakfast.

When I was busy, I saw the construction company team that Lin Wanrou said came to the Shitou Village Committee.

Zhang Xiaofan had already told Lin Wanrou some of his thoughts on the construction of the new school before.

And Lin Wanrou told the construction team some of Zhang Xiaofa's ideas.

According to the idea, the construction company quickly designed the drawings.

As soon as she got the blueprint, Lin Wanrou gave it to Zhang Xiaofan.

After Zhang Xiaofan was satisfied, Lin Wanrou asked for opinions from the village cadres.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied, they decided to adopt this design.

Now that the design has been approved, today is the first day of construction.

School reconstruction, that is a big project.

The form that should be taken is still to be taken.

As an investor, Zhang Xiaofan must attend the groundbreaking ceremony.

The opening ceremony ended with the sound of firecrackers.

And Zhang Xiaofan was also praised and praised by many villagers.

Amid the excitement, Zhang Xiaofan received a call from Li Peishan.

Li Peishan took the initiative to call herself, it must be something important.

Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

After a brief chat, Li Peishan said the important things she wanted to say.

"Xiao Fan, the news about the two brothers Cai Delong and Cai Dehu has spread in the circle."

"Now Yongchun Pharmaceutical has no leader, although I heard that the backstage of Yongchun Pharmaceutical has sent someone down to take over."

"But it's not Cai Delong after all. Cai Delong is a native of FY County. Although Yongchun Pharmaceutical has a backer, Cai Delong has played a big role in Yongchun Pharmaceutical's rapid development."

"Now Yongchun Pharmaceutical is in a period of weak competition. If we set up a pharmaceutical company at this time, we will definitely deal a heavy blow to it."

"Of course, there is a prerequisite for this. The medicinal materials that the company needs must be the ones you grow."

Li Peishan said.

Through these simple words, Zhang Xiaofan understood Li Peishan's meaning.

Establishing a pharmaceutical company is just one part of Zhang Xiaofan's future ambitions.

Now Li Peishan proposed, of course he is happy.

"Sister Peishan, in fact, setting up a pharmaceutical company is also my dream."

"I was a little excited when I heard you say that just now."

"However, I have no money right now."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

"Xiaofan, you know, sister Qian Peishan is here."

Li Peishan said.

"Sister Peishan, that has a different meaning."

"You know what I mean, what I need is a company of my own."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, this company was actually established just for you."

"Because of you, the company has meaning."

"Only you can make the company break Yongchun Pharmaceutical's dominance in FY County in the shortest possible time."

"You own 80.00% of the company's shares, and I will put the other 20.00% in Tingting's hands."

Li Peishan is really a good sister.

Zhang Xiaofan was moved by what he said.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for about ten seconds.

"Sister Peishan, I agree."

"But one thing, the money you invested will be returned to you after the company makes money in the future."

"I can't let you lose, can I?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Since Zhang Xiaofan said it himself, Li Peishan knew that if she refused, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely not agree.

So I didn't say anything to disagree with.

"The factory building of a pharmaceutical company that was closed before is now up for auction, and I have already taken it down."

"That way we save a lot of time."

"Now the last step is to submit the application to the higher authorities. After the approval from the upper authorities, the company can start operating."

"Of course, how the company develops and what products it produces depends on your boss."

Li Peishan said.

When it comes to development, Zhang Xiaofan hasn't thought about it because it happened suddenly.

It's something to think about.

"Okay, I've made an appointment with a leader in the county. He's in charge of approval. Now we have to go."

"Okay, Sister Peishan, you should do your work first. This is a bit sudden, and I have to plan well."

This matter happened suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan had to calm down and think about it.

After all, this broke his previous steady and steady step plan.

Although Yongchun Pharmaceutical is in a period of weak competition, don't forget that it has a big backing.

It is not easy to compete with him in FY County.

Moreover, you still don't know what kind of role the person behind it is.

If he is smarter and more capable than Cai Delong, then it will be difficult.

Therefore, after the establishment of the company, it is necessary to quickly produce some fatally competitive products.

Let the company have the basis for sustaining.

It also left Yongchun Pharmaceutical with nothing to do.


Zhang Xiaofan can concoct too many miraculous products.

Beauty?Nourishing yin and nourishing yang?For bruises and sprains? .
It is no exaggeration to say that those on the market may be garbage.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to regard the "skin care products" sold live to Li Tingting and the others as the first product after the establishment of the company.

But when he thought of the old man's instructions, he gave up this idea.

In beauty, that secret recipe is indeed the most powerful.

After all, it was done under the guidance of the old gentleman.

And now it is not difficult for Zhang Xiaofan to develop another one, but the effect is not so miraculous.


Zhang Xiaofan suddenly remembered something.

The medicinal materials that have absorbed the "spiritual liquid" have magical effects.

That is to say, the formula that usually uses common medicinal materials has only average effect.

And if you use the medicinal materials that have absorbed the "spiritual liquid", ordinary beauty medicinal ingredients, wouldn't it be comparable to that secret recipe?
Thinking too much, but ignoring the key points Li Peishan said.

The most important part of the establishment of the company is the medicinal materials that have absorbed the "spiritual liquid".

Having them is fundamental and most important.

(End of this chapter)

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