Murano's little genius

Chapter 262 Miao Zhengdong is missing?

Chapter 262 Miao Zhengdong is missing?
After thinking about it for half an hour in the clinic, Zhang Xiaofan decided that there are two types of products that the company will produce after its establishment.

One is for skin care, and the other is for iron sprains.

After confirming, the medicinal materials to be planted in the village in the next step need to be their formulas.

Therefore, it is very important to expand planting in the next step.

Of course, possessing the "spiritual liquid" Zhang Xiaofan can control the speed of their growth.

But in order to drive the villagers to participate in the work and increase their income while planting.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to increase the growth rate of medicinal materials too fast.

Only in this way can it not violate the original intention of planting medicinal materials at that time.

Expanding planting and prolonging the growth cycle can allow villagers to obtain a certain amount of income.

Because medicinal materials need care during the growth period, this care requires labor, and where the labor comes from is the villagers of Stone Village.

From planting, to nursing, to harvesting herbs.

This process requires a lot of labor from the villagers.

In this way, many villagers got the opportunity to work, and got more lucrative remuneration than going out to work.

Increasing villagers' income is the first and most important step towards a well-off society.

Zhang Xiaofan contacted Chen Yifa and sent him the next batch of medicinal materials to be planted in advance.

Then I went to Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan and asked them to rent at least [-] mu more land to grow medicinal materials.

Adding the current ten mu, that is thirty mu, is that much?

Not much actually.

Zhang Xiaofan returned to the clinic for consultation.

After about half an hour.

A car arrived at the gate of the village committee.

Miao Yuchen hurried in.

"Yuchen? Why are you here?"

Seeing that it was Miao Yuchen, Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised.

After all, Miao Yuchen, who didn't say hello in advance, just appeared in front of her eyes.

It's not her style.

"Xiaofan, my grandpa is gone!"

Miao Yuchen said in a panic.

Even the master forgot to call.


"What's the matter?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"My grandfather and Fu Dong went to Qingyun City to participate in a Chinese medicine exchange meeting yesterday, but since last night, the phone has not been connected, and no one can be contacted. I called and found out that there is no such exchange meeting in Qingyun City. "

"So I suspect something happened to my grandpa, and my right eyelid has been twitching since last night."

Miao Yuchen said.

"It may be a meeting held by an individual, and it's normal if you can't find it."

"Plus your grandfather's identity is there, nothing will happen."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"But... I'm still worried."

"Xiaofan, can you accompany me to Qingyun City?"

"I want to go to my grandpa, but I'm really worried that I can't get in touch with him."

"In the past, no matter where he went, he would call me every day. It has been like this since I was a child, and it hasn't changed. Now he not only doesn't call me, but I can't even contact him."

Miao Yuchen's tone and expression were full of worry.

Looking at Miao Yuchen's beautiful eyes with anxious expression, Zhang Xiaofan said: "Okay, I happen to be fine, I'll go with you."

Hearing what Miao Yuchen said, Zhang Xiaofan felt a little strange.

Zhang Xiaofan went home and tidied up briefly, then told his grandfather, got into Miao Yuchen's car and headed for Qingyun City.

a few hours later.

The car drove to Qingyun City.

"Yuchen, are you sure this is where your grandfather's meeting is held?"

The car drove up to a building.

There is nothing wrong with this building, the problem is the name of the building.

Xuanwu Technology Building.

It is indeed something new for a Chinese medicine exchange meeting to be held here with a technology.

"Well, my grandpa told me before he went."

"Should be right."

After getting off the car, Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen walked into the Xuanwu Technology Building.

But when I asked the front desk of this company, they said that there is no traditional Chinese medicine exchange meeting here.

Miao Yuchen didn't believe it, and asked a few more people, but still no one knew.

Helpless, he could only walk out disappointed.

Seeing Miao Yuchen's worried look, Zhang Xiaofan said, "It's okay, your grandfather must be attending some important secret meeting."

Miao Yuchen's reputation can be said to be big or small, or small.

At least, in Qingyun City, because he knew Hua Chennan and had treated his wife, few people dared to offend and attack him casually.

Although no one can be found at the moment, at least Zhang Xiaofan still maintains an optimistic attitude.

"Xiaofan, you said nothing will happen to my grandpa!"

Miao Yuchen's eyes started to turn red, and there were tears in her beautiful eyes.

He was still asking Zhang Xiaofan.

The more Miao Yuchen asked, the more worried and frightened she became.

"Yu Chen, wait for me, I'll make a call."

After Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, he walked to the side and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

2 minutes later
"Yu Chen, let's go, I know where your grandpa is."

After Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, he took Miao Yuchen's hand and got into the car.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan also had a premonition in his heart that something happened to Miao Zhengdong.

In that phone call just now, Zhang Xiaofan called Hua Chennan directly.

After Zhang Xiaofan told about Miao Zhengdong.

Hua Chennan immediately asked someone to investigate.

In the past few days, there is indeed a Chinese medicine exchange meeting in Qingyun City.

However, that is unofficial.

It is a "traditional Chinese medicine exchange meeting" organized by the Liu family.

Hua Chennan said that although he didn't know why the Liu family held such a so-called "traditional Chinese medicine exchange meeting", it must have an impure purpose.

If Miao Zhengdong went there, there might be accidents.

In private, the Liu family doesn't care about the relationship between Miao Zhengdong and Hua Chennan.

Hua Chennan immediately told Zhang Xiaofan the address of the "Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference" held by Liu's family that he had investigated.

And Hua Chennan planned to send someone there, but Zhang Xiaofan refused.

If it really saves lives, he alone is enough.

Outside a factory building on the outskirts of Qingyun City.

Zhang Xiaofan asked Miao Yuchen to park the car in a hidden place.

He wanted Miao Yuchen to wait in the car.

But Miao Yuchen refused.

The factory building is very dilapidated and looks like it has been around for some years.

It's a hell of a place to come to a meeting like this.

Go to the door of the factory building.

Sure enough, someone was watching.

Miao Yuchen took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and asked, "Xiaofan, will my grandpa be here?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied: "The information I got is not wrong."

"You two, go away, this is not the place for you to stay!"

Miao Yuchen and Zhang Xiaofan just walked a few meters away from the gate.

The people guarding the door pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen and shouted.

"We want to go in and find someone."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Fuck your mother, do you know where this is? You want to die!"

"Get out of here right now! Otherwise, I'll break your dog legs!"

The tall and burly man pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with the stick in his hand and said.

"What if I have to go in?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked fearless and said coldly.

"Damn it! Brother Can, today I met another person who pretended to be aggressive."

"Do you want to tease him!"


A man with a cigarette in his hand and a tattoo on his chest came over.

His eyes were not on Zhang Xiaofan at all, but on Miao Yuchen.

"Interesting, if it weren't for the business, I really want to get that girl in the back."

Zhang Xiaofan kicked sideways, and this person flew several meters away.

"You shouldn't have that idea!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The tall and burly man was stunned, when he reacted and wanted to attack Zhang Xiaofan.

A fist like a hammer hit him in the face.

The bridge of his nose was broken and he passed out.

At this time Zhang Xiaofan was impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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