Murano's little genius

Chapter 263 Master Lin

Chapter 263 Master Lin

Zhang Xiaofan continued to walk inside with Miao Yuchen.

And Miao Yuchen didn't know whether it was because of fear or nervousness, she held onto Zhang Xiaofan tightly with both hands.

This dilapidated factory area is huge.

There are more than a dozen buildings with four or five floors inside, plus a dozen factory buildings.

If you just look for it like this, it may take some time.

what! ~
Walking on the empty factory road, Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen heard a scream.

Echoing in the sky, a little scary.

Zhang Xiaofan looked for the reputation, the place where the voice came from is not far away.

It should be the factory building at the corner ahead.

Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen quickened their pace.

When we reached the corner, we saw several vans and cars parked outside the factory building.

Suddenly, a person flew out and hit a van heavily.

The glass on one side of the van was completely shattered, and there was an indentation visible to the naked eye.

Two men who didn't look good came out and pulled the man lying on the ground up.

Then, a middle-aged man who looked less than 1.5 meters tall came out.

He was wearing a suit, bearded and holding a cigar.

There was also a ferocious smile on his face.

He walked over without saying a word and gave the man two more punches.

"Tie up!"

After smoking a cigar, he said loudly.

"Fu Dong!"

Miao Yuchen recognized the person who was beaten just now.

Hastily called out his name.

And Zhang Xiaofan's figure moved, like a bolt of lightning appeared in front of the factory building.

Zhang Xiaofan's sudden appearance shocked everyone in front of the factory.

"Asshole! Who is this kid? Why did he appear here!"

The very short middle-aged man yelled and cursed loudly.

Seven or eight people rushed out and surrounded Zhang Xiaofan.

"Master Lin, we don't know how this kid came out."

someone answered.

"who are you?"

The middle-aged short man called Master Lin frowned and asked Zhang Xiaofan.

"Are you from the Liu family?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Who are you?"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan say the word Liu Family, Master Lin stared at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Since I know that you are from the Liu family, then you should know what I'm going to do."

"Is Miao Zhengdong inside?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a blank face.

Hearing the words Miao Zhengdong, Master Lin's expression changed.

"Hmph! I don't care who you are or how you know about this place."

"Since you're here, I can't let you go out."

Master Lin said with a cold snort.


"Liu Shengjiang is still unconscious after being beaten by me for saying these words."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

"What! What happened to Liu Shengjiang was done by you!"

Master Lin's eyes widened with shock.

The others were even more stunned.

Who is Liu Shengjiang?
That was the third son of the head of the Liu family, one of the three major families in Qingyun City.

But just a few days ago, he was beaten half to death, and he is still unconscious.

This incident made the Patriarch of the Liu family very angry.

No!Everyone in the Liu family was filled with anger.

This is not only slapping the Liu family in the face, but also looking down on the Liu family, not taking the Liu family seriously at all.

In Qingyun City, when had the Liu family been provoked like this!
But the young man who looked polite in front of him actually said that he did it!
"Master Lin, don't believe his nonsense, this is impossible."

"With his appearance, let alone whether he has the strength, even if he is given a hundred guts, I guess he wouldn't dare to look at Mr. Liu."

"Haha, I guess he hasn't even met Mr. Liu."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's clothes and appearance, Master Lin's accomplices all laughed.

I think Zhang Xiaofan is just bragging and forced not to draft.

What kind of character is Liu Sanye? The one who can make him like that must be a mysterious big man with an extraordinary background who also has impressive strength.

"Haha! It's ridiculous!"

"This is the funniest joke I've heard this year."

Master Lin laughed out loud, leaning forward and backward.

"I'm actually chatting with a psychopath."

"What a waste of time."

"Boy, which psychiatric hospital did you escape from? I'll ask someone to take you back."

Master Lin continued.

Everyone laughed.

A gust of wind blew, and a figure appeared in front of Master Lin.

When he reacted.

A slap was slapped on the face, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

Extremely painful, dizzy.

Everyone's jaws almost fell to the ground.

What's the situation?
Why did that kid appear in front of Master Lin?

And Master Lin was slapped.

Who is Master Lin?
That is the curator of the elite martial arts gym in Qingyun City.

Has a kung fu beyond imagination.

It is no problem for one person to knock down ten big men at the same time.

But at this moment, he was directly slapped to the ground by Zhang Xiaofan.

Didn't even respond.

If it didn't happen in front of your eyes, who would dare to believe it.

Master Lin stood up again, he gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Xiaofan again.

The speed just now was really too fast, so fast that he couldn't react.

Zhang Xiaofan, it's not easy!

This slap did not slap the so-called master Lin so hard, this was somewhat beyond Zhang Xiaofan's expectation.

It seems that Master Lin is still of a certain level.

At least, at the level of a warrior.

"Hehe! Interesting, it seems that I am blind."

"I'm beginning to believe what you just said."

Master Lin said with a smile.

"You can still laugh?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Haha, why can't I laugh."

"Just now you made such a move, I admit that I am not your opponent."

"Your strength must be above mine."

"Don't talk about me, even if they fight together, they won't be your opponent."

"But, don't forget, we are also members of the Liu family."

"We are here today to help the Liu family."

"If you dare to make trouble here, or want to rescue someone."

"You should know the consequences, that is to offend the Liu family!"

"As for offending the Liu family, do you think you can afford it?"

Master Lin said without any fear of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"I'm not afraid of abolishing Liu Shengjiang, but I'm afraid of abolishing you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Master Lin frowned, raised his head and stared at Zhang Xiaofan closely.

He admitted that he underestimated Zhang Xiaofan based on his appearance.

In terms of strength, he should not be Zhang Xiaofan's opponent.

However, it is a bit difficult to make him completely believe that Liu Shengjiang was abolished by Zhang Xiaofan.

Although Liu Shengjiang doesn't have much talent in martial arts.

But no matter what, he is also a super powerful warrior, and he has a group of elite guards beside him, all of whom are basically at the same level as warriors.

Can Zhang Xiaofan abolish Liu Shengjiang?

This is not the same as taking the head of the enemy general, it is impossible.

"Boy, I don't know who you are, but you have such strength, then you should also know what the Liu family means in Qingyun City."

"You offended the Liu family, and it will definitely not end well!"

Master Lin still threatened Zhang Xiaofan with the Liu family.

"Hehe, Liu Shengjiang is in a coma now, who knows I did it?"

"So. Do you think the Liu family will know what happened here today?"

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, it seemed cold, but actually it was even colder.

Hearing this, Master Lin's pupils shrank, he felt a super dangerous aura from Zhang Xiaofan.

In front of this powerful aura, as long as he made a move, he couldn't stand it for a second.

So, Zhang Xiaofan didn't lie, as long as he thinks, even the Liu family doesn't know who did what happened today!

"Call the Liu family immediately!"

Master Lin felt Zhang Xiaofan's incomparably powerful aura, and immediately shouted to everyone.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone immediately took out their phones.

But how could Zhang Xiaofan give them a chance to make a phone call.

Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be stepping on lightning, he snatched all the mobile phones from everyone's hands in one breath.

When everyone reacted, the mobile phone was trampled to pieces by Zhang Xiaofan.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This person is too scary!
It's not what it looks like on the outside at all.

Everyone took several steps back.

"Let's go together! He must not let him take people away today."

Master Lin shouted.

It was knowing that it was pointless resistance, but still wanted to try his luck.

It's a pity that luck is vulnerable to absolute strength.

Zhang Xiaofan was like a tornado, "swept away" the seven or eight people who rushed over.

They fell heavily on the ground, almost all of them were either dead or disabled, and passed out.

The petite Master Lin grinned at Zhang Xiaofan, his fist was clenched tightly and his veins were bulging.

Faced with such a terrifying mysterious person.

He himself didn't even have the courage to act.

Because he knew that the consequence of the shot would be to lie on the ground, either dead or miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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