Chapter 264
So, he thought of running!
And by chance, he found Miao Yuchen who was hiding in one place.

Master Lin didn't think much, he rushed towards Miao Yuchen at an extremely fast speed.

After all, he is also a martial artist, and the speed at which his desire to survive erupts is still very powerful.

This made Zhang Xiaofan unexpected.

When Zhang Xiaofan discovered Master Lin's intentions and also rushed over.

Master Lin caught Miao Yuchen.

"Hey! Look at your expression, this beautiful woman came here with you, right?"

"Now, as long as you dare to come here, I guarantee that this woman will not end well."

Master Lin smiled triumphantly.

This time, he felt that he had the capital to escape.

"Let go of her!"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, said coldly.

There seemed to be a murderous aura emanating from him.

It made Master Lin's back feel cold, and his hands trembled a little.

"Don't even think about doing it!"

"I think it's your speed or my speed!"

Master Lin threatened Zhang Xiaofan with trembling voice.

"The last thing I like is when someone threatens me with someone important to me."

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes are cold, like a ruthless sharp sword.

Straight into Master Lin's chest.

call out!
In a blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaofan shot out a silver needle.

The speed is as fast as a bullet!
Piercing the air, Master Lin didn't react at all.

When he reacts, that is when he falls down.

The silver needle pierced his throat.

The whole person fell directly to the ground.

His body was stiff, his eyes were glazed over, and he couldn't move when he wanted to.

Because of fear, Miao Yuchen rushed over and hugged Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan also gave Miao Yuchen a warm hug.

Just now, Zhang Xiaofan was negligent.

"Yuchen, nothing like this will happen again."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Feel the warmth of Zhang Xiaofan's chest, and his very touching words.

Miao Yuchen's fear disappeared in an instant.

Moving his hands away from Miao Yuchen, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the seriously injured Fu Dong.

Zhang Xiaofan simply checked Fu Dong's body.

Multiple minor injuries and fractures throughout the body.

Under normal circumstances, it takes several months in the hospital to recover.

However, Zhang Xiaofan restored Fu Dong's fracture directly on the spot with miraculous techniques.

"How does it feel."

Zhang Xiaofan asked Fu Dong who woke up.

"I feel like I can move."

After feeling that the broken parts of his body could move, Fu Dong was not only surprised but also excited.

Although he knew that Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills were extraordinary, but he didn't know that he had such miraculous techniques.

His hands are called holy hands.

Miao Yuchen, who was on the side, also moved her beautiful eyes slightly, and looked at Zhang Xiaofan with admiration.

"Doctor Xiaofan, Yuchen, Mr. Miao is inside, hurry up and get in!"

Fu Dong said quickly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen hurried inside.

After entering, I saw a big iron cage.

Inside the iron cage stood, sat, and lay several scarred old men.

And Miao Yuchen recognized Miao Zhengdong.

She ran over crying.


She wanted to open the iron cage, but it was already locked.

Seeing Miao Zhengdong's scars all over his body, and his dying appearance, Miao Yuchen burst into tears, crying so hard that he was very sad.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan was also furious.

He walked over and took hold of the lock.

Pull hard!

The lock was directly broken by Zhang Xiaofan.

Opening the door of the iron cage, Miao Yuchen rushed in.

Directly and vigorously supported Miao Zhengdong.

Looking at Miao Zhengdong's shocking wound.

Only scum can do this.

It is cruel to use such a method on an old man.

It is estimated that if Miao Zhengdong did not have a certain foundation in martial arts and his body is not comparable to that of an ordinary old man, he might have gone to meet a certain underground king.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward.

After a brief look, he felt Miao Zhengdong's pulse.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan frowned.

These bastards actually poisoned!
According to the pulse condition, Miao Zhengdong was poisoned.

And the toxicity has entered the body and started to attack.

"Yuchen, let me detoxify your grandfather first! Detoxify!"

Miao Zhengdong was seriously injured, and his body was poisoned. At this moment, dying is not an exaggeration at all.

If Zhang Xiaofan is not here now, I am afraid that there is no way to recover.

Miao Yuchen is also a doctor, and when Zhang Xiaofan said that he wanted to detoxify his grandfather, he looked carefully at his grandfather's face.

Even more scared.

Because she knows what it means.

Even though he is in the hospital now, there seems to be no way to face his grandfather's situation.

Severely injured and deeply poisoned, it will make the situation worse, and Hua Tuo may not be able to recover in the next life.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan was there.

"Yu Chen, support your grandfather and keep him sitting."

Miao Zhengdong has long been in a dazed state, unconscious.

Unbuttoning his clothes, Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle.

Find the acupuncture point and take a deep breath.

In this case, only "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" can be used.

Black blood flowed out along the silver needle.

Zhang Xiaofan also let out a breath.

The time is just right.

One step too late, I am afraid that people have already ascended to heaven.

"Cough cough!"

Miao Zhengdong coughed a few times.

Slowly opened his eyes.

That already wrinkled face looked so haggard with vicissitudes of life.

"Grandpa, how are you feeling?"

Miao Yuchen happily asked.

Miao Zhengdong glanced at Miao Yuchen, then at Zhang Xiaofan.

He forced a smile.

Weakly said: "Don't worry, Grandpa is fine."

"Old Miao, your body is fine, go back and treat the wound, drink some medicine, and recover from the injury."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, thank you."

Miao Zhengdong said in a weak voice.

"Grandpa, let's go back first."

Miao Yuchen said.

"This place is not suitable for staying longer, let's go first."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

When leaving, Zhang Xiaofan called Hua Chennan.

Then he got into Miao Yuchen's car and left this place.

Zhang Xiaofan is not very clear about the situation here, but there are still several seriously injured old people inside the iron cage.

Calling Hua Chennan is to ask him to send someone here to take him to the hospital.

The situation of Miao Zhengdong and Fu Dong is no longer suitable for driving back to FY County for several hours.

Therefore, I can only stay in Qingyun City for one night.

Inside a hotel.

After another treatment by Zhang Xiaofan, Fu Dong and Miao Zhengdong basically returned to normal.

If the doctor in the hospital found out, he would definitely be stunned.

What is the difference between this and saying that the operation is over after a patient has just been pushed into the operating room for less than three seconds?This is so amazing!

"Old Miao, what happened?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Hey! They're all from the Liu family."

"The Liu family, who have endured it for so long, is going to attack those old Chinese doctors who don't submit to it."

Old Miao sighed.

"After I received the message from Liu's family yesterday, I knew it was a bad trip."

"But if you don't come to participate, the ending may be even worse."

"Privately, the Liu family really can't afford to offend."

"And when Fu Dong and I participated in the so-called Chinese Medicine Exchange Meeting."

"I was coerced by the Liu family to join the Liu family, which means that I must work for the Liu family and obey the orders of the Liu family."

"If you refuse, the consequences will be very serious."

Miao Zhengdong continued.

"Why did the Liu family do this?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I don't know about this. Even Leader Hua can't guess what the Liu family is going to do."

"It is said that the three major families in Qingyun City will make big moves, which means that Qingyun City may be about to change."

"It's really not good."

Miao Zhengdong replied.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be thinking.

"Xiaofan, you said that the people from the Liu family won't come to take revenge on us?"

Miao Yuchen said worriedly.

"Xiao Fan, what Yu Chen said is exactly what I'm worried about."

"You saved me, and you saved others."

"This is a complete offense to the Liu family."

"Actually, if that's the case, I don't really want you to rescue me."

"The power and strength of the Liu family far exceeds our imagination.
Miao Zhengdong said meaningfully.

Zhang Xiaofan understood what Miao Zhengdong meant.

"Old Miao, in fact, I have been in contact with people from the Liu family for a long time."

"None of them are good people."

"If it wants to do something next, I will have a way to deal with it."

Based on what the Liu family has done, Zhang Xiaofan will never end with it.

If they dare to take the initiative, Zhang Xiaofan will definitely respond harshly.

The Liu family is passed down miraculously, and they are very powerful and influential.

However, Zhang Xiaofan will be strong when he meets the strong!

This is Zhang Xiaofan's inner fighting spirit and thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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