Chapter 265

A night in a hotel alone is silent and lonely.

Zhang Xiaofan took a shower, watched TV for a while and was about to go to bed.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Xiaofan went out and opened the door.

"Yu Chen? Are you still up so late?"

Opening the door and seeing Miao Yuchen, Zhang Xiaofan said.

Miao Yuchen smiled like a flower and said, "It's not nine o'clock yet."

Zhang Xiaofan turned his head and looked at the clock in the hotel room.

I scratched my head in embarrassment, 45:[-] in the evening is indeed not too late.

"Why, don't you invite me in to sit down?"

Miao Yuchen lifted a few messy blue hairs and said.

"Then come in."

Zhang Xiaofan made a welcome gesture.

For Zhang Xiaofan, this point is still early, if he really lies down and sleeps, he probably won't be able to fall asleep even counting sheep.

Since he can't sleep, he might as well chat with Miao Yuchen for a while.

Although both Miao Zhengdong and Fu Dong's injuries have been healed by Zhang Xiaofan.

But still need a good rest.

So they went to bed early.

And Miao Yuchen, who stayed alone in the room, couldn't bear the loneliness.

"Yuchen, what's the matter? You look a little unhappy."

Looking at Miao Yuchen's worried look, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Xiaofan, thank you."

"If it weren't for you, my grandpa might have already...
Miao Yuchen said.

"The relationship between you and me, needless to say thank you, this is what I should do?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Miao Yuchen suddenly asked shyly, "Our relationship? What kind of relationship are we? Also, today you said that I am your important person, what does that mean?"

Hearing Miao Yuchen's question, Zhang Xiaofan felt that she was doing it on purpose, didn't she ask knowingly.

"I am your master, you are my apprentice, you must be my important person."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

Hearing this, a hint of disappointment flashed across Miao Yuchen's beautiful eyes.

However, it is just a moment.

"By the way, you haven't taught me acupuncture yet."

Miao Yuchen said.

"You know, my career is in the countryside. If you want to learn, you can only come to Stone Village."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Okay, you said that. I will definitely find time to stay in Stone Village for a few months."

"Follow you every day, let you teach me acupuncture and medical skills."

Miao Yuchen really meant it.

And, she had long thought of doing this.

Now that Zhang Xiaofan said so, she must be eager to go to Stone Village tomorrow.

"That won't work, you are a girl, you are so pretty, it's not good to stay in the village and follow me."

"This lets others know how you will marry in the future."

"So, this matter must be approved by your grandfather and your parents."

"Only if they agree, I will consider agreeing."

Zhang Xiaofan poured a glass of water for Miao Yuchen and said.

"What's the matter, are you still worried that I won't get married?"

"There are too many men chasing me, so I don't have to worry about not getting married."

"In addition, I have already told my grandfather about this matter, and he has agreed."

"My parents are away from home all year round because of their work."

"And what my grandfather agreed to, they must also agree."

Miao Yuchen took the water Zhang Xiaofan handed over, took a sip and said.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xiaofan actually felt like he had nothing to say.

Indeed, based on Miao Yuchen's external conditions, how many men are crazy about it!
Even if there is a bit of scandal, why worry about not getting married!

Instead, follow Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan actually felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

Imagine that there is a female apprentice with a face like a fairy who is surrounded by her all day long.

That feeling should be cool, right?

"Okay, then you have to be prepared for hardship."

"In addition, you also know the conditions of Stone Village, which is no better than the county seat."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hmph, don't look down on me. As a doctor, I've never suffered."

Miao Yuchen nodded slightly, showing confidence on her delicate and pretty face.

Suddenly remembered what happened at Zhang Xiaofan's house.

That night, Zhang Xiaofan stared at her delicate body.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Miao Yuchen couldn't help but blush.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan was the first man who saw her delicate body without anything.

Maybe it's nothing to Zhang Xiaofan, but to Miao Yuchen it has very important meaning.

Because Miao Yuchen once said to herself, if one day a man inadvertently looks at her all, and he doesn't hate that man, then she will.
"Yuchen, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Miao Yuchen looking at him motionless, and showing a different kind of smile.

This made Zhang Xiaofan almost confused.

"That's nothing. I just think of the days when I will study medicine with you, and I can't help but feel happy."

Miao Yuchen immediately answered.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan and Miao Yuchen chatted for about an hour.

Miao Yuchen opened her mouth slightly and yawned gracefully.

"Okay, it's really getting late now, and we have to go back to FY County tomorrow morning."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"No, I want to talk for a while."

Miao Yuchen sat on the bed and refused to stand up.

This made it difficult for Zhang Xiaofan.

Could it be that two people lie in bed and talk until dawn like in the movie?
This is also not realistic.

"How about we lie on the bed and talk?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Miao Yuchen laughed.

"Master, this disciple is just joking."

"Then I'll go back to bed."

Miao Yuchen stood up from the bed.

Walking to the door, he waved lightly to Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Good night."

"good night!"

Zhang Xiaofan also said.

Miao Yuchen's frowns and smiles just now are really very different from usual.

Zhang Xiaofan yawned.

That is also sleepy.

He closed the door, walked to the bed and lay down.

A night without dreams.

Early the next morning, the four of them rushed back to FY County after having breakfast at the hotel.

a few hours later.
The first place to go on the highway is the county town of FY, so Zhang Xiaofan will also go to the county town first after returning.

Miao Yuchen wanted to send Zhang Xiaofan home directly.

But Zhang Xiaofan refused.

It's not that Zhang Xiaofan didn't give it to Miao Yuchen, but that he received a call from Li Peishan.

He's going to take care of something.

After leaving the place where Miao Zhengdong lived, and saying goodbye to Miao Yuchen.

Zhang Xiaofan took a taxi and went to the place Li Peishan mentioned.

Yesterday Li Peishan made an appointment with the leader in charge of approval documents in the county.

I thought it was an ironclad thing.

Unfortunately, the leader refused.

In other words, the pharmaceutical company that Li Peishan wanted to open could not get approval.

This matter is going to be ruined.

How did that happen?

Yesterday Li Peishan wanted to call Zhang Xiaofan.

But she was not reconciled, and today she made an appointment with another higher-level leader.

Unfortunately, the result is still the same.

No, just called Zhang Xiaofan.

After Zhang Xiao received the call, he hurried over.

"President Li, who is this?"

"A cat or a dog can also appear here."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, a middle-aged man wearing glasses said unhappily.

"Leader Zhao, this is my partner."

Li Peishan said.

"Mr. Li, I advise you to give up this idea, your application will not be approved."

"Also, how can you cooperate with this kind of person?"

"You are the richest man in the town after all. Look at this guy, he's amazing. What's the difference between him and a farmer?"

Leader Zhao looked at Zhang Xiaofan, then shook his head in disdain.

"Leader Zhao, what you said is a bit harsh. Xiao Fan is not only my savior, but also my god-brother."

Li Peishan said angrily.

"Haha, who are you, brother?"

"Mr. Li, I'm afraid this is the man you are looking for because you are lonely!"

"It's a pity. Although your appearance is a little bit older, you still have a charm. You are no different from a 28-year-old mature girl."

"How many men are attracted to you, but you found such a weak-looking rural kid."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

Leader Zhao crossed his legs and said.

"Leader Zhao, you are going too far!"

Li Peishan was angry. She knew that Leader Zhao was not a good person, but she didn't expect him to speak so nastyly.

It's disgusting.

"Hehe, am I going too far?"

"Not too much?"

"Mr. Li, according to the information I got, you have offended Yongchun Pharmaceutical."

"You want to start a pharmaceutical company now, you should know about Cai Delong and Cai Dehu."

"Now Yongchun Pharmaceutical has no leader, so you take this opportunity to start a pharmaceutical company."

"It caught Yongchun Pharmaceutical by surprise."

"But, don't you know there are people behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical?"

"Do you know why your approval cannot pass?"

"That's because the people behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical said that no new pharmaceutical company can be established in FY County in the future."

"And do you know how all the leaders in FY County reacted?"

"No one dares to refuse."

"Because if someone violates it, there will be unimaginable retaliation."

"That kind of revenge is horrible, it's creepy."

"Of course, Yongchun Pharmaceutical will give a share of dividends to the leaders in the county every year."

"Let everyone have something to eat."

Leader Zhao said with a smile.

"Oh? Then who is behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Leader Zhao squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Xiaofan, with displeasure written all over his face.

"What are you? Do you have the right to speak? Get out of here immediately!"

Leader Zhao scolded Zhang Xiaofan.

"Hehe! What a powerful Guan Wei."

"You should have received a lot of benefits from Yongchun Pharmaceutical, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Haha! A brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, dare to be so disrespectful to me."

"Do you know who I am?"

"You think you can talk to me like this just because you know Li Peishan?"

"You are wrong, if you mess with me, I can get all of Li Peishan's companies to be difficult to open in FY County!"

"And you will either die or be disabled in FY County!"

Leader Zhao smiled coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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