Murano's little genius

Chapter 266 Liu Family = Youth Federation?

Chapter 266 Liu Family = Youth Federation?

"Leader Zhao, what you said is too much."

"Xiaofan, let's go."

Li Peishan took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and prepared to leave here.

"Hehe, don't you come here whenever you want, and leave whenever you want?"

Leader Zhao sneered.

"Mr. Li, if you don't leave anything today, it's too far-fetched to want to leave like this."

Zhang Xiaofan said with eyes like a sword: "Today we not only come and leave whenever we want, but also ask you to kneel on the ground and apologize."

"What? Did I hear you right?"

"Haha, you are a small person, you are not a fart in my eyes."

"You still knelt on the ground and apologized. I think you are suffering from paranoia."

"Boy, let me tell you, why don't you kneel on the ground and kowtow to me ten times, and then wipe my leather shoes clean."

"Today, I will not only make you inseparable from here, but also go in and squat for a few years."

Between his brows, Leader Zhao showed a vicious expression.

"Dong dong!"

The door to Leader Zhao's office rang.

"Please come in."

Leader Zhao said loudly.


The door was pushed open.

Walked into a young man wearing glasses and a suit and leather shoes.

"Dad, what I told you last time
"Doctor Xiaofan!"

Leader Zhao's son was about to say something, but when he saw Zhang Xiaofan, he seemed to see some great leader.

"Secretary Zhao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Secretary Zhao is the secretary led by Li Yangli.

Everything seems to be such a coincidence.

Seeing that it was Zhang Xiaofan, Secretary Zhao hurried up to shake hands with Zhang Xiaofan respectfully.

For Secretary Zhao, this is one of the best ways to show politeness.

It's also one of the best ways to show respect.

For Secretary Zhao, Zhang Xiaofan has a good impression of him.

At least he handled things satisfactorily last time.

"God bless, do you know this kid?"

Leader Zhao asked, frowning.

"Dad, how can you call Dr. Xiaofan like that."


Hearing his father call Zhang Xiaofan like this, Zhao Tianyou said in a panic.

"God bless, is there something wrong with your brain? What kind of status does this kid have? He is just a kid from the countryside."

"Why should I apologize to him!"

Leader Zhao said with disdain and anger.

"Dad, just listen to me and apologize to Dr. Xiaofan immediately!"

Zhao Tianyou adjusted his glasses, and then said loudly, there was an order in it.

The son ordered the father, interesting!
"Zhao Tianyou, why did you talk to your father? Don't think that you are great just because you are the secretary of Leader Li. You are still my son in front of me."

"This kid doesn't count as bullshit in front of me. Let me tell you, I am not apologizing to him today, but he is apologizing to me, and he will kowtow to admit his mistake and clean my shoes for me!"


Leader Zhao said loudly with a stern face.

"Dad! If you do this, you will not only harm yourself, but also your son and me!"

"Doctor Xiaofan, my dad is such a person, I hope...
"Secretary Zhao, please tell Leader Li that I hope to change this office from now on."

"Also, he must apologize to Sister Peishan!"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan spoke in a majestic manner, with an irresistible tone in his tone.

With his expressionless face, he seemed to be a god of killing from the sky.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, Leader Zhao couldn't help but thump in his heart, he seemed a little unsteady on his feet.

This momentum is really powerful.

"Hehe! You really want to kill me laughing!"

"A wild boy, how dare to speak wild words in front of me."

"I see how you are finished!"

"I not only let you die! Li Peishan's company is going to die!"

Leader Zhao grinned loudly, then stared at Zhang Xiaofan through gritted teeth.

Then he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call a certain leader.

"Dad! Enough!"

Zhao Tianyou rushed up and snatched the cell phone from his father.


"Bastard! You want to rebel!"

Leader Zhao slapped Zhao Tianyou heavily and cursed.

"Why did I give birth to such a bastard son like you, and finally became the secretary of Leader Li, how come I really look like a dog!"

"Okay! Since you don't listen to me, don't regret that I didn't remind you!"

Zhao Tianyou was angry, but said helplessly.

"Leader Li said that whoever dares to offend or touch Dr. Xiaofan's hair in FY County will have trouble with him!" He will never let it go! "

Zhao Tianyou continued.

As soon as this statement came out.
Leader Zhao hurriedly took a few steps back, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

It seems that it is something to be afraid of.

"Bastard! With this kid alone, how could it be possible for Leader Li to say such a thing!"

"Totally impossible!"

However, Leader Zhao still wouldn't believe it.

"Dad, do you have to wait for me to call Leader Li before you believe it?"

"Before I came here just now, I didn't know what method you used to offend Dr. Xiaofan, but what I do know is that you had a chance to recover."

"But you wasted it."

"Just wait for the punishment from Leader Li!"

Although he is his father, Zhao Tianyou no longer has any emotion when he speaks.

"Hmph! So what about Leader Li?"

"If this kid has a relationship with Li Peishan, he will offend Yongchun Pharmaceutical."

"In front of the people behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical, what can Leader Li do?"

Leader Zhao was a broken jar, and he brought Yongchun Pharmaceuticals out to talk about it.

Hearing this, Zhao Tianyou's expression changed, it seemed that the words of the people behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical were extraordinary.

"Secretary Zhao, who is the person behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical that Leader Zhao said?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Secretary Zhao probably knows who the people behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical are.

Now that Zhang Xiaofan asked, Secretary Zhao had no choice but to answer.

"Report to Doctor Xiaofan, it's the Liu family in Qingyun City."

"The Liu family?"

Hearing that it was the Liu family, Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised.

Because this is different from what Leader Li said at the beginning.

What Leader Li said was that the people behind Yongchun Pharmaceuticals is the Youth Federation.

But now Secretary Zhao said it was the Liu family in Qingyun City.

what on earth is it?

Could it be that the Youth Federation = the Liu family?

However, if they knew that the Youth League was the Liu family, why didn't Hua Chennan know about it?

Why didn't you take action when you knew it?

Some questions filled Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

"The Liu family?"

"Not one fart."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"What a sigh of relief! You don't pay attention to the Liu family!"

A female voice came from outside the door.

Then, a woman in a strange costume walked in.

Followed by two men in black clothes.

The moment they came in, Zhang Xiaofan felt a strong aura of strength.

Yes, it was the breath of the mysterious masked man that night.

Sure enough, feeling that aura, Zhang Xiaofan looked at one of the two men in black behind the woman.

Those eyes and breath are exactly the same!
recover so fast?

It seems that there is an expert in the treatment.

Even though Zhang Xiaofan didn't disable him that night, he still seriously injured him.

But now, he stood in front of him as if nothing happened.

Unexpected indeed.

And there is only one explanation, that is, there are people with good medical skills to help him heal.

(End of this chapter)

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