Chapter 267
Wearing weird clothes, trendy hair color, flaming red lips, and heavy makeup.

The appearance of the woman caught everyone's attention.

Who is this person?

"Miss Liuliu Piaopiao!"

Leader Zhao stared wide-eyed, hesitating in disbelief.

Liu Piaopiao?
People from the Liu family?

This is Zhang Xiaofan's first reaction.

The first thing Liu Piaopiao did when he came in was to set his eyes on Zhang Xiaofan.

"It turns out that you look like this."


Liu Piaopiao said while staring at Zhang Xiaofan.

"you know me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

"With Yongchun Pharmaceutical without a leader, do you think I don't know you?"

Liu Piaopiao said while wiggling her really good butt.

"In this way, you are the person behind the so-called Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry."

"The person who went to Stone Village that night was sent by you, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the man standing behind Liu Piaopiao and said.

"You're so smart that you don't even need to ask?"

Liu Piaopiao said with a meaningful smile.

"Miss Liu Piaopiao, please sit down."

Leader Zhao took a stool to Liu Piaopiao's side, and said with a flattering smile.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the boy, why did you talk to Miss Liu Piaopiao!"

"Miss Liu Piaopiao, do you want me to call someone to arrest him?"

Leader Zhao's attitude towards Zhang Xiaofan and Liu Piaopiao is totally different.

"Leader Zhao, how can you say that you are a tall and heavy leader in this small FY County? How come your eyesight and news are so poor?"

"In this FY county, you probably won't be able to touch the doctor Zhang Xiaofan in front of you."

Liu Piaopiao took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and smiled meaningfully.

"Miss Liu Piaopiao, this kid
When these words came out of Liu Piaopiao's mouth, the taste changed!
Who is Liu Piaopiao?
Leader Zhao is clear about that.

In FY County, Li Yang couldn't do anything to her.

Because she is from the Liu family in Qingyun City.

She is the direct controller behind Yongchun Pharmaceutical.

But she said that leader Zhao couldn't move Zhang Xiaofan.

This made Leader Zhao fearful.

"Don't talk about your little leader, I can't do anything to him in name."

Liu Piaopiao continued.

"What! You can't even do anything to him, Miss Liu Piaopiao.
Hearing this, Leader Zhao showed an expression of disbelief and fear.

He was afraid.


He took two steps back and sat down on the stool with soft feet.

"Your son is Li Yang's secretary, didn't he tell you?"

Liu Piaopiao said.

Leader Zhao's pupils were wide open, and fear was born spontaneously.

He just didn't believe his son's words!

"That's a pity, you can't keep your position, you can only ask for blessings."

Liu Piaopiao continued.

"Miss Liu Piaopiao, I didn't know this kid would have such a background, you have to save me."

Suddenly, Zhao Ling begged Liu Piaopiao.

Because only Liu Piaopiao can keep his position.

"You paid a lot for Yongchun Pharmaceutical, but that's what you should do."

"So, I have no reason to help you."

"And you are even more unworthy of me helping you."

"In my Liu Piaopiao's eyes, you may be just like a dog."

"A dog bites the wrong person, and you still expect me to help him?"

"Hehe, ridiculous."

Liu Piaopiao didn't look at Leader Zhao, and laughed.


Leader Zhao knelt on the ground in despair.

"Secretary Zhao, take your dad out."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Leader Zhao will ask Li Yang to deal with it.

He has more important things to deal with right now.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Zhao Tianyou hurried over to help Leader Zhao.

Those who didn't dare to say a word took people out.

Although leader Zhao said something wrong and did something wrong, he was Zhao Tianyou's own biological father after all.

He will do what needs to be wiped.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you are the first person in FY County who can make me look straight in the eyes."

"Although what you did made me very angry."

"But your strength has attracted me."

"I came here in person today to give you two choices."

"First, belong to my Liu family and do things for my Liu family. I won't pursue what happened before, just pretend nothing happened."

"Second, if you refuse, you will be retaliated bit by bit by our Liu family, making your life worse than death!"

Although Liu Piaopiao is a woman, her speaking style is extremely uncomfortable.

Li Peishan on the side started to worry about Zhang Xiaofan.

Although she has never seen Liu Piaopiao.

Know little about the Liu family.

However, she has heard of the reputation of the three major families in Qingyun City.

The bright side is low-key, but the solid background and strength are disdainful for the entire Qingyun City.

"Hehe, with the help of the Liu family, a Yongchun Pharmaceutical can cover the sky in FY County with one hand. I have to admit that your Liu family is very powerful."

"It's a pity that I don't agree with the things I did."

"So, you know my answer."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

"Are you sure you refuse?"

"The two brothers Cai Delong and Cai Dehu can be destroyed like that, and the person I sent that night, if you didn't let him come back to deliver the news, I'm afraid it will be the same end."

"This proves that your strength has no rivals in FY County."

"But you should know that the strength of the Liu family is definitely not something you can afford to offend."

"Maybe you have the strength to escape, but have you thought about your good brothers in the village and your benevolent grandfather?"

Liu Piaopiao's words were extremely threatening.

Zhang Xiaofan's figure moved, as if a gust of wind passed by.

In an instant, he was in front of Liu Piaopiao.

He grabbed her neck with one hand.

By the time the two people behind Liu Piaopiao reacted, it was already too late.

"You shouldn't threaten me like this!"

Zhang Xiaofan's face was like a god of death, and he said coldly.

Give Liu Piaopiao a breath of suffocating pressure.

Liu Piaopiao touched Zhang Xiaofan's Ni Lin!

That is his grandpa!
Even, Zhang Xiaofan surged with murderous intent.

Because he was born with a strong killing intent!
This is the first time Zhang Xiaofan wants to kill someone so much.

Being strangled by Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Piaopiao couldn't breathe, her face was flushed and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Don't move! Don't challenge my patience!"

The two men in the back are both powerful people, and they are protecting Liu Piaopiao.

But now Liu Piaopiao is being strangled by Zhang Xiaofan, that is to slap them in the face.

They were angry, they wanted to kill Zhang Xiaofan directly.

But as soon as he moved his feet, he was scared back a few steps by Zhang Xiaofan's icy voice.

Not to mention that Liu Piaopiao's life and death are in Zhang Xiaofan's hands right now.

Just because of the domineering and fierce murderous aura emanating from Zhang Xiaofan's body, the two felt a hint of death.

Zhang Xiaofan's strength is enough to easily defeat them both.

And one of them fought against Zhang Xiaofan that night, he knew Zhang Xiaofan's terrifying strength very well.

"Zhang Xiaofan, let me go."

Liu Piaopiao, whose face was flushed and even started to turn purple, said these words with difficulty.

Killing people here, of course Zhang Xiaofan will not.

Although angry, but still rational.

She let go.

"You can threaten me, but if you threaten my relatives."

"I don't mind turning you into a vegetable."

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was like ice.

So cold and transparent.


Liu Piaopiao coughed, just now, she almost died in Zhang Xiaofan's hands.

She stared at Zhang Xiaofan firmly: "Zhang Xiaofan, you dare to do anything to me."

"I tell you, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

"I've heard this too much. People who say this will generally end up miserable."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

From childhood to adulthood, who would dare to treat her like Liu Piaopiao.

Her father was reluctant to scold a word since she was a child, and she was almost strangled to death by Zhang Xiaofan just now.

The extremely arrogant Liu Piaopiao was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

However, it seems that there is nothing to do.

"Let me tell you, it is simply impossible for you to open a pharmaceutical company in FY County."

"Don't think Li Yang can do anything for you."

"In front of our Liu family, he wouldn't dare to help you even if he died."

Liu Piaopiao said loudly in anger.

Liu Piaopiao's words did not lie.

Zhang Xiaofan also understands Li Yang's personality.

He said that he doesn't care, but he has to consider his family.

And if threatened by the Liu family, then Li Yang would not dare to help Zhang Xiaofan.

"Your Liu family can reach out to FY County, and let Yongchun Pharmaceutical cover the sky with one hand."

"But can you cover the sky with one hand in Qingyun City?"

Whether the company can approve it is an official matter.

Although the Liu family in FY County can affect the decision of every leader.

But in Qingyun City, the Liu family is not yet so powerful that it can influence Hua Chennan's decision.

What's more, Yongchun Pharmaceutical is just a small company that the Liu family entrusted Liu Piaopiao to be in charge of.

If it's exposed or something major happens, it's not worth it.

"Hua Chennan said that if Li Yang can't solve the problem in FY County, then call him."

"So, do you think my company can still be opened?"

Zhang Xiaofan took out his phone and said calmly.

Liu Piaopiao seemed to have eaten dead stinky meat, her face was extremely ugly.

Zhang Xiaofan and Hua Chennan have an extraordinary special relationship, she knows this.

I thought that threatening Zhang Xiaofan would make him compromise.

Now that Hua Chennan was taken out, Li Piaopiao was so angry that he dared not speak.

The Liu family is not afraid of Hua Chennan, but Hua Chennan is not afraid of the Liu family either.

Hua Chennan's identity lies there, he is a well-known figure in Qingyun City, Takagi Matashige.

The Liu family must not easily do anything to him or do anything to him.

It's not that he doesn't have that strength, but that the time hasn't come yet.

If the Liu family stood on the cusp of the storm, the secret behind it might be exposed without a doubt.

Once exposed, those departments of the country will take action.

At that time, not only the Liu family in Qingyun City, but even the Liu family in Nandu will be destroyed.

"Hmph! Zhang Xiaofan, just wait for me! This matter is endless!"

"Next, you just wait for our fierce revenge!"

Liu Piaopiao stared at Zhang Xiaofan, snorted coldly, shook his hands and walked out.

Li Peishan, who was standing by the side, had already squeezed a cold sweat for Zhang Xiaofan.

But at the same time, he was shocked by what Zhang Xiaofan said.

Li Peishan looked at Zhang Xiaofan fixedly, she couldn't see through Zhang Xiaofan for a long time.

Many questions were trapped in my heart, but I didn't ask them.

Next Zhang Xiaofan called Li Yang.

After Li Yang heard this, he drove over immediately by car.

Personally helped Zhang Xiaofan complete all the approvals for the pharmaceutical company.

After this matter is dealt with.

Li Peishan is just going to visit Shi'ao Town.

And Zhang Xiaofan also wants to go back to Stone Village.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan got into Li Peishan's car and rushed back to Stone Village.

(End of this chapter)

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