Murano's little genius

Chapter 268 Returning Li Yulan "Innocent"

Chapter 268 Returning Li Yulan "Innocent"

Chapter 268 Returning Li Yulan "Innocent"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't go back to Stone Village directly, but went to Yupei Herbal Medicine Company with Li Peishan.

The ten acres of medicinal materials in the village have all reached the harvest period, and today is the day to harvest medicinal materials.

When he came back from FY County, Zhang Xiaofan had already called Zhao Tieniu, asking him and Zhang Quandan to immediately arrange for the villagers to collect ten acres of medicinal materials.

And the reason why Zhang Xiaofan came directly to Yupei Herbal Medicine Company was because he asked Chen Yifa to arrange someone to drive to Shitou Village to collect medicinal materials.

Ten acres of medicinal materials can be said to be more or less.

Chen Yifa had to arrange a car to pull it over here.

This batch of medicinal materials is the last batch of medicinal materials planted by Zhang Xiaofan and resold through Li Peishan's herbal medicine company.

Li Peishan also said this in person.

After all, Li Peishan is in business.

Since it is the last batch, it is necessary to maximize the value.

Let more customers snap up it at a high price.

On this point, Zhang Xiaofan also agrees.

The higher the price Yupei Herbal Medicine sells, the more profit it will make.

Who would have trouble with money these days?

Chen Yifa sent several medium-sized trucks to Stone Village.

And Zhang Xiaofan drove back to Stone Village together in one of the trucks.


Go back to Stone Village.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful, and with the hard work of the villagers, all ten acres of medicinal materials have been harvested.

And they are collected according to the standard set by Zhang Xiaofan before, without destroying the integrity of the medicinal materials.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan wants to praise Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan here.

They handled everything arranged by Zhang Xiaofan very well.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan also knows that things seem simple, but if they want to do it well, it needs a lot of energy and time.

It requires total commitment.

And Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan did exactly this to make what Zhang Xiaofan said, arranged, including the arranged things so beautifully.

From another point of view, Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan are getting better and better under the influence of Zhang Xiaofan.


"Xiaofan, I want to help you, and I also want to participate in your medicinal planting work."

Li Yulan found Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Sister Yulan, do you like the child?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked suddenly.

When Li Yulan heard this, she couldn't help thinking wildly.

His face immediately turned red.

It was as if Zhang Xiaofan said I love you to her.

It really made her excited, happy, and helpless.

"Xiaofan, why are you asking this..."

Li Yulan lowered her head and asked a little shyly.

"The school in the village is being rebuilt, and the school plans to add kindergarten classes."

"I thought if you like children, I'll let you be a kindergarten teacher."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

It turned out that Li Yulan was thinking too much.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean that...

"Xiaofan, I like children very much...but I only graduated from junior high become a shouldn't be possible."

Li Yulan said.

"Sister Yulan, that's just the kindergarten in the village, and it's a class that the village decided to open."

"The teachers in it don't necessarily need certified teachers."

"It's about loving children, teaching them to be patient, kind-hearted, and a good teacher."

"Education is not much required."

"If you like teaching kids, I think you're right."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"Xiao Fan, thank you... But, my reputation is so unbearable in Shitou Village, no one will agree to it."

Li Yulan wanted to, really wanted to.

However, because of the previous reasons.

Parents in the village would never agree to let someone like her teach their children.

"Sister Yulan, I understand your worry."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

"I will let the people in the village take the initiative to accept you as this teacher."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

It is a little difficult to invite a certified kindergarten teacher to Shitou Village from outside.

It is even more difficult to invite good ones.

Of course, money can solve this problem.

However, spending money may not be able to invite a good Laishitou Village.

This is what Zhang Xiaofan is worried about.

That being the case, why not find one in this village?

Thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan felt that Li Yulan fit the requirements very well.

Good personality, patient, caring, kind-hearted, with a certain degree of education, although not high, but it is enough to be a kindergarten teacher!
Zhang Xiaofan did what he said.

He went to find Lin Wanrou and talked about it.

And Lin Wanrou also agrees with Zhang Xiaofan's choice very much.

After all, that's the person Zhang Xiaofan has his eyes on, and it's definitely not too bad.

In addition, if you want to hire a kindergarten teacher outside, you can solve it by spending money.

But it also costs a lot of money, and you may not be able to invite good people.

Since there are people with such conditions in the village, it is very good.

Zhang Xiaofan spent more than ten minutes telling Lin Wanrou about what happened to Li Yulan in the village.

And also explained why she was like that.

As a woman in the new era, Lin Wanrou was moved by Zhang Xiaofan's words.

No, to be precise, she was moved by Li Yulan.

For her own father, a woman actually did such a bad thing to her reputation,
One can imagine how much she endured in her heart.

As a woman, Lin Wanrou felt very sympathetic to what happened to Li Yulan.

Therefore, whether it is her as a woman or her as the village head.

Now Li Yulan must be "innocence".

As the village head, the current Lin Wanrou has been recognized and praised by many villagers.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't need to do this matter, Lin Wanrou can give Li Yulan "innocence" by doing it.

Only in this way can Li Yulan truly let go of her heart.

And she can also become the teacher of the kindergarten in Shitou Village Primary School as a matter of course.

Lin Wanrou first held a meeting with the village cadres, and then used a special method to let the villagers know about it, ensuring that they would believe it was true after hearing it.

Sure enough, it doesn't take an afternoon.

The people in the village basically knew about what happened to Li Yulan and the reasons for it.

Many people regretted and blamed themselves, feeling that they really misunderstood Li Yulan before.

It turned out that all the things she did were for his father, Li Guangsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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