Chapter 269
In this way, Li Yulan became a teacher in the Kindergarten of Stone Village Primary School in the future ahead of schedule.

As the saying goes, know kindness and repay it.

Li Yulan's family conditions are not good.

Just relying on Zhang Xiaofan's cure of Li Guangsheng, Li Yulan can spend her whole life repaying it.

Not to mention helping Li Yulan repay her "innocence" now.

Although Li Yulan still carries Kefu's reputation on her back.

But at least, now that she is walking in the village, no one will point fingers or call her a shameless and nasty woman.

In the evening, Li Yulan invited Zhang Xiaofan to his house as a guest.

To say he was a guest, it would be better to say that Li Yulan, including Li Yulan's parents, had long regarded Zhang Xiaofan as a family.

Of course Zhang Xiaofan did not refuse.

Zhang Xiaofan "lost" his parents since he was a child.

At least, he felt a trace of love from Li Yulan's parents.

Although this is a little bit, but for Zhang Xiaofan, it is enough.

In the eyes of Li Yulan's parents, Zhang Xiaofan is not only a great benefactor.

Even closer than their own son.

Even, in their hearts, Zhang Xiaofan is already their son-in-law.

Although they know that this is impossible, at least they can have such an illusion.

At dinner, Li Yulan's parents were as enthusiastic as ever.

"Xiao Fan, come and eat a piece of meat."

"Xiaofan, I'll help you get some food."

"Xiaofan, are you thirsty?"

"Xiaofan, do you want to drink?"

"Xiaofan, don't go back tonight?"

Li Guangsheng made Zhang Xiaofan drink some wine on purpose.

The latter sentence was said by Wu Shufen.

The wine I drank tonight was Li Guangsheng's special high-strength liquor, which was not only strong, but also had a miraculous effect.

This wine is prepared for Zhang Xiaofan.

Although it was nothing to Zhang Xiaofan, his body still felt a little strange after drinking two cups.

The body seems to be burning fiercely with fire, and it is as turbulent as the water of the sea.

"Yulan, help Xiaofan into your room to rest."

Wu Shufen said.

And Li Yulan nodded slightly.

A longing smile appeared on his face.


Zhang Xiaofan didn't feel drunk at all, he didn't need to rest at all.

On the contrary, it was Li Guangsheng, whose words were slurred and his neck was completely red.

He couldn't even stand firmly, and he was the one who needed a rest.

After Wu Shufen finished speaking, she helped Li Guangsheng into the room.

Li Yulan gave Zhang Xiaofan a loving look.

Zhang Xiaofan accepted the tenderness and warmth brought by Li Yulan's beautiful eyes.

I don't know what to do.

Li Yulan took Zhang Xiaofan's hand, with a sweet smile, she was about to pull Zhang Xiaofan into the room.

Zhang Xiaofan did not refuse.
Jingle Bell!
The phone in Zhang Xiaofan's pocket rang.

F ***
Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but fucked up in his heart.

Of course, this was an instinctive reaction just now.

After all, it's not pleasant to call when you need to do something good.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the phone and glanced at it.

It was Zhao Tieniu who called.

Now that Zhao Tieniu called at night, it must be something important.

Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

"Hey, Xiaofan, I have something to do and I need to go to the county to lie down, and there is something wrong with my motorcycle, and I haven't had time to repair it."

"So, I want to borrow your three rounds."

Zhao Tieniu said.

"Brother Tieniu, you can open it if you want, you are welcome, the key is in my house, just ask my grandpa."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"But brother Tie Niu, what are you going to do in the county this late at night?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked soberly.

"That...a friend asked me out."

Zhao Tieniu stuttered in his answer, and his tone seemed unconfident.

"Brother Tieniu, you are not good at lying."

"I'm your brother. You can tell me anything you have, and you don't need to hide it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hey! It's still my brother-in-law's business."

"After what happened last time, I thought he would be honest."

"But... this kid went to gamble again!"

"And, this time I went to the county town to gamble."

"Losing a lot of money."

"The call came to your sister Qian, 50!"

"If you can't get it together within three days, I guess people won't be able to see it."

"Your elder sister almost fainted when she heard the news."

"I just stopped crying."

Zhao Tieniu's tone was full of helplessness, anger, and hatred.

However, it can't be done.

50!This is an astronomical figure for ordinary rural people!

"Didn't you call your mother-in-law?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

If the two elders heard the news, they probably couldn't accept it for a while, and something would happen.

This is what Zhang Xiaofan is worried about.

"No, that kid only gave you Sister Qian's phone number."

"I plan to go to the county seat tonight and talk to those people."

"50, we can't get it out, but we can't let that kid have an accident."

"If something happens to him, I don't even know what will happen to my mother-in-law and my father-in-law."

"Hey! What a fuck!"

After finishing speaking, perhaps to vent the helplessness in his heart, Zhao Tieniu cursed loudly.

50, Zhang Xiaofan does not have it now.

However, Chen Yifa can be asked to advance 50 yuan in advance for selling medicinal materials.

However, this does not solve the fundamental problem.

What's more, after the previous incident, Zhang Xiaofan already believed that Sun Qian and her younger brother would change.

But now I go to gamble again, and what I lose is not tens of thousands like last time, but 50!
Thinking about it this way, Zhang Xiaofan felt something was wrong.

"Brother Tieniu, I'll go with you."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, you can do it too."

Just now Zhao Tieniu didn't tell the matter because he didn't want to bother Zhang Xiaofan.

But thinking about it now, going with Zhang Xiaofan might be able to solve the problem better.

After all, he saw and heard all the things Zhang Xiaofan did.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaofan left Li Yulan's house.

It was another good night, but it ended with this.

Zhang Xiaofan drove three wheels to the county seat at night.

In front of an entertainment city.

"Xiaofan, this is the place."

Zhao Tieniu signaled Zhang Xiaofan to stop and said.

"Golden Dollar Entertainment City."

(End of this chapter)

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