Murano's little genius

Chapter 271 The lady came to the door?

Chapter 271 The lady came to the door?
"You beat my man, what's the matter?"

Feng Kun said.

"You said that my brother-in-law lost money here, so let's meet someone."

"It turned out that your people took the initiative to attack and we fought back."

Zhao Tieniu stood up and said.

"Which onion are you, how did you talk to Brother Kun, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death."

A young man in a security uniform behind Feng Kun said viciously.

"You guys have to remember, this is Jinyuan Entertainment City, we are what we say."

"Even if we do it first, we are right."

"So, you beat my man, what's the matter?"

Feng Kun's eyes still returned to Zhang Xiaofan.

"One million compensation!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"I'm sorry, even if you take out 100 million now, you can't solve the problem."

"Because your people borrowed 100 million from me to gamble, which in itself is what you should give."

"And what we are counting now is that you injured my Jinyuan Entertainment City employees."

Feng Kun put his hands behind his back, walked slowly and said.

Not like the boss of security, but like the boss of a black society.

Although the image is weird, but the aura is still quite big.

"You didn't understand, what I said is that you have to pay us 100 million first before you can sit down and talk about this matter."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a cold smile.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, and then there was an uproar.

"Haha! I'm afraid this kid is crazy about money, but he dares to say such things to Brother Kun."

"I bet this kid will be severely tortured by Brother Kun later."

"Hehe, I thought Zhang Xiaofan was some kind of great person, but it turns out he's just a bastard looking for money."

"In this Jinyuan Entertainment City, no one has ever dared to speak to me like this."

"And you are the first, and of course the last."

Feng Kun said with a smile.

"Boy, if you dare to be so presumptuous when you come to Jinyuan Entertainment City, you are doomed!"

The man with fat pig ears still lying on the ground spoke proudly.


Zhang Xiaofan stepped on it lightly, like a thousand catties of force pressing on his chest.

The man with the fat head and pig ears had many broken ribs, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

At this moment, many people's pupils were wide open, and then stared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.

Doing such an act in front of Feng Kun is a slap in the face and a shame to Feng Kun!

No matter how calm Feng Kun was at this moment, his face turned pale after being so irritated by Zhang Xiaofan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, if you step on this foot, one of your hands will be cut off."

"That's the consequence."

Feng Kun raised his eyebrows and said.

Zhang Xiaofan was like stepping on lightning.

A breath came to Feng Kun.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan appeared in front of him, Feng Kun's eyes narrowed.

The instinctive reaction made him jump back, this jump was more than two meters high and several meters away.

That is extraordinary skill!

From the moment Feng Kun came in, Zhang Xiaofan felt the strength of a warrior from him.

Looking at it now, it doesn't really matter.

Not only a martial artist, but one who should cultivate is still the skill of the lower body.

Whoosh!Just as Feng Kun landed, Zhang Xiaofan appeared in front of him again, so weird!

This time, Feng Kun didn't hide anymore.

Instead, together with anger, he kicked Zhang Xiaofan with his right foot!
Feng Kun's feet are like the giant feet of Di Ting. Although the speed is average, they have great strength.

It's as if it can break iron and stone.

Zhang Xiaofan snorted coldly.

The foot kicked out as well.
If two feet collide, one must be injured.

It was like two huge iron pillars colliding, making a deafening sound.


"Where's Brother Kun?"

A dozen of you in security uniforms look at me and I look at you.

The place where Feng Kun was standing just now seemed to have disappeared.

But Zhang Xiaofan is still there.

A person fell heavily on the ceiling.

When everyone saw it, they were dumbfounded, and then shouted: "Brother Kun, it's Brother Kun!"

"Brother Kun, what's wrong with you?"

A dozen people surrounded it.

With that kick just now, Zhang Xiaofan not only kicked Feng Kun's legs to pieces, he was also kicked up to the ceiling.

This life should be like this.

Healing is also a useless person.

"Asshole, it's this kid who beat Brother Kun like this. Let's go together and avenge Brother Kun."

"Yes! Revenge Brother Kun!"

A dozen people looked at Zhang Xiaofan with anger in their eyes.

"Stop! If you don't want to end up with him, just stand up for me obediently!"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed slightly, as if they could shoot out a kind of flame that burns everything.

The aura emanating from his body is like a thousand-year-old ice, which makes people dare not approach.

The steps that a dozen people had just taken stopped again.

Sometimes they feel hot and sometimes cold, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Zhang Xiaofan slowly walked towards Feng Kun who was lying on the ground and seemed to be dying.

More than a dozen people took the initiative to make way for Zhang Xiaofan.

However, no one dared to do it.

This is the invisible coercion!

"Where is the man?"

"Also, how do you know me?"

"Who do you work for?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

Feng Kun, who survived from the tip of the knife, was crippled by Zhang Xiaofan just like that.

He is not reconciled!But it's more about fear.

"Bring people over here."

Feng Kun reluctantly said.

"Xu Lang gave me 300 million and told me to do this."

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask: "Who is Xu Lang?"

"He is from Yongchun Pharmaceutical."

Yongchun Pharmaceutical?

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan knew, maybe it made sense.


Zhao Tieniu's brother-in-law cried out when he saw Zhao Tieniu.

Seeing that he was "in good condition", Zhao Tieniu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Tieniu wanted to curse at him.

"Brother-in-law, I was forced. I didn't come here to gamble at all."

"That day I went to the county seat to look for a job, but I was brought here by a group of people."

"They forced me to sign an IOU."

"He said that if he didn't sign, he would abolish me."

"And forced me to call back and say I lost a lot of money betting."

Zhao Tieniu's brother-in-law said.

Sure enough, it did not meet Zhang Xiaofan's expectation.

This matter is really strange.

Zhao Tieniu felt a little regretful, he misunderstood.

Why did Yongchun Pharmaceutical spend 300 million yuan to do this?
For Zhang Xiaofan?
What's the use of this?

But?It seems that as long as Zhang Xiaofan intervenes, it will be meaningless.

On the contrary, it will arouse Zhang Xiaofan's anger.

After leaving Jinyuan Entertainment City, Zhang Xiaofan drove Zhao Tieniu and his brother-in-law back to Stone Village in three rounds.

After returning to the village, it was already late at night.

Everyone who should sleep has already slept.

Zhao Tieniu discussed with Zhang Xiaofan, since his brother-in-law wants to find a job, he might as well come here to help.

This is not less than earning outside.

Zhang Xiaofan thought about it and agreed.

Zhao Tieniu's brother-in-law belongs to young people, not from Shitou Village.

Letting him work here is actually not in line with Zhang Xiaofan's selection criteria.

However, the relationship is there.

In addition, Zhao Tieniu's brother-in-law can turn over a new leaf and sincerely work hard, which is also a happy thing.

the next day.

Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan for a meeting.

Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan have already done the matter of renting an additional [-] mu of land.

They have also done well in advance to expand the recruitment of villagers to work as workers.

"Xiaofan, now that medicinal materials have expanded, our expenditures and income in various aspects may be missed if no one has a special statistics."

"Plus, Quan Dan and I are really not good at this, so we are afraid of making mistakes, especially when we pay the villagers wages."

Zhang Xiaofan understood what Zhao Tieniu said.

At this time, you need to find a temporary finance.

"Brother Tieniu, then call me Sister Qian."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, your sister Qian hasn't graduated from elementary school yet, so she doesn't understand this better than me."

Zhao Tieniu said awkwardly.

"Quandan, where is Cuihua?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhang Quandan.

"Hey! Cuihua will stop studying after the second grade."

People of the older generation value boys over girls. It is already very good for girls to finish elementary school and go to junior high school.

Zhang Xiaofan thought about it.

"Leave this to me, I'll find someone to do it."

Zhang Xiaofan said, it seems that he already has a candidate in his heart.

Thirty acres of land needs to be re-digged, which is not a small project.

And this task was handed over to Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan.

They are responsible for bringing the villagers to do all the work before planting medicinal materials.

Zhang Xiaofan came to the farm.

With a bright feeling in front of my eyes, the construction work has reached the final step.

Zhang Xiaofan asked the foreman, the work can be finished within today.

Zhang Xiaofan also has to deal with the matter of raising things in the farm immediately.

So, he decided to find Fang Wen.

Talk to him about the farm "cooperation".

This is related to the future of farming.

Leaving the farm, Zhang Xiaofan went to Zhou Shuyi's house.

As soon as he walked in, Zhang Xiaofan saw Zhou Shuyi taking off her clothes to feed the baby.

It might be that he and Zhou Shuyi were familiar with each other, but Zhang Xiaofan didn't deliberately look away.

And Zhou Shuyi didn't think there was anything wrong.

Breastfeeding is a normal thing.

"Xiao Fan, why come to Miss Shuyi's place during the day when you are free?"

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Shuyi's already pretty face bloomed like a flower, completely revealing her natural beauty.

"Sister Shuyi, you should be the treasurer of the medicinal herb plantation."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

"Ah! I won't!"

Zhou Shuyi had a big reaction.

"Actually, it's not as complicated as you think, just help me remember the number."

"You have studied in junior high school, yes."

Zhang Xiaofan said encouragingly.

Of course Zhou Shuyi is happy to be able to help Zhang Xiaofan.

"It's very inconvenient and inappropriate to do rough work with your children with you."

"And now the job I asked you to do is also the most suitable for you."

"Of course, although this job sounds easy, it's not hard."

"But it is very important, and there can be no mistake."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, don't worry, I will do it well with a hundred hearts."

Zhou Shuyi nodded in the affirmative answer.

Now Zhou Shuyi, the joy in her heart is no less than being kissed by Zhang Xiaofan.

She can finally help Zhang Xiaofan properly.

After staying at Zhou Shuyi's house for a while, Zhang Xiaofan went to the clinic.

It was noon in the clinic.

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to find Lin Wanrou, but she was busy building roads in the village, so he didn't bother her.

Went home and cooked a lunch.

After eating with his grandfather, he drove three rounds to the town.

Zhang Xiaofan first went to find Gao Yibiao.

Then he and Gao Yibiao went to find Fang Wen.

"Doctor Xiaofan, according to what you say, this is a feat that can truly change the breeding industry!"

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's words, Fang Wen was not calm anymore.

He looked surprised, gave a thumbs up, and quickly praised Zhang Xiaofan's words.

"Mr. Fang, I'm just an estimate, it may not be 100% true."

"Because I focused on breeding in the early stage, you can help me in terms of sales."

"Divided into words.
"Doctor Xiaofan, Muyuan Company will spare no effort to help you with this matter."

"As for the share, this is what we should do, so let's not talk about it."

Fang Wen answered in the affirmative directly.

Since he didn't want it, Zhang Xiaofan didn't force it either.

Plus barely any help.

This is not only Fang Wen's own decision, but also Mu Yuan's will.

Use "spiritual liquid" to breed chickens and ducks.

Let their meat have magical effects.

Needless to say, as long as the road to sales is opened, the supply will be in short supply.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan also made it clear to Fang Wen.

The amount will not be much.

Because Zhang Xiaofan kept a hand here.

Good things can't be too much, just give to those in need.

In addition, it was just a cooperation with Muyuan Company in the early stage.

Later, Zhang Xiaofan had his own plan.

Zhang Xiaofan ordered a batch of chicks and ducklings with Muyuan Company.

And Fang Wen assigned this task to Gao Yibiao.

The farm in the village was completed today.

Zhang Xiaofan asked Gao Yibiao to send the chick and duckling there tomorrow.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Xiaofan went back to Stone Village.


After seeing several patients in a row, Zhang Xiaofan was about to leave the clinic to see the current construction progress of the school.

However, a luxury MPV slowly stopped in front of the village committee.

As soon as the door was opened, four or five well-dressed middle-aged women stepped out of the car.

All of them have fair skin and still have charm.

It's no exaggeration to be called a lady.

"Young man, do you know where Doctor Xiaofan lives?"

A nominated expensive bag in one hand, a lady in a printed dress walked up to Zhang Xiaofan and asked.

"Is there anything you can do with him?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

It's good to be rich, these ladies are really well maintained.

That skin, that face, that bust, those legs.

It must have cost a lot of money.

"That's right, we came to see him for medical treatment."

said the lady.

(End of this chapter)

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