Chapter 272

see a doctor?

"I am."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

Since someone took the initiative to come to see a doctor, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely welcome it.


"Sisters, this young man said he is Doctor Xiaofan, a miracle doctor."

"Do you believe it?"

The lady looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Hehe, young man."

"We are looking for a miracle doctor, not a braggart."

"However, although the clothes are a bit rustic, he still looks quite handsome."

"Hehe, this young man is really funny. He looks to be in his early twenties, and he dares to pretend to be a miracle doctor. He has the guts."

"Young man, if you tell the truth, my sister will give you a gift."

The lady still said to Zhang Xiaofan with a smile on her face.

"I didn't lie to you, I was."

Zhang Xiaofan still said calmly.

"Okay! Don't tease this handsome guy anymore, let's ask other villagers."

These women with firm and smooth skin and luxuriously dressed still don't believe Zhang Xiaofan's words.

In their subconscious mind, it is impossible for the miracle doctor to be so young.

"Doctor Xiaofan!"

At this time, the last woman who got out of the car screamed frantically.

She completely disregarded her noble and luxurious image.

This noble lady is wearing a wine red knee-length lace dress, with jade bracelets on her hands, diamond rings on her fingers, and seemingly expensive earrings.

"Sisters, he is Doctor Xiaofan!"

Hearing the lady's words, the others looked at Zhang Xiaofan with unbelievable eyes.

Being scrutinized by so many luxuriously dressed women who still have charm, Zhang Xiaofan felt a little unnatural.

"Doctor Xiaofan, I'm sorry, my sisters have never seen you before."

"you are?"

Zhang Xiaofan remembered that he didn't seem to have seen this noble lady before.

However, the voice
"Doctor Xiaofan, I am Li Yang's wife."

"I called you last time."

Li Yang's wife hurriedly introduced herself, for fear that Zhang Xiaofan would not know who she was.

"So it's Mrs. Li, hello."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly with a natural expression.

Li Yang's wife called Zhang Xiaofan last time, and wanted to ask him to see a doctor for Li Yang.

But Zhang Xiaofan was not free at the time.

Now Li Yang's wife brought a group of noble ladies to Shitou Village to see him. It's really interesting.

In the subconscious mind of many people, the so-called miracle doctors are basically old people.

It is not that there is age discrimination, but that medical skills need time to accumulate and accumulate.

"Mrs. Li, this is the miraculous doctor Xiaofan you mentioned!"

"My God! So young and handsome."

"Who said just now that he can't be a genius doctor? Look at Doctor Xiaofan's temperament, it's so tall and mighty."

"Look at Dr. Xiaofan's face, he is so handsome, and his deep eyes make me dizzy."

These luxuriously dressed, sexy, charming, fair-skinned and beautiful young women surrounded Zhang Xiaofan

"Doctor Xiaofan, my sisters are like this, don't mind."

Mrs. Li said quickly.

It was because they were afraid that these sisters would offend Zhang Xiaofan by saying something unpleasant.

For these noble young women, Zhang Xiaofan understands very well.

Although most of them are women who can only spend money but not make money.

But to be able to get along in the circle of these noble and young women, there is still a certain ability.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything, just smiled and said: "It's okay, after all they haven't seen me before."

"But Mrs. Li, you probably haven't seen me before, why did you recognize me at a glance?"

Mrs. Li explained: "Doctor Xiaofan, I have seen your photo on my husband's phone."

That's it, and that makes sense.

"Sisters, come up and introduce yourself to Dr. Xiaofan."

Madam Li said.

These young ladies tidied up their clothes, took out the mirror to check their makeup, and then smiled, their standing posture instantly became graceful, showing the dignity and elegance of the young ladies.

Everyone introduced themselves seriously.

After listening, it turned out that these noble young women were either the wives of the big leaders in the county or the wives of the bosses of rich companies.

Only Li Yang's wife can gather these women together.

After all, Li Yang's identity is there.

In FY County, no matter what big leaders or rich bosses, they don't want to have a good relationship with Li Yang.

And asking his wife to deal with Li Yang's wife, get to know each other, and be friends are the most basic.

But Li Yang's wife is not a simple woman. If you want to deal with her and make friends, you must go through a lot of experience.

To be able to come here with her today is to be eloquent.

Zhang Xiaofan carefully looked at every noble and young woman.

I have to say that these leaders and these big bosses are really good at picking wives.

These women were definitely first-class beauties when they were young. They wanted to have a figure, a face to have a face, and a chest to have a chest.

Even now they are all middle-aged women.

But the skin, because of the good maintenance, is still fair, firm and shiny.

If you don't look carefully at the wrinkles on your face, you won't see any of them at all.

The round thighs of those snowflakes are really a beautiful sight.

"Mrs. Li, are you all here to see a doctor?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Yes, I hope Doctor Xiaofan doesn't mind."

"After they heard my compliments to you, they all decided to seek medical treatment from you."

Madam Li said.

"Doctor Xiaofan, I have suffered from severe insomnia recently, and I always feel weak, and then my whole body aches."

"Also, the chest is a little stuffy, and the body always feels itchy."

A young woman in a slim skirt, twisting her proud buttocks, walked in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan sized him up from head to toe.

Two big watery eyes, a fleshy face, although the mouth is a bit big, but under the red lips, there is really a taste.

Coupled with her proud bust, every word and deed is really alluring.

The most important thing is that she actually gave Zhang Xiaofan a wink, which is really bold.

"If you need to see a doctor, come with me."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the clinic.

Entering the clinic, Zhang Xiaofan sat down.

And the beautiful young woman just sat down on the stool in front of the consultation table.

"Stretch out your hand."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The noble young lady fluttered her sexy eyelashes, looked at Zhang Xiaofan with lightning eyes, and then stretched out her fleshy, but white and smooth hands.

She intentionally touched Zhang Xiaofan's face with her hand, and then said embarrassedly: "That... I'm sorry Doctor Xiaofan, I didn't mean it."


Zhang Xiaofan replied with a light smile.

Whether it was intentional or not, Zhang Xiaofan naturally knew it clearly.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you have to take a good look at me, I am really uncomfortable, especially at night, I toss and turn, and it is difficult to fall asleep."

Under the examination table, a beautiful leg as smooth as jade rubbed against Zhang Xiaofan again intentionally or unintentionally.

When Zhang Xiaofan's hand wanted to help her feel the pulse, that hand took the initiative to grab Zhang Xiaofan.

The noble young lady smiled and said, "Doctor Xiaofan, sometimes I can't control my hands, and I always want to touch men."

"You have to take a good look at me."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Then you have to let me feel the pulse first."

The noble young lady's hand loosened from Zhang Xiaofan's.

This behavior of the noble young lady made the other noble young ladies beside her a little angry.

They wish they could be the one touching Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

"I'm going to ask you some more private questions next, do you mind if someone else is here?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked after taking the pulse.

The young lady thought for a while and said, "I like staying here with Dr. Xiaofan."

There is no way, in front of Zhang Xiaofan, this noble young woman is a patient, he must respect the patient's privacy.

So Zhang Xiaofan invited others out of the clinic to wait.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you called them all out, you don't mean to do something to me, do you?"

The noble young lady smiled, she was so charming, she even licked her lips.

"Have you not had sex with your husband for a long time?"

Zhang Xiaofan ignored the seduction of the young lady and asked directly.

"Doctor Xiaofan. How do you know?"

The noble young lady asked in surprise.

"The reason why you have the symptoms you mentioned is because there is very little life in that area, and even if you have it, you don't get the satisfaction you deserve."

"In the long run, it will lead to various problems in the body."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

After being told by Zhang Xiaofan, the noble young lady lowered her head.

She felt a little embarrassed.

After all, as a woman, a woman who already has a husband.

In that aspect of life, there is a long-term vacancy, and the vacancy is fine, and I still cannot get the satisfaction I deserve.

It's impossible to tell people.

"Doctor Xiaofan, what should we do?"

"My husband often stays out at night, and even when he comes back, he goes to bed early."

"I haven't experienced that feeling for half a year."

The lady looked at Zhang Xiaofan with some grievances and said.

"This kind of situation can be treated with medicine, but after all, it can't cure the root cause, because you are a woman, and you are still at an age with strong needs."

"If you still can't get the physical well-being you deserve for too long, you will still relapse."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

" husband doesn't want to, and I can't help it."

Zhang Xiaofan carefully looked at this noble lady again, although her face was normal, but she was [-]%.

Needless to say, the figure is definitely what many men imagine.

But his husband didn't touch her once in half a year, which was a bit strange.

"When this happened, didn't you consider that your husband has someone outside?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, the young lady didn't seem surprised.

It was as if she already knew the result, and some of them were full of sadness.

"Actually, my husband has a woman outside."

"But he negotiated with me that he would spend at most two days a week with that girl."

"Leave the rest to me."

said the noble lady.

These words opened Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

Still playing like this?

"Why do you compromise?"

"You are his wife, so you don't have to accept it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I'm just an ordinary woman, without her, I'm nothing."

"So, I have to compromise, even if he has a woman outside, I have to compromise."

"Of course, except divorce."

While speaking, the eyes of the noble young lady have lost light.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan probably understood.

An ordinary woman, married to a rich and powerful man, got used to a rich life after a long time.

If you suddenly break away from this kind of life, you will definitely not be able to accept it.

Helpless, as long as the husband does not divorce, anything is fine.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be unable to say anything.

He is not a saint, so he can't persuade this lady how to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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