Murano's little genius

Chapter 274 Remember to keep in touch

Chapter 274 Remember to keep in touch

Du Zhumei got dressed and sat on the small hospital bed.

"However. Doctor Xiaofan, I'm afraid of injections."

"Especially the big needles, I tend to get dizzy when I see them."

Du Zhumei said with some fear.

"It's okay, I use silver needles."

While talking, Zhang Xiaofan has already taken out the silver needle.

Du Zhumei's situation is very complicated in terms of modern medicine.

There is something wrong with her innate control brain nerves.

Usually she is a normal person, but if she wants to have a relationship with a man and a woman, she will have a headache, disgust, and nausea.

Zhang Xiaofan had to go through acupuncture to restore his brain nerves to normal.

And if you want acupuncture and moxibustion, the requirements for the acupuncture practitioners are very, very high.

Of course, this is no problem for Zhang Xiaofan, he has already learned "Ghost Valley Nine Needles".

Just using the Ghost Valley Nine Needles is not enough. If you want to completely restore the nerves with congenital problems, you must use black iron and silver needles.

Today's Du Zhumei came here to find Zhang Xiaofan, it was the most correct choice she made in her life.

Otherwise, it should be impossible for her to return to normal in this life.

Although I have been a woman in my whole life, I can't do what a woman should be able to do, which is very sad.

Zhang Xiaofan put his hand on Du Zhumei's head, his five fingers moved nimbly, and he accurately found out where the acupoints are.

Through the acupuncture points in the brain, use black iron and silver needles to pierce.

Black iron and silver needles have the effect of restoring nerves, plus the blessing of "Ghost Valley Nine Needles".

A complete cure should be a no-brainer.

Zhang Xiaofan's thumb and forefinger hold the black iron needle, and use "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" to penetrate along the acupuncture point into the brain.


When the silver needle penetrated, Du Zhumei felt as if her mind was floating to the sky.

Not pain, but a strange sense of comfort.

Unable to bear it, she called out.

Someone outside heard the cry.

"My God, what's going on in there, why does this sound so much like that sound."

"That's right! Doesn't this sound only come out when you are very comfortable?"

"Could it be."

"It turns out that Du Zhumei is such a person, she actually seduced Dr. Xiaofan."

"Ah! I'm not reconciled, why is that person not me."

"What are you thinking! How could Dr. Xiaofan be that kind of person? Just relying on that old woman Du Zhumei to seduce Dr. Xiaofan? Do you believe it?"

Mrs. Li scolded these ladies.

Hearing what Mrs. Li said, the ladies nodded.

Doctor Xiaofan is so young, how could he fall in love with Du Zhumei, a 30-year-old woman.

What's more, although they are all older than Du Zhumei, when it comes to temptation, which one is worse than Du Zhumei.

You need to have a figure and a chest. Wherever your thighs go, it can be said that no grass will grow.

"Dr. Xiaofan is just treating her. Please be quiet. If you make Dr. Xiaofan unhappy, you will suffer the consequences."

Madam Li said.

Having said that, Mrs. Li is actually not sure what happened inside.

After all, she didn't know much about Zhang Xiaofan, she only knew that he was a character that even his husband was afraid of, and he had miraculous medical skills.

And whether he can resist the temptation of a mature young woman, Mrs. Li is really not sure.

inside the clinic.

"The injection just now was comfortable, but now it will hurt a little, you have to bear it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Du Zhumei replied.

The comfortable injection just now made her face reddish.

Zhang Xiaofan performed "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" and went down with another needle.

This acupuncture point is unusual, and for ordinary acupuncture practitioners, this acupuncture point is a forbidden area.

Because if you are a little careless, you will die in hell.

But for Zhang Xiaofan
what! ~
After the injection, a tingling pain followed.

However, within Du Zhumei's acceptable range.

"How about it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"It's okay, it's actually not that painful, and it's only for a moment."

Du Zhumei replied.


Zhang Xiaofan let out a breath.

This is the best state Zhang Xiaofan can achieve.

It makes sense that this acupuncture point is called a forbidden zone for acupuncture practitioners.

If it is pierced according to the normal acupuncture method, let alone other things.

Just the pain caused can make the person who was needled fainted to the ground.

But now Du Zhumei just felt a little tingling when piercing.

Next, Zhang Xiaofan continued to pierce the remaining black iron and silver needles into the corresponding acupuncture points on the brain.

After finishing the acupuncture, Du Zhumei felt a mysterious comfort in her mind.

"Next, you feel comfortable and getting more comfortable."

"That's because the nerve that controls you is recovering."

Zhang Xiaofan stood in front of Du Zhumei and said.

Du Zhu stared at Zhang Xiaofan with beautiful eyes.

That kind of gaze is like a wolf seeing food, eager to pounce on it.

"That... Doctor Xiaofan, I'm a little... too uncomfortable right now."

"I feel like I want to hug you."

Du Zhumei said with her red lips moving slightly.

"You have to control it, don't waste your efforts."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Sitting on the bed, Du Zhumei closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort of her recovery.

That feeling is so comfortable that it cannot be described in words, because she has never experienced it before.

Hmm~ hum!
The comfort brought by the recovery made Du Zhumei's body twitch involuntarily, and a comfortable humming sound followed.

She bit her lip tightly, trying to control it.

She opened her eyes.

"Doctor Xiaofan. I can't control it anymore. I feel itchy all over my body. I really want to find a man to hug and kiss."

Du Zhumei's hands were wandering around her body, her face was flushed, it could be seen that she was trying her best to suppress her desire.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and immediately stopped her movement.

Then he said, "I know you're having a hard time, but you have to get it under control."

Suddenly, Du Zhumei grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan with somewhat hungry eyes.

"I can't help it. I'm uncomfortable. No. I'm uncomfortable."

Du Zhumei said a little crazy.

That feeling is comfortable, but at the same time longing.

When the desire is not satisfied as it should be, it is uncomfortable.

The nerves that control that part are recovering, allowing Du Zhumei, who has lived for 30 years, to "see the light of day again".

That feeling of longing followed, like a dormant volcano erupting.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately stopped Du Zhumei who was madly trying to "attack" him.

Two 10 minutes later.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the black iron needle from Du Zhumei's head.

After Du Zhumei suffered for 10 minutes, she felt that she had completely "alive".

The uncomfortable feeling of being unable to control desire is gone.

Instead, it is the comfort of the whole body and mind, plus the feeling that I have become another person.

Because, deep in her mind, there was something more longing.

That is the body of a man.

It may be a bit vulgar to say this, but Du Zhumei, who has been suppressed for 30 years because of neurological problems, is like this.

A desire for a man's body suddenly arose in my mind.

Physiologically, there must have been an unprecedented feeling.

That feeling forced a qualitative change in her original thinking.

She felt that the world was truly complete.

"How are you feeling now?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked after taking out the silver needle.

Du Zhumei straightened her somewhat messy hair.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's handsome face.

She bit her lip, it was an instinctive reaction, especially now that her brain and body couldn't adapt to the changes brought about by getting better.

There was an idea that she wanted to go straight up and kiss Zhang Xiaofan furiously.

After just 10 minutes of Zhang Xiaofan's "training" for her.

She forced herself to empty her head and calm down.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I feel very comfortable now, and I feel like I'm about to start a new life."

"Now, I feel like a real woman."

"In my mind, there is an extra desire, longing for a man's body."

"Desire to have sex with someone you like."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly, he knew that his treatment had achieved the expected effect, and he was very relieved.

Du Zhumei got off the bed, stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Thank you Xiaofan, if it wasn't for you, maybe one day I would leave this world without thinking about it."

"Thank you for giving me a new life."

Du Zhumei became very excited, and she began to sob.

Crystal tears slid down her delicate and smooth face.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know how to comfort Du Zhumei for a moment.

But fortunately Du Zhumei quickly adjusted her emotions, Zhang Xiaofan gave her a tissue, she took it and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Doctor Xiao Fan, your kindness of healing, no, saving your life, I will never forget it."

"Although I, Du Zhumei, are just a girl, if you want to help me in the future, I will definitely spare no expense and do my best."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said with a light smile: "I am a doctor, you come to me for treatment, I will cure you, this is a very normal thing, you don't have to say such a thing."

"Of course, you still have to pay for medical treatment."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Du Zhumei suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, consultation fee, I almost forgot."

Du Zhumei quickly took out a bank card from her bag with the "LV" logo.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I'm in a hurry to go out today."

"There is only [-] in this card, and it is written on the password, so it is part of the consultation fee that I gave first."

Du Zhumei put the bank card in front of Zhang Xiaofan and said.

This was beyond Zhang Xiaofan's expectation.

Zhang Xiaofan picked up the card, then handed it back to Du Meizhu.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I know this money may not mean anything to you, but you can't refuse."

"It's hard for me to say no."

"Maybe, I'll stay with you and never leave."

Du Zhumei sat down and said coquettishly.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be helpless.

This woman Du Zhumei is very "strange", quite unusual.

If she doesn't accept the money, maybe she really depends on it, and it will be troublesome.

"That's fine, you go out first, I have to continue to see a doctor for them."

Zhang Xiaofan said helplessly.

Next, Zhang Xiaofan helped the last two ladies see a doctor.

Except for Du Zhumei who has no husband, all these women are married.

Husbands are either rich or expensive, and their illnesses are all strange.

There are also psychological, gynecological, and mental problems.

Now Zhang Xiaofan can be said to have become an all-round doctor.

Although it seems to be a minor illness, they have all been seen in major hospitals.

But it didn't work at all.

Only after showing it to Zhang Xiaofan now, everyone feels that the effect is immediate.

Be it psychological, spiritual, or physical.

It all felt different.

After Zhang Xiaofan came out of the clinic, he immediately surrounded Zhang Xiaofan again.

Everyone laughed happily, said words of thanks, and had casual physical contact.

The last thing is money, of course it is indispensable.

Since everyone is so enthusiastic, and each one is a rich lady, Zhang Xiaofan accepts them all.

"Okay, all of you wait in the car, Dr. Xiaofan and I have something to talk about."

Madam Li said.

Although they are sisters on the surface, they dare not not listen to Li Yang's wife.

Everyone was obedient, and even got into the car with some reluctance.

"Doctor Xiaofan, look at the matter of my Li Yang."

"Tell me about his condition again. If it's not serious, I'll prescribe some medicine here, and you can just take it back and give it to him."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Mrs. Li told about Li Yang's situation in detail.

After listening, Zhang Xiaofan said: "He needs to learn to restrain himself in this situation, otherwise it will be useless to cure it."

No wonder Miao Zhengdong couldn't be cured.

It turned out to be excessive abuse of the body.

He drinks excessively every day, and his wife needs to help him several times a day, remember to use his hands.

And often take medicine.

Who would have thought that the strongest leader in FY County would be such a man at home?
It's no wonder that a middle-aged man has no problem killing his body like this.

If it's cured, it doesn't matter if it continues to be ruined.

Maybe he will go out and spoil other girls.

"Dr. Xiaofan, thank you very much, then let's go first and don't bother you."

"When you come to the county some other day, you must tell me, and I will ask them to come out and treat you well."

Madam Li said.

At this time, Du Zhumei got out of the car again.

She handed Zhang Xiaofan a business card.

"Doctor Xiaofan, here is my business card. It has my phone number and the address of my company on it. Remember to contact me when you are free."

Du Zhumei's actions made all the other ladies furious.

They want to do the same, but they are all husbands.

And what Dr. Xiaofan hates the most is that women who have husbands casually seduce other men.

"Doctor Xiaofan, what do you think of this Du Zhumei?"

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan looked at Du Zhumei differently, Mrs. Li asked.

"is acceptable."

"At least a little easier to talk to than the others."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you have cured her illness, so you have to be careful."

When Mrs. Li spoke, she smiled differently.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you take this thing."

"Let's go first."

Handing a bag to Zhang Xiaofan, Mrs. Li also boarded the car.

"Goodbye, Doctor Xiaofan. If you go to the county seat, you must invite us."

"Doctor Xiaofan, I will keep your words in mind."

All of them poked their heads out, waved their hands, and reluctantly left.

Zhang Xiaofan also waved his hands with a smile on his face.


The car drove away, Zhang Xiaofan also let out a sigh of relief.

Beautiful young women are not scary, what is scary is a bunch of weird noble young women.

Why do you say that the world is so big, I want to see it, because there are too many people of all kinds in this world that you have never met.

When you meet, you will sigh.

You will say: F***! "

(End of this chapter)

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