Murano's little genius

Chapter 275 My light bulb is broken

Chapter 275 My light bulb is broken
The bag in Zhang Xiaofan's hand is heavy.

When I lifted it up, I saw stacks of red banknotes.

Zhang Xiaofan raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then shook his head and walked back to the clinic.

Zhang Xiaofan never expected that, except for Du Zhumei, everyone gave cash.

This stack, Zhang Xiaofan counted at will, it is 100 million.

Since they are so proactive in sending money, don't take it for nothing.

Zhang Xiaofan took the money, closed the door of the clinic and walked home.

And Zhang Dalei happened to be at home.

"Grandpa, take out the list of the money our family owes, and we can pay back the money."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Zhang Dalei put his hands behind his back, took two steps, stopped and said, "Xiaofan, Grandpa knows what you are doing now, but I also know that you probably don't earn much money."

"And now no one has Cui, let's pay back the money."

"So, if you're going to borrow money from other bosses to pay it back, it's not really necessary."

Zhang Xiaofan helped Zhang Dalei to the stool and sat down: "Grandpa, don't worry, I earned this money."

"Also, I know that everyone is not Cui, so let's pay back the money."

"But what I do now can make a lot of money, and the villagers can see it."

"If I don't pay back the money now, more or less people will gossip later."

"Plus the money has to be paid back sooner or later, so it's just right for me to pay it back now."

"Am I right."

Zhang Dalei said with a chuckle: "Okay, since you have made money, you must return it to others first."

After speaking, Zhang Dalei went to the room and took out a notebook.

Zhang Dalei recorded all the money owed by the family in a notebook.

"Xiaofan, remember to say thank you to others when you go to pay back the money. No matter what happens now, after all, others have helped us."

Zhang Dalei handed the notebook to Zhang Xiaofan and instructed.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded to answer.

"Also, yesterday I went to see Gazi's house, the situation is not very good, and Panzi's house is the same, they helped us back then, if you still have money
"Grandpa, I know how to do it, so you can rest assured."

Zhang Xiaofan gently patted the back of Zhang Dalei's hand covered with scarred old tree roots and said.

My grandfather is a good old man who knows how to repay kindness and is warm-hearted.

Zhang Xiaofan understands this very well.

He wants to focus on repaying those families who have helped him but are now in difficulty if he can.

In one hand, he held the black bag containing money, and in the other hand, he held the account book.

When Zhang Xiaofan left home, he went from family to family to find someone to pay back the money.

These days, there are really not many people who are so active and sincere in paying back the money.

These days, the word integrity has been made very cheap by some people.

Those who owe money are uncles, there is a source for this saying.

Every time he went to a house, Zhang Xiaofan didn't stay for a long time.

Of course, what should be said is in place, and what should be done is also in place.

For many people, Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to pay back the money, which is beyond their expectation.

Not to mention that the time mentioned at that time has not yet come, just Zhang Xiaofan's current identity and reputation is surprising.

In many people's minds, even if Zhang Xiaofan pays back the money, someone will pay it back for him.

He doesn't know how to search for and pay back one by one.

It doesn't live up to his reputation and status.

"Miss Xiaomei, 5000 yuan."

After spending more than two hours, including several people from other villages, Zhang Xiaofan found the people in the book and paid back all the money that should be paid.

When returning it, Zhang Xiaofan will usually give a little more.

And the villagers believed in Zhang Xiaofan very much, and they didn't count the money face to face.

When they count, they will definitely find that Zhang Xiaofan gave a little more.

And now there is the last one left, Miss Xiaomei.

This Xiaomei sister Zhang Xiaofan still has an impression.

I heard that I married a rich man in the county back then, and I lent 5000 yuan to see Zhang Xiaofan's family was in trouble.

If no one remembered her, no one would know that she gave the 5000 yuan.

Because she didn't leave a name, people borrowed it, but she donated directly, and she didn't leave a name.

On the other hand, it is true that she married a rich man.

Zhang Xiaofan asked some people in the village, and learned of Miss Xiaomei's address in the county.

Since he decided to pay back the money, Zhang Xiaofan had to settle it today.

So what if he was in the county town, Zhang Xiaofan drove three rounds and went straight away.

In addition, he had to thank Miss Xiaomei.

People gave 5000 yuan casually back then.

Maybe it's nothing to her who married a rich man, but it is enough to prove that she is a person with love in her heart.

Splendid District.

This is the address Zhang Xiaofan got.

The tricycle stopped in front of the gate of Jinxiu Community.

I don't have a phone, I just know that I live here.

It's not easy to find either!
Zhang Xiaofan could only walk to the security booth and ask, "Hi, I'm here to find someone."

"do not know!"

Before Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, the security guard inside the security booth glanced at Zhang Xiaofan casually, and answered directly with no expression on his face.

Then he picked up his phone and continued playing the game.

This so-called Jinxiu Community is considered a good community in FY County.

Why did you hire such a security guard who was so unqualified and played games at work?
Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

It seems that the property here is not very good.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's intuition.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan was thinking about how to find Zhou Zimei quickly.

A woman with a graceful figure, plump buttocks, and a mature and charming appearance came to the door.

She patted Zhang Xiaofan's back lightly.

Zhang Xiaofan hastily turned around.

"Hey, Doctor Xiaofan really is you, we meet again."

The woman flicked her wavy hair and smiled, so charming.

"Ms. Du? Do you live here?"

This woman is Du Zhumei who went to Shitou Village to see Zhang Xiaofan in the morning.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect that they met again in just a few hours.

This fate really came as soon as it was said, such a coincidence.

"Well, that's where I live."

"Doctor Xiaofan, you know that I live here, so you asked on purpose, right?"

Du Zhumei said with a smile.

"Ms. Du, you misunderstood me. I'm here to find someone."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

Know?Where did he know that Du Zhu didn't live here!

"Looking for someone? Isn't it just looking for me?"

"Dr. Xiaofan, we were separated for a few hours, and you came to me in a hurry. I'm really happy."

"I thought you didn't like women like me."

Du Zhumei moved closer to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped back and explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't come to find you, I came to find a friend."


"Doctor Xiaofan, I'm very sorry, I just made a joke, don't mind."

Du Zhumei smiled showing her white teeth, and hurriedly explained.

Although some words are jokes, they may also be from the heart.

Zhang Xiaofan felt helpless, this Du Zhumei was really not simple.

"Ms. Du, you live here, have you ever heard of a woman named Zhou Zimei?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Du Zhumei thought for a while and answered: "I have lived in Jinxiu District for several years, and I know quite a few people who live there, but I have never heard of this name."

Du Zhumei's answer did not surprise Zhang Xiaofan, but he was not disappointed either.

After all, this community is not small, even though they live in it together, it is normal for them not to know each other.

"However, I can help you ask."

Du Zhumei said.

After finishing speaking, Du Zhumei took out her mobile phone.

"Xiao Zhang, help me find out if there is an owner named Zhou Zimei or a registered tenant in Jinxiu Community."

After half a minute.

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Du Zhumei said to Zhang Xiaofan: "Doctor Xiaofan, I asked about the property in Jinxiu Community, Zhou Zimei lived here before."

"But she sold the house six months ago."


Hearing this answer, Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised.

Then this will be troublesome. If Zhou Zimei is not here, it will be difficult to find her.

"Doctor Xiaofan, may I ask what is the relationship between this Zhou Zimei and you?"

Du Zhumei asked curiously.

"It used to be from our village, but later married to the county seat."

"I have something to do with her, but I didn't expect that she doesn't live here anymore."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Okay, Ms. Du, thank you, I have something to do and I'll leave first."

After Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, he walked towards the direction of the tricycle.

"Doctor Xiaofan, don't go!"

"It's all here, come to my house for a meeting, just take a break and drink a glass of water."

"Also, my light bulb is broken, can you break it for me?"

Du Zhumei hastily stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan, maybe on purpose, her tone of voice was a bit soft.

And deliberately shook the bust.

Coincidentally, Zhang Xiaofan was indeed a little thirsty.

After thinking about it, since he was invited and I am a little thirsty, I should sit down for a while.

What's more, Du Zhumei helped me just now.

(End of this chapter)

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