Murano's little genius

Chapter 276 Go to the hall, go to the kitchen

Chapter 276 Go to the hall, go to the kitchen

"Hello, Mr. Du!"

Zhang Xiaofan and Du Zhumei walked to the gate, the security guard from the security booth quickly came out, straightened his back, and greeted him respectfully.

"You don't have to come to work tomorrow, no, you can resign and get out today."

Du Zhumei's beautiful eyes furrowed slightly, and her voice became serious.

Slightly domineering.

"Ah! Mr. Du, don't do it!"

"Why did you fire me? I didn't do anything wrong!"

Hearing that he was fired, the security man panicked.

This job is very important to him, and she got this security position only through her relationship.

One month plus subsidies, there are also up to 4000 yuan.

In this place of FY County, where to find it!
He couldn't afford to lose the job.

"Don't you know what you did wrong?"

"I invite you to come here for work, not to play with your mobile phone at work, to be an uncle!"

At this moment, Du Zhumei is like that domineering female president.

The security man glanced at Zhang Xiaofan next to Du Zhumei, and seemed to understand something.

He wanted to beg Zhang Xiaofan for mercy: "Brother, I am not.
However, Zhang Xiaofan ignored him.

In fact, Du Zhumei has long known the work attitude and style of this security man.

And just now I saw the scene just now in the distance.

He should have been dismissed long ago.

"Ms. Du, is this Jinxiu community a project of your company?"

The security man was called Mr. Du Zhumei, Zhang Xiaofan asked suspiciously.

Then think of how she could have learned about Zhou Zimei's presence with just a phone call.

Then her identity must have something to do with this splendid community.

"It's, it's not, I'm just one of the shareholders."

Du Zhumei replied.

Regarding Du Zhumei's status, Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem very surprised either.

After all, anyone who can make friends with Li Yang's wife is either rich or powerful in FY County.

But Du Zhumei was not married.

Then she must belong to the rich one.

"Doctor Xiaofan, drink water."

Entering the place where Du Zhumei lived, Zhang Xiaofan sat on the sofa.

After all, Du Zhumei is a woman, and she lives alone.

The decoration style of this house is still dominated by feminine elegance.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan came in, he felt that the place was filled with the unique faint fragrance of women, plus a soft breath.

"Doctor Xiaofan, it must be difficult for you to find someone here in person, right?"

Although Du Zhumei didn't know the specific identity of Zhang Xiaofan.

But through what Li Yang's wife said, she knew that Zhang Xiaofan was definitely not an ordinary person.

Let alone other things, just his medical skills are enough to make many doctors in big hospitals feel ashamed.

Such an extraordinary person opened a clinic in a mountain village as a village doctor.

How puzzling it is.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly, and then said: "Ms. Du, you just said that the light bulb is broken, which one is it? Let me change it for you."

Du Zhumei suddenly realized: "Here."

She took Zhang Xiaofan over there.

In fact, Du Zhumei casually said that the light bulb was broken.

Where is the light bulb that is so easy to break.

However, now Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to talk about it.

Then she must pretend that a light bulb did go out.

"Doctor Xiaofan, this is it."

Walking to the study, Du Zhumei pointed to the light bulb on the wall and said.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan turned on the light switch.

light is on.
This atmosphere was suddenly awkward and embarrassing for Du Zhumei.

"How did this get better? It wasn't bright last night."

Du Zhumei said with a little embarrassment.

She didn't expect Zhang Xiaofan to turn on the light switch suddenly.

Seeing Du Zhumei's face flushed slightly because of embarrassment, Zhang Xiaofan said easily: "Maybe I had bad contact at that time."

He knew that Du Zhumei had lied to him.

But this deception is still a white lie, Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything on purpose.

"Well, Doctor Xiaofan, you must be hungry, right? I bought some food just now, and I bought a little too much, why don't you have a meal here."

Du Zhumei said.

"Hehe, since Ms. Du has said so, then I will not be polite."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

It stands to reason that Zhang Xiaofan shouldn't stay here to eat.

But it seems that there is no reason for the rejection.

I was hungry, but I couldn't find Zhou Zimei.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's promise, Du Zhumei didn't react at first, then a smile appeared, happy like a flower.

She wanted to keep Zhang Xiaofan down for dinner, but she guessed that Zhang Xiaofan would not agree.

The reason why I said it suddenly was to ease the little embarrassment just now.

But who would have thought, Zhang Xiaofan agreed!

For Du Zhumei, today is a new chapter in her life.

And Zhang Xiaofan is the one who opened her new chapter.

Zhang Xiaofan was her savior, and after Du Zhumei recovered the feeling that a normal woman should have.

Seeing the feeling of Zhang Xiaofan's handsome face, there is an urgent desire in his heart.

That desire is strong.

She knew why this was happening, but she got it under control.

She thinks it should be because Zhang Xiaofan has just cured her illness, no matter it is because she has not adapted physically or mentally.

"Doctor Xiaofan, then you go to the living room and sit while I cook."

After finishing speaking, Du Zhumei went to the kitchen.

And Zhang Xiaofan also walked to the living room.

Sit on the sofa and turn on the TV.

Du Zhumei specially changed a set of clothes because she was going to cook.

The moment you walk out of the room.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at him.

Du Zhumei changed into a set of maroon thin ice silk flat-knee dress.

She tied up her long, wavy hair.

That kind of feeling is mature with the beauty of a young woman at home.

The hair is tied up, revealing the white jade neck, which makes you want to go up and kiss it.

The skirt style is loose though.

But I can't stand Du Zhumei's first-class figure.

The feeling of fullness can still be seen in the looseness, which has a special aesthetic feeling.

When walking, the skirt is waving, and the looming and proud bust really makes you imagine.

And her beautiful round jade legs, smooth and white.

The feeling of seductive beauty really makes you want to explore and discover something.

Half an hour later, three dishes and one soup were served on the dinner table.

The aroma of the food has completely stimulated Zhang Xiaofan's appetite.

A woman like Du Zhumei can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen.

She personally helped Zhang Xiaofan fill a bowl of soup, and put it in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Doctor Xiaofan, please don't mind if it doesn't taste good."

Du Zhumei twitched a few black hairs, and said with a sweet smile.

Zhang Xiaofan picked up a small spoon and took a mouthful of soup.

"It's really good! I haven't had such a good soup for a long time."

After tasting it, Zhang Xiaofan quickly praised it.

"Dr. Xiaofan has won the prize, you can order."

With that said, Du Zhumei helped Zhang Xiaofan pick up some vegetables.

This made Zhang Xiaofan uncomfortable.

However, it's hard to say anything.

Zhang Xiaofan also tasted the dishes.

Nodding quickly, he said, "Ms. Du, your cooking skills have firmly grasped the man's stomach."

"Blessed be your husband in the future."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's praise, Du Zhumei smiled like a flower.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you don't need to call me Ms. Du from now on, you can just call me Xiaomei or Zhumei."

Du Zhumei looked at Zhang Xiaofan with bright eyes.

"How about I call you Miss Zhumei?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

After getting in touch with her, Zhang Xiaofan felt that Du Zhumei looked OK so far.

It is also possible to become ordinary friends.

"Okay, as long as you don't call me Ms. Du."

Ms. Du's title, other people called Du Zhumei didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

But when Zhang Xiaofan called out, she felt like there was a gap.

She wanted to get close to Zhang Xiaofan and be friends with Zhang Xiaofan, but Zhang Xiaofan seemed to want to stay away from her.

There is an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

"Sister Zhumei, there is something I forgot to tell you."

"Because the nerves that control you have just recovered, if you encounter that kind of thing, you will easily do impulsive things."

"So, I suggest that you don't get in touch with men deeply if you can during this time, especially the ones who like you, but you are not very sure about him."

"I'm afraid that if you accidentally lose control, you will make yourself regret it."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to talk about this kind of thing at first, but now that he is so fated to see him again so soon, and at present, Du Zhumei is not bad.

That is a warm reminder between ordinary friends.

"Thank you, Doctor Xiaofan, I will."

"Actually, many people know that I'm against having that kind of relationship with men."

"So, no one dares to like me."

"However, this also proves that those men are all here for that."

Du Zhumei said.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything.

Because he is not good at evaluating, if a woman refuses to do that kind of thing.

Then will you be her boyfriend, or marry her as a wife?
Zhang Xiaofan thought about it, he might not be able to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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