Murano's little genius

Chapter 277 Do You Deserve To Know My Name?

Chapter 277 Do You Deserve To Know My Name?

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a hasty knock on the door.

It seems that the comer is not good.

Du Zhumei walked towards the door.

"Who is it! Knock on the door like this."

While speaking, she opened the door.

A man with a goatee stood outside the door impressively, and there were several tall men with fierce looks standing behind him.

Just seeing that face, Du Zhumei wanted to close the door without even saying a word.

"Mr. Du, I've already come to your door, why don't you keep me out like this?"

Unfortunately, the door was blocked by several people.

I can't even close it.

"This is my home. If you come in without my consent, that is trespassing. I want to call the police."

Du Zhumei said angrily.

"Ah! My beautiful Mr. Du, please report."

"You can see what I can do."

The man with the goatee spread his hands indifferently.

"Mr. Du, I heard that you don't like doing that kind of thing with men."

"I don't believe that, I think they're talking nonsense."

"So... I'm going to give it a try today."

The man with the goatee made a sensual expression.

"Wang Jun, how dare you!"

Du Zhumei said loudly.

"Hehe, Mr. Du, I've come here, do you think I dare?"

"You are the first woman who can let me chase here from Qingyun City."

Wang Jun walked directly to the door.

Du Zhumei wanted to close the door, but the people behind Wang Jun were all strong men.

How could she, a woman, be able to promote it.

"Huh? It smells so good! I just like the smell of girls' rooms."

"And the decoration here is my favorite style."

"If you can do that kind of thing in this hall, Zuzu! It's interesting to think about it."


Wang Jun glanced over, and he saw a man.

"who are you?"

Wang Jun frowned and asked.

"Du Zhumei! Du Zhumei, I just said how can a woman not like to do that kind of thing."

"It turns out that I secretly hid the man at home."


Looking at Du Zhumei, Wang Jun looked again.

"Wang Jun, don't talk nonsense, he is just my friend."

Du Zhumei explained.

In fact, she didn't need to explain at all.


"Then I'd like to see who this friend of yours is, He Shenxian, who actually allows you to secretly bring him home to eat."

Wang Jun was full of anger in his heart.

Not only to Du Zhumei, but also to Zhang Xiaofan who was sitting in the hall.

After speaking, Wang Jun walked directly to the hall.

And Du Zhumei also ran up.

She stopped in front of Wang Jun, and then took out her mobile phone: "Wang Jun, get out of here immediately, or I'll call the police immediately!"

Du Zhumei was very angry about Wang Jun's behavior.

She knew that Wang Jun was not simple, but she never expected him to be so shameless.

After finishing speaking, Du Zhumei was ready to call the police with her mobile phone.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his hand.

"Sister Zhumei, you don't need to bother the police for such a trivial matter, they are very busy."

Zhang Xiaofan, who came over, signaled Du Zhumei not to call the police.

Wang Jun stared at Zhang Xiaofan, then smiled and said, "Hehe, what are you? How dare you pretend to be in front of me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"In FY County, I can change the sky with just one move!"

Du Zhumei showed a worried look, even the strongest and strongest people in FY County were afraid of Zhang Xiaofan, this proved that Zhang Xiaofan was definitely not someone who would take nothing for granted.

However, the Wang Jun in front of him.

Although she didn't know much about it, she also knew that the person standing behind him was very difficult.

At least, in Qingyun City, it is an existence that covers the sky with one hand.

Therefore, when he came to Qingfei County, even Li Yang should not dare to touch him casually.

And Zhang Xiaofan
"Miss Zhumei, sit down."

Zhang Xiaofan helped Du Zhumei's jade hand to let her sit down.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan didn't care about himself.

Wang Jun was burning with anger, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

In Wang Jun's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is just a soft-bodied boy whom Du Zhumei likes.

To have such an attitude in front of him is unforgivable.

"Press him to the ground!"

Wang Jun said loudly.

Immediately, several menacing men from behind stepped forward.

He wants to grab Zhang Xiaofan directly.

"You move and try!"

Zhang Xiaofan turned his head, his gaze was like that of a devil, making people tremble with fear.

There seemed to be an inexplicable aura emanating from his body, which made people breathe heavily and dare not move an inch.

Beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of several big men.

He swallowed dryly.

"What are you doing standing still!"

"Give me a hand!"

Wang Jun continued to shout!

Hearing Wang Jun's voice, they plucked up their courage and stepped forward.

On paper, any big guy can rub Zhang Xiaofan on the ground.

This hall is not too big, not too small.

And put a lot of things, in order to ensure that it will not be destroyed by fighting.

Zhang Xiaofan's attack was quick, precise and ruthless, and he fell to the ground with one move.

No one could see the speed of the shot clearly, and several big men lay directly on the ground.

His expression was so painful that he couldn't even cry out.


Wang Jun was dumbfounded!

"What the hell is going on?"

He looked at several big men lying on the ground.

Also kicked a few times, but unfortunately to no avail.

"Damn! Boy, what did you do to them?"

Although Wang Jun didn't know what happened, he knew that Zhang Xiaofan did it.

Zhang Xiaofan said expressionlessly: "Do you also want to lie on the ground?"

"Grass mud horse, you dare to touch a hair of me, I will let you die!"

Wang Jun gritted his teeth and said loudly, with a heavy threat.


Zhang Xiaofan slapped him across the face.

Wang Jun was just a few moths in front of him.

This slap, Zhang Xiaofan deliberately withdrew a lot of force, fearing that Wang Jun would be slapped to death.

However, although the strength was small, Wang Jun was still drawn directly to the ground.

I felt dizzy, and then my whole face swelled like a pig's head.

"Apologize to Sister Zhumei, and get out."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Covering the half of his face that was hit by Zhang Xiaofan, a burst of anger burned in Wang Jun's heart, if his eyes could kill, he would have killed him hundreds of times.

How could he have expected such an ending in just a short moment.

"Boy, if you have the ability, tell me your name!"

"As long as you don't kill me today, I will make you unable to bear the pain of revenge later!"

Enduring the severe pain, Wang Jun said angrily.

"Just you? Do you deserve to know my name?"

Zhang Xiaofan answered coldly.

Zhang Xiaofan's words were like a spear piercing Wang Jun's chest.

He Wang Jun, when did he suffer such humiliation!

Although he is only a small person, there are people behind him to support him!
Normally, who would dare to treat him like this!
Wang Jun stood up, his eyebrows raised.

But the stunned voice no longer dared to utter a sound.

In terms of fighting strength, Zhang Xiaofan is a tiger and he is a worm.

There is no comparison at all.

"let's go!"

He kicked several people lying on the ground.

After a burst of severe pain, several big men on the ground could barely stand up.

But just reluctantly, he still walked out step by step.

"Doctor Xiaofan, are you okay?"

Du Zhumei stepped forward and asked about it.

Zhang Xiaofan, just now, has such a handsome figure, his whole body is surrounded by heroism.

It was a breath that made women unable to extricate themselves.

Du Zhumei admitted that the little girl in her came out again.

"It's okay, they are almost like bugs in my eyes."

"Sister Zhumei, who are they?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I met that Wang Jun at a real estate exchange conference in Qingyun City."

"He kept pestering me during those few days in Qingyun City."

"I thought that if the things about me got to his ears, he wouldn't be pestering me."

"Unexpectedly, he came to FY County yesterday."

"It even came to my house directly today."

Du Zhumei said with some fear.

If Zhang Xiaofan is not here today.
that consequence.
"Miss Zhumei, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Du Zhumei put her hands on her lower abdomen, and her lips instantly turned white.

"Doctor Xiaofan. What's the date today?"

Du Zhumei endured the pain and asked.

When Du Zhumei asked Zhang Xiaofan's number, Zhang Xiaofan understood instantly.

"let me see."

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone.


Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Doctor Xiaofan. I'm sorry. My aunt may be coming."

Du Zhumei said with a blushing face.

So he went to the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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