Murano's little genius

Chapter 278 Accident

Chapter 278 Accident
Coming out of the bathroom, Zhang Xiaofan saw that Du Zhumei was still clutching her stomach, her face was a little pale.

"Sister Zhumei, do you always feel this pain when you come here?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"It's been like this for the past six months."

"So I usually rest at home when I come here."

"Sometimes the pain makes me break out in a cold sweat, and I can't even stand up."

"I went to the hospital a few times and took some medicine, but it didn't work."

Du Zhumei said.

"Go to my place in the morning, you should have said."

What Zhang Xiaofan said.

"At that time, I was thinking about the most important disease."

Du Zhumei replied.

People have more important illnesses to see, and minor illnesses are forgotten.

"Sit down and I'll take a look for you."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Du Zhumei sat down.

And Zhang Xiaofan simply felt the pulse for Du Zhumei.

However, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the body.

"I have seen many doctors, and they all said that there is nothing wrong with my body."

Du Zhumei replied.

"It may be because of the previous incident that put you under a lot of mental pressure."

"Heavy mental stress can also cause severe menstrual pain."

"But it should be fine in the future, after all, your problem has been solved."

"If you are still in pain, I can help you massage to relieve it."

Zhang Xiaofan said. .


Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan could give her a massage, Du Zhumei must be happy in her heart.

"Doctor Xiaofan, should we go into the room or here on the sofa?"

Du Zhumei asked.

"It's all right."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Then let's go into the room, the sofa is a bit small."

Du Zhumei said.

It doesn't matter where it is, because it won't affect Zhang Xiaofan's "craft".

After entering the room, Du Zhumei lay on the bed directly.

That picture is simply not too good.

"Miss Zhumei, take off your skirt."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly.

"Ah! This"

It's not that Du Zhumei didn't want to, it was just too sudden.

However, being open-minded and bold, she thought about it and thought it was nothing.

He stood up and took off the dress directly.

I *, Du Zhumei didn't wear **.

There is a reason for being so proud without wearing underwear.

"Lie down on your back and relax your body."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

For Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills, Du Zhumei has no doubts.

So she will do whatever Zhang Xiaofan says.

There was no trace of shyness on Du Zhumei's face because of her radiance.

She lay flat on the bed, put her hands down naturally, and then took a deep breath to relax her body.

Zhang Xiaofan sat and stood beside the bed.

He put his hand gently on Du Zhumei's lower abdomen.

Then move very skillfully.

Zhang Xiaofan's hand is extremely warm.

With the massage of Zhang Xiaofan's hands.

Du Zhumei felt a warm current enter her abdomen.

Warm and very comfortable.

Then the pain gradually disappeared.

Du Zhumei enjoyed the feeling of being massaged by Zhang Xiaofan.

It really made her forget everything and enjoy it to the fullest.

"All right."

Although Zhang Xiaofan was able to concentrate on one thing when he was practicing medicine, he had no other distractions.

But massage for too long is easy to break the defense.

Plus, Du Zhumei's explosive figure is no joke.

He not only looks, but also massages his hands.

Massage is intimate contact with the body.

Nothing. Hands on that feeling.

That means Zhang Xiaofan can control it.

Of course, control even if you can't control it.

Aunt Du Zhumei is here, even if you are a strong woman, you can't do it.

After the massage introduction, Zhang Xiaofan walked out of the room.

After getting dressed, Du Zhumei also came out.

"Sister Zhumei, I have something to do first."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

She just received a WeChat message from Li Tingting.

Said that something happened, if Zhang Xiaofan is free, he will come over.

Du Zhumei originally wanted to keep him, but he thought that Zhang Xiaofan was lucky to stay here for so long.

I no longer dare to expect anything extravagantly.

Du Zhumei sent Zhang Xiaofan downstairs.

Coming out of Jinxiu Community, Zhang Xiaofan drove three wheels towards the place where Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong were live broadcasting.

Because of the miraculous skin care products given by Zhang Xiaofan.

Ye Tongtong's bet of earning 1000 million a month has been completed.

But, something seems wrong
At this moment, inside the building.

A group of people poured into Li Tingting's live broadcast studio.

"We are still your fans thanks to our trust in you!"

"Look at my wife's face, she just used your so-called miraculous skin care products."

"Now it has become like this, the doctor said, it will be like this in this life."

A woman wearing a hat and a mask pulled down.

Her face was extremely terrifying, as ugly as if it had been splashed with acid.

It looks startling.

"Let me tell you, if you don't give [-] million today, you won't be able to solve the problem!"

The man in a suit pointed at Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong and said loudly.

"One hundred million is cheaper for her. I think I should also put that thing on her face, so that she can feel the disfigurement."

"Yes, wipe it on her face!"

These people didn't know where they came from. Not only did they look lively, but they also wanted to punish Li Tingting one-sidedly.

"Everyone listen to me, there must be a misunderstanding here."

"Other people who bought this skin care product said it was fine, and the effect was as amazing as we said."

"And if this happens with the one you use, there must be a misunderstanding."

Faced with so many people, Li Tingting still remained calm and responded calmly.

On the contrary, Ye Tongtong, who was always bold, was a little scared, especially after she saw the woman's face.

"What do you mean by that? You said we did this on purpose when we were looking for trouble?"

"Damn it, you, an internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, is so good at shirking responsibility. Let me tell you, I must expose you!"

"Let thousands of netizens judge the truth!"

After speaking, the man took out his mobile phone.

The same goes for the others, who have already taken out their mobile phones to "join in the fun".

"I know that you are not only a big internet celebrity, but also have a rich family."

"It shouldn't be too difficult for your family to lose [-] million yuan."

"Of course, it's fine if you don't pay [-] million yuan. My wife said that she wants to make your face just like hers."

"Let you feel the feeling of being disfigured!"

"And you, you can't run away either!"

The man in the suit spoke louder and louder, but the woman remained silent.

"I think there must be no problem with our products."

"So, I'm going to call the police to deal with this matter."

Li Tingting said.

After speaking, she took out the phone.

However, his mobile phone was photographed on the ground by someone.

"Why call the police, the evidence is already here."

"There's something wrong with what you bought."

"If you don't believe it, paint your face yourself."

The man in the suit said encouragingly.

Li Tingting is not stupid, it seems that this group of people came here to make trouble on purpose.

They must have tampered with that box of skin care products.

If you paint your face yourself, you will fall into their trick.

"Look, everyone, this big internet celebrity has a guilty conscience."

"I don't even dare to use my own products."

"Obviously there is a problem."

"Now that my wife's face has been disfigured, there is no apology at all, and the blame is placed on us."

"It's so nasty!"

"Everyone smashed this place!"

The man in the suit spoke as if calling everyone.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

After finishing speaking, a group of people picked up all the things in the live broadcast place, and then dropped and smashed them!

"Come on! Come and try what you sell!"

The man in the suit picked up the bottle of "skin care product" and was about to wipe it off Li Tingting's face.

And several men appeared out of nowhere, ready to control Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong.


If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

The sound was like thunder, shaking everyone's heart to tremble and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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