Murano's little genius

Chapter 283 Looking for Cooperation

Chapter 283 Looking for Cooperation

There was still something to do in the village, and Zhou Zimei was not found, so Zhang Xiaofan stayed a little longer, then told Li Peishan and Li Tingting and rushed back.

Regarding the matter of the pharmaceutical company, we are now waiting for the medicinal materials to be planted.

And Chen Yifa also called Zhang Xiaofan, and the needed seedlings or seeds had arrived.

Although most of the medicinal seedlings or seeds that Zhang Xiaofan needs are not particularly precious, they are rare.

It took Chen Yifa a little effort to buy it.

Of course, it was because of money.

Zhang Xiaofan said, it doesn't matter if it's expensive, as long as it can be bought.

Moreover, this batch has just arrived, Zhang Xiaofan has asked Chen Yifa to buy another batch.

As a company, things must be prepared in advance.

Not to mention things that need to be planted.

"Wanrou, I have something to trouble you."

"My farm needs more than a dozen employees, you can help me find them in the village."

Zhang Xiaofan can basically let go of the matter of planting medicinal materials.

Both Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan were in charge.

And financial affairs also have Zhou Shuyi.

What Zhang Xiaofan did was issue orders.

As for the breeding farm, it is now in the initial stage, and Zhang Xiaofan has to devote himself to building it up.

"If you invite me, my fee is very high."

Lin Wanrou looked at Zhang Xiaofan strangely and said.

"Okay, tell me the price."

Zhang Xiaofan answered directly.

"Just kidding, I still want to find you if you don't tell me."

"Now all the villagers know that you are paid well for doing things for you, and they are all clamoring for you to do things for you."

"Just now, many villagers came to the village committee."

"It is said that both Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan choose candidates who have a good relationship."

"And those who can work are not picked."

Lin Wanrou said.

Zhang Xiaofan replied with a smile: "There is no such thing, they chose people based on my requirements."

"Although I want to lead the villagers to become rich, people must have a correct mind, be reliable and diligent in doing things."

"It's not good to be lazy."

Zhang Xiaofan understood what Zhang Xiaofan meant, doing so would bring a positive energy to Stone Village.

As long as you have a pious heart, a hardworking heart, don't use your brain, and do things in a down-to-earth manner.

Then you can make money, and in the long run, as long as you are capable, you will make more and more money.

"Okay, just leave this matter to me, who told me to be the village head?"

"Whether I'm the village chief is good or not, it's not up to you to decide."

Lin Wanrou said mischievously.

Although the words were joking, they made sense.

The reason why Lin Wanrou, a female village head from outside, can do so well in Stone Village.

It is still loved by so many villagers, this is inseparable from Zhang Xiaofan.

Reconstruction of schools; road repairs in villages;

These are inseparable from Zhang Xiaofan.

Of course, Lin Wanrou also handled some small things well, and these villagers saw it.

Well done, the villagers must love it.

the next day.

Muyuan Company sent the first batch of chickens and ducks that Zhang Xiaofan needed.

There are not many, two thousand chicks, two thousand ducklings, plus one thousand mature chickens and one thousand ducks.

The quantity is definitely not much for a large breeding company like Muyuan Company.

But Fang Wen ordered Gao Yibiao to send the chicks and ducklings to Stone Village in person.

This is a kind of respect for Zhang Xiaofan.

According to Zhang Xiaofan's request, Lin Wanrou helped Zhang Xiaofan find ten villagers.

They all have farming experience.

Since they had breeding experience, Zhang Xiaofan didn't give any more instructions.

In addition, Gao Yibiao also brought two workers with rich farming experience.

These two workers are professional.

Although the villagers all have farming experience, they still don't understand some professional farming experience.

So Zhang Xiaofan agreed with them to stay, and this can be regarded as allowing them to improve themselves.

In fact, there is no need for too professional breeders here.

After all, these chickens and ducks are invulnerable to all diseases after eating the medicinal materials that have absorbed the "spiritual liquid".

Don't worry about dying of illness.

Just feed them on time.

Since eating chickens and ducks that have absorbed the "spiritual liquid" medicinal materials can change.

Then why does Zhang Xiaofan still buy chickens and ducklings?

The reason is that the villagers can have something to do for a long time, and they can get the corresponding labor remuneration every day, and it doesn't matter how hard it is, the hard work will be rewarded.

And those who can really make money quickly are those chickens and ducks that have entered the mature stage.

As long as they are fed with specific medicinal materials, their meat quality can be changed, making them full of treasures.

In Zhang Xiaofan's plan, he will cooperate with restaurants at the beginning.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan has to quickly find a suitable hotel for cooperation.

First release a mine, and when it rang, many people were attracted.

You can do it yourself.

Shi'ao Hotel is the first hotel Zhang Xiaofan was looking for.

Why Shiao Hotel?
Although there was an unpleasant incident at Shi'ao Hotel last time, it was the manager's fault, and the boss is still nice.

As far as Zhang Xiaofan knows, Shi'ao Hotel has been operating in Shi'ao Town for more than ten years.

A restaurant can be operated for more than ten years, which also proves that the restaurant is indeed built with heart.

Otherwise, you really can't do it for that long.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't waste time.

He first fed a chicken with specific medicinal materials that had absorbed the spiritual liquid.

Then I drove three rounds and took the chicken to Shi'ao Town.

As soon as he came to Shi'ao Hotel, the waiter recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

Before Zhang Xiaofan said he wanted to find the boss, the waiter took the initiative to call Shi Lei.

Because, this is Shi Lei's order.

The next time Zhang Xiaofan comes to the restaurant, he must be notified immediately.

Shi Lei who received the call, although he was dealing with some matters.

But he drove over immediately.

"Mr. Xiaofan, is there anything I can do for you?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Shi Lei was like those waiters, so respectful.

As a businessman, seeing people and doing things is his basic principle.

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of Zhang Xiaofan.

But he knew it was definitely not easy.

All he can do is Zhang Xiaofan come here to do well the attitude he should show and the things he should do.

"I have a business to do with you."

Zhang Xiaofan said flatly.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan wanted to do business with him, Shi Lei was flattered.

However, he was a little scared.

Although he can be regarded as a rich man in Shi'ao Town.

But what he has been pursuing for so many years is an ordinary life.

To open a restaurant well is his ideal.

Therefore, he has been managing Shi'ao Hotel with all his heart these years, and it has stood firm for more than ten years.

If he does business with Zhang Xiaofan, it means that he may not be able to be ordinary anymore.

Because, Zhang Xiaofan's identity is there, although the specifics are unknown, but it definitely belongs to the level of a big shot.

"Mr. Xiaofan, thanks to your appreciation, if there is anything I can do to help, I will do my best."

It's a pity that Shi Lei can only say yes.

If he offends Zhang Xiaofan, who is even afraid of the FY county leader, it will be difficult for him for the rest of his life.

"You don't need to be burdened, I'm looking for you purely for business."

"And the kind that can make a lot of money."

The more Zhang Xiaofan said that, the more scared Shi Lei became.

Big money?

Will you find yourself if you make a lot of money?

Is it illegal?

This is what Shi Lei thought in his heart.

A big man finds himself, a small boss, to do business and says he can make a lot of money.

Isn't this pie in the sky?

Such a good thing, except for Shi Lei who breaks the law, he can't think of anything else.

"Doctor Xiaofan, I'm a little nervous to do business with you, please forgive me."

Because of nervousness and fear, Shi Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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