Murano's little genius

Chapter 284 How is it so amazing

Chapter 284 How is it so amazing

"Boss Shi, I brought a chicken over here, tell the kitchen staff to kill it and make soup."

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to a chicken on the ground and said.

Shi Lei was stunned.

Only now did he realize that there was a native chicken under the stool Zhang Xiaofan was sitting on.

"Mr. Xiaofan, why did you bring a chicken?"

A little confused, Shi Lei asked something that he regretted.

"Mr. Xiaofan, we have all kinds of vegetables here. The chickens are all raised by ourselves, and there is absolutely no feed."

Shi Lei continued.

"Let's eat and talk later, you can ask someone to stew it into soup, you don't need to put anything deliberately, just simply boil it."

Zhang Xiaofan said flatly.

Shi Lei couldn't understand more and more.

He didn't know what Zhang Xiaofan was going to do.

Brought a chicken?Also specifically ordered to kill the soup?
This made Shi Lei's heart seem to be covered with a layer of fog, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

He was afraid in his heart, he was afraid of what Zhang Xiaofan and others would tell him.

Shi Lei took the chicken to the back kitchen and ordered the chef to kill it and cook the soup.

Then he walked back anxiously.

"Boss Shi, can I ask what is the monthly profit of your restaurant?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked directly.

Shi Lei thought for a while and replied slowly: "After rent, water and electricity, labor and other miscellaneous things, I have about 7 to [-] yuan in my own hands."

Can earn 80 million a year.

In this small town, a restaurant can earn 80 million a year.

That's amazing.

But when you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem surprising that Shi'ao Hotel is the largest and best-selling restaurant in Shi'ao Town.

It seems reasonable to earn so much a year.

"Would you believe it if I said that I could make your restaurant's profit increase several times a month?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

How many times?

Shi'ao Hotel can achieve this profit in a month, which is already sky-high.

Now this profit is already based on the fact that every meal is full of customers every day.

However, it is only that big, and there are only so many people who often come to eat.

It is impossible to make more money.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Shi Lei was surprised on the surface.

Shi Lei wanted to shake his head as well as nod.

"Mr. Xiaofan, I'm stupid, please explain clearly."

Shi Lei didn't dare to talk nonsense, if he believed it, maybe he flattered him too much.

Believe it or not, if you make Zhang Xiaofan angry, the consequences will be ugly.

"What's the matter with your food today? It's so unpalatable that I can't eat a single bite."

"Call me your boss!"

A guest called out loudly.

"Mr. Xiaofan, wait a moment, I'll go over and deal with it."

Shi Lei said.

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Boss, what's the matter with your food today? Not only is it unpalatable, but I also feel a little dizzy after eating it, and now I feel like vomiting. It's very uncomfortable."

"Aren't today's dishes unclean?"

The man directly yelled at Shi Lei who walked over.

The man was wearing a big gold necklace and not cheap clothes, and there was a big wallet and a BMW car key on the table.

It's kind of like a little rich man.

"Boss, our dishes are very clean."

"In addition, our chef has never changed, so there is no such thing as a change in taste."

Although Shi Lei's attitude showed respect, he also reserved the hotel's rights and interests in his words.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You mean I'm finding fault on purpose?"

"I make tens of thousands of dollars a day, and I'm wasting time finding fault with you?"

The man wearing the gold necklace patted the table heavily.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

"If you feel uncomfortable after eating, we won't charge you for this meal."

"Also, if you need to go to the hospital for examination, we will pay for it."

"Of course, if it's not caused by eating our food, then the situation is different."

Shi Lei said.

"Who are you yelling at?"

"You mean I have no money?"

"What I need is for you to kneel down and apologize to me!"

The man wearing the gold necklace pointed at Shi Lei's nose and shouted.

"Boss, the guests who dine here can hear it, I didn't scold you."

"I'm just expressing the specific facts of the situation."

Shi Lei was not intimidated by the man wearing the gold necklace.

I have been working as a restaurant for more than ten years, maybe this kind of situation has been seen more often.

"Your uncle! Believe it or not, I smashed your shop!"

The man with the gold necklace was furious.

Put a bottle of beer directly on the table.

He fell hard to the ground.

"If you do that again, I'll call the police."

Shi Lei stared at the man wearing the gold necklace and said.

"You sign up for a try!"

The man with the gold necklace had a threatening tone in his words.

Shi Lei directly took out his phone
A hand stretched out.

Signaled Shi Lei not to call.

"Mr. Xiaofan, why are you here?"

"I'm really sorry to bother you."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this right away."

Shi Lei quickly said respectfully.

"Have you recently felt palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, not eating as much as before, poor appetite, and occasional diarrhea."

Zhang Xiaofan said to the man wearing the gold necklace.

"So what? Who are you?"

The man with the gold necklace, who was still angry at first, was momentarily taken aback when he heard what Zhang Xiaofan said, and then said with a bad attitude.

"Speak politely to Mr. Xiaofan!"

Shi Lei at the side pointed at the man wearing the gold necklace and said in a warning manner.

"My Nima!"

When Shi Lei said that, the man with the gold necklace immediately became angry from embarrassment.

The fist swung directly.

"If you have something to say, don't do it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The fist of the man with the gold necklace was easily caught by Zhang Xiaofan, and then tried to move, but found that it seemed to be clamped by iron tongs.

"Bastard, let me go!"

The man with the gold necklace yelled at Zhang Xiaofan.

"There is something wrong with your body, if you continue like this, you will probably be suspended."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing this, the expression of the man with the gold necklace changed.

There is indeed a problem with his body, and there is no sign of getting better after taking a lot of medicine.

How did Zhang Xiaofan know?

"What do you mean by that?"

The man with the gold necklace asked with doubts.

The anger also dropped a little.

"You should know about your own body."

"Also, you should have gone to see a doctor."

"Your situation is not serious, and it is not serious."

"Cure it in time, then you'll be fine."

"If it continues like this, it will be useless to spend more money."

Zhang Xiaofan's words seem to be a bit similar to what the doctor he saw before said.

"Who are you? If it can be cured, I can die!"

The doctor of the man with the gold necklace said that it needs a long-term conditioning process.

There are so many things that need to be quit.

However, he is a businessman, and it is impossible to do it.

What about going to bed early and getting up early, quitting smoking and drinking.

It would kill him to do so.

"Boss Shi, the chicken soup should have been stewed just now, go and get a bowl here."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Shi Lei.


Shi Lei didn't know why Zhang Xiaofan wanted a bowl of chicken soup at this time.

But he had to follow suit.

"Boy, what tricks are you doing?"

The man with the gold necklace is also a little confused for the time being, what is Zhang Xiaofan going to do?
"Let me make a bet with you, after you drink this bowl of chicken soup, if you feel that your physical condition has improved significantly, then you can spend 1000 yuan to buy this bowl of soup, and now eat here You pay for the money people spend.”

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the bowl of chicken soup that Shi Lei brought over and said.

This is a restaurant, although Zhang Xiaofan's voice is not loud, everyone can hear it.

There was an immediate uproar.

What about bragging?

There was a lot of discussion.

"Haha! I have been in the sales business for more than ten years, and I have dealt with all kinds of people, but I have never seen a person like you who brags so outrageously."

"Your chicken soup is a god chicken descended to earth, and you can also cure my illness with a bowl."

"Okay, I like to gamble."

"If I drink this bowl of soup and it doesn't have any effect, then you, apologize to me in front of everyone, including you, of course."

After finishing speaking, the man with the gold necklace also pointed to Shi Lei.


Shi Lei was furious and dared not speak.

Because Zhang Xiaofan has not spoken yet.

"Boss Shi, give him the soup."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Xiaofan, this."

Shi Lei felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He really didn't know what Zhang Xiaofan was going to do.

This is so unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Helpless, Shi Lei still gave the chicken soup to the man with the gold necklace.

The man with the gold necklace smiled proudly, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and shook his head, as if he was saying that Zhang Xiaofan had a problem with his mind.

So, I finished the chicken soup in one gulp.

"Do you think it will be effective for that person to drink the chicken soup?"

"What the fuck, isn't that just a bowl of chicken soup? You think it's a magic medicine! If it works, I'll eat my shit."

"The soup is definitely useless, but you can see Boss Shi's attitude towards the young man, as if he met some important person."

"So I think that after the man wearing the gold necklace knows the identity of the young man, he will admit defeat if the chicken soup doesn't work."

"I finished the soup, tell me, how long will this soup be effective?"

The man with the gold necklace wiped his mouth and asked.

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out a finger.

"One hour?"

"Let me tell you, my time is precious, and I don't have that time."

"I advise you to apologize to me quickly."

"Stop acting so much."

The man with the gold necklace said impatiently.

"1 minutes."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

This statement came out.

There was another uproar.

Shi Lei on the side scratched his head.

He even wondered if something went wrong with Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

"Haha! Well, what can I do with a fool?"

The man with the gold necklace almost burst into laughter.

"Huh? Did you see that the complexion wearing the gold necklace seems to have improved a lot. It looked a little yellow just now, but now it's turning red."

"That's right! And his bags under the eyes, which were very big just now, are much smaller now, and his eyes seem to be clearer."

Seeing the changes visible to the naked eye of the man with the gold necklace, everyone began to discuss.

And the man with the gold necklace felt it himself.

He felt that his head didn't feel dizzy anymore, and his eyes could see things much more clearly. Looking at the dishes on the table, he really wanted to cook a few bowls of rice.

This is what he clearly felt.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhang Xiaofan.


"How could it be so amazing."

The man with the gold necklace picked up the bowl of chicken soup just now, hesitating in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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