Murano's little genius

Chapter 285 Something Might Have Happened to Her

Chapter 285 Something Might Have Happened to Her
"How do you feel now?"

Zhang Xiaofan sat down.

Although the gold necklace man didn't want to admit it, his body really felt seven or eight points better.

This is so scary!
"Impossible, I don't believe a bowl of chicken soup has this effect!"

The sentence of the man with the gold necklace is the default.

He lost.

"You drank it by yourself just now, it's chicken soup."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said relaxedly.

"Why, I haven't recovered after taking so many medicines, why can a bowl of chicken soup be enough?"

The man with the gold necklace questioned.

"Because this bowl of chicken soup is good chicken soup."

"Chicken soup itself has therapeutic effects on qi and blood deficiency, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, vertigo, diarrhea, lack of food, and weight loss."

"And the chicken soup you drank just now is slightly more effective on its own basis."

"According to your situation, it is natural that one bowl will be effective."

What Zhang Xiaofan said is simple, but how can this kind of chicken have such a miraculous effect.

"As I said just now, a bowl of soup costs 1000 yuan, and you can buy the orders from today's guests."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"The soup just now. Is there any more? I want to drink another bowl."

The man with the gold necklace summoned up his courage and asked.

The soup just now not only has miraculous effects, but is also very delicious.

It's just that the man with the gold necklace tried his best not to show it.

Although he was curious, since it was effective for his body, he still wanted to have another bowl.

Completely solve your own body problems.

"Each person is limited to one bowl per day."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The man with the gold necklace started to get excited.

"I apologize to you, I was rude just now."

"I will definitely give you the money that should be given!"

The man with the gold necklace said quickly.

After finishing speaking, the man with the gold necklace immediately went to the checkout counter to pay.

"It's so amazing!"

"Hey, just now you said that if it works, you will eat your own shit. When are you going to eat it so I can take a picture of it?"


"Everyone say, is this true?"

"Damn, don't you know if you want a bowl to drink?"

"Boss, give me a bowl."

"Boss, I want a bowl too!"

At one time, more than a dozen people wanted chicken soup.

Shi Lei looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"100 yuan a bowl."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Shi Lei.

A bowl of chicken soup for 100 yuan!
This is the most expensive chicken soup Shi Lei has ever heard.

But if it really has the effect of miraculous food therapy, it seems that it is not expensive!
"A bowl of this chicken soup costs 100 yuan."

Shi Lei said to the guests.

"What! 100 yuan a bowl, isn't this a money grab?"

"Yeah! Damn it, I can eat dozens of dollars for a meal, but you can get a hundred dollars for a bowl of chicken soup, why don't you grab it."

"Boss Shi, couldn't it be your play just now?"

Although the man with the gold necklace had indeed undergone changes visible to the naked eye after drinking the chicken soup just now, who knows if it was because of it.

So when they heard 100 yuan a bowl, everyone shook their heads and became suspicious.

"Shi'ao Hotel has been here for more than ten years, and everyone knows the reputation."

"Never do deceitful things."

"If you believe it, buy it, if you don't believe it, don't buy it."

Shi Lei said loudly.

Who gave him the courage to speak out so confidently?
Of course it was Zhang Xiaofan.

He seemed to understand what business Zhang Xiaofan came here to discuss today.

"Bring me a bowl."

At this time, a man with a pale complexion and a thin body said.

The waiter went away.

A bowl of soup came out.

The man just took a sip.

"This is so fragrant and delicious."

He was dumbfounded and shouted loudly.

Then finish it in one gulp.

Then, his yellow face gradually became a little bloody.

Although the whole person is still thin, he looks a lot more energetic.

"This soup is really amazing. I feel relaxed and refreshed!"

see this.

"Bring me a bowl too!"

"Bring me a bowl too!"

Although a bowl is 100 yuan, if it is really so delicious, it is so amazing.

That's not expensive either!
All of a sudden, more than a dozen people wanted a bowl.

After drinking, there was only a cry of exclamation.

"Boss, the soup is gone."

The waiter came over and said to Shi Lei.

"Today's is gone, but there will be every day in the future, but each person can only limit one."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"If you hear it, tell the guest what Mr. Xiaofan said."

Shi Lei said to the waiter.

"Boss Shi, this is the business I want to talk to you about."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I don't need to say more, you have seen the situation just now."

"I will provide the chickens, ten per day."

"One thousand and five."

"A chicken has about [-] bowls of soup, and you can sell one bowl for [-]."

"A chicken can be sold for more than 2000 yuan, and you can earn six or seven hundred by yourself."

"Buy all ten of them in a day, and earn six or seven thousand in that day."

"That month, I can earn more than 20 yuan!"

"Is it doubled several times?"

Zhang Xiaofan simply settled an account with Shi Lei.

After listening, Shi Lei's eyes lit up.

Indeed, it is that simple.

And, if chicken soup is so delicious and effective, then there is no need to worry about selling it!

"Mr. Xiaofan, everything is up to you."

Shi Lei said.

"Okay! Every morning I'll ask someone to bring the chicken over."

"But you have to remember that the price of 100 yuan per bowl and the rule that each person is limited to one bowl per day cannot be changed."

"If I find out, you understand."

Zhang Xiaofan patted Shi Lei's shoulder lightly and said.

"Mr. Xiaofan, I definitely don't have that idea."

Shi Lei replied in panic.

After sitting in Shi'ao Restaurant for a while, Zhang Xiaofan left.

This shot was first fired at the Shi'ao Hotel.

After the start, Zhang Xiaofan will prepare for the next step.

Using the Shi'ao Hotel to start the first shot is not just for publicity.

It is also to enable the people of Shi'ao Town to eat chicken soup that is really good for the body.

This can also be regarded as Zhang Xiaofan, as a doctor, uses another more effective method to "cure" those with minor physical problems and sub-health.

It can be seen from the 100 yuan a bowl and the limited number of bowls per person.

Back in the village, Zhang Xiaofan went straight to the farm.

The villagers who came to work were ordered to feed the chickens with specific herbs.

Tonight, he plans to kill a few chickens that have been fed with medicinal herbs, and let the villagers who work for the plantation and the villagers who work for the farm have a good diet soup.

Zhang Xiaofan also asked someone to take a cart of chickens and ducks to the village committee to sell them for ten yuan each.

But a family can only buy one duck or one chicken.

The purpose is to let everyone eat these chickens or ducks that have miraculous dietary effects.

The villagers know that this is a benefit brought by Zhang Xiaofan.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

All of a sudden almost a thousand chickens and ducks were sold out.

Zhang Xiaofan found out that Wang Fang's mother Liu Lihe hadn't come over.

I thought it would be inconvenient to come here, after all, Wang Quande lost his feet.

Zhang Xiaofan took a chicken and walked to Wang Fang's house.

This is when Zhang Xiaofan also suddenly remembered, logically Wang Fang should have been introduced to the training in the county, why hasn't he come back?

Wang Fang's house.

"Xiaofan, why are you here?"

Seeing that the door was not closed, Zhang Xiaofan walked in.

After entering, I saw Liu Lihe.

"Today, a batch of chickens and ducks arrived at my farm, all of which can be sold."

"Thinking that some of them were given to me by the boss of Muyuan Company at a low price, I will sell them to the villagers at a low price."

"I didn't see you and Uncle Quan De coming over just now, so I brought one over."

Zhang Xiaofan put the chicken on the ground and said.

"Xiao Fan, thank you so much, I'm sorry."

"You are considered the boss now, and I am embarrassed to ask you to send it over in person."

Liu Lihe said.

"Sister Li He, don't say that."

"By the way, Fangfang hasn't come back yet?"

"She went to the county for training and should be able to come back."

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Liu Lihe said: "She called me last night and said she would come back this morning, but she hasn't seen anyone yet."

"Maybe I don't know where to play again."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Sister Li He, I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

After leaving Wang Fang's house, Zhang Xiaofan directly dialed Wang Fang's number.

"The phone you are calling is off
Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his chin, always feeling like something bad happened.


After Zhang Xiaofan sat in for an hour.

Lin Wanrou walked in.

She flicked a few messy blue hairs, with a anxious expression on her face.

"Xiaofan, did Wang Fang call you?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied: "No."

"Something may have happened to her."

Lin Wanrou said.

(End of this chapter)

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