Chapter 286

Hearing the word accident, Zhang Xiaofan tensed up.

"Sister Wanrou, what's going on?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"A friend of mine told me that Wang Fang, who was attending the training, was taken into a car this morning."

"He thought Wang Fang knew them."

"When she told me, I quickly called Wang Fang, but the phone was turned off."

"So I'm here to ask you."

"If she didn't even contact you, she might have been taken away by someone."

Lin Wanrou tightly clasped her jade hands together, worried about Wang Fang.

After all, Wang Fang went to the county to participate in the training, and she was the one who won the place and introduced her.

If something happened, she didn't know how to explain to Wang Fang's parents.

Hearing what Lin Wanrou said, Zhang Xiaofan had an intuition that something might have happened to Wang Fang.

Zhang Xiaofan's phone vibrated.

Received a message.

Zhang Xiaofan took a quick look.

"The revenge game is starting to escalate!"

Simple eight characters, but Zhang Xiaofan's eyes seemed to be burning with anger, and a raging murderous aura seemed to burst out from his body!
"Xiaofan, what's the matter?"

Lin Wanrou, who was standing by the side, felt a chilling fear in her back, and seeing Zhang Xiaofan's unusual appearance, she couldn't help asking.

"Wanrou, don't tell her parents about Wang Fang."

"Just say that the higher-ups have arranged for her to do something."

Zhang Xiaofan stood up and said to Lin Wanrou.

"Xiaofan, did something really happen to Wang Fang?"

Lin Wanrou asked hastily.

"With me here, nothing will happen."

"I have to go to the county now, you tell my grandfather and Tie Niu and the others."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan simply cleaned up and drove three rounds straight to the county.

Although Zhang Xiaofan didn't answer directly, Lin Wanrou knew that something must have happened to Wang Fang.

She felt Zhang Xiaofan's inner anger and worry.

Although the information was a stranger, it didn't mention who it was.

But the simple eight words have actually explained everything.

revenge game?

This has already pointed to Liu Piaopiao and Yongchun Pharmaceutical.

I wanted to pick a time to find Liu Piaopiao to solve the matter thoroughly.

But now, he extended his hand to Wang Fang again, and took him away directly.

Zhang Xiaofan has never been the kind of person who can endure when the bottom line is touched.

This time, he must uproot Yongchun Pharmaceutical Industry!Then let Liu Piaopiao remember that taking revenge on Zhang Xiaofan in this way is the stupidest thing she has ever done in her life!

Zhang Xiaofan came to Yongchun Pharmaceutical in a swift and swift manner.

As in no man's land, he found the new chairman Xu Lang.

"Zhang Xiaofan, how bold! How dare you break into Yongchun Pharmaceutical again!"

"I, Xu Lang, am not Cai Delong. I will let you be so presumptuous!"

"Everyone give it to me!"

"Catch him and there will be a lot of rewards!"

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Xu Lang's complexion was not good, he knew something was wrong.

Dozens of thugs rushed up!
However, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to waste time here.

These thugs are like bugs to him.

He moved his feet, and his figure swept away!
Like a flash of lightning, it arrived in front of Xu Lang in an instant.

As an ancient warrior, Xu Lang, despite his impressive strength!
But he not only couldn't see Zhang Xiaofan's figure clearly, he didn't even react when Zhang Xiaofan came in front of him.

It can be seen that Zhang Xiaofan's speed is terrifying.

Xu Lang's pupils shrank, and he backed away.

But Zhang Fan's hand easily grabbed his neck.

Make him immobile.

Zhang Xiaofan pushed lightly.

Xu Lang felt that he could no longer breathe.

"You captured Wang Fang today, where is she?"

"Remember, I'm only asking once."

Zhang Xiaofan's words were icy cold.

Like an emissary from hell.

Xu Lang, who was strangled by the neck, wanted to struggle, but he found that as long as he struggled, his neck might break in a second.

Zhang Xiaofan let go of his hand slightly.


Xu Lang coughed vigorously, his face was already flushed.

He felt a frightening anger from Zhang Xiaofan.

If he didn't say it, his end would be extremely miserable.

Before, I only heard that Zhang Xiaofan is powerful, but I never thought of it to be so strong.

After all, he is also an early Huang-level ancient warrior trained by the Liu family!

Now in front of Zhang Xiaofan, he doesn't have the courage to fight back at all.

"This time it's not me, it's the Qin family!"

"The Qin family also wanted to take revenge on you, so they chose to cooperate with Miss Liu."

Xu Lang said quickly.

"Where are they now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly with no expression on his face.

"In Qingyun City."

"Take me there!"

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan directly dragged Xu Lang out.

Dozens of thugs only dared to watch, but did not dare to move half a point.

Zhang Xiaofan asked Xu Lang to drive him there with him.

Xu Lang, who didn't dare to resist, could only obediently drive Zhang Xiaofan to Qingyun City.

Outside a retro pavilion.

Xu Lang's car stopped.

"Miss Liu made an appointment with Qin Tiangang to meet here."

Xu Lang said.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, he looked at Xu Lang with deep eyes like a devil in the abyss.

Xu Lang's heart trembled, he swallowed dryly, and his Adam's apple slipped.

so horrible!

Even though he is an ancient warrior, Zhang Xiaofan's look at this moment can make him dare not move an inch.

"get off!"

Zhang Xiaofan said these two words coldly.

Xu Lang didn't dare to disobey, and obediently got out of the car.

They are also ancient warriors, Xu Lang is indeed very different from Cai Delong and Cai Dehu.

"Moving the people around me, did you ask someone to do it?"

After getting out of the car, Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"It's Miss Liu's will, and I am following orders."

As soon as Xu Lang finished speaking, Zhang Xiaofan kicked it out.

The speed was so fast that it broke the air.

When kicking Xu Lang's chest.


The ribs were all short and crumbled.

More than a dozen meridians were broken, and the internal organs were injured immeasurably.

The whole person flew out more than ten meters and passed out.

In this case, the cure is useless.

Zhang Xiaofan looked up at the pavilion.

The attic has three floors and is similar in style to ancient pavilions.

And it looks gorgeous and exquisite, rich and luxurious.

Zhang Xiaofan is not in the mood to appreciate this pavilion.

Instead, he walked in directly.

The third floor of the attic, the main hall.

There are stools on both sides, and a dozen people are sitting.

The two Zhang Xiaofan knew were Qin Tiangang and his son Qin Feng.

"Miss Liu, as far as I know, that girl has a very good relationship with Zhang Xiaofan."

"Using him to let Zhang Xiaofan fall into the trap is the most appropriate."

Qin Tiangang said to Liu Piaopiao who was sipping tea.

"Patriarch Qin, I know all the grievances between you and Zhang Xiaofan."

"You want to use the hands of my Liu family to get rid of Zhang Xiaofan, I know that too."

"Do you think I haven't thought of your method?"

Liu Piaopiao, who was wearing heavy makeup, said coquettishly.

"Miss Liu, Zhang Xiaofan made my Qin family lose face in FY County, and even went to me to humiliate my Qin family."

"I, Qin Tiangang, can't swallow this breath! If I don't take revenge, I can't let it go."

"So, I hope to cooperate with Ms. Liu."

"Eliminate Zhang Xiaofan, as long as Zhang Xiaofan can be eradicated, my Qin family in FY County will definitely follow the Liu family in the future."

Qin Tiangang stood up, folded his hands, and had a very polite attitude.

"Hehe! Zhang Xiaofan is the one I, Liu Piaopiao, want to get rid of."

"Patriarch Qin, your deal is too good, isn't it?"

Liu Piaopiao said with a faint smile.

"However, you caught me the person Zhang Xiaofan cares about in advance, this is also considered your sincerity."

"The people who come here today are all rich and powerful figures from various places in Qingyun City."

"There is only one purpose, to find a way to get rid of Zhang Xiaofan."

"The Yongchun Pharmaceutical family in FY County was entrusted to me to take care of it, and the people who managed Yongchun Pharmaceutical and some people related to my Liu family were all dealt with by Zhang Xiaofan. They were either dead or disabled."

"This is hitting my Liu Piaopiao in the face, making it difficult for me, Liu Piaopiao."

"But I can't let the family know about it. I can't even deal with a country boy. How can I, Liu Piaopiao, face the people of the Liu family."

Although Liu Piaopiao is a woman, she has the demeanor of a man.

The fierceness in his eyes is something that most men don't have.

"Miss Liu, as long as you say a word, I, Jin Yiming, will definitely help with all my strength!"

"Miss Liu, a country boy is just a bit skilled, you give me Ye Bufan, I can make him kneel in front of you today!"

"I know Cai Delong. He is an ancient warrior. In terms of power, there should be few people here who are his opponents."

"So, it can be seen that Zhang Xiaofan's strength is not bad."

"In terms of strength, I admit that I am not Cai Dehu's opponent, but in terms of brains, I am much better than him."

"Facing Zhang Xiaofan, we can only outsmart him."

"Sun Ce, you are so thick-skinned and say such cowardly words in front of Miss Liu, you are too thick-skinned."

The people who came here today were not only the rich and powerful figures in Qingyun City, but some of them were also Liu Piaopiao's suitors.

Although Liu Piaopiao is average in appearance, she has a good figure, and if she can marry Liu Piaopiao, they will be on a "high branch".

In Qingyun City in the future, it will be even better.

Of course, there are still some people who just want to please Liu Piaopiao.

It is a good thing to be favored by the Liu family.

"Today, I am grateful to all of you for being here."

"But I'm not trying to hurt everyone, Zhang Xiaofan's strength is not bad."

"The people my dad arranges to protect me by my side are not his opponents."

"So, whoever of you can help me get rid of Zhang Xiaofan, I will give you a lot of rewards."

Liu Piaopiao said.

All the people present looked at the two standing beside Liu Piaopiao.

Standing upright, with sharp eyes and extraordinary momentum.

There seemed to be an aura of a master all over his body.

Such masters are not Zhang Xiaofan's opponents, which shows how terrifying Zhang Xiaofan's strength is.

At this moment, everyone's faces were ugly.

Just now, they were full of confidence, and the few people who boasted about going down to Haikou were even more silent, looking down at the ground.

Anyone can brag, but if you can still brag after knowing the difference in strength, then you are great.

Among the people here, there are only one or two who are ancient warriors, the others are warriors, and even two are not warriors.

"Head to head, you are not Zhang Xiaofan's opponent, I know that."

"The hard ones won't work, we'll use the soft ones."

"Zhang Xiaofan is very powerful, but at the same time, his weaknesses are also very obvious."

"Patriarch Qin said just now that he arrested a woman who is close to Zhang Xiaofan."

"Then you can make good use of this woman."

"Of course, it's up to you how to use it."

"All I can tell you is that Zhang Xiaofan is most afraid of accidents happening to the people around him."

Liu Piaopiao said.

Liu Piaopiao knew very well that if she didn't tell the family, she would have nothing to do with Zhang Xiaofan.

She wanted to take revenge on Zhang Xiaofan through the people around him.

But Xu Lang did it twice and it seemed to have no effect.

And it will completely anger Zhang Xiaofan.

There is no other way but to take revenge on Zhang Xiaofan through the hands of others.

Maybe they can eradicate Zhang Xiaofan in one fell swoop.


"A nest of dogs and rats~!"

The door to the attic on the third floor was kicked into pieces!
It sounded like an explosion!
(End of this chapter)

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