Murano's little genius

Chapter 289 It's okay, Brother Xiaofan is here

Chapter 289 It's okay, Brother Xiaofan is here
Zhang Xiaofan stepped over the unconscious Tang Hao's body.

His face was cold.

But he already felt very weak.

If someone else comes, he has no fighting power at all.

It has to be said that Tang Hao is really strong.

From Tang Hao's mouth, I learned that Zhang Xiaofan's current cultivation level is the sixth level of Kaiyuan Realm.

Practitioners, the sixth floor of the Kaiyuan Realm.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's current general understanding of himself.

What the old man taught and taught Zhang Xiaofan was like boiling a frog in warm water, making Zhang Xiaofan become a cultivator without knowing it, and has reached the sixth level of the Yuan Kaijing.

Why did the old man do this?
Zhang Xiaofan didn't know.

Moreover, judging from Tang Hao's reaction, it is very difficult to become a practitioner at the sixth level of the Yuan Kaijing like himself.

The roar of a sports car came from the attic.

Zhang Xiaofan found out that the woman Liu Piaopiao had disappeared.

Just now Zhang Xiaofan's attention was all on the fight with Tang Hao, he didn't notice Liu Piaopiao sneaking away at all.

"Zhang Xiaofan, Wang Fang, I have sent someone to send him to the butcher's club, if you go later, she will be disheveled, what will happen, you can think for yourself!"

"Also, I have already sent people to Stone Village. You will know exactly what they are going to do when you go back."

Opening the window of the sports car, Liu Piaopiao shouted to Zhang Xiaofan on the attic.

Then, Liu Piaopiao stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car left the loft in an instant.

Even Tang Hao was defeated by Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Piaopiao had no choice but to take the opportunity to escape.

Who is Tang Hao?

That was his father's good friend, a guest of the Liu family.

Possesses terrifying strength.

But now also defeated by Zhang Xiaofan, life and death are unknown.

Liu Piaopiao knew that the family would definitely know what happened now.

If you go back, not only will you lose face, but you will even be locked up.

However, Liu Piaopiao is still not reconciled!

It's Zhang Xiaofan, everything is because of Zhang Xiaofan.

Therefore, she wants to take revenge on Zhang Xiaofan at the end.

They asked someone to take Wang Fang to the butcher's club.

Then she asked people to go to Shitou Village, she wanted to turn Shitou Village into something Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to see.

Zhang Xiaofan reacted quickly.

He didn't go after Liu Piaopiao.

Liu Piaopiao was driving a sports car, not to mention it was already far away, so it was difficult to catch up.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his phone and called Li Yang and Lin Wanrou respectively.

The reason for calling Li Yang was to tell him to send someone to Shitou Village immediately.

And the call to Lin Wanrou was to tell him to remind everyone to be prepared.

Next, Zhang Xiaofan must find Wang Fang as soon as possible.

Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng were still in the attic.

Zhang Xiaofan walked up to them.

"Where is Wang Fang?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng, who were still kneeling on the ground, looked pale.

They were afraid.

Zhang Xiaofan is the messenger of hell, a murderous maniac.

In front of him, they are nothing but ants.

"It was Miss Liu just now. No, it was Liu Piaopiao who asked someone to take her away. We didn't know either!"

Qin Tiangang said trembling with fear.

This is a person who doesn't even look down on the Liu family.

"Does anyone know where the club where Liu Piaopiao just said is selling meat?"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was bone-chillingly cold, with bursts of coercion and threat.

Everyone who heard it couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Feeling like you will end up miserable if you don't answer.

"I know
Because they are afraid of death, those who know must tell the truth.


Zhang Xiaofan kicked Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng respectively.

Both of them flew out, smashed through the attic railing, and fell from the attic to the ground.

There is no complete place on the whole body.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's lightest punishment to them both.

Zhang Xiaofan came to the attic with the fastest speed.

I wish I could not drive the car when it is in use.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how to drive a small car.

I could only take a taxi or two and rushed to the place the man said just now.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that it was time to take a driver's license test after returning home.

ten minutes later.

The taxi stopped under Tianxia Clubhouse.

"Young man, you're quite rich! It's not cheap to come to the Heavenly Club. I heard that the cheapest one costs 1000 yuan an hour."

The taxi driver looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a smile.

"I'm not here to spend."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

Then he turned around and walked towards Tianxia Clubhouse.

This world clubhouse is decorated luxuriously, and luxury cars are parked outside the door.

Entering the inside is even more resplendent and magnificent.


Just as Zhang Xiaofan wanted to enter the elevator, he was stopped by a security guard.

He looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Country bumpkin, it's your first time here."

"If you want to go up, register first."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's clothes, they are so earthy and a little tattered.

The security guard laughed.

"What if I don't go?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"You can tell from your appearance that you are a wage earner with no money."

"Is this where you came from?"

"Do you know how much you spend here once?"

"That's your monthly salary."

"If you don't have money, you still want to play with women like others, get out!"

In the eyes of this security guard, there are too many poor people who don't have money to play with women.

Many of them couldn't afford the money, and were beaten out in the end.

So there are all the rules, that is, if you want to go up and spend, you must ask for a deposit first.

I can't complain, or I have to leave if I don't pay.

Generally, rich people come here to play, and they don't care about these things.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, and walked to the front desk.

A woman dressed sexy and with an enchanting appearance said to Zhang Xiaofan dismissively: "5000 yuan deposit, more or less."

"Also, do you have an appointment?"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at this woman.

This is the only place where front desk staff can wear deep V suits.

"Wang Fang."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"We only have a brand name here, but no name."

The woman said impatiently.

"Also, pay first."

"I asked you if Wang Fang is here!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Country bumpkin, crazy."

"Security, throw this man out for me."

The deep V woman cursed.

"Boy, if you dare to come to Tianxia Clubhouse to act wildly, it seems that you don't want your life.

The security guard came up and directly grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

But found that Zhang Xiaofan didn't move even after exerting all his strength.

Zhang Xiaofan waved his fist lightly.

It hit the security guard directly in the abdomen.

The pain from the abdomen almost twisted the security guard's facial features into a ball.

Then he lay down on the ground, curled up into a ball.

That's not even the sound of pain.

Deep V women are terrified.

He quickly put his hands on his chest, trembling with fear.

"You bumpkin, don't mess around, this is the clubhouse of the world."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Answer my question just now."

"Wang Fang just came here today. I heard that it is a place, and it has already been booked."

"Now in VIP room No. 8 on the seventh floor."

The deep V woman was startled by Zhang Xiaofan's gaze and expression.

Just tell the truth.


Zhang Xiaofan slapped them on the table.

The entire table instantly shattered.

It was like an explosion.

Ah ~!

The deep V woman screamed in fright.

Hastily hid.

A trace of killing intent flashed in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes!
Immediately, he didn't even take the elevator, and rushed to the seventh floor in an instant.

The seventh floor of Tianxia Clubhouse.

It is luxurious and luxuriously furnished.

Swimming pool, sauna, gym, cinema area, rest area.
At this time, there are still many people.

Zhang Xiaofan walked along the VIP area.

Walking like the wind, exuding an aura that makes people dare not approach.

"You're so blind!"

"Dare to hit me!"

A man with a tattoo on his arm collided with Zhang Xiaofan accidentally.

The man immediately cursed.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, just glanced at it.

After receiving Zhang Xiaofan's gaze, the man felt a chill behind his back, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

His eyes widened and he remained motionless.

"That. Sorry."

He quickly apologized to Zhang Xiaofan.

No one has ever seen a man who has been in society, but it was the first time he saw Zhang Xiaofan's suffocating and desperate eyes just now.

It was horrible, as if I couldn't breathe if I looked at it more than once, and I suffocated to death.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to walk forward, to the VIP area.

There were two people in black clothes standing in front of them.

"Your VIP hand card!"

said the man in black.

"Go away!"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was like thunder.

The two men in black clothes took a few steps back in fright.

They wanted to step forward to stop Zhang Xiaofan, but found that an invisible pressure made them unable to take a step.

VIP private room.

A beautiful young woman in a short skirt and low-cut dress is lying on the bed.

She has been dazed.

A middle-aged man with glasses and a fat head and pig ears looked at him with a fascinated expression.

"It's so beautiful, it's still a place, the 8 yuan is worth it."

Then, he took out a pill from the bag.

It says sildenafil.

The man removed the Rolex watch in his hand, then took off his clothes and pants.

He smiled lewdly, showing his big yellow teeth.

"Beauty, let me enjoy myself."

While talking to himself, his hand was about to go to the girl.


The door was kicked to pieces.

The man was taken aback.

Just took the medicine and the place is just getting ready.

This time, it's over, and it's probably useless to take medicine in the future.

"Damn, who are you!"

The middle-aged man with fat head and pig ears cursed loudly.

Looking at Wang Fang on the bed, Zhang Xiaofan rushed up and punched the man's belly.

The man wearing only a pair of big underpants flew out like a flying pig.

He didn't even make a sound, just lying on the ground like a dead pig and passed out.

"Fangfang, wake up!"

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward, helped Wang Fang up, trying to wake her up.

But Wang Fang, who was drugged, was in a coma at this time.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that Wang Fang had been drugged, so he quickly put his fingers on her half-exposed back.

The fingers danced nimbly, stimulating the corresponding acupuncture points.

Suddenly, Wang Fang vomited.

Slowly opened his eyes.

It wasn't long before Wang Fang took the medicine, Zhang Xiaofan stimulated the acupoints and made Wang Fang spit out the medicine.

Wang Fang slowly opened her eyes and saw a familiar and kind handsome face.

She cried with excitement and fear.

She immediately hugged Zhang Xiaofan, tears streaming down her face.

"Brother Xiaofan, I'm scared, I'm so scared!"

Zhang Xiaofan patted Wang Fang's back lightly.

"It's okay, Brother Xiaofan is here."

"We're leaving now."

"Come on, brother Xiaofan will carry you away from this place."

Wang Fang is still a little weak.

She put her hands on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders.

Then he got on his stomach.

Zhang Xiaofan carried Wang Fang on his back and walked out of the room.

Because Wang Fang was afraid, he clung to Zhang Xiaofan tightly.

With Zhang Xiaofan around, she felt safe.

(End of this chapter)

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