Murano's little genius

Chapter 290 Virus?

Chapter 290 Virus?

In Zhang Xiaofan's heart, although he and Wang Fang are not related by blood, in his heart Wang Fang is like a younger sister.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to take Wang Fang out of here immediately, because he knew that Wang Fang must have been frightened in his heart, and he must be very scared.

After all, she is just a young girl who has not experienced much in the world.


Zhang Xiaofan just walked out of the VIP area with Wang Fang on his back.

Seven or eight men in suits holding electric batons surrounded Zhang Xiaofan.

Then, a dog-like man in a suit and leather shoes walked over.

He pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with crooked mouth and angry eyes: "Dare to come to Tianxia Clubhouse to cause trouble, I think you are tired of work!"

"Get out of the way!"

Zhang Xiaofan roared in a cold voice.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan was very angry in his heart.

If these people don't know good from bad, dare to stop him from leaving.

Then he won't let go of any of them.

"This is the clubhouse of the world, and you, a country boy, can't tolerate recklessness!"

"Do you know what happened to the people who once caused trouble in Tianxia Clubhouse?"

"Beat like a vegetable!"

"And your fate will be the same!"

The man in the suit said with a ferocious face.

"You brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, you can come and play wild in the Tianxia Clubhouse!"

"Listen to my order, as long as you don't die, you can fight whatever you want!"

The man in the suit just finished speaking.

Seven or eight thugs with electric batons rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan like wolves.

"Fangfang, just close your eyes, and leave the rest to Brother Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan said softly to Wang Fang.

Wang Fang continued to bury her head on Zhang Xiaofan's back.

Security comes with it.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped on the ground, the floor tiles shattered.

The whole person was two meters off the ground in an instant.

The rushing thugs looked up at each other.

Zhang Xiaofan's feet swept from top to bottom.

In an instant, seven or eight thugs were kicked out.

They all fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

It's like sweeping a thousand troops.

The man in the suit stared dumbfounded.

Ding Ding Deng!
Hastily stepped back several steps.

"Bastard, how dare you fight back!"

"Just a country boy, the Tianxia Clubhouse is not something you can afford."

"Even if you can walk out of Tianxia Clubhouse, you can't walk out of Qingyun City!"


Zhang Xiaofan moved, and came to the man in the suit.


A slap was drawn fiercely.

Turning around in place several times, the whole person immediately fell to the ground.

Almost all teeth were knocked out.

Leaping over the body of the man in the suit, Zhang Xiaofan walked out of Tianxia Clubhouse with Wang Fang on his back.

After walking out of the club, Zhang Xiaofan immediately called Hua Chennan.

Tell him about the illegal activities of the Tianxia Clubhouse.

"The Tianxia Club has some background, and it seems to be related to the Liu family, but please rest assured, Doctor Xiaofan."

"It dares to do such a thing brazenly."

"Then I, Hua Chennan, still dare to clean up."

This is Hua Chennan's attitude towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan left with Wang Fang in less than half an hour.

The Tianxia Clubhouse was surrounded and sealed off by relevant departments.

Zhang Xiaofan made a phone call to Lin Wanrou.

Ask if anything is happening in Stone Village now.

Lin Wanrou replied that nothing happened at the moment.

And Lin Wanrou said that a few cars came to the village.

There are # police patrolling Stone Village.

Zhang Xiaofan replied that he reported the #, so the police will come.

In fact, Lin Wanrou knew that it was because of Zhang Xiaofan's relationship.

Of course, she didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Xiaofan took Lin Wanrou to buy some clothes.

After all, the outfit she was wearing was the club's "princess outfit". It wasn't ugly, but too sexy and revealing.

Walking on the road, it is full of lustful eyes watching.

Although Wang Fang is young, her body is long gone.

She usually does not wear makeup, and her clothes are relatively plain and ordinary, but she can also be seen as a beauty.

Now those women in the Heavenly Club do such a make-up and put on sexy skirts and clothes.

That is simply the goddess among many men.

In order to let Wang Fang get out of that kind of fear quickly.

Zhang Xiaofan spent an hour taking Wang Fang to eat delicious food and play a lot of fun.

On a stone bench under a tree by the river.

Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Fang are sitting.

Wang Fang leaned on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

Looking at it this way, it looks like a couple.

"Brother Xiaofan, I really want to sit by the beach with you and watch the sunset for the rest of my life."

Wang Fang said.

After more than an hour of eating, drinking and having fun.

She has let go of being caught in Tianxia Clubhouse.

Although I feel scared when I think about it, at least I have the courage to overcome these fears.

All this is because of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Okay, I must take you to the beach to watch the sunset when I have time some other day."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Brother Xiaofan, why don't we go now?"

Wang Fang said quickly.


Ding Ding Ding!
Zhang Xiaofan's phone rang.

"Hello, Miss Wanrou."

"Xiaofan, something happened!"

"Many villagers suddenly felt unwell, with fever, cough and headache."

"Now there are dozens of people."

Lin Wanrou's very anxious voice came from the phone.

Zhang Xiaofan frowned.

"Is there still diarrhea, vomiting, chills, sore chicken and red eyes?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked quickly.

"Yes, basically this is the symptom."

"Immediately isolate symptomatic villagers and equip everyone with a mask."

"Also, don't let anyone out of Stone Village."

"I'll tell you some herbs, and you'll have someone bring them right away."

"Fry for 15 minutes on strong fire, then half an hour on slow fire."

"One bowl for each."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

After talking on the phone with Lin Wanrou, Zhang Xiaofan called Miao Zhengdong again.

According to Lin Wanrou, the villagers had contracted an acute respiratory infectious disease.

If not treated in time, people will be life-threatening.

And Zhang Xiaofan knew that there was no cure for this disease in the small place of FY County.

Not to mention FY County, even the big hospital in Qingyun City can't help it.

It will take several hours for Zhang Xiaofan to rush back from Qingyun City.

Although the decoction of the medicinal materials that Zhang Xiaofan told Lin Wanrou can effectively treat this acute respiratory infectious disease.

But in order to ensure everything is safe, Zhang Xiaofan asked Miao Zhengdong to rush to Shitou Village.

It's not that he can't trust the doctors in the hospital, but that Miao Zheng's medical skills are several blocks away from those doctors in the hospital.

In addition, Miao Zhengdong is a Chinese medicine doctor.

He could better understand what Zhang Xiaofan said.

Zhang Xiaofan can trust him even more.

Of course, the most important thing is to find the source of infection.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan knew without thinking that Liu Piaopiao must have ordered someone to do it.

Liu Piaopiao is really a poisonous scorpion!In order to retaliate against Zhang Xiaofan, such vicious things can be done.

a few hours later.

It was evening when Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Fang returned to Stone Village.

village committee.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan, a group of people surrounded him.

There are Lin Wanrou, Zhao Tieniu, Zhang Quandan, Li Yulan, and Miao Zhengdong and others.

"Xiaofan, according to your method, all the symptomatic villagers drank your medicine."

"Many villagers' symptoms have disappeared now."

"But to ensure safety, we let them stay here."

Lin Wanrou said.

"Doctor Xiaofan, this virus is the kind of acute respiratory infectious disease that was prevalent abroad."

"If not treated in time, the mortality rate is very high."

"Also, even if it is treated, it will take a long time to recover, and there will be sequelae."

"But your prescription can quickly bring the villagers back to life. I checked their pulses and they have basically returned to normal."

"But for the sake of conservatism, the opinion of Village Chief Lin and I is that you can only draw conclusions when you come back."

Miao Zhengdong looked at Zhang Xiaofan with admiration and admiration.

"Since you called me, have any other villagers been infected?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Lin Wanrou.

"No, it may be the reason why you asked me to let everyone wear masks in time."

Lin Wanrou replied.

"Brother Tieniu, is my grandfather not infected?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhao Tie.

"I went to see it, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan also let out a slight breath.

Zhang Xiaofan walked to those villagers who had no symptoms.

He took the pulse of several villagers one by one.

"Xiaofan, am I alright?"

A villager asked.

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile: "It's all right, everyone has recovered."

The villagers are all fine, this is expected by Zhang Xiaofan.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan say it himself.

The villagers all jumped up with joy.

Some villagers with severe symptoms had difficulty breathing and thought they were going to die.

"Old Miao, what do you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Miao Zhengdong.

"Stone Village simply didn't have any conditions to develop this virus."

"Obviously someone put it on purpose."

Miao Zhengdong thought for a while and said.

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Because someone did it on purpose.

But Zhang Xiaofan was curious, if it was a virus, why "only" dozens of villagers were killed?
Stone Village has several thousand people.

What's more, this virus is also very contagious.

"Didn't you kill the chickens and ducks I ordered Lao Li to sell this morning?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked about those villagers who had just recovered.


They shook their heads.

"what about you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked other surrounding villagers.

"Ate at noon."

They all nodded.

Perhaps, Zhang Xiaofan found the reason.

Many villagers killed and ate the chickens or ducks they bought in the morning.

And those chickens and ducks all ate and absorbed the "spiritual liquid" medicinal materials.

Has a magical therapeutic effect.

One of the magical features is that immunity and resistance can be enhanced for a certain period of time.

Therefore, those villagers who ate at noon will not be infected at all.

As for Zhang Xiaofan's grandfather, Zhang Xiaofan has already eaten it for him.

"Wanrou, just in case, we must be prepared to disinfect the whole village."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

"Fangfang, you arrange someone to check to see if anyone else in the village has symptoms of infection."

"If you find it, bring it to the clinic immediately."

Wang Fang is also a cadre in the village, so of course she has the obligation to do these things.

Of course, she was also happy to do these things.

"Secretary, ask the villagers if any strangers have been found in Shitou Village today."

"Okay Xiaofan, I know how to do it."

Zhang Xiaofan arranged all kinds of things, as if he was the village chief.

And, everyone listened to him.

There is no way, the current Zhang Xiaofan is not the head of the village in Shitou Village, but he is better than the head of the village.

"Hurry up and save my baby!"

A village woman walked over with a five or six-year-old child on her back, looking terrified.

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly asked the village woman to put the child down.

Touching his forehead, he had a high fever and a severe cough.

"Why didn't you bring it here just now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said quickly.

The baby was taking a nap in the afternoon, and it suddenly became like this when she woke up.

"Tie Niu, Quan Dan, you call other villagers and bring all the children from the village."

Zhang Xiaofan overlooked one point, kid!

The child in front of him is developing rapidly and violently, and his condition is very serious now.

Zhang Xiaofan felt the pulse, and immediately carried the child into the clinic.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't wear a mask, Miao Lao reminded him.

But Zhang Xiaofan said it was fine.

For Zhang Xiaofan, this virus can't infect him.

Because of the rapid development of the disease, taking medicine cannot solve the current situation of the child.

Maybe if the medicine doesn't take effect after drinking it, the person will be gone.

At this time, the child's internal organs are seriously damaged, and there is also a case of respiratory failure.

Zhang Xiaofan could only use black iron and silver needles plus "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" for treatment.

In the case of the child in front of him, even if he can be saved by going to a big hospital, it will leave a very serious sequelae.

Black iron and silver needles have miraculous effects of repairing and killing viruses. Damaged organs will be repaired slowly. With the addition of "Ghost Valley Nine Needles", no matter how deeply infected the virus is, it will be removed and killed.

10 minutes later
The child woke up.

The village woman cried with joy.

And Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath.

Today's consumption is too big!
(End of this chapter)

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