Murano's little genius

Chapter 291 Will it be too hard?

Chapter 291 Will it be too hard?

At this time Zhang Xiaofan was exhausted already.

However, children infected with the virus were sent over one after another.

Of course, the situation is relatively mild, and you can drink medicinal liquid to treat it.

There is no need for Zhang Xiaofan to use needles to save him.

"Old Miao, I'm a little tired, I'll leave this to you."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Miao Zhengdong.


Miao Zhengdong nodded and answered.

Indeed, Miao Zhengdong also felt that Zhang Xiaofan was a little weak.

If you don't rest, you may faint.

But Zhang Xiaofan's body is not simple, he is a master.

How can a sick person become so weak?
Although treating the child just now requires special acupuncture, but with Zhang Xiaofan's strength, it will not consume much energy.

That's it, everything that needs to be arranged is arranged.

Zhang Xiaofan went home.

"Xiaofan, are you back?"

Zhang Dalei heard a sound outside the door.

Go to Zhang Xiaofan's room and have a look.

Zhang Xiaofan lay on the bed, fell asleep peacefully.

No matter how you call, you can't wake up.

Zhang Dalei knew that Zhang Xiaofan was already tired from working outside, plus what happened in the village, he was indispensable.

It is also reasonable to fall asleep when you get home.

While falling asleep, Zhang Xiaofan's body changed.

The vitality in the dantian in the body has increased a bit, and the strength has risen by one level, reaching the seventh level of the Yuan Kaijing.

The increase in strength is nothing more than two ways, the first is to improve through combat; the second is to improve through cultivation or taking pills.

And Zhang Xiaofan obviously belongs to the first type.

A night without dreams.

Zhang Xiaofan got up early.

After having breakfast with my grandfather, I walked to the clinic.

Coincidentally, Lin Wanrou also came to the village committee early in the morning.

"Wanrou, what happened after I went back last night?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Several infected children were found one after another, but they were mild and serious. Dr. Miao also treated them with acupuncture and moxibustion."

"However, there is no such thing as very serious, otherwise I will have to wake you up again."

"The village also asked people to carry out a comprehensive disinfection."

"Also, I have some good news for you."

"The person who planted the virus in Stone Village was caught by the police."

"It's just that when he was caught, he committed suicide by taking poison."

"The clues are cut off, so we can't find out who sent it."

Lin Wanrou said.


Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised.

Maybe this is what Liu Piaopiao arranged in advance.

If caught by the police, you must not live.

It can be seen from this incident that the Liu family is also cautious in doing things.

Also vicious and ruthless.

"Has Mr. Miao gone back?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"Go back last night."

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to thank him personally, but he didn't want to go back already.

Although Zhang Xiaofan has great kindness to Miao Zhengdong, Miao Zhengdong also appreciates and admires Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills.

Relationships are already considered friends.

But Zhang Xiaofan can rush over immediately with a phone call.

This is not something everyone can do, let alone a "miracle doctor" like Miao Zhengdong who is highly respected in FY County.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan wants to say thank you out of emotion and reason.

This has nothing to do with status, I just want to say thank you.

"Xiaofan, did you encounter any serious problems in Qingyun City?"

Lin Wanrou asked with concern.

Last night Lin Wanrou asked Wang Fang what happened to him.

Why did Zhang Xiaofan go to Qingyun City.

But Wang Fang didn't say it, it's not that she didn't want to say it, although she doesn't like Lin Wanrou and Zhang Xiaofan getting too close, but she knows that Lin Wanrou is a very nice person.

However, she was afraid that her parents would know.

So the answer is vague.

Now, Lin Wanrou asked Zhang Xiaofan out of concern.

"Actually, it's nothing, just deal with some bad guys."

"Look, didn't Fangfang and I come back safely?"

Zhang Xiaofan answered easily.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan also answered vaguely, in fact Lin Wanrou felt a little sad and disappointed in her heart.

I thought that now she and Zhang Xiaofan have become the kind of friends who talk about everything, but
"Wanrou, I don't say it, it's actually for your own good."

Seeing Lin Wanrou's slightly disappointed pretty face, Zhang Xiaofan added.

"Hehe, I understand."

Lin Wanrou broke into a smile.

It turned out that Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything for her own good.

Then she wasn't so troubled anymore.

"Xiaofan, I know you have a good relationship with Wang Fang, I have a suggestion."

"I suggested she go to college."

"The person who trained me told me that Wang Fang is a nice person who is thoughtful and active in doing things."

"I actually felt that way when I was in contact with her."

"If she can go on in the official career, she will be very promising in the future."

"It's a pity that she hasn't finished high school now."

Lin Wanrou said.

"I actually thought about what you said. I planned to let her study and work at the same time."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It may be difficult to get into a good university in this way."

"I know a friend who opened a private high school."

"With Wang Fang's smart mind, if you let her make up the first half of the year, she will definitely be admitted to a good university."

"In this way, when I come out in the future, my official career will be smoother."

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan actually felt that Lin Wanrou's suggestion was good.

Now that Zhang Xiaofan has money, he can definitely help Wang Fang.

Wang Fang's family no longer has to worry about money.

"Okay, I'll talk to her parents."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Twenty acres of medicinal materials were all planted yesterday with a large number of people and strong strength.

Zhang Xiaofan prepared the "potion", and ordered Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan to ask someone to spray it today.

In order to hurry up, Zhang Xiaofan allocated a three-day growth cycle.

After all, the factory is waiting to start.

Speaking of the pharmaceutical company, Li Peishan's side has already made arrangements, and they are waiting for the medicinal materials from Zhang Xiaofan's place.

Zhang Xiaofan went to Wang Fang's house.

Before Wang Fang went out, Liu Lihe and Wang Quande were also at home.

Zhang Xiaofan gave Wang Fang a suggestion to let Wang Fang concentrate on studying.

After some words, Wang Quande and Liu Lihe actually agreed with Zhang Xiaofan's words very much.

"Don't worry about money, I will pay for my studies."

"After Fangfang earns money from work, return it to me."

"Just like I did back then."

Zhang Xiaofan used himself as an example.

In this case, Liu Lihe and Wang Quande would not refuse.

"Fangfang, what do you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked about Wang Fang.

Wang Fang listened to what Zhang Xiaofan said.

She knew that Zhang Xiaofan was doing it for her own good.

She really wanted to refuse, she couldn't bear Zhang Xiaofan and her parents.

"Brother Xiaofan, do as you say, I will listen to you."

Wang Fang said.

This is Wang Fang's choice.

Although it was just a suggestion, it was actually Zhang Xiaofan's idea.

Since it was Zhang Xiaofan's idea, then Wang Fang must agree.

In her mind, Brother Xiaofan was extremely handsome and tall.

As long as it is what he says, Wang Fang will definitely do it.

Hearing Wang Fang's answer, Liu Lihe and Wang Quande were very happy.

Isn't that what they expected for their daughter to be able to study and go to college with peace of mind?

Zhang Xiaofan asked Wang Fang to find Lin Wanrou.

Lin Wanrou contacted her friend.

The time is set for tomorrow, someone will pick Wang Fang up and go to school.

Parting is always hard.

Seeing Wang Fang's distress and reluctance, Zhang Xiaofan drove three rounds and took her to have a shower.

Driving to the town, Zhang Xiaofan met Chen Yifa.

Chen Yifa was actually planning to take the money and drive to Shitou Village.

Because all the medicinal materials were sold, and all the money went to the account.

Coming to Zhang Xiaofan, the total is 200 million.

Zhang Xiaofan originally estimated at 100 million, but unexpectedly the price reached 200 million.

It was unexpected, but when I think about it carefully, it seems to be reasonable again.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan likes cash, Chen Yifa withdrew all the money and exchanged it for cash.

It's inconvenient when you have too much money.

Now the 200 million cash is like a big box.

Zhang Xiaofan decided to deposit 100 million in his bank card first.

Also, Zhang Xiaofan also helped Wang Fang get a card.

One hundred thousand was deposited in it.

"Brother Xiaofan, there is too much money, I can't use it."

Wang Fang refused.

"Fangfang, you have to keep the card, buy what you need, and don't suffer yourself from studying."

Zhang Xiaofan knows the difficulty of studying without money.

It is difficult to eat rich food when eating.

Of course, the [-] was a little too much, but it wasn't something that would be used up all at once.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's affirmative eyes, Wang Fang knew that she could not refuse Zhang Xiaofan's wishes.

She took the bank card.

Taking Wang Fang to buy some other things in the town, Zhang Xiaofan drove back in three rounds.

Back in the village, Zhang Xiaofan sent Wang Fang back home.

So they took the money to Zhou Shuyi's "office".

Near the plantation, Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhao Tieniu to find someone to build a red brick house.

It is specially used for the plantation office.

That's what Zhou Shuyi, the "financial" office used.

In this way, Zhou Shuyi can take care of her children in it at ordinary times.

Zhang Xiaofan walked in with the money, Zhou Shuyi happened to be inside too.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Shuyi quickly stood up.

"Xiaofan, you are here."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Shuyi was very happy.

That speaking tone was very gentle.

It was like saying: Xiaofan, you are back. "

That kind of love is like a wife's words to her husband.

This is not true, Zhou Shuyi who has had bedtime love with Zhang Xiaofan.

He has already regarded Zhang Xiaofan as his own man.

"Sister Shuyi, how are you doing here, have you worked hard?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked concerned.

"It's not hard. It's hard for me to stay here, and the villagers working in the fields are even harder."

"It's you, you are the one who worked hard."

"Sit down and I'll rub your shoulders for you."

Zhou Shuyi took the initiative to take Zhang Xiaofan's hand, and let Zhang Xiaofan sit down.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't refuse, because that kind of feeling is very good.

Before it was Zhang Xiaofan who helped her massage, now it's Zhou Shuyi's turn.

Zhou Shuyi's bare hands have slender fingers.

Put it on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder, and gently massage it with gentle force.

For Zhang Xiaofan, that kind of comfort is not physical comfort, but inner comfort.

Imagine that every day when you come home very tired, there will be a beautiful, gentle and considerate woman serving you tea, pouring water, rubbing your shoulders and beating your back.

This is comfortable and wonderful, right?
"Sister Shuyi, I plan to hand over the farm's finances to you as well."

"Will it be too hard?"

Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes and said enjoying himself.

"No, the workload itself is small, and with the addition of the farm, it's not much different."

Zhou Shuyi replied.

For Zhou Shuyi, no matter how hard she worked, it didn't matter.

What's more, it's not hard in itself.

Suddenly, Zhou Shuyi kissed Zhang Xiaofan on the cheek.

No way, looking at Zhang Xiaofan's handsome face, she couldn't hold back for a while.

In addition, her longing for Zhang Xiaofan was impulsive.

If it weren't for being here, Zhou Shuyi might have embraced her and started kissing her passionately.

Zhang Xiaofan somewhat misses that night.

He grabbed Zhou Shuyi's hand.

Gently pull.

Zhou Shuyi turned around and sat directly on Zhang Xiaofan's lap.

The four eyes meet, the eyes are hot.

The body's blood is hot, and the body's hormones explode.

Lips met and kissed passionately.

(End of this chapter)

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