Murano's little genius

Chapter 292 The Powers a Hostess Should Have

Chapter 292 The Powers a Hostess Should Have

The posture of Zhang Xiaofan and Zhou Shuyi's passionate kiss is a bit like young men and women in love.

One minute after the passionate kiss, Zhou Shuyi's hand was ready to go to a certain place of Zhang Xiaofan.

However, there are footsteps outside, Zhang Xiaofan has superhuman keen hearing, so he can naturally detect them in advance.

"Sister Shuyi, someone is here."

Lips parted, Zhang Xiaofan said lovingly.

And Zhou Shuyi got off Zhang Xiaofan's lap in a leisurely manner.

I tidied up my slightly messy hair and clothes.

After all, just now Zhang Xiaofan's hand messed up her insides.

The person who came was Zhao Tieniu.

"Brother Tieniu, open it and see what's inside?"

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the black bag on the ground and said.

"Isn't it a bag of money?"

Zhao Tieniu opened the bag with doubts.

It was dumbfounded, and his eyes glowed.

Stacks of red banknotes appear in front of you, can they not shine!

"Xiaofan, there are hundreds of thousands here!"

This is the first time Zhao Tieniu has seen so much cash.


Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing the amount of 100 million, Zhao Tieniu's feet softened.

Almost staggered and fell to the ground.

Seeing it with your own eyes is different than hearing and bragging about it before.

When 100 million really appeared in front of you.

That feeling is so unbelievable that my head is floating.

"This is the money for the last batch of medicinal materials. There is still 100 million. I deposited it into my bank card."

"The 100 million is public funds for planting medicinal materials, as well as dividends from you and Quandan."

"30 per person."

Zhang Xiaofan said flatly.

"No! Xiaofan, absolutely not, I can't take so much."

"I can take up to 30, [-] is too much!"

"Thirty thousand is enough for all the work I have done!"

Hearing the word 30, Zhao Tieniu was still frightened.

"Brother Tieniu, we said before that it is divided according to proportion.
"Xiaofan, everyone is watching."

"In fact, you are the boss when planting medicinal materials."

"I've also talked with Quan Dan, we can't take advantage of you just because we have a good relationship."

"In the future, we can just receive our wages, but we can't pay dividends."

Before Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, Zhao Tieniu said hastily.

Zhang Xiaofan could see the determination in Zhao Tieniu's heart.

"Call Quan Dan over here."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

In the end, Zhang Quandan was called, and he gave the same answer.

This made Zhang Xiaofan a little embarrassed.

What they said was good at the beginning, but the two changed their minds again.

There is no way, Zhang Xiaofan also knows the temper of the two of them.

If you give it hard, you won't ask for it at all.

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan talked earnestly for a long time before they accepted a maximum of [-] per person.

After taking the money, Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan happily went home first.

Earned tens of thousands in a short period of time.

That was something they never dared to think about before.

Take it home and show it to your wife, and you'll be so happy.

"Sister Shuyi, you take the 1 yuan."

"This is your salary."

Zhang Xiaofan gave Zhou Shuyi 1 yuan in the form of salary.

"You can't say no."

"Working here, everyone gets paid accordingly."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.

This made Zhou Shuyi, who wanted to refuse, suddenly had no reason to refuse.

Zhou Shuyi silently made a decision in her heart.
"Sister Shuyi, part of the money is put here, keeping the daily expenses of the plantation and breeding farms, and the daily wages of the villagers."

"I'll save the other part."

"Also, the farm will also have income every day, has the money come over today?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Take it, fifteen thousand."

Zhou Shuyi replied.

Zhou Shuyi was surprised that the farm had income every day at the beginning.

But thinking that Zhang Xiaofan did it, it seems quite normal.

What this man does is always miraculous and unexpected, and it always surprises you.

Zhang Xiaofan walked home with some of the money.

After the 100 million debt was paid off a few days ago, there was still a part.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't plan to keep it at home, but took it and deposited it in a bank card.

After depositing money in the town, Zhang Xiaofan stopped by the Shi'ao Hotel.

It's lunch time now.

There was actually a long queue at the Shi'ao Hotel.

This makes the Shi'ao Restaurant, which is usually full at meal times, even more lively at the moment.

"The chicken soup here is amazing. My wife's irregular menstruation will be fine if I drink a bowl! 100 yuan is so worth it."

"I've heard that too, and it's amazing."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that after I drank it, I could only live for one minute in that aspect of life before, but now it can be almost half an hour."

"No way! It actually has this effect!"

"No, I want to drink a few bowls."

"Don't think about it, one person can only buy one bowl per day."

"And there is a limit."

The people in the queue were talking about it.

"There's no need to line up later, the chicken soup at noon is gone."

The waiter at the Shiao Hotel shouted loudly.

Hearing this, those who lined up in the long queue all showed disappointment.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't go in, but left after watching for a while.

This shot was fired.

I believe that in a few days, people from other places will also come here admiringly.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaofan needs to hurry up.

In the afternoon, he planned to go to the county.

Zhang Xiaofan plans to open the first restaurant in the county town.

After buying vegetables in the town, Zhang Xiaofan went back to Stone Village.

After cooking a lunch and eating with my grandfather, I drove three rounds to the county seat.

When he arrived at the county seat, Zhang Xiaofan walked a lot.

But none of them have a satisfactory location.

Although Zhang Xiaofan is not very good at doing business.

But he knows the importance of opening a restaurant address.

In Zhang Xiaofan's mind, since it is going to be opened, it must be opened in the best place.

The people we face include office workers, bosses, businessmen, students, families, etc.

The location should have convenient transportation, large flow of people, and high exposure rate.

Zhang Xiaofan arrived in front of a restaurant in his three-wheeler.

"Taoyuan Hotel."

Zhang Xiaofan looked up and said.

"This place
Zhang Xiaofan looked around for a week.

I found that this place was very suitable for my requirements.

Zhang Xiaofan took a look at the luxury cars parked in front of the restaurant, as well as the people who went in to eat and the decoration of the restaurant.

The customers of this restaurant should be bosses, businessmen, and rich people.

Ordinary people basically don't come.

After all, consumption is high.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time.

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

It's time for dinner again.

Zhang Xiaofan intends to go into this restaurant to find out.

or?Call Li Tingting out for a meal?

Zhang Xiaofan remembered that Li Tingting was still in the county.

That being the case, let's ask her out for a meal, and I have something to talk about by the way.

Zhang Xiaofan called Li Tingting, coincidentally, Ye Tongtong had just returned from her grandmother's place.

So, the two came together.

ten minutes later.

Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong drove to Taoyuan Hotel.

"Brother Xiaofan, you are so kind, please invite us to the best restaurant in FY County for dinner."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Li Tingting said happily.

"Best restaurant?"

Zhang Xiaofan was puzzled.

"My mother told me that this Taoyuan restaurant has been open in FY County for many years, and it is the best and most expensive restaurant in FY County now."

"It is said that his boss is a bit mysterious."

"Very few people know who it is, but it must be someone very rich."

Li Tingting said.

"Brother Xiaofan, did you come to the county today to treat us to dinner?"

Li Tingting continued.

I was full of expectations.


Zhang Xiaofan lied and nodded.

Since you asked, you can't say anything that will spoil the atmosphere.

Although it was a lie, it was a white lie anyway.

You see, Li Tingting smiles so happily.

With a smile like a flower, what a fairy descended to earth.

"Tingting, your Xiaofan was originally dating you, not us."

"I'm just here to be a light bulb now."

Ye Tongtong said.

"Ahem! Go in."

Zhang Xiaofan coughed twice and said.

"We don't need to go to the Qin family."

Enter Taoyuan Hotel, find a seat and sit down.

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Brother Xiaofan, what do you mean?"

Li Tingting asked.

"It means that the bet between Tongtong and the Qin family is void."

"There's no need to prove anything to the Qin family."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Ye Tongtong asked in disbelief.

"Before you bet, I actually don't quite agree with it."

"But since you two have confidence, then I agree."

"But Qin Tiangang and Qin Feng have done some things that I can't bear recently."

"I cleaned it up in private."

"So, the bet is void."

"In the future, the Qin family will never dare to mention it again."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong probably understood.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan could directly reject the bet made by the Qin family Qin Tiangang.

But Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong agreed after discussing.

As women in the new era, Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong actually don't want to need Zhang Xiaofan's help for everything.

However, the process of making money still needs Zhang Xiaofan's help.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiaofan, the goal of earning 1000 million a month would be hard to achieve.

Now, I heard Zhang Xiaofan say that the Qin family has done some unforgivable things.

It is normal for the bet to be voided.

"Brother Xiaofan, what about the 1000 million you earned?"

Li Tingting asked.

Zhang Xiaofan stroked his chin and said, "Put it in your place first, and I'll ask you for it when I need it."

"Ah, this
This 1000 million is not a small amount, and Li Tingting was a little entangled for a while just putting it here.

"Tingting, just accept it."

"From now on, your Brother Xiaofan's money will be kept with you."

"As the hostess, this is the power you should have."

Ye Tongtong said mischievously.

"Tongtong, don't talk nonsense, this is outside."

Li Tingting patted Ye Tongtong,
There is a hint of shyness in his appearance.

"What are you afraid of? It's not against the law."

"If you don't want it, I will."

After speaking, Ye Tongtong walked over and directly hugged Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

"Who said I don't want it, but if you want it too, I don't mind."

"Brother Xiaofan, do you mind?"

Li Tingting's words suddenly caught Zhang Xiaofan by surprise.

It’s definitely not good to say you don’t mind, but it doesn’t seem too good to say you mind.


"I was joking with Tongtong."

"Brother Xiaofan, I know there are a few delicious dishes here, so I'll order them for you to try."

Li Tingting said.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

PS: In the future, if there is nothing to do, [-] words will be updated a day, so please rest assured to follow up.

The update time is generally in the afternoon and evening.

(End of this chapter)

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