Murano's little genius

Chapter 293 The Gate of Hell

Chapter 293 The Gate of Hell

At the table next to Zhang Xiaofan and the others, there was an old man who seemed to be in his seventies.

He is alone at a table.

It looks a little lonely.

However, the old man was cleanly dressed and had a very upright sitting posture.

It should be a person with a bit of status.

Of course, the people who eat here cannot be said to be rich or expensive, at least [-]% to [-]% are rich.

"Cough cough!"

The old man coughed.

Zhang Xiaofan took a look, and felt something was wrong.

This old man has the appearance of dying, and the time left seems to be not long.

It's not natural aging. It's sickness.

"How much do you think I need to buy this hotel?"

While eating, Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Brother Xiaofan, do you want to open a restaurant?"

"I support you, and I have the same idea."

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan asked, Li Tingting expressed her support.

"I also agree. Tingting will be the proprietress and I will be the general manager."

Ye Tongtong came to join in the fun again.

"However, if you want to buy this hotel, it will cost 1000 million."

Li Tingting said.

"1000 million? It's too expensive. Apart from better decoration, most of the dishes here are mediocre except for the two you ordered."

Zhang Xiaofan tasted all the six dishes and one soup on the table, except for the two dishes that Li Tingting said tasted good, the others were at the level of ordinary restaurants.

In other words, as the so-called best restaurant in FY County, it does not live up to its name.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong also nodded, agreeing with Zhang Xiaofan's statement.

Indeed, as a big hotel, this Taoyuan Hotel is indeed ostentatious.

The food here is not worthy of his title of the best restaurant in FY County.

Apart from the better location and better decoration here, as a hotel, it really doesn't deserve it.


"Young man, be careful not to slip your tongue when you speak."

The old man at the next table coughed twice and said.

He didn't look at Zhang Xiaofan either.

However, Zhang Xiaofan knew that the old man was talking about him.

"I'm telling the truth. This restaurant is just for the rich. If you really want to talk about the restaurant, the food here is really average, and it can't compare to the food stalls outside."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I believe that people who come here to eat will basically not come here for the taste."

"It's about saving face."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Waiter, is your boss here?"

A waiter passed by, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Sir, sorry, our boss is not here, but our manager is."

said the waiter.

"Okay, then you call your manager over, I have something to talk to him about.

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

2 minute later.

A man in a suit and leather shoes who looked about 30 years old walked over.

"Sir, may I help you with anything?"

Zhang Xiaofan said directly: "Excuse me, how much will it cost if I want to buy this hotel of yours?"

The manager of the hotel looked at Zhang Xiaofan, and said with a smile: "Sir, you are joking, our restaurant does not sell."

"What's more, our hotel is not something you can buy."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Just talk about the price, let's see if I can afford it."

The manager of the hotel continued to smile and said, "Sir, two days ago there was a person who offered 1000 million to buy the hotel, but our boss refused. Do you think you can afford a higher price than this 1000 million?"

"Your whole body doesn't cost more than a hundred yuan. If you come here to eat, you're still with two women."

"This meal cost you a month's salary, right?"

1000 million is not sold?
It seems that the owner of Taoyuan Hotel is not short of money.

This restaurant is probably opened for the sake of opening, not for making money.

"Do you have your boss's number? I want to talk to him."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Sir, I'm sorry, our boss generally doesn't chat with strangers easily."

said the hotel manager.

"Just tell your boss that I intend to buy this hotel, and the price is not an issue."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Hehe, sir, don't be joking, you have to make a draft for your bragging."

"Young man, do you really want to buy this restaurant?"

Suddenly, the old man at the next table spoke again.

The restaurant manager and Zhang Xiaofan set their sights on him.

"I like the location of this hotel, and I really want to buy it very much."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, you can convince me, I'll sell you this hotel for 500 million."

said the old man.

"Old man, who did I say you are?"

"This is Taoyuan Hotel, not your mental hospital."

"I'm the manager of the restaurant, and I know our boss."

"Not you old man."

The hotel manager immediately cursed angrily.

"It's no wonder that the hotel has become worse and worse in the past two years. It turns out that the manager is a person who sees people as inferior."

"He Zhizhang doesn't take what I told you to ease!"

The old man shook his head and said disappointedly.

"Old man, you can call my boss's name."

"If it weren't for seeing you dressed like a person, I would have kicked you out a long time ago."

"Someone from the security department came and threw an old man who was making trouble out of me."

The hotel manager took out the walkie-talkie and said loudly.

A hurried middle-aged man ran over.

"Old Long. Why did you come here alone? You should have told me in advance."

The middle-aged man had a respectful attitude, standing with his feet together, his body slightly bent.

"He Zhizhang, how did I tell you before, you made Taoyuan Hotel like this for me?"

"The food has become so unpalatable, and this kind of garbage manager is invited over!"

The old man flew into a rage.


He patted the table violently.

"Cough cough!"

He continued to cough again.

"Elder Long calm down, I deserve to die."

The middle-aged man named He Zhizhang was a little scared, and said in a panic.

"Boss, this old man is.
"Bastard~! That's what you can call Mr. Long! You've been fired, immediately kowtow to Mr. Long to apologize, and then get out of Taoyuan Restaurant!"

He Zhizhang slapped the hotel manager hard.

Completely blinded him.

Before he could react, He Zhizhang kicked him on the calf again and knelt down.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

The restaurant manager who had just been rebellious just now didn't understand why his boss just came here and became like this.

"That's all, that's all, let him get out."

Long Lao shook his head and waved.

"That's great, this kind of person should be punished like this."

"How dare you look down on brother Xiaofan just now, I was about to scold him."

Li Tingting said.

"Have you heard that, get out immediately!"

He Zhizhang said loudly.

The hotel manager immediately lay down and really got out.

There was still a dazed look on his face.

"He Zhizhang, kneel down for me!"

Elder Long scolded angrily in a somewhat hoarse voice.

He Zhizhang knelt directly on the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan understood that this old man is the real boss behind the restaurant.

And it's not that simple.

"Young man, continue with what you just said. Can you convince me that I will sell you this hotel for 500 million."

Long Lao left He Zhizhang aside and said to Zhang Xiaofan.

And He Zhizhang didn't even dare to fart.

"Old sir, are you the real owner of this restaurant?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Well, it is."

Old Long nodded.

"I believe you are familiar with the situation of this hotel. It is worth 500 million at most."

"The value of 500 million depends on its location."

"Because there is nothing valuable here."

"After buying it, I will replace the staff, especially the chef."

"You said that the core of a restaurant is the chef in the back kitchen."

"They are all unqualified. This restaurant has no core selling point, so why is it worth it?"

"I want to be a serious restaurant person, not a face restaurant person."

Zhang Xiaofan said a word without taking breath.

Cough cough! .
Long Lao's cough suddenly became severe.

Cough. Wow!
Coughing and coughing, he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blackened blood.

Suddenly, Long Lao fainted.

"Old Long, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on, call 120 immediately."

He Zhizhang stood up and said in a panic.

"Go away, I'll come."

"Who are you?"

"Old Long's situation is very critical. By the time 120 arrives, he will be gone long ago."

"What's more, 120 can't save him even if he comes."

"His condition is already terminally ill and dying."

"Now, only I can save him."

He Zhizhang scolded Zhang Xiaofan angrily, but was speechless by Zhang Xiaofan.

Indeed, the situation of Long Lao looks very bad now.

When 120 comes over, it may be gone.

Now that there is a doctor, leave it to him.

"Boy, I tell you, be careful."

"If Long always has an accident because of you, your consequences will definitely be miserable."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't care about He Zhizhang's words.

The pulse of Long Lao in front of him was already very weak, and he might disappear in the next second at any time.

"Is there a bed here?"

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly asked He Zhizhang.

"There are on the second floor."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan quickly carried him up to the second floor.

In a Xiaofan room, there is a small bed.

Zhang Xiaofan put Long Lao up there.

"Tingting, give me the bag."

Li Tingting immediately handed over Zhang Xiaofan's bag in her hand.

You are waiting outside.


Zhang Xiaofan quickly closed the door.

He needs quiet environment therapy.

Through the pulse check just now, Zhang Xiaofan discovered that Long Lao had suffered a very serious injury.

The injury is not an ordinary injury, but an internal injury, an internal injury caused by fighting with others.

In other words, Long Lao was a master before he was injured.

It is not known what kind of master it is.

Because of the serious injury, Long Lao's body was full of desolation.

It stands to reason that with such a serious injury, he had already left at that time.

To be able to survive until now, it is obvious that someone with excellent medical skills helped him treat him, and used various precious medicinal materials to help him maintain his life.

Feeling the weak breath of Elder Long, Zhang Xiaofan is not very sure that he can save him.

Just have to try it.

Lift off Lao Long's clothes.

Zhang Xiaofan saw a shocking scene.

Long Lao's back was covered with long scars.

Judging from these scars, they were caused by some sharp cold weapons, and the wounds were very deep.

Zhang Xiaofan raced against the clock and took out the black iron needle.

Hope is already small, and with only nine black iron and silver needles, it is even smaller.

After finding out the corresponding acupuncture points of the internal organs, Zhang Xiaofan performed "Nine Needles of Ghost Valley".


Zhang Xiaofan found that black iron silver needle plus "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" didn't have any effect.

"I can't help it, I can only use the ninth needle, the gate of hell is closed!"

The old man said that if you use the ninth needle, you must pay special attention, because if you are not careful, you will be backlashed by the acupuncture method, and at least you will fall into a coma and your body will be damaged.

Worse, you will become a fool.

In order to save people, Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem to think so much.

After the ninth needle was cast, the vitality in the body unknowingly entered Longlao's body through the silver needle at the fastest speed.


The desolate situation in Long Lao's body is gradually recovering.

It's like seeing light in a dark place.

However, Zhang Xiaofan felt himself getting weaker and weaker.

The vitality in the body is decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan felt his nerves swell.

Zhang Xiaofan is trying to control.

3 minutes passed.
Zhang Xiaofan was extremely weak, his nerves seemed to explode.

"Out of the needle!"

Finally, at the second when Zhang Xiaofan almost fell down, the treatment was finally completed.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly retracted the needle.

Ding Ding Deng!
Zhang Xiaofan quickly took two steps back.

Hands on the wall.

There is actually a trace of violent viciousness in Long Lao's body.

It wants to resist Zhang Xiaofan's vitality and enter Zhang Xiaofan's body.

But Zhang Xiaofan's vitality seemed to be transformed into a golden dragon, which wiped out that trace of violent viciousness.

This is the first time Zhang Xiaofan encountered such a difficult and terrifying treatment.

Almost took his own life in it.

It's really not easy for this dragon to suffer this injury.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan didn't know, if it wasn't that his strength had increased by one level to reach the seventh level of the Yuan Kaijing, according to his cultivation base of the sixth level of the Yuan Kaijing a few days ago.

Today this treatment is basically not successful.

Because the old dragon was injured
(End of this chapter)

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