Murano's little genius

Chapter 294 suddenly enlightened

Chapter 294 suddenly enlightened

Lying on the bed, Long Lao's wrinkled face regained the luster of blood.

Just now he was dying, but at this moment he has regained his vitality.

He opened his eyes, thinking he was dead.

But he found out.
"I'm not dead?"

"My body. My injury. Healed!"

"How is this going?"

"how so!"

Old Long had an unbelievable expression on his face.

His own injuries, his body, he is very clear!
I came here today to fulfill a wish before I die.

"Mr. Long, your injury is not simple. It almost killed me."

Zhang Xiaofan on the side said with a smile.

"Young man, did you save me?"

Elder Long stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes and asked.


Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"You saved me. This."

Long Lao sat up, stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes.

"Could it be that this is a so-called miracle, God didn't give me Long Teng to die so quickly?"

"Young man, please be respected by Long Teng!"

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Long Teng cupped his fists and knelt down on one knee.

Of course, this was not enough to express Long Teng's gratitude at this time.

At this time, his mood was happy and complicated.

It is unimaginable that he was sentenced to death long ago.

Today, he was rescued by a young guy and healed his injuries.

"Old Long, don't do this, saving you is my virtue as a doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan said easily.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Elder Long asked.

"Zhang Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I have been sentenced to death for my injury, not to mention doctors in big hospitals, even those miraculous doctors are helpless!"

"And you were cured easily."

"Did this make me meet a real miracle doctor?"

Long Teng said excitedly.


This Long Teng probably misunderstood something, in order to save him, this almost killed Zhang Xiaofan.

"Old Long, how did you get this injury?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"My injury is a long story!"

"But since you want to know, Miracle Doctor Xiaofan, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, since you can heal my injury, you should be a cultivator, right?

Long Lao said.

Injured by practitioners, only practitioners can treat them.


"So, Mr. Long, you were also a cultivator before?"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said.

"That's right, I was a cultivator before, and my realm has reached the sixth level of the Kaiyuan Realm."

"However, when I was fighting with others two years ago, I was seriously injured by an opponent whose strength was at the eighth level of the Yuan Kaijing, and I lost all my cultivation."

"If it weren't for the timely treatment, I'm afraid I would have died already."

"However, the ability to survive until now is also maintained by precious medicinal materials."

This is the same as Zhang Xiaofan expected.

"Old Long, are there many cultivators?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.


"Hehe, genius doctor Xiaofan, stop teasing me, an old man."

"Becoming a cultivator is much more difficult than becoming an ancient warrior."

"In today's world, cultivators are rare."

"Because whether you can become a cultivator is determined by your physique, not by your hard work or someone's help."

"Whether one can become a cultivator or not is determined by God, and if one wants to make progress along the way of cultivation, one needs talent."

Long Lao talked seriously to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Old Long, let me ask one more question, what is the difference between this cultivator and an ancient warrior?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked with doubts.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, you don't know about this?"

It is somewhat strange to become a cultivator without knowing the difference between a cultivator and an ancient warrior.

"Old Long, although I am also a cultivator, I really don't know."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Long Lao was puzzled, thinking that Zhang Xiaofan did it on purpose.

How can anyone become a cultivator without knowing the difference between a cultivator and an ancient warrior.

So unrealistic.

However, he still explained, after all, Zhang Xiaofan was his savior.

"Becoming an ancient martial artist is actually not difficult, as long as you work hard to become a martial artist, and then you have some talent in martial arts, and you have someone to teach you, and then you have martial arts skills."

"The levels of the ancient warriors are divided into heaven, earth, and yellow from high to low. Each level is divided into early, middle, late, and peak."

"It is said that in this world, ancient warriors who have cultivated to the peak of the heavenly level will not be able to practice and go any further."

"Ancient warriors who have reached the peak of the heavenly level are called great masters."

"As for cultivators, as I said just now, if you want to become a cultivator, you must meet the physical conditions."

"The biggest difference between a cultivator and an ancient warrior lies in the realm of cultivation. As far as I know, the realms of cultivators are divided into Body Tempering Realm, Kaiyuan Mirror, Qi Dynamic Realm, Separation and Reunion Realm, and True Origin Realm from low to high."

"Each realm is divided into nine layers."

"And, as far as I know, no one in the realm of cultivators can cultivate to the end."

"Of course, I don't know what's on the True Yuan Realm."

"And the most powerful cultivator I've seen is only at the second level of Qi Dynamic Realm."

Long Lao said.

When Long Lao said this, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly understood.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I don't know what realm you are in?"

The injuries in Long Teng's body were healed, but he lost all his cultivation.

Naturally he couldn't feel Zhang Xiaofan's cultivation.

"I heard from a cultivator that it seems to be two or three layers of Body Tempering Realm."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Not really.

After hearing this, Long Teng was not very surprised.

"Although the realm is not high, I am still surprised that you can be a practitioner."

"After all, as far as I know, there are no practitioners in this small county."

Long Teng said.

"Doctor Xiao Fan, it's really a miracle that you became a practitioner without anyone's guidance."

"Plus you have excellent medical skills. If you don't mind, I would like to recommend you to the Martial Arts Practitioners Association."

Long Teng said.

"Martial Arts Practitioners Association?"

"What is this?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Hehe, since it's an association, all its members must be practitioners."

"After you join, you may meet someone with predestined relationship, and they will lead you to a further step in your cultivation."

"But I'm wondering, since you are a cultivator, why didn't the people from the Martial Arts Cultivation Administration Bureau come to you."

Long Teng stroked his beard and said.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's puzzled look, Long Teng explained again: "The Martial Arts Cultivation Administration Bureau is dedicated to managing and restraining practitioners."

"You are a cultivator, you can have freedom, but what you do must comply with the regulations of the Martial Arts Cultivation Administration."

"Otherwise, if a cultivator is so powerful, it will be messed up if he speaks nonsense."

"The same goes for ancient warriors."

"But the ancient warriors are more relaxed."

"Generally, you won't be taken care of specifically, as long as there is a # investigation, unless you reach the prefecture-level ancient warrior, the Martial Arts Administration will come to you."

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Maybe they didn't notice that my realm is low."

"No, cultivators are very valued."

"As long as there are practitioners found, they will come to you."

"If you find out that you have a very good cultivation talent, the higher-ups will ask you to join a mysterious organization."

Long Teng said.

Zhang Xiaofan found out that Long Teng's appearance was to solve his doubts.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was still puzzled, the old man made himself a cultivator by boiling frogs in warm water, and didn't tell himself anything about ancient warriors and cultivators, why?
"Forget it, I still want to be an ordinary person."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Xiaofan opened the door.

"Old Long, you're awake!"

He Zhizhang shouted happily.


Long Teng looked at He Zhizhang and snorted coldly.

"Miraculous Doctor Xiaofan, this Taoyuan Hotel actually has a special meaning to me."

"So, although I'm not here, I always hope that the Taoyuan Hotel can continue to open."

"Now that Taoyuan Hotel has been made like this by He Zhizhang, I will leave it to you."

"I don't have any other requirements. I just hope that the name Taoyuan Hotel will not be changed."

What Long Teng said was very clear, he was going to give the hotel to Zhang Xiaofan.

He Zhizhang on the side was unwilling, but he couldn't say a word.

Back then, Long Teng felt that he was a good person, so he handed over the management of Taoyuan Restaurant to him.

In the past, Long Teng once every six months.

But since Long Teng was injured two years ago, he never came again until today.

This gave He Zhizhang time to "spend" Taoyuan Hotel at will.

He Zhizhang actually didn't know Long Teng's true identity, but he knew that Long Teng was very difficult.

A person of this level would logically not appear in this small FY county.

"Old Long, I still have to give the money I should give."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

He didn't want to take advantage of Long Teng.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, you saved me, and I owe you my life."

"For me, I don't know how to repay this kindness."

"And giving this restaurant to you is just a small way of my gratitude."

"So, you must accept."

Long Teng seemed to be begging.

"He Zhizhang, you leave the transfer procedures to Doctor Xiaofan."

When it comes to this point, it seems inappropriate for Zhang Xiaofan not to accept it.

At this moment, Long Teng's phone rang.

He answered the phone.

Only said one word: ah.

Then hang up.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I have an urgent matter to go back and deal with."

"If you need any help from me, just call this number."

"In this small place, including the entire Qingyun City, there is nothing I can't solve."

"I'll come back to you after I've dealt with the matter."

"Your kindness, I, Long Teng, will surely repay you in the spring."

After answering the call, Long Teng's expression was not very good.

Something big must have happened.

Immediately, Long Teng walked out of the Taoyuan Hotel and got into a Mercedes-Benz.

Leave in a hurry.

"Brother Xiaofan, this restaurant is yours now."

Li Tingting said happily.


This restaurant became Zhang Xiaofan's in such a muddled way.

This is not muddleheaded, Zhang Xiaofan almost lost his life when saving someone.

From another level, Zhang Xiaofan got this restaurant after a lot of effort.

Next, He Zhizhang obediently went through all the transfer procedures.

After handing over the things to Zhang Xiaofan, he left in a bit of despair.

The "boss" of Taoyuan Hotel has become an irrelevant person.

Running a restaurant doesn't seem to be Zhang Xiaofan's specialty.

He only knows that he can provide the restaurant with "core competitiveness".

Can make a lot of money.

And it can make everyone happy to spend money on food while getting a healthy or healthier body.

"Tingting, why don't you and Tongtong help me manage the restaurant temporarily?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.


"However, the pharmaceutical company still needs me."

Li Tingting said.

Zhang Xiaofan forgot that Li Peishan, the manager of the pharmaceutical company, was temporarily handed over to Li Tingting.

When Li Tingting starts school, she will find someone to replace her.

"Hey, if that's the case, just leave it to me."

Ye Tongtong said happily.

Currently, Zhang Xiaofan seems to have no choice but to agree.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't need a very powerful manager for the time being.

Just do what needs to be done.

"Tongtong, I will leave the hotel to you for the time being."

"I'll give you two days to replace all the people who should be replaced in the hotel, and then recruit some new ones."

"The salary can be twice as high as the market, but the moral character of the person must be good."

"And the chef's cooking skills, needless to say, must be top-notch."

Zhang Xiaofan simply made a request.

"Boss Zhang, please rest assured, I promise to complete the task you entrusted to me."

Ye Tongtong said.

(End of this chapter)

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