Murano's little genius

Chapter 295 Big Mom YYDS

Chapter 295 Big Mom YYDS
Thinking of what Liu Piaopiao did to Stone Village, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't bear it.

That was revenge for wanting to infect the entire Stone Village villagers with the virus to death.

The fire of anger from the bottom of my heart can't be extinguished no matter how I pour it.

She was lucky to let Liu Piaopiao run away when she was in Qingyun City.

But Zhang Xiaofan vowed that Liu Piaopiao must pay a painful price.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan will not be "merciful", he will take the initiative to attack.

Go to Qingyun City to clean up Liu Piaopiao.

Keeping her would always be a disaster, and would always pose a threat to those around her.

So, after Zhang Xiaofan came back and arranged some things, the next day, he watched Wang Fang get on the bus to go to school.

Then set off to Qingyun City.

This time Zhang Xiaofan took the bus.

When you arrive at Qingyun City, get out from the bus station.

Zhang Xiaofan was about to take a taxi.

Suddenly, a woman hurried past and bumped into Zhang Xiaofan accidentally.

The thing in the woman's hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, very sorry."

The woman quickly apologized to Zhang Xiaofan.

The woman quickly picked up the things on the ground and wanted to leave.


Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

"Handsome, I really accidentally bumped into you."

The woman stopped and said with an aggrieved face.

"My phone, take it out."

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his hand and said.

"What mobile phone, I don't understand, I'm in a hurry, I have to go."

Women don't meet Zhang Xiaofan at all.

Suddenly, the woman felt a gust of wind.

Zhang Xiaofan appeared in front of him.

"You're pretty quick with your hands, aren't you a habitual offender?"

"You said you are good-looking and have healthy limbs, so why do you do such a thing?"

Zhang Xiaofan directly grabbed the woman's slender hand.

"Help! Indecent!"

The woman yelled directly.

The station is a place where people come and go, and the woman's call is especially a sensitive word like molestation.

Immediately attracted many people onlookers.

Immediately afterwards, some men "volunteered".

"In broad daylight, the sky is bright, it's too bold to molest a woman here!"

"Today's young people can just watch movies at home, but if they come out to do indecent things, they are really useless."

"I can see the boy's clothes. He must have just come from the countryside. He has never seen the world before. When he sees a beautiful girl, he becomes interested."

The onlookers didn't think about what they said, they directly concluded that Zhang Xiaofan wanted to moleste women.

Especially for some men, the more they talk, the better they get.

"I caught this woman stealing my mobile phone. Please don't get me wrong."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"Hmph! Who would believe you! I'm so handsome, and I haven't seen him come to steal my mobile phone. Why is he the only one stealing yours?"

Said a crooked-looking man.

"Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense. He just thinks I'm pretty, and he becomes lustful, and wants to molest me."

the woman said loudly.

"Pervert, I hate perverts the most."

"Call the police immediately and arrest him."

"Pretty lady, don't be afraid, with us here, he won't be able to leave."

"Yes, he can't go."

"Pervert, get caught quickly."

The onlookers, especially the men, became more and more emotional.

But it just stayed on the lips. In fact, no one took out their mobile phones, or stepped out to do something.

To put it simply, it's just an over-the-mouth concealment, just playing a big knife in front of the woman.

"Everyone listen to me, whether I'm lying or not, you only need to search her body to find out."

"As long as my mobile phone is on her, it proves that she took my mobile phone."

Faced with these people who blindly draw conclusions, Zhang Xiaofan also shook his head in his heart.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan said this, the onlookers started to discuss.

It seems that it makes sense.

"Hmph, who knows if the body search is to eat this beautiful lady's tofu."

"If you want to search, I will search."

"No, it's me, I'm coming."

"I come!"

For a time, many male crowd volunteered.

That's kind of a positive.

"Ouch! It hurts, take it easy."

"You still want to go up and search, go back to my old lady, and I will take care of you."

One of the male crowd followed the trend blindly, and was scolded by his wife.

"In order to show fairness and prevent everyone from saying that they eat tofu while taking the opportunity, this aunt, you can search."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at an aunt carrying a bag of clothes and said.

"I don't want it."

"This girl is not as good-looking as I am."

A look of disgust appeared on the aunt's face.

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Auntie's words made everyone cold in an instant.

"Old woman, who do you call ugly?"

"I want a figure with a figure, a chest with a chest, and a face with a face."

"You old cauliflower, no man will touch you for the rest of your life."

The woman is not happy.

She couldn't accept being indirectly called ugly by an aunt with yellow freckles!
Hearing what the woman said, the aunt might not be able to accept it either.

She walked back again.

"You skinny woman, look at you, you can't even lean on your legs."

"This must be a lot of men who have slept."

"In our village, you will be taken to soak the pig cage."

The aunt pointed at the woman and said loudly.

As soon as the aunt said this, it caused an uproar from the onlookers.

His eyes turned to the woman's legs.

It seems to be the same thing.

"You old woman, who are you scolding?"

"I'm good-looking, and men like me."

"Do you have breasts like mine?"

"You old woman, no man will see you when you take off your clothes."

The woman walked directly towards the aunt angrily.

When speaking, she straightened her huge bust.

The eyes of the male crowd watching were wide open.

This scene is interesting.

"Only you, my current one is bigger than yours!"

"Also, judging by the quality of your stuff, I don't know if it was made with money."


The aunt has a very personality, and she let out a bah after she finished speaking.

"You old woman, I'll smack you!"

Enraged young woman waved her hand angrily.

I want to slap aunt directly.

However, aunt is not a vegetarian.

She returned and grabbed the young woman's hand directly.

"Just like you vixen, you still want to hit me. When I was eight months pregnant and went to farm, you were not a thing!"

Aunt said proudly.

Aunt YYDS!

This is the admiration in Zhang Xiaofan's heart.


The young woman couldn't bear it, she was so angry that she pulled the aunt's hair.

The aunt slapped the young woman directly with her backhand.


Loud and crisp.

"What the hell, you dare to pull my old lady's hair."

There was a red palm print on the woman's little face.

Zhang Xiaofan was already applauding for aunt in his heart.

This slap is beautiful!
The young woman was directly beaten to the ground.

And a mobile phone fell out of her body.

It is Zhang Xiaofan's rice phone.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over and picked it up.

"Everyone saw that my phone fell out of her body."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This time, the onlookers stopped talking.

They all fell silent.

"Young man, I could tell just now that this woman is not a good person."

"You need to call the police immediately."

The aunt said to Zhang Xiaofan expressionlessly.

Aunt is the most "powerful person" in the crowd.

"Auntie, you are great!"

Zhang Xiaofan gave her a thumbs up.

The aunt left happily.

The people watching the excitement also dispersed.

This is strange, how do you know that this woman is a pickpocket, and everyone left?
Especially those men just now, what about their plausible attitude when seeing injustice?
Maybe I have no face to stay here.

"Woo! Brother Yong, someone bullied me!"

The young woman stood up and covered her face in tears and made a phone call.

"You country bumpkin, stop for me!"

"When Brother Yong comes over, he has to take care of you."

The young woman pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said while gnashing her teeth.

"Why, do you still want to be slapped a few more times by the aunt?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"That old woman, I'll ask someone to take care of her when Brother Yong comes over later."

"But it's all because of you."

"You country bumpkin, you'll be finished when Brother Yong comes over."

"This place is Brother Yong's territory."

The young woman glared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily and said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your brother Yong to come over."

Zhang Xiaofan went to the stone bench next to him and sat down.

A few minutes later, a van pulled up next to the station.

Five or six sleazy men got out of the car.

"Brother Yong, you're here. It's this country bumpkin. She not only spoiled my good deeds, but also beat me."

"Look at my face, it hurts."

The young woman saw a man with dyed yellow hair and tattoos approaching.

Immediately ran up and spoke in coquettish words.

"Damn it! How dare you cause trouble here and hit my girl!"

"Do you know who is in charge of this area?"

"It's me who dares to make trouble here and hit my girl."

"I'll break your legs!"

The man named Brother Yong pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with grinning teeth and said loudly.

A loud slap sounded.

Brother Yong was dizzy and lost his teeth a few times.

It all came so quickly, so directly.

"The tone is quite loud, but it's a pity that the ability is too small."

The person who hit him was Zhang Xiaofan.

Just now Zhang Xiaofan was two or three meters away from this Yong brother.

Zhang Xiaofan took a step forward, in an instant he was in front of Brother Yong, and slapped him.

Don't talk nonsense to this kind of bastard.

Look at Brother Yong with blood in his mouth.

The young woman was so frightened that she crouched down holding her head.

Behind Brother Yong, there are a few punks who look like eighteen or nineteen years old, and they should be followers.

It was stunned, looking at Zhang Xiaofan tremblingly.

If you drop out of school early and come out to join the society, if you really see something big, you may be afraid.

How could they have imagined that Brother Yong, who was omnipotent in their eyes, was slapped by Zhang Xiaofan so that he lost his way.


Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the young gangsters.

With cold eyes, the young gangsters ran away.

"Bastard! How dare you hit me, you country bumpkin. I belong to Brother Cai. You are dead!"

Brother Yong pointed at Zhang Xiaofan in a dizzy manner and threatened.

"What a chicken leg!"

Zhang Xiaofan kicked Brother Yong directly and flew out.

This time I will be in the hospital for more than half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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