Murano's little genius

Chapter 296 Dongfang Snow

Chapter 296 Dongfang Snow

Zhang Xiaofan dragged the young woman to the temporary police station at the station, asked her to explain the facts, and then left.

Go back to the station.

A camouflage colored SUV stopped in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

A man in a special uniform with a resolute expression got out of the car.

"Our leader wants to meet with you."

The man stood upright and said.

"Who is your leader?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

In Qingyun City, Zhang Xiaofan remembered that he only knew the leader Hua Chennan.

However, it is impossible for Brilliance South to send someone over without notifying him in advance.

"Our leader said, you will know when you go."

The man answered.

"Sorry, I can't just get in a stranger's car."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan turned his head and left.


shouted the man.

And put his hand directly on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

Out of instinct to protect himself, Zhang Xiaofan moved very quickly.

One turned around and grabbed the man's arm with his backhand, pressing him to the car.

The man looked pained, but he didn't cry out.

Another man in the car quickly opened the door and got out.

"Mr. Zhang, we have no malicious intentions. We are members of the Cobra Force. Please go over. It is the meaning of our leader."

The man who came down said immediately.

Zhang Xiaofan let go of the other man's hand.

Just now, if Zhang Xiaofan had used a little more force, he would be useless.

Cobra Force?
Zhang Xiaofan had never heard of it.

However, it seems interesting.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

Judging from the situation of these two people, they did not have any malice towards themselves.

Instead, he came with an attitude of asking.

Half an hour later, the camouflage vehicle drove to a closed room area.

Getting off the car, someone directly took Zhang Xiaofan to an office.

"Dong dong."

"Captain Dongfang, Mr. Zhang is here."

"Come in!"

A female voice sounded.


Now it's even more interesting.

The door is pushed open.

A woman wearing a special camouflage uniform walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

This woman is very beautiful and has personality, as beautiful as a peach or plum, but she is heroic, without a trace of secular obsequiousness or makeup.

This is one of the most special women Zhang Xiaofan has seen so far. '

"Mr. Zhang, let me introduce myself. My name is Dongfang Xue, and I am the captain of the Cobra team."

Dongfang Xue exuded a heroic posture.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but take a second look.

"Captain Dongfang, I'm just an ordinary person, I don't know why you invited me here."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Mr. Zhang, you are not an ordinary person."

"According to the information, you have superb and miraculous medical skills, and you are also a strong practitioner."

Dongfang Xue said directly.

Dongfangxue has never met herself, but she knows Zhang Xiaofan's information.

It shows that Dongfang Xue's identity as the captain of the Cobra team is not simple.

"It seems that Captain Dongfang has checked me out a long time ago."

"But I still don't know why Captain Dongfang asked someone to invite me over."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Mr. Zhang, please come here, naturally I want you to do me a favor."

Dongfang Xue said.

"Although I don't know what Captain Dongfang's Cobra team represents, I guess it's not that simple. I looked at the people standing guard outside, and they are at least at the level of warriors."

"And you, Captain Dongfang, exude an impressive ancient warrior aura."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

From the moment he entered, Zhang Xiaofan felt it.

This Dongfang Xue was young, but he had the aura of an ancient warrior who was not weak.

"Mr. Zhang, then I won't play charades."

"Please come here, I want you to save someone."

"The deputy captain of our team was seriously injured when he went on a mission yesterday."

"The situation is very critical now. All the doctors that the Qingyun City government has invited have been invited, but they are helpless."

"And I learned from Hua Chennan that there is a young man with excellent medical skills."

"After our investigation, we decided to invite you over."

"At first I wanted to invite you from FY County, but when I learned that you had come to Qingyun City, I asked someone to invite you to the station."

Dongfang Xue said seriously.

It turned out to be the case.

"Captain Dongfang, please come here, my treatment fee is not low."

Zhang Xiaofan joked.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xue frowned.

Didn't it mean that Zhang Xiaofan is a very medically virtuous person?
Why did you start talking about money!
"Mr. Zhang, it's wrong to talk about money before you read it?"

Dongfang Xue said in a strange tone.

"There is no way. It is only right and proper to treat diseases and save lives, but giving money is also just and right."

Zhang Xiaofan's words suddenly made Dongfang Xue speechless to refute.

"Mr. Zhang, I am not very happy to hear what you said."

"Just a word, you cure or not."

Dongfang Xue said unhappily.

"Captain Dongfang, I was just joking, I didn't expect you to take it seriously."

Seeing Dongfangxue's pretty face showing a murderous expression, Zhang Xiaofan knew that this woman couldn't take a joke.

"Come with me."

joke?Normally, no one would dare to make such a joke to the serious and heroic Dongfang Xue.

He must be beaten severely.

In a room, a pale and angry man was lying on the bed.

"His situation is even more miraculous than today."

"The injury he received is actually not bad, it will kill him, but the poison he got is really going to kill him."

"It is possible to injure an ancient warrior like this, and to be poisoned by such a strange poison."

"Captain Dongfang, the mission you set out is too dangerous."

Zhang Xiaofan checked briefly, then took his pulse and said.

Dongfangxue suddenly said with some guilt: "Actually, it's all my fault. It was my mistake in judging the danger level of the mission that made Deputy Pan become like this."

"Therefore, Mr. Zhang, please rescue Vice-Captain Pan."

Dongfang Xue's words just now sounded like a girl.

There was a girl's tenderness in his eyes.

But only for an instant.

Zhang Xiaofan intuited that a woman like Dongfang Xue cannot be conquered by ordinary men.

"Captain Dongfang, it's not difficult for me to cure him."

"But after you are cured, you have to meet one of my conditions."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Dongfang Xue and said.

He didn't forget to glance at her S figure outlined by the tight special camouflage uniform.

Dongfang Xue rolled her almond eyes: "Presumptuous, I didn't expect you to be such a nasty person."

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Xuefen punched out.

The strength is impressive!

Zhang Xiaofan made a stop motion.

"Captain Dongfang, what do you mean by that? I just want you to meet one of my conditions."

"Disgusting! Scumbag!"

"Find a fight!"

Dongfang Xue kicked with her long legs, and her strength was so strong that even stones could be broken.

Zhang Xiaofan flashed.

"Damn, what kind of nerve is this bitch!"

Zhang Xiaofan was a little angry.

"Captain Dongfang, if you do this again, I'll go. Don't blame me for not saving people when they die."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xue stopped.

So fierce!

"Looking at your politeness, I heard from Hua Chennan that you are still a good person."

"I can't think of it now, you are that kind of lustful person!"


Dongfang Xue was full of anger, and his expression at this time was like red oil being poured on a red-hot iron pan.

"Captain Dongfang, you must be responsible for what you say!"

"I helped you save people, how could I become a womanizer?"

Zhang Xiaofan's face was full of displeasure.

"You still ask me, you forgot what you said just now, and your eyes, where are you looking!"

Dongfang Xue said.

"What did I say, didn't I just say that if I can cure him, you meet one of my conditions? This is normal."

Zhang Xiaofan spread out and said.

"Look, what's the difference between you saying this and a womanizer, and what are you doing staring at me!"

"If I hadn't heard from you that you could cure Vice Captain Pan, I would have kicked you out a long time ago!"

At this moment, Dongfang Xue has no affection for Zhang Xiaofan.

In her eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is already synonymous with a womanizer.

Dongfang Xue was notoriously ruthless when dealing with lustful people.

Even a beating is light, and it might make that person unable to be a man in this life.

It's scary to hear.

"Dongfang Xue, I know that you are not an easy captain, and you are a high-ranking and important person, but you can't label people as a womanizer for no reason."

"I just want to say that if I can cure him, you have to promise me one condition."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

I was so upset that I even called out Dongfang Xue's name.

You know, in this Cobra unit, no one dares to call her by her full name.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Dongfang Xue seemed to realize that she had misunderstood something.

To Dongfang Xue, meeting the conditions and agreeing to the conditions had two different meanings.

"Forget it, if you invite me over, I'll come too."

"You asked me to help you save people, and I agreed."

"But I just want to make one condition, you treat me as a womanizer."

"I'm very upset."

"So, bye."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan turned around and left with a wave of his hand.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan was about to leave, Dongfangxue knew that she had misunderstood Zhang Xiaofan.

However, she has a very strong temper, it is difficult for her to apologize to Zhang Xiaofan!

Dongfangxue hurriedly caught up with Zhang Xiaofan and stopped in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Captain Dongfang, you won't do anything to force me to stay as a civilian, will you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Mr. Zhang, I apologize to you for what happened just now."

From Dongfang Xue's beautiful face, Zhang Xiaofan saw apology.

The two guards outside the door were standing motionless with expressionless faces.

But after they heard that Dongfang Xue apologized to Zhang Xiaofan.

Eyes wide open, a look of surprise.

Dongfang Xue, that is the boss of the Cobra troop.

Known as "The King's Woman" in Cobra units.

It means that if you want to conquer Dongfang Xue, then you must be the king!

Although Dongfangxue is beautiful, it is so beautiful that people dare not approach it.

The glamorous and heroic appearance on her body is something that ordinary men cannot conquer.


Zhang Xiaofan smiled inwardly.

"Girl, don't care what cobra you are or the captain of the boa constrictor unit, why don't you just apologize to me obediently."

Just now, Zhang Xiaofan just wanted Dongfangxue to stop being so domineering in front of him, and just punish her.

Since he is a doctor, he must focus on curing diseases and saving lives.

Women, it's not good to be too domineering. No matter how beautiful you are, without the tenderness that women should have, no man will approach you.

"Forget it, I was just a little angry just now. After all, it doesn't feel good to be misunderstood."

"Captain Dongfang, do you think so?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

In normal times, Dongfang Xue doesn't care if you feel good or not.

Sorry, just forget about it.

But today the situation is different.

Vice-captain Pan became like this because of her misjudgment.

As the captain, she has an unshirkable responsibility.

There is a beautiful wife in the family and a daughter who is less than one year old.

If Deputy Pan just left because of him.

She didn't know how to explain to his wife and children.

That will be the shadow that Dongfang Xue will never get rid of for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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