Murano's little genius

Chapter 297 Little temper tantrum, should be cured and must be cured

Chapter 297 Little temper tantrum, should be cured and must be cured
The doctors in the army and the doctors in the big hospitals were helpless.

Dongfang Xue put all her hopes on Zhang Xiaofan.

Regarding Zhang Xiaofan, Dongfang Xue was able to investigate all the information that could be obtained through investigation.

Coupled with Hua Chennan's recommendation, it can only be a gamble.

After all, she really has no choice, time waits for no one.

She couldn't wait to transfer people from other places, or transfer Deputy Pan.

At this time, Dongfang Xue could only wait outside the door.

Her cold face was full of worry.

"Captain, can this person really be trusted?"

"Although we have investigated his background, it was also recommended by Hua Chennan."

"But he's...too young."

"Also, his appearance is so elegant, I really can't imagine that he is not only a superb medical skill, but also a practitioner."

A man with a long face said.

This person is also one of the members of the Cobra team.

Practitioners, in today's world, are rare.

How could one appear in a poor mountain village?

In fact, even Dongfang Xue couldn't believe it.

Still, the investigation is there.

"You know Tang Hao, one of the five great cultivators in Qingyun City, right?"

Dongfang Xue asked.

"I know that someone who used to be a member of the Nandu Budo Cultivation Administration was expelled for violating some rules."

"After coming to Qingyun City, I became the guest of the Liu family, one of the three major families in Qingyun City."

"The realm of cultivation and strength are not bad. Among the five major cultivators in Qingyun City, their strength ranks fourth."

The long-faced man said.

"According to the informant, Tang Hao was severely injured two days ago, and was almost crippled."

Dongfang Xue said.

"What! Tang Hao was severely injured!"

"His strength is said to have been the second level of Kaiyuan mirror ten years ago."

"Peak Huang-level ancient warriors are no longer opponents."

"Who in Qingyun City can seriously injure me?"

"Lv Tianxiong? Or Su Lingtian? It's impossible. Although their cultivation level is higher than Tang Hao's, it's almost impossible to seriously injure Tang Hao."

The long-faced man reacted quite a lot. As an ancient warrior at the early stage of the yellow rank and a member of the Cobra team, he even knew very well that a practitioner could reach the strength of the Kaiyuan Mirror.

"Captain, who is it?"

the long-faced man asked.

"I heard it too, it is said that it is Zhang Xiaofan."

Dongfang Xue said.

She also tried to control her emotions.

Beat Tang Hao seriously?what does this mean?
It means that the person who beat it to a serious injury has a much higher level of cultivation than Tang Hao.

And Tang Hao was already a practitioner at the second level of Kaiyuan Jing ten years ago. After ten years, he is still at the third or fourth level of Kaiyuan Jing.

If Zhang Xiaofan was the one who injured Tang Hao, wouldn't that mean that Zhang Xiaofan was a master cultivator on the seventh or eighth level of the Kaiyuan Mirror?
how can that be!

Practitioners are rare in this world.

It is destined to become a cultivator, but after becoming a cultivator, it is extremely difficult to make further progress in cultivation.

Ordinary cultivators can only advance to one level in ten years, excellent ones can reach one level in five years, excellent ones who can add a little talent may take one level in three years, and if they are genius-type cultivators, they can basically reach one level in one year.

And Zhang Xiaofan looks like he is only in his early twenties.

Unless Zhang Xiaofan is a genius in cultivation, then he has practiced since he was three years old.

However, cultivators themselves are rare existences, and geniuses among cultivators are even rarer!
Well, even if Zhang Xiaofan is lucky and "wins the lottery", he is a genius among practitioners.

But he was just born in a poor family in a big mountain village, and he was brought up by his grandfather since he was a child.

Let me ask, who led him on the path of the mysterious cultivator?Who guides him?Who gave him the resources to practice?
Geniuses need someone to lead the way at the beginning, point out the maze, and give them the resources they need for cultivation.

So, how does this make people dare to believe that Zhang Xiaofan is the one who beat Tang Hao seriously?
"Captain, you know, it's almost impossible."

"There are fewer and fewer people in this world who can become cultivators. Zhang Xiaofan is lucky and has the physique of a cultivator."

"However, the environment in which he grew up has restricted him from making any progress in cultivation at this age."

The long-faced man shook his head and said.

"But some of the things he did prove that none of the ancient warriors at the early stage of the yellow rank are his opponents."

"But his strength still eludes me."

"Although we ancient warriors cannot perceive the true strength of practitioners."

"But at least we can feel whether he is strong or weak."

"However, when Zhang Xiaofan stood in front of us, it was as if there was a layer of mist covering him, making it hard for me to see clearly."

Think of the feeling from Zhang Xiaofan.

Dongfang Xue was actually full of doubts.

He has seen many practitioners, but it shouldn't feel like this.

"Also, where did his medical skills come from?"

"Growing up in a poor mountain village in a big mountain, and then going to university."

"I didn't study medicine either. Where did his superb and miraculous medical skills come from?"

"So, he still has a lot of information that we can't investigate."

"Zhang Xiaofan, it's definitely not as simple as it looks on the surface."

To be honest, Dongfang Xue has a strong interest in Zhang Xiaofan.

inside the room.

The situation of Vice Team Pan is not difficult for Zhang Xiaofan.

However, judging from the extent of Pan's injuries and the poisoning situation.

The person who fought against him should be a person with good skills and who also likes to use poison.

The first thing to treat Deputy Team Pan was not the injury, but the toxins that had already penetrated into his body.

After half an hour, Zhang Xiaofan used acupuncture to remove all the toxins in Deputy Team Pan's body.

Although it is not difficult, it is quite exhausting, after all, "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" is used.

One thing Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know is that "Nine Needles of Ghost Valley" is actually an acupuncture method that only practitioners can use.

Because it needs vitality to support.

This is why the old man asked him to practice "Body Exercise" (Blue Dragon Golden Body - Body Tempering Chapter).


At the door, although he was wearing plain clothes, Zhang Xiaofan with a handsome face appeared in front of Dongfang Xue and several other members of the Cobra team.

"How is Zhang Xiaofan?"

Dongfang Xue asked complicatedly.

"I'm hungry."

Zhang Xiaofan touched his stomach and said.

"Don't take yourself too seriously, our captain can answer whatever you ask!"

The long-faced man at the side looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said unhappily.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at the long face, shook his head and said with a meaningful smile: "Captain Dongfang, is this the quality of your so-called Cobra team?"

"Asshole, don't think that the captain is so presumptuous when he invited you here, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

To put it bluntly, the members of the Cobra team are somewhat arrogant.

I don't have a good impression of Zhang Xiaofan, who looks like a gentleman on the outside.

Just him?Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that he had the ability to rescue Deputy Pan.

"Long face, watch your attitude!"

Dongfang Xue scolded angrily.

"Okay, I'm born to like being whipped, come on, try to whip me, if you can get it, I'll call you grandpa."

I helped you save a life, and I was hungry and wanted something to eat.

But you have such an attitude, Zhang Xiaofan is very disappointed and a little angry.

It's time to learn a lesson and kill the arrogance of the so-called Cobra team.

"Captain Dongfang, don't stop me. If he can't get me today, I'll ask him to bring the food to me in person."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly and continued.

This made Dongfang Xue a little embarrassed.

"Captain, as the captain of the Cobra unit, you have such a high status."

"It's his honor to ask him to come here to save Vice Team Pan."

"But now he's so rude, with a proud attitude on his face."

"I have to teach him a lesson. I know that in our Cobra unit, a tiger has to lie down, and a dragon has to coil up."

"What's more, he's a country man!"

After finishing speaking, the long face rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Dongfang Xue wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

As one of his team members, Changlian has always had an aggressive temper.

But the strength is also there, the combat effectiveness of an ancient warrior in the middle of the yellow rank.

Zhang Xiaofan's expression was calm.

In the eyes of the leader of the Cobra team, although Zhang Xiaofan is a cultivator.

Practitioners are rarer than ancient warriors, and their prospects are higher than ancient warriors.

But his strength is that of a middle-stage Huang-level ancient warrior.

It is more than enough to teach some basic practitioners like Zhang Xiaofan some lessons.

What's more, he has killed countless enemies on the battlefield, has experienced hundreds of battles, and his combat experience is a few blocks away from Zhang Xiaofan.

The speed of the long face was extremely fast, within a breath he was in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan standing still, he felt that Zhang Xiaofan hadn't reacted at all, he was stunned.

He proudly waved his palm, intending to give Zhang Xiaofan a resounding slap.


The slap was loud and crisp.

You can feel the pain just by listening to it.

A few members of the Cobra team recalled what happened just now with their eyes wide open.

And Dongfang Xuemei's eyes tightened.

So fast!

The person who was beaten was not Zhang Xiaofan, but Long Face.

The speed of Zhang Xiaofan's shots, no one present could see clearly.

The long face that was full of confidence one second, was slapped in the face the next second.

This slap Zhang Xiaofan didn't use force, he just wanted to teach Changlian a lesson.

Let him know how to respect people.

Little temper tantrums need to be treated.

The long face was dumbfounded, just now he clearly saw Zhang Xiaofan was motionless, his own slap was about to slap him in the face.

But, why did he make a move!

The long face couldn't be seen clearly, and he really didn't know what was going on.

"Bastard, what have you done!"

Feeling the hotness of the right cheek, the long face became even more angry.

Losing to Zhang Xiaofan like this, he can't accept it.

He is the number one attacker of Cobra Squad.

What is the Cobra team? It is the elite among the special elites.

And he's an elite Cobra squad.

Just lose to Zhang Xiaofan, a country doctor who looks like a gentleman and has no strength to restrain a chicken?
How can it be!

An illusion, it must be an illusion.

"Come again!"

The long face thought it was an illusion, and he waved his left hand again.

The strength is great and the speed is extremely fast.

There was a whirring wind.

There was another loud applause.

This time Zhang Xiaofan was a little stronger.

The long face was so dizzy that it fell to the ground.

What a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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