Murano's little genius

Chapter 298 You Have Done It

Chapter 298 You Have Done It
The long face that fell to the ground only felt dizzy, and it would probably take a while to return to normal.

At this time, the scene was a little quiet.

Everyone knows the strength of a long face.

Even the ancient warriors in the later stage of Huang level may not be able to take advantage of him.

But, he couldn't even dodge Zhang Xiaofan's slap just now.

What does this mean?
It shows that Zhang Xiaofan's strength can crush the long face!
At the level of ancient warriors, if one wanted to overwhelm Long Face with strength, one had to be at least a peak ancient warrior of the Yellow rank.

In the realm of cultivators, cultivators corresponding to the strength of ancient warriors at the peak of the Huang level are at least the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and basically half of their feet have stepped into the Kaiyuan Mirror.

One can imagine how terrifying this strength is.

As the captain of the Cobra Troop, Dongfang Xue has never underestimated Zhang Xiaofan.

She just couldn't see Zhang Xiaofan's strength clearly.

But when Zhang Xiaofan showed terrifying means at this moment, Dongfang Xue was also shocked.

Dongfangxue is very talented in the martial arts training of ancient warriors, because she has very good ancient martial arts training genes.

Now at the age of 28, she has already reached the strength of an ancient warrior in the late Huang rank through her cultivation since she was a child.

However, judging from the strength of Zhang Xiaofan's casual attack just now, Zhang Xiaofan's strength must be higher than hers.

At least, when the wind is light and the clouds are calm, Zhang Xiaofan can make Changlian have no time to react with a casual move.

Dongfang Xue couldn't do this.

"Sorry, you lost."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the long face on the ground and said with a light smile.

"Captain Dongfang, someone has already rescued you and came back. This is the prescription. I believe your omnipotent Cobra troops can definitely get it."

"According to the above, if you drink it for a few days, the injuries on your body can fully recover."

Zhang Xiaofan took out a piece of paper full of words from his pocket and handed it to Dongfang Xue and said.


Dong Fangxue's beautiful eyes flashed with joy, and that cold face was also warmed up by joy.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Immediately, everyone ran into the room.

The long face on the ground also woke up, stood up and walked in unsteadily.

Cobra Squad is a team where the vice-captain is wounded and dying.

Everyone feels bad.

Especially when so many doctors are at their wits end.

It is conceivable how uncomfortable they felt.

Especially Dongfang Xue, the captain, was not only uncomfortable, but also full of self-blame.

This made Dongfang Xue, who rarely smiled, look even colder.

Deputy Pan of Cobra Squad wakes up!
This is good news for everyone in Cobra Force.

Deputy Pan sat up on the bed.

Although he looked weak, his life was no longer in danger.

The reason why he is weak is because his injuries are not healed yet.

The good thing is that the deadly mysterious poison in his body was completely eliminated by Zhang Xiaofa.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, is it okay for me to call you that?"

Dongfang Xue walked to Zhang Xiaofan and asked.

"I don't care what you call it, of course, as long as it doesn't sound too bad."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"On behalf of the entire Cobra team, thank you."

Dongfang Xue said sincerely.

Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his stomach and said: "Captain Dongfang, thank you, but I'm really hungry."

Dongfang Xue smiled sweetly, as beautiful as a flower blooming on top of an iceberg.

After all, the beauty smiles for you.

Dongfang Xue is no exception.

Dongfang Xue, who never smiled easily for any man, smiled today.

"That. I'm sorry."

The long face came over and directly showed an apology gesture.

Words and deeds are indeed sincere enough.

An apology, not just for what happened just now.

It was because Zhang Xiaofan really saved Vice Team Pan.

He admitted that he underestimated Zhang Xiaofan.

Never thought he could have any special skills.

However, when all the facts were in front of him, he was also slapped twice.

He woke up, he knew he was wrong.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I'll bring the food here."

Said the long face.

The long face is the "stab" of the Cobra team. To be convinced by him willingly, it requires absolute strength and absolute kindness.

But Zhang Xiaofan took both of these two.

The long face at this moment is like a wild wolf that was originally rebellious has become obedient and obedient.

For a while, even Dongfang Xue couldn't get used to it.

"Forget it, when I came here, I saw that you have a dining hall here."

"I'd better go to the dining hall."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

It was just talking just now, Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean that, just teach him a lesson.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, let me take you there."

"Long face, arrange someone to go to the military hospital to get all the medicinal materials there."

Dongfangxue handed the prescription list given by Zhang Xiaofan to Changlian.

He needs to do it himself.

"Okay, Captain!"

The long face saluted immediately.

Cobra Troops Dining Hall.

Nuoda's dining hall, only two people sat in it.

Zhang Xiaofan and Dongfang Xue.

Because it's not meal time.

"Captain Dongfang, I'm really sorry, I'm really hungry, I haven't eaten lunch yet."

Zhang Xiaofan said while eating.

"I was negligent, I didn't take into account that you haven't eaten, Doctor Xiaofan."

Dongfang Xue said.

"Captain Dongfang, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Dongfangxue replied immediately: "It's okay, Doctor Xiao Fan, just say what you want."

"Your meals are very average."

Zhang Xiaofan said very seriously.


Dongfang Xue couldn't help laughing again.

She thought Zhang Xiaofan was going to say something very important, but the result was unexpected.

"Captain Dongfang, don't think this is a small problem."

"The food is not delicious, which directly affects the appetite and food intake of all the cobra troops."

"If everyone is not full, it will affect the training, missions and so on."

"Am I right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I didn't expect Miracle Doctor Xiaofan to be so humorous."

Dongfang Xue said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiaofan is the first person in the Cobra unit who can talk and laugh with Dongfang Xue like this.

However, the aunts in the dining hall seemed to be discussing something.

"I also never imagined that Captain Dongfang looks so good when you smile."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

These words made Dongfang Xue a little overwhelmed.

Usually, if someone dared to play such a trick on her, according to her temperament, she would have to be taught a severe lesson.

The title "The King's Woman" is no joke.

However, after Zhang Xiaofan uttered these words, he seemed to want to get angry, and he seemed unable to bring it up.

Maybe, that's because he saved Vice Team Pan.

Dongfang Xue thought so herself.

"Okay, Captain Dongfang, I've already done what you need me to do."

"I came to Qingyun City because I have some things to deal with, so I have to leave first."

Dongfang Xue actually wants to ask something else, after all, Zhang Xiaofan is like a mysterious book, which he needs to read page by page to understand.

But at this time Zhang Xiaofan said he wanted to leave, she naturally didn't ask.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, you said before that you need a condition that I promise, but now you just say, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

Finally, Dongfang Xue talked about it.

"You have done it."

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the bowls and chopsticks on the table and said.

Suddenly, Dongfang Xue felt that Zhang Xiaofan was really interesting.

What he said and what he did always exceeded his expectations.

After leaving the mysterious cobra unit, Zhang Xiaofan called Hua Chennan.

He needs to meet Hua Chennan.

a lake.

"Leader Hua, do you know Cobra Force?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I'm very sorry, I recommended you to them without your permission."

"hope you do not get angry."

Hearing this, Hua Chennan quickly explained.

This is because Zhang Xiaofan blamed him for introducing him to Cobra Troops without consent.

"I'm not that stingy. I'm a doctor. Someone needs treatment. If you recommend me, I understand."

"I just want to know, what kind of existence is this cobra force?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Hua Chennan turned his head and glanced around, then lowered his voice and said, "Our Southern Province is adjacent to two countries, and the Cobra Force is a force that secretly performs various foreign missions."

"The Cobra unit has hundreds of people, including the Cobra squad, and the people in it are the best of the best."

"The tasks performed are very dangerous and important."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded, and probably understood.

In fact, he could have asked Dongfang Xue directly about these words.

But it didn't feel right, so I didn't ask in the end.

"Leader Hua, do you know about the Martial Arts Training Administration?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"Since Miracle Doctor Xiaofan asked about it, I won't keep it from you."

"It does, but it's not part of any agency that we normally know."

"For ordinary people, it is actually a secret institution."

"Only those who belong to that category will basically know its existence."

"Since Dr. Xiaofan already knows, then you should also belong to that kind of people."

Hua Chennan said.

Hua Chennan is not surprised that Zhang Xiaofan is a miraculous cultivator.

Miraculous people, miraculous medical skills, miraculous practitioners.

It fits the bill very well.

"Leader Hua, do me a favor and find out where Liu Piaopiao of the Liu family is now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, it's no problem, I'll call someone to investigate right away."

After speaking, Hua Chennan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, wait a moment and I will find out for you right away."

After a few minutes.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, we found it. Liu Piaopiao has stayed at Liu's house for the past two days."

"There is another piece of news, Miracle Doctor Xiaofan. According to the information someone gave me, the Liu family already knows who did what happened to Liu Shengjie last time."

"But Doctor Xiaofan, don't worry, they don't have any evidence for this matter, not to mention that I haven't troubled them about this matter yet, and they dare not come to you."

Hua Chennan said.

For this matter, Zhang Xiaofan has long been prepared in his heart, and the Liu family knows that Liu Shengjie's matter will happen sooner or later.

Above the lobby of the Liu family.

"Father, the situation is now clear. What happened to the third brother and Tang Hao was done by Zhang Xiaofan. We must catch him back and burn him to ashes!"

A middle-aged man with short-to-medium hair said with eagle-like eyes.

"Father, brother is right!"

Another middle-aged man with a steel ring also said.

"Okay, I know what's in my mind."

"Sheng Jiang and Tang Hao are abolished, and my anger is no less than yours!"

"Our Liu family has never been bullied like this in Qingyun City."

"But think about it, is this person really just a country doctor?"

"Piao Piao managed Yongchun Pharmaceuticals, and Piao Piao himself also suffered a lot from this."

"This person doesn't even look down on our Liu family, and even Tang Hao is deposed by him!"

"This shows that this person's background is definitely not as simple as what you see, and his strength is also there."

"You all know Tang Hao's strength!"

"In Qingyun City, who is sure to seriously injure him?"

"He is a cultivator on the fourth floor of the Kaiyuan Realm!"

The person who spoke was none other than Liu Honglin, the head of the Liu Family in Qingyun City.

(End of this chapter)

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