Murano's little genius

Chapter 299 Competition of Three Big Clans?

Chapter 299 Competition of Three Great Clans?

As the Patriarch of the Liu Family in Qingyun City, despite his age, he is very clear-headed.

He followed a long-standing principle that powerful people are not simple behind them, and they must not be dazzled by hatred.

Liu Shengjie is his youngest son. Although he has no skills, he is his son after all, his own flesh and blood.

The only one who scolded him and punished him was Liu Honglin.

Others, absolutely not.

But now, lying on the bed crippled by Zhang Xiaofan, still hasn't woken up.

As the head of the Liu family, as a father, Liu Honglin was as angry as anyone in the Liu family.

He wished he could catch Zhang Xiaofan and torture him severely, making his life worse than death!
However, when he saw Tang Hao lying on the bed, seriously injured, dying and losing his cultivation base.

He hesitated.

"Grandpa, Zhang Xiaofan is really just a country doctor. He has no background, he just knows a few small leaders in official careers."

Liu Piaopiao said.

"Hehe, Piao Piao, it's not my brother who is talking about you. It's fine if you confused the property that the family entrusted to you. Now Uncle Tang is still seriously injured because of you."

"You still dare to say such contemptuous words now? It's ridiculous."

A man who looked a few years older than Liu Piaopiao shook his head and said.

"Liu Xiahui, you have no right to speak of me!"

Liu Piaopiao is a woman from Liu Jianzhou.

Liu Xiahui is the son of Liu Dongcheng.

And Liu Jianzhou is the second son of Liu Honglin, and Liu Dongcheng is the eldest son.

Naturally, Liu Piaopiao called Liu Xiahui an elder brother.

But unfortunately, Liu Piaopiao and Liu Xiahui have always had a bad relationship.

They all want to be the best young man in that family.

"Whether I have the right to talk about you is not up to you."

"Look at the mess you're doing now, grandpa hasn't investigated your mistakes yet!"

Liu Xiahui didn't miss this opportunity to step on Liu Piaopiao.

"Whether or not to pursue it is up to Grandpa, not a prodigal son like you."

"Who is the prodigal? You made things like this, you are the prodigal!"


"Shut up for me!"

Liu Honglin scolded loudly.

"What time is this, and you are still talking fast here."

"Piao Piao, you should have told your father earlier about this matter, instead of trying to solve it by yourself."

"Now the biggest loss to our Liu family is not the industry and people in FY County, but Tang Hao!"

"The Lu family and the Su family should already know that Tang Hao was seriously injured."

"I have a hunch they're sure who took the opportunity to do something."

"Our Liu family is also one of the three major families in Qingyun City. The family rules are strict, and Jianzhou. Since Piao Piao made a mistake, I will give you the punishment of being a father. I hope you know how to do it."

Liu Honglin said indifferently.

"Father, Jianzhou knows."

Liu Jianzhou answered with a nod.

Although Liu Piaopiao was unwilling, this was what his grandfather said, and she didn't have any refutation.

In the Liu family, Liu Honglin has the final say on everything, and no one can refute it.

Otherwise, no matter who it is, they will be punished.

Liu Honglin is a bit like an ancient feudal ruler.

"Jianzhou, tell people to pay close attention to the actions of the Lu family and the Su family. If there is any problem, please report to me in time."

"Okay, Dad!"

"Dongcheng, you.
Small building by the lake.

"Leader Hua, does the Liu family have anything to do with the Youth Federation?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"If there is a relationship, there is indeed a relationship."

"But we couldn't find any evidence."

"According to reports from some of our infiltrators in the Youth Federation, the Liu family in Qingyun City has long been a puppet of the Youth Federation."

"But we can't find evidence."

"And the Liu family is the three major families in Qingyun City."

"It has many industries and controls many economic lifelines."

"In addition, it is a branch of the Liu family in the southern capital after all. Without 100% proof, we cannot take any measures against the Liu family."

"Otherwise, the consequences are serious."

"In addition, the head of the Liu family, Liu Honglin, is a member of the Martial Arts Training Administration Bureau. Although he doesn't hold any important positions, he is an official person after all,"

"And, he is also a member of the Martial Arts Practice Management Association."

"I know a lot of people."

"Given all this, even if we find all the evidence later."

"I guess, it's not easy."

Brilliance South looked a little unhappy.

As a good leader, this is the last thing he wants to say.

"So, with such a powerful background, the Liu family can't touch it even if it has done a lot of bad things?"

Zhang Xiaofan took a sip of tea and said.

"Moving can definitely be moving, but if you want to really move, you must have a backbone."

"It's definitely not possible with me alone."

"In the eyes of the Liu family, I, Hua Chennan, actually didn't take it seriously at all."

"They are polite on the surface, but that's because they want to keep a low profile on the surface."

"The Liu family in Qingyun City is a branch of the Liu family in Nandu, so if you really want to move the Liu family in the future, you must have the leadership of Nandu."

"And, this person is not light."

Hua Chennan said.

Hua Chennan's words made Zhang Xiaofan think.

"Now the Liu family should already be planning how to deal with themselves."

"It seems that when I come to Qingyun City this time, what I am facing is not Liu Piaopiao, but the entire Liu family."

This is a bit of a test for Zhang Xiaofan
This trip to Qingyun City is destined to be not easy.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, in two days it will be the day when the three major families in Qingyun City re-elect the ownership of the pharmaceutical industry."

"If you're going to do something, that's the best time."

Hua Chennan didn't know exactly what Zhang Xiaofan was doing in Qingyun City.

But he guessed that [-]% of them had something to do with the Liu family.

Otherwise Zhang Xiaofan wouldn't ask Liu Piaopiao's whereabouts as soon as he came.

"The ownership of the pharmaceutical industry?"

"What does it mean?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Many years ago, the three major families competed fiercely in the pharmaceutical industry."

"This has caused a mess in the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City."

"Also, because of vicious competition among the three major families, no one can make money at all."

"So, after the official consultation with the three major families."

"A competition is held every three years to determine the ownership of the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City in the next three years."

"Whoever wins will control the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City in the next three years."

"That is to say, whoever wins, the other two will not be able to be involved in the pharmaceutical industry in Qingyun City for the next three years."

Hua Chennan explained.

It turns out there is such a thing.

The pharmaceutical industry is a very profitable industry, and whoever wins can make a lot of money in the next three years.

Such a sweet pastry, the three major families must pay attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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