Murano's little genius

Chapter 301 The 1888 Yuan Package

Chapter 301 The 1888 Yuan Package
Rented a villa, and used various routines to extort money from the rich.

Many rich people care about saving face, and if they can solve it with money, they don't say much.

And even if the two were caught, they would come out quickly.

That's how the man and woman make money.

Zhang Xiaofan told driver Xiao Liu a plan.

The plan is to take advantage of tonight to meet that rich brother.

Brother Cai is a small leader of the Youth Federation.

But it was this little boss, how many bad things did the people under him do, and how many people were harmed?

It can be said to be a heinous crime.

Since the authorities had no evidence to arrest him, Zhang Xiaofan went to meet him.

Just want to know something.

After being arrested last time, Brother Cai's whereabouts have been closely watched by the authorities.

At night, Xiao Liu drove Zhang Xiaofan to a Muzu city.

"According to his whereabouts, he is inside tonight."

"Mr. Xiaofan, Zhang Wangcai has good skills, so be careful."

"Here's a picture of him."

After Xiao Liu said this, he seemed to feel a little redundant.

Just relying on Zhang Wangcai?None of them are Zhang Xiaofan's opponents.

Zhang Xiaofan walked into Muzu City.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan has never experienced foot massage in this kind of place.

Night is the best time for business in Muzu City.

Maybe it's because I'm too tired after get off work at night and want to relax.

Maybe it's something else.

This Muzu City is not small, Zhang Xiaofan will find it difficult.

However, this Muzu city is divided into levels.

Ordinary package: 188
Masonry package: 488
Emperor package: 888
Supreme package: 1888
This is the consumption package of Muzu City.

Is this the ultimate package 1888 after washing your feet?

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

It's not that he doesn't believe in selling meat here.

Zhang Wangcai is a small leader of the Youth Federation, so his spending power is definitely not bad.

Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the area where he can consume the supreme package.

"Hi sir, do you want to order the supreme set meal?"

A woman in a short skirt and a deep V dress asked respectfully.

"I'm looking for Brother Cai, is he in there?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Since Zhang Wangcai came here, he must be a regular visitor here.

And since he is a regular visitor, the people here must know him.

"Yes, it's in room 9."

When she heard that she was looking for Zhang Wangcai, the woman immediately replied.

Zhang Wangcai is not only a frequent visitor here, but also a friend of the boss.

The staff here know it all.

"Okay, then you can arrange room 8 for me, and don't disturb Brother Cai now."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The waiter understood.

The waiter brought Zhang Xiaofan to room 8.

Right next door to room 9.

"Sir, then I will arrange a technician for you."

"Do you have a choice?"

asked the sexy waitress.

"No, you can arrange whatever you want."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.


The woman walked out of the room.

This room is not big, only about ten square meters.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan is not in a hurry, he also wants to experience the foot washing once in 1888.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan will not pay this money, he wants Zhang Wangcai to pay.

The sound insulation of the rooms here seems to be not very good, Zhang Xiaofan can clearly hear the sound, that is, there are women's shouts and panting in Zhang Wangcai's room 9.

However, as soon as the sound started, it stopped in less than half a minute.

"I'll beat you to death!"

"Dare to laugh at me!"


"Brother Cai, I didn't laugh at you, don't hit me!"

"Damn! Still talking and laughing, do you think I'm blind?"

"I'll kick you to death!"

The door of room 9 opened, and a naked woman ran out.

His body was blue and purple.

"Arrange another one for me!"

Zhang Wangcai shouted loudly.

"Brother Cai, there is a newcomer today, but she is not a newcomer. She used to make the ordinary set meal, but now she has upgraded to the supreme set meal."

"It means having a face and a face, and a figure and a figure."

"I'll bring her here, okay?"

A middle-aged woman came over and said.

"Then hurry up, if you still dissatisfy me, you will come here in person."

Zhang Wangcai licked his lips with his tongue and said.

"Okay, Brother Cai, I'll bring someone over here."

Zhang Xiaofan in room 9 could hear it clearly.

It seems that this foot washing is not going to last.

"Dong dong!"

"Hello, sir. I am Technician No. 20, and my name is Lulu. I am very happy to serve you."

Suddenly, a woman in a miniskirt and revealing clothes came to the door.

The woman has an average face and an average height.

But the figure is not ordinary!
Others are curvy and sexy, but she is plump and round.

It has meat, but it doesn't look greasy.

It's a bit like that Okita anpricot.

"Sir, I'm closing the door then."

The female technician Lulu was about to close the door.

"Don't close the door, I like to keep it open."

Zhang Xiaofan said quickly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, sir, to have such a hobby."

"Okay, sir, don't close it if you don't want to close it. For me, the guest is God, and I can satisfy any request."

The female technician Lulu put down his small box and said.

There was the sound of high heels outside the door.

A woman in a miniskirt enters Room 8.

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, that woman seemed a little familiar.

"Sir, take off your clothes."

The female technician Lulu said.

"Aren't you washing your feet? What clothes are you taking off?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hehe, sir is really good at joking, you have already ordered the supreme set meal, so ask the question knowingly."

"How do you do a project without taking your clothes off?"

The female technician Lulu said with a smile.

After speaking, the hand was about to move towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"Let me ask you a question, what's the name of the female technician who went to Room 8 just now?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Sir, I'm fine. Everyone who has ordered me says it's great."

"Just try it and you'll know."

"The woman just now, named Zhou Zimei, is the first time to make this set meal today, and she is inexperienced."

"The service is definitely not as good as mine."

Female technician Lulu has already approached Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhou Zimei!
Because of Zhou Zimei's exaggerated dress, Zhang Xiaofan only felt a little familiar.

But there was no connection with Zhou Zimei.

In addition, this is Qingyun City, a Muzu City.

How could Zhou Zimei do such a thing in such a place.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately walked out of the room and went to Room 8.

In fact, regardless of whether the woman is Zhou Zimei or not, Zhang Xiaofan has to go in before Zhang Wangcai's action.

Zhang Xiaofan directly kicked the door and entered.

This directly shocked Zhang Wangcai.

It also frightened Zhou Zimei to hide in the corner, thinking it was the police.

Zhang Wangcai was intimidated not because he was afraid of the police coming.

It was because he was afraid of being seen in his bug-like place.

"*you*, who are you! Do you want to die?"

Zhang Wangcai was as angry as a mad cow.

"Brother Cai, I have something to talk to you about."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Sister Zimei, you go out first."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Zhou Zimei who was huddled in the corner.

At this moment, Zhou Zimei didn't notice Zhang Xiaofan's address and appearance because she was afraid, she only heard that she could go out.

I ran away in a hurry.

"who are you?"

Zhang Wangcai put on his pants and looked at Zhang Xiaofan seriously.

"Talk to you about the Youth Federation."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing this, Zhang Wangcai's expression changed.

"Look at your young age, the new #cha."

"So ignorant, it seems that no one taught you how to do things!"

"Come to Muzu City to find me, and disturb Lao Tzu's wonderful moments."

"Okay, since no one will teach you, then I will teach you!"

After Zhang Wangcai finished speaking, he rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan like a mad cow.



Zhang Xiaofan also didn't want to waste time.

Grabbing his fist directly and twisting it backhand, the bones of the entire arm were divided into several sections in an instant.

Zhang Wangcai was still a little confused, how did this become like this?
Zhang Wangcai's men came down.

There are more than a dozen people.

All of them looked fierce.

It doesn't look like an ordinary little gangster.

Washed feet in another area just now.

After receiving the news from Muzu City, he rushed over immediately.

After all, Zhang Wangcai is a small leader of the Youth Federation, and usually there are more than a dozen people following him.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for his identity.

Don't underestimate the little boss Zhang Wangcai, he has too many little people under his command.

At least hundreds of people.

They all infiltrated all walks of life and corners of Qingyun City to do different crimes.

Zhang Wangcai controls the fate of too many ordinary people.

And he is just a small leader of the Youth Federation in Nanshi.

"You idiot, fuck him!"

"Take a breath, I will torture him, make his life worse than death!"

Zhang Wangcai roared loudly.

It's like going crazy.

"Brothers, fuck him!"

More than a dozen people rushed up directly.

Everyone is like a tiger out of the cage, it is not easy.

At any rate, they were directly with Zhang Wangcai, and all of them were a bit skilled.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to be this thug.

Zhang Xiaofan's fists are like a hurricane, his body is like a giant beast.

He rushed directly into the flock of sheep, ruthlessly teasing them.

Less than half a minute.

More than a dozen people fell to the ground screaming and wailing.

Zhang Wangcai stared at Zhang Xiaofan firmly.

He, Zhang Wangcai, is also an ancient warrior at the early stage of Huang rank.

Just now Zhang Xiaofan crippled his hand with one move, he already knew that Zhang Xiaofan's strength is definitely not simple.

However, he didn't expect it to be so simple!

He knew exactly what level of skill these dozen people had.

Those are all the warrior elite thugs for themselves.

So that he can do things more conveniently and quickly.

More than a dozen warrior elite thugs.

What a luxurious lineup!
The ancient warriors in the middle of the yellow rank can't solve the battle in half a minute, right?
"who are you?"

Zhang Wangcai felt that he had guessed wrong, and Zhang Xiaofan was 100% not #解.

It's not that there is no such powerful #cha, but that there is no such powerful and young #cha.

There are security guards in Muzu City.

At this time also ran over.

However, when they saw a dozen or so screaming people on the ground.

The body trembled.

Too scared to take a step forward.

They are just security guards with a salary of 4000 yuan a month.

There is no need to work so hard.


Zhang Xiaofan's voice was like thunder.

It scared the shit out of a dozen security guards and ran away.

Zhang Xiaofan went straight to Zhang Wangcai.

A punch in the past knocked him out.

Grab one hand and drag it straight away.

"Xiao Liu, take Zhang Wangcai away first, I still have something to do."

"Mr. Xiaofan, do you need me to call the official to deal with it?"

"Not yet."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan went up again.

(End of this chapter)

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