Murano's little genius

Chapter 302 Chatting in the Coffee Shop

Chapter 302 Chatting in the Coffee Shop
Zhang Xiaofan went to Muzu City again.

"Call Zhou Zimei out."

Zhang Xiaofan said directly to the manager of Muzu City.


Seeing Zhang Xiaofan walking back again, the manager was terrified.

As a manager of Muzu City, he has seen all kinds of people.

But he has never seen such a hateful person!

In addition, he knows exactly who Zhang Xiaofan hit.

Zhang Wangcai, known as Brother Cai.

Even the boss of their Muzu City would call Brother Cai when they saw it.

It is said that Muzu City has to pay 30 yuan to Zhang Wangcai every month, otherwise the Muzu City will never be opened.

It was such a person who was dragged out of Muzu City naked by Zhang Xiaofan.

It's not that simple!

Zhou Zimei, who was dressed scantily, followed the manager of Muzu City.

Zhou Zimei lowered her head, she didn't even dare to look at Zhang Xiaofan, she was very scared.

Afraid of what Zhang Xiaofan would do to her.

"I'm going to take her away tonight, do you have any objections?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The manager of Muzu City said with a trembling voice: "That. No. Yes."

How dare he say no.

"Sister Zimei, do you remember me?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Zhou Zimei still lowered her head, she was so afraid that she was picking her fingers.

She shook her head and said, "I won't go with you. I won't go with you."

Because of fear, Zhou Zimei didn't have the ability to distinguish voices, and even more didn't notice Zhang Xiaofan's "Sister Mei".

"Zhou Zimei, it's your luck that this gentleman let you go with him, don't be ignorant!"


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaofan kicked the manager of Muzu City.

"Did I tell you to speak?"

said coldly.

Zhang Xiaofan's kick directly knocked the manager of Muzu City unconscious.

Zhou Zimei was so frightened that she squatted down because she was afraid of screaming loudly.

"Sister Zimei, I'm Zhang Xiaofan, Xiaofan from Stone Village."

Zhang Xiaofan also squatted down.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

Because of fear, Zhou Zimei said loudly.

"Sister Zimei, look up and see who I am?"

"I'm Zhang Xiaofan, Xiaofan from Stone Village."

Zhang Xiaofan still said.

Zhou Zimei seemed to have regained her composure.

She seemed to hear a familiar name and voice.

She raised her head slowly.

A familiar, handsome face came into view.

"Xiao Fan! Are you Xiao Fan from Stone Village?"

Seeing a familiar face, Zhou Zimei turned from fear to excitement.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Although Zhang Xiaofan and Zhou Zimei are from the same village, they had little contact with each other before.

The only intersection was when Zhou Zimei donated 5000 yuan to Zhang Xiaofan to go to college.

And why Zhou Zimei recognized Zhang Xiaofan at a glance, and was so impressed by the name Zhang Xiaofan?
This is from a woman's point of view.

It can be seen from Zhang Xiaofan calling her sister Zimei that Zhou Zimei is not very old.

Although she has been married for many years, she is only 26 now.

There is no way, many girls in Stone Village marry early.

Back then Zhou Zimei's husband was indeed rich, but no matter how rich he was, the 5000 yuan was not given away casually.

When Zhou Zimei was a little girl, she had paid attention to Zhang Xiaofan a long time ago.

Hardworking, honest, smart, gentle and handsome.

These are what young girls like.

So, when she heard that Zhang Xiaofan needed money to go to college, Zhou Zimei donated 5000 yuan without hesitation.

Because of this, Zhou Zimei had a fight with her husband.

a coffee shop.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't like drinking coffee, but it's quiet here, suitable for chatting.

"Sister Zimei, I went to Jinxiu Community in FY County to look for you, but I heard that you sold the house."

"Why did you come to Qingyun City now and work there just now?"

"I remember that you were married very well at that time."

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

The tone is very steady and the voice is moderate.

"Xiao Fan, thank you for treating me to coffee."

"Four years have passed in a blink of an eye. You have all graduated from college and are promising."

"Sister Zimei is happy for you."

Zhou Zimei didn't ask Zhang Xiaofan what he does now.

But he knew that Zhang Xiaofan would not be a bad person.

Because he came tonight to punish the bad guys.

"Actually, Xiaofan, to be honest, I don't have the face to sit here and talk to you."

Zhou Zimei said.

Although Zhou Zimei's appearance can only be regarded as a little above average, she belongs to the good-looking type.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, a makeup is still a beautiful woman.

"Sister Zimei, I know you must have a special reason, and you have to come to work in that kind of place as a last resort."

"I understand."

"What's the matter? You tell me, I can help you."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Zhou Zimei shook her head, her eyes were slightly red.

"Xiaofan, do you believe in fate?"

"My fate predestined my life to be bitter."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Sister Zimei, of course I believe in fate, but what I believe is that fate is in our own hands."

Through Zhou Zimei's words and deeds just now, Zhang Xiaofan knew that she was a little pessimistic.

Because of some things that happened, she was full of disappointment about her future life.

There was no light in her clear eyes.

"Back then, in order for my brother to marry a wife, my parents married me early in exchange for a bride price."

"Yes, in everyone's opinion, it is very good that I married in the county."

"However, only you know whether you are married well or not."

"Xiaofan, can you imagine a woman marrying a man who often stays out at night and gambles?"

"A good family, he gambled away!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Zimei was a little emotional.

She covered her face and wept.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and gently patted Zhou Zimei's shoulder, he didn't know what to say for a while.

He also never thought that Zhou Zimei married such a husband.

"The house is sold, and he still wants to gamble."

"Now the child is sick and hospitalized and needs a lot of money, he is still gambling!"

"I have no choice but to take care of the children in the hospital during the day and come out to work at night."

"Today, during the day, the doctor told me that the child's condition cannot be delayed, and if the operation is not performed, his life will be in danger at any time."

"Because of this, I have no choice. In order to make more money, I can only"

As she was talking, Zhou Zimei was already crying.

Tears had already wet his eyes, and his face was full of crystal clear tears.

It hurts to watch.

"Sister Zimei, what disease does your child have?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.


"The situation is serious enough that a heart transplant is the last resort."

"But. That's a lot of money."

Zhou Zimei shook her head and said disappointedly.

"Sister Zimei, don't come out to do this kind of work in the future."

"Go back to the hospital to take care of the child first, and leave the rest to me."

"I'll fix it."

Zhang Xiaofan said with certainty.

Hearing what happened to Zhou Zimei, Zhang Xiaofan felt very sad.

Who would have thought that the well-married sister Zimei would be like this?
The grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring.

Zhang Xiaofan knows this truth.

As a villager, I call Sister Zimei, and I still have the 5000 yuan from that year.

These all drive Zhang Xiaofan to help Zhou Zimei change the difficulties she encountered in life.

(End of this chapter)

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