Murano's little genius

Chapter 303 Absolutely famous killer?

Chapter 303 Absolutely famous killer?
Zhang Xiaofan has important matters to deal with tonight, after learning about Zhou Zimei's situation at the coffee shop.

Zhang Xiaofan took a taxi to send Zhou Zimei back.

Next to a piece of cheap rental housing.

"Sister Zimei, I have something to do tonight. I will come to see you tomorrow, and I will go to the hospital with you."

"Don't worry, things are not difficult for me."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Zhou Zimei nodded.

She never expected someone to come and help him.

The appearance of Zhang Xiaofan was something she never thought of.

And, the way he appeared was so sudden, so special.

From Zhang Xiaofan's words and deeds, Zhou Zimei felt that Zhang Xiaofan was still the helpful Zhang Xiaofan.

She didn't know how Zhang Xiaofan could help herself.

But in the end, whether Zhang Xiaofan can help or not, Zhou Zimei will not blame him.

Because, the appearance of Zhang Xiaofan is like a ray of sunshine in the darkness, allowing her to continue to move towards hope and light.

After parting with Zhou Zimei, Zhang Xiaofan went to the place agreed with driver Xiao Liu.

But not long after Zhang Xiaofan left.

A man grabbed Zhou Zimei's hair and beat her severely.

In the coffee shop, Zhang Xiaofan actually found some traces of Zhou Zimei being beaten.

But when asked, Zhou Zimei just said that she fell.

Zhang Xiaofan is a doctor, he knows exactly whether he fell or was beaten.

In an unfinished building.

This is where Zhang Xiaofan asked driver Xiao Liu to bring Zhang Wangcai.

Zhang Wangcai was tied to a concrete pillar.

A bucket of water was splashed over, and he woke up from the coma in an instant.

He opened his eyes and saw a face that scared even him.

Beneath the polite appearance is a "devil" with unfathomable strength.

He looked at Zhang Xiaofan in fear.

"what are you going to do!"

But after all, he is a small leader of the Youth Federation in Qingyun City, so he came from the tip of the knife after all.

Indeed, it can be regarded as going through a lot of small winds and waves, although he is afraid of Zhang Xiaofan.

But it doesn't mean he will be cowardly.

"Have you ever heard such a saying?"

"I will destroy you on behalf of justice."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a cold smile.

"Haha! Ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

"I admit that you are very powerful."

"But what can you do?"

"You can compete with the Youth Federation!"

"Return justice, boy, justice has long been lost in this world."

Zhang Wangcai laughed and said.

"You are a destroyer of justice. Your heart has long been filled with darkness. Naturally, you cannot see justice."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Let me tell you, those #chas can't do anything to me, so what can you do?"

Zhang Wangcai, who is self-righteous, is emboldening himself.


Zhang Xiaofan punched out.

It fell heavily on Zhang Wangcai's abdomen.

After being hit hard, Zhang Wangcai spat out a mouthful of blood.

It has to be said that Zhang Wangcai is quite tolerant, one of his hands has already been crippled by Zhang Xiaofan.

Now he was punched in the abdomen again.

How about yelling.

The abdominal pain made Zhang Wangcai's face pale.

"This punch is considered an appetizer."

"If you can't answer the question I asked truthfully, then I can guarantee that you will never be able to eat the main course."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Unless you beat me to death. Otherwise, you don't want to get half of the news you want from me!"

Enduring the severe pain, Zhang Wangcai looked grim.

"Don't worry, I didn't do the killing."

"However, I have better means than killing people."

"You have to answer the following two questions truthfully, otherwise, you absolutely don't want to experience the feeling that life is worse than death."

Zhang Xiaofan took out long and thin silver needles and said.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that a simple beating would not make Zhang Wangcai say anything.

After all, he was a small boss after all.

"First, name the boss above you."

"Secondly, is there any relationship between the Liu family and the Youth Federation, and how they cooperate."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"

Zhang Wangcai's eyes were like a wolf who would rather die than surrender.

As a doctor, a doctor with superb acupuncture.

Zhang Xiaofan is very clear about where the weak points of the human body are.

Holding a silver needle, he pierced two acupuncture points on Zhang Wangcai's body.

That's not too deep, not too shallow, just right.

That's the only way the effect will be perfect.

what! ~
In the next second, Zhang Wangcai screamed like crazy, but the voice couldn't be called at all.

Like a hungry wolf with a hoarse voice.

A tingling pain that he had never experienced filled his whole body, that kind of pain was not a pain of flesh and blood.

It's like the pain of tearing nerves.

Zhang Wangcai struggled. Because of the pain, the veins on his forehead and neck were protruding.

He shook his head violently, feeling that life would be worse than death followed.

"I beg you to kill me!"

Zhang Wangcai roared loudly.

"I said, killing you is not what I did."

"You just have to answer the questions I asked you truthfully."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I told you!"

Zhang Wangcai couldn't bear the feeling that was more painful than death.

Zhang Xiaofan took out two silver needles from Zhang Wangcai's body.

In fact, if it continues, Zhang Wangcai will definitely faint because of the severe nerve pain and become a fool.

"Tell me?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

Zhang Wangcai became a little weak, it seemed that he couldn't even stand firmly.

"I haven't seen the person above, I only know that he is called the disciple."

"The Liu family is indeed related to the Youth Federation, but I don't know the specific reason. The cooperation between the Liu family and the Youth Federation is actually very simple. The Liu family provides what the Youth Federation needs, and the Youth Federation helps the Liu family with some special things."

Zhang Wangcai said weakly.

"How do you communicate with the disciples?"

"What does the Liu family provide to the Youth Federation? And what does the Youth Federation do for the Liu family?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"We're in touch by phone."

"But I only know so much about the Liu family and the Youth Federation, I don't know the specifics."

"After all, I'm just a small boss, and I know only a little bit."

"However, there is one thing. The Liu family's many troubles in Qingyun City were solved by our Youth Federation."

Zhang Wangcai said.

"Any more?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"No, that's really all I know."

Zhang Wangcai replied weakly.

"Xiao Liu, you should take this man back to the relevant department and let him explain everything he should do."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Xiao Liu who was recording the video.


Driver Xiao Liu drove Zhang Wangcai to the relevant department, and then went to Hua Chennan to report the relevant information.

This time, Zhang Wangcai cannot escape the law.

After Zhang Xiaofan knew this information, he was also very worried.

This Youth Federation is by no means simple.

And the Liu family, what exactly is it doing with the Youth Federation?
It's all a fog.

Zhang Xiaofan took a taxi and headed back towards the villa.

After returning to the villa, it was not too early.

Zhang Xiaofan took a shower and was about to go to bed.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed by the bed.

With keen eyesight, Zhang Xiaofan knew it was a figure.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately rushed out of the villa.

I saw a mysterious man wearing a hat and mask jumped out of the three-meter-high fence of the villa area.

From this person, Zhang Xiaofan felt a good ancient warrior aura.

Obviously, this person came to find himself.

And running so fast, it was obvious that he wanted to lure himself out.

Since people are always looking for him, it is not Zhang Xiaofan's temperament not to chase after him and ask for clarification.

Zhang Xiaofan also jumped lightly, and chased after him.

Zhang Xiaofan's speed was very fast, he caught up with the mysterious man in no time.

By the lake, the mysterious man stopped.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you like to meddle in your own business!"

"I have been ordered to take your life tonight."

The voice of the mysterious man was very strange, somewhat mechanical, and it always felt that it was not made by a human being.

Zhang Xiaofan found that there was a character "jue" on the man's clothes.

"Are you from the Youth Federation?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

The mysterious man didn't speak.

He immediately unwrapped a soft sword from his waist.

This sword is as soft as a snake, and it shoots coldly.

"In order to make your death clearer, let me tell you that I am the top killer of the Youth Federation, ranking 12th on the Youth Federation's killer list."

As soon as the words were finished, the top-ranked killer of the Youth League, armed with a soft sword, attacked with murderous aura.

A strong infuriating energy also spread out.

"This breath. Xuan-level ancient warrior!"

This is the first time Zhang Xiaofan has fought against a mysterious ancient warrior.

Xuan level ancient warriors, the strength is equivalent to the strength of Kaiyuan mirror practitioners.

From this point of view, this battle is not easy.

The speed of the Juezihao killer is very fast, and his swordsmanship is also extremely strange, and his moves are even more deadly.

Zhang Xiaofan is unarmed, seems to be at a disadvantage.

The sword is like a snake, and the attack can change the direction.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan dodged, the direction of the sword's attack also changed.

This made Zhang Xiaofan a little uncomfortable.

call out!
Zhang Xiaofan held the silver needle and hit it with one needle!
Extremely fast.

A burst of sparks flickered.

Zhang Xiaofan's silver needle was blocked by the assassin with a soft sword.

This soft sword can be used to attack and defend when retreating.

"Hehe! Is this your strength?"

"Cultivator Tang Hao was seriously injured by you, use your full strength, otherwise you will die very quickly!"

The killer said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense and continue."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The killer with a soft sword swung horizontally.

The soft sword flashed a white light, and a flowing light blade hit Zhang Xiaofan.

The speed is very fast, but Zhang Xiaofan dodged it.

The trees took the onslaught and crashed down.

The killer's attack didn't stop, he came like riding on the wind.

With a soft sword in his hand, he slashed out with every strange sword.

Let's kill!

Zhang Xiaofan is adapting to his attack, finding out his weaknesses.

"The afterglow of the setting sun!"

The killer holds a sword in both hands, and the sword body is bright.

A huge energy converges on the sword body.

The killer is ready to give Zhang Xiaofan a fatal blow.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't dodge, but stimulated the vitality in his body.

Swipe away with a punch!
An illusory huge fist, majestic away.


The lakeside at night instantly brightened up.

But it was also accompanied by the aftermath of the explosion, which seriously damaged the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

"Beep! Beep!"

A few # cars rushed over, this is a high-end villa area, easy to be found.

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to be so weak. Don't worry, I will look for another chance."

After speaking, the killer left here as lightly as a swallow at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to catch up, but thinking about the strength of this killer, Zhang Xiaofan was not absolutely sure of defeating him.

Although he is an ancient warrior, the majestic aura emanating from him is stronger and sharper than Tang Hao.

Maybe it's an ancient martial artist in the middle or even later stages of the Mysterious Class!
The Kaiyuan state of a cultivator corresponds to the Xuan level of an ancient warrior.

Zhang Xiaofan remembered that Tang Hao said that his strength was the sixth level of the Kaiyuan Mirror (actually it was already the seventh level).

That strength should correspond to the ancient warriors of the late Xuan level.

The reason why Zhang Xiaofan was unable to defeat the Juezihao killer just now, there is a very important reason, that is his soft sword.

According to normal understanding, it is impossible to have such a sharp and soft sword, and the material seems to be unusual.

Coupled with the killer's swordsmanship attacks, it seems that his attacks have no flaws, and while there are no flaws, the attacks are all fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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