Murano's little genius

Chapter 304 You try to catch one?

Chapter 304 Do You Try One?
Zhang Xiaofan returned to the villa, lying on the bed for a long time unable to fall asleep.

The situation was more difficult than he imagined.

Youth Federation?The most famous killer, ranked 12th.

But this is the 12th place, but he is not sure to beat him.

What about the others?
He knew about Tang Hao, and the Liu family had something to do with the Youth Federation.

Could this be the person the Liu family told the Youth Federation to come over and kill him?
Actually, Zhang Xiaofan felt a little uncomfortable.

He felt that he had no power.

But it can't play its true strength.

The last time I fought against Tang Hao, I found that Tang Hao had his own moves and killer moves.

Today, the Youth League killer has even better swordsmanship and moves.

Zhang Xiaofan pondered, just like the masters on TV, everyone has their own unique skills, moves and killer moves.

But myself, I have strength, and it is a bit tricky to meet more professional ones.

If he hadn't met so many people along the way, he wouldn't have known he was a cultivator at all.

"Duan Ti Shu" became "The Golden Body of the Canglong——The Body Tempering Chapter".

Zhang Xiaofan remembers that what the old man asked him to practice was always "Golden Body of the Canglong - Body Tempering Chapter"

Although there are other things included in it, they are all insignificant.

However, how did he become a practitioner of Yuan Kaijing?

Cultivating Body Tempering Chapter, how did you reach the Kaiyuan Realm?

This really confuses Zhang Xiaofan.

Early the next morning.

Zhang Xiaofan called Xiao Liu.

But after calling several times, I couldn't get through.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaofan could only take a taxi to go there.

Arrived at the place where Zhou Zimei was sent last night.

Zhang Xiaofan made a phone call and waited for a few minutes.

Wearing trousers, long sleeves and a mask, Zhou Zimei came out.

It's thirty degrees today.

Zhou Zimei dressed like this made Zhang Xiaofan feel a little strange.

"Sister Zimei, are you feeling unwell?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Some cold."

Zhou Zimei explained.

However, no matter how tightly Zhou Zimei covered up, she still couldn't escape Zhang Xiaofan's gaze.

Zhang Xiaofan discovered the bruise on Zhou Zimei's neck.

"Sister Zimei, what happened to your neck?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"That's all right"

Zhou Zimei answered quickly.

"Sister Zimei, I'm actually a doctor, you can't lie to me."

"Did he hit you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Xiaofan, let's go."

Zhou Zimei didn't answer Zhang Xiaofan's question.

Zhou Zimei wanted to leave, but Zhang Xiaofan took her hand.

"Sister Zimei, where is he? Tell me."

"Xiaofan, I'm really fine."

Zhou Zimei dare not look directly into Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

"Bitch, you really dare to look for a man outside behind my back."

"No wonder I didn't ask you for any money."

"The one I was looking for was a little boy."

"Look I don't kill you!"

A man in shabby clothes came up and said loudly.

The moment she turned her head and saw the man, Zhou Zimei was a little scared.

"Qian Feng, don't talk nonsense, he is from my natal village."

Zhou Zimei explained.

"Are you taking me for a fool?"

"He grabbed your hand, and you actually said that you two have nothing to do with each other."

"Come here and see if I don't kill you."

Qian Feng pointed at Zhou Zimei and walked over quickly.

With triangular eyes and a pointed chin, he doesn't look like a nice guy.


Zhang Xiaofan stood in front of Zhou Zimei.

"Boy, if you dare to seduce my wife, I will ask someone to break your dog legs!"

Qian Feng stared at Zhang Xiaofan, it seemed that heat was coming from his head.

"Qian Feng, don't go crazy, this has nothing to do with Xiaofan."

Zhou Zimei said quickly.

"Xiao Fan, why are you calling me so kindly?"

"Oh! I see, this is the kid you taught Qian to study, right?"

"Tell me how much money you secretly gave him over the years."

"The family's money goes so fast, you must have used it to raise this kid!"

Qian Feng said.

"Qian Feng, where did the family's money go, don't you have any idea?"

"How much money have you lost in gambling over the years, the house is gone, and your parents are mad at you."

"Now you also worry about the money I paid for my child's medical treatment."

"Are you still human?"

With Zhang Xiaofan by her side, Zhou Zimei seemed to have more courage to speak.

These words, usually have no chance to say it.

Because as long as she talks back, she will be subjected to domestic violence by Qian Feng.

"You dirty bastard, you dare to talk back now."

"Look I don't kill you!"

Qian Feng's facial features have shifted, looking fierce!
Raising his hand was about to slap Zhou Zimei.

Halfway through waving, he stopped.

"Your hand should be useless."

Zhang Xiaofan grabbed Qian Feng's hand and said angrily.

"Zhang Xiaofan, let go of my hand immediately!"

"I tell you, if you dare to seduce my wife, I will find someone to kill you!"

"Let me go right now."

In Qian Feng's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is just a gentle boy.

Tidying him up is as easy as tidying up a quilt.

"Hey! It hurts, it hurts!"

Zhang Xiaofan pushed lightly.

Qian Feng's facial features were distorted in pain.

"Sister Zimei was injured by you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Zhang Xiaofan, let me tell you, don't"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaofan gave another twist.

Qian Feng's hand was on the verge of breaking.

Then screamed.

"Answer question!"

Zhang Xiaofan's voice was cold.

"I did it."

How dare Qian Feng not answer.

Otherwise, his hand will be useless.


Zhang Xiaofan twisted directly, literally snapping off Qian Feng's hand.

what! ~It hurts so much!

Qian Feng cried out heart-piercingly.

"Let me tell you, if you dare to hit Sister Yimei in the future, I will break your other hand!"

Zhang Xiaofan said harshly.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zimei felt no heartache or fear, only relief.

Although she and Qian Feng were still husband and wife, they filed for divorce two years ago.

In Zhou Zimei's heart, she had nothing to do with Qian Feng.

"Sister Zimei, let's go."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan took Zhou Zimei's hand and boarded a taxi.

At that moment, Zhou Zimei felt extremely warm and safe.

That feeling was something she had never experienced before, and it was something she had always been looking forward to.

"Sister Zimei, it's all like this, why don't you divorce him?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I think so too, but...he doesn't agree with me mentioning that he hit me once."

Zhou Zimei said.

"You can call the police."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It's useless, he threatened me with a child."

"He said that as long as I called the police, he would throw the child away."

Speaking of this, Zhou Zimei felt uneasy.

"This bastard, I should have known that I interrupted his other hand just now!"

"Even my own children will not be spared!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan clenched his fists tightly, and anger flashed in his eyes.

This kind of person is worse than a beast.

"Sister Zimei, you move out today and divorce that bastard."

"Other things, you leave it to me!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.


Zhou Zimei looked at Zhang Xiaofan and nodded.

Now she can only trust Zhang Xiaofan.

"Xiao Fan, actually that child is not Qian Feng's."

Zhou Zimei lowered her head and said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan was a little confused.

"Miss Xiaomei, you can't."

"The child is claimed. There is a problem with Qian Feng, and the child cannot be kept."

Hearing Zhou Zimei's explanation, Zhang Xiaofan let out a breath.

He thought she had the child with another man.

Qingyun Third People's Hospital.

Zhou Zimei brought Zhang Xiaofan to her child's inpatient department.

On the hospital bed, a child who looked six or seven years old was lying on the bed, wearing an oxygen mask, and beside him was an electrocardiogram machine.

Zhang Xiaofan simply looked at the video report of the child.

Then I took my pulse again.

It is indeed myocarditis caused by poisoning.

The child's condition is indeed not good, as Zhou Zimei said, the only option is a heart transplant.

According to the medical skills in today's society, the success rate of heart transplantation is very high.

Don't worry about that.

The concern is post-transplant complications.

And the most important point is that the life span of a person after a heart transplant is very limited, with an average survival period of 13 years.

"Nine-bed family members, your child's hospitalization fee is due today."

"Hurry up and pay all the money, or don't blame the hospital."

"Also, I regret to tell you that the heart that matches your child has been arranged for another child because you have not paid the money for a long time."

A thin, bespectacled male doctor said.

Hearing the news, Zhou Zimei reacted greatly, and she hurried forward to grab the doctor's white coat.

"Doctor, you can't do this, haven't we signed it?"

"You said you would wait until the end of this month."

The male doctor with glasses hurriedly said loudly, "Let go of me!"

"Don't you know the conditions in your own home?"

"Can you afford the fee?"

"It's a waste of time to wait until the end of the month. It's better to arrange it for the children of rich families."

"Doctor, you can't do this!"

"We finally waited."

Zhou Zimei did not let go, but continued to beg.

"Doctor, since we talked about it and signed it, why did it change now?"

"Whether you can get the money or not, you have to do things according to the stipulated time."

"Now it is said that the heart has been arranged for someone else, what is this?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a blank face.

The optician looked at Zhang Xiaofan: "What are you, is it your turn to speak here?"

"I'm a doctor, and I must have my reasons for doing this."

"Okay, then tell me the reason."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"The reason is that they have money, but you have no money."

"Since people have money, they should enjoy priority treatment."

The glasses doctor pointed to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Can you ignore the agreement if you have money?"

"Can money make you lose justice?"

Zhang Xiaofan stared at the glasses doctor and said.

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes stared horribly, he directly made the glasses doctor take two steps back.

"Looking at you, you are a poor man."

"This woman is as poor as you are."

"I have no money and I bring my children here to see a doctor."

"Do you know how much a heart transplant costs?"

"As little as hundreds of thousands, as many as millions!"

"Is this something you can afford?"

"Let's face it! It's not that I want to break the agreement, but that you are not qualified to talk about it when it comes to money!"

"It's ridiculous to dare to talk to me about heart transplants after delaying the hospitalization fee of 2 to [-] yuan for so many days!"

The male doctor with glasses looked at him coldly.

"Based on what you just said, are you worthy of being a doctor?"

"It's just tarnishing the word doctor!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"What are you, tell me this."

"Believe it or not, I will call someone to drive you out!"

The male doctor in glasses pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and became angry from embarrassment.

"You want to try one?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly with eyes like torches.

(End of this chapter)

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