Murano's little genius

Chapter 305 I Trust Doctor Xiaofan

Chapter 305 I Trust Doctor Xiaofan
This male doctor with glasses is the head of the department.

He made a phone call, and several security guards from the hospital rushed over immediately.

This situation attracted the attention of many people.

"The number 9 hospital bed has exceeded the prescribed payment period, and the family members insulted the doctor and kicked them out!"

The male doctor with glasses said loudly.

"Director Ma, what are you doing?"

A bald doctor came over with a harsh tone.

"Dean, you are here."

"That... I'm just a routine."

Director Ma said with a flattering smile.

"Dean, do the doctors in your hospital follow the rules?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

The dean took a look at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Dr. Ma is the head of the department, I believe he will abide by the rules."

"Director Ma, Miss Su is here today, don't let them make trouble here."

With that said, the dean approached Director Ma and said softly.

"Okay Dean, get them out at once."

Director Ma replied.

Without staying longer, the dean left directly.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head very disappointed.

Zhou Zimei wanted to catch up and talk to the dean, but was stopped by Zhang Xiaofan.

The dean and director are of the same breed.

"Don't say that the hospital doesn't give you the chance to go out by yourself."

"Pack up your things right now, take the kids, and get out."

Director Ma said.

Seeing the onlookers whispering, Director Ma quickly changed his words.

"Take the kids and get out right away."

Zhang Xiaofan walked towards Director Ma.

"I said, you hurry up and give it a try."

"A country bumpkin who doesn't know the rules."

"Security, chase people away!"

Director Ma waved his hand.

Four or five security guards stepped forward immediately, ready to control Zhang Xiaofan first.

"Director Ma, it's not good for you to do this."

"Just talk about it. It's not good to drive people out like this."

"That's right! Director Ma, with so many people watching, the influence is very bad."

The onlookers were talking.

Director Ma looked at the surrounding patients' family members or nurses and said, "Everyone, a hospital is not a shelter."

"If you can't pay the money, you have to go out."

"What's more, they insulted the doctor just now, and it would be very kind to drive them out."

"Director Ma is right, a hospital is not a shelter."

"Since you haven't paid the money, you have to get out."

"Also, I heard just now that this man insulted Director Ma."

"And threatened to beat Director Ma."

"I can't even afford the hospital bill, and I want to have a heart transplant."

"Director Ma was just trying to persuade him, but they threatened him."

"This kind of person should be kicked out immediately."

Two nurses were fanning the flames.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that these two nurses were not there at all just now.

It's all just talking nonsense to please Director Ma.

"You are talking nonsense, there is no such thing at all."

"Director Ma violated the original agreement and insulted us."

Zhou Zimei couldn't stand it anymore.

Really deceiving.

Zhou Zimei's words caused an uproar.

"Hehe, I'm going to laugh to death."

"Who is Director Ma? That is the director of our department. He has worked in the hospital for more than 20 years."

"His personality and reputation are there. It's a joke for him to insult you."

"I don't even look at yourselves. After delaying the hospitalization fee for more than half a month, are you still being insulted by someone?"

"Also, what agreement do you have to break?"

"You owe money to the hospital. Even if you have money, the hospital has the right to violate it."

An ugly and fat nurse spoke loudly.

Director Ma at the side nodded in satisfaction.

"Director Ma, is this really the case?"

A gentle and sweet voice sounded.

Zhang Xiaofan is familiar with this voice.

"What Director Ma said is of course true."

The ugly and fat female nurse answered without even looking at her.

Director Ma felt something was wrong, he was familiar with this voice.

Hastily turned around.

"Miss Su, you are here!"

Director Ma walked forward with a flattering smile.

The attitude is literally a 180-degree change.

"Director Ma, what's going on?"

Su Menglan asked.

That, Miss Su, is like this.
Director Ma told Su Menglan the situation in his own way.

"Miss, don't talk nonsense, it's not like that at all."

Zhou Zimei could see Director Ma's attitude towards Miss Su, as if he saw some important person.

In this case, it is even more impossible for Miss Su to listen to Director Ma's words.

"Doctor Xiaofan, do you think so?"

Su Menglan recognized Zhang Xiaofan a long time ago.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan at this moment, curiosity welled up in her eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan, why did he appear here?

I heard Su Menglan call Doctor Xiaofan.

Director Ma looked left and right.

He remembered that there is no doctor named Xiaofan here!
Then, who is Miss Su's name?
Zhou Zimei understood that this luxuriously and delicately dressed Ms. Su knew Zhang Xiaofan.

"Miss Su, do you believe it?"

Zhang Xiaofan also recognized Su Menglan immediately.

Su Menglan, a member of the Su family of the three major families in Qingyun City, has an extraordinary status.

Su Menglan, why did she appear here?

This is also Zhang Xiaofan's doubt.

Director Ma adjusted his glasses, pricked up his ears, and widened his eyes.

This kid knows Miss Su?
How can it be!

From this point of view, the two are very different, one is a country bumpkin in cheap clothes, and the other is a princess in luxurious clothes.

It is impossible for them to know each other.

Director Ma didn't believe it, it was definitely a misunderstanding.

"I trust Dr. Xiaofan."

Su Menglan replied.

"If Ms. Su believes me, then I suggest that the hospital tell Director Ma to go away."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

As soon as this word comes out.

There was another uproar.

Zhang Xiaofan's words can be described as turbulent.

A rustic-looking, plain and cheaply dressed country boy.

How dare you say let a department director in a big hospital go!

This is ignorance.

"You are so poor and come from a rural area, why do you say such a thing!"

"What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?"

"In front of Director Ma, what are you?"

The ugly and fat female nurse next to her was upset, she pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and cursed.

"Director Ma, are all the nurses here like this?"

Su Menglan asked.

"That. Miss Su, this is a newcomer and doesn't know the rules."

Director Ma answered quickly.

"Huang Lina, you don't have to come to work tomorrow!"

Director Ma frowned and said.

"Director Ma, why is this!"

"I'm here to help you speak."

"Also, who is this woman? You listen to her so much."

"You can't treat me like this just because she looks better than me!"

Director Ma's forehead was sweating, and he immediately scolded: "Huang Lina, get out of here immediately!"

"Miss Su's family is the major shareholder of the hospital, what are you!"

Nurse Huang Lina only reacted when she heard the word major shareholder.

She seems to have said something wrong, and this is the third day she has come to work.

(End of this chapter)

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