Murano's little genius

Chapter 309 Investigating the Pharmacy

Chapter 309 Investigating the Pharmacy
Qian Feng was so frightened that he quickly crouched down with his head in his arms.

And those people holding watermelon knives did not move at all. What happened just now was so fast and thrilling.

If the knife was any further off, Chen Haonan would have died.

"Are you still playing?"

Zhang Xiaofan said indifferently.

Play?This is so close to killing someone, he actually said it was a joke.
"Fuck you. Ma. Don't think I'm. Scared. Big."

"Brothers, don't be cowardly, keep fucking him!"

Chen Haonan didn't stutter, but his body trembled instinctively, which made his speech difficult.

He, Chen Haonan, was able to achieve what he is today because of his physical efforts, and he must not be cowardly because of fear.

Those brothers holding watermelon knives hesitated when they heard Chen Haonan's words.

It was trying to rush up, but couldn't take a step forward.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, there are so many of us, so many watermelon knives, no matter how powerful he is, he will lie on the ground!"

Someone shouted loudly, emboldening himself and everyone else.

"it is good!"

"Fuck him!"

All of a sudden, the passion of these people was mobilized again.

There was a murderous look in his eyes, even stronger than before.

Several people rushed up with watermelon knives.

Looking at the scene, Zhang Xiaofan has no room to dodge.

hide?Zhang Xiaofan didn't intend to hide.

The figure swept up, and the wind howled.

During the breath, the fists fell on the chests of several people.

The few people holding the watermelon knife felt that their chests were hit like a rhinoceros.

Souls are blown out.


Several people flew out, knocked down several mahjong tables, and dropped the watermelon knife to the ground.

All of them had distorted facial features due to the pain, covered their chests with their hands, and couldn't make a sound if they wanted to scream.

At this moment, Chen Haonan stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes, he couldn't believe what happened.

"Fuck! I, Chen Haonan, didn't get scared!"

After speaking, he took out the dagger from his pocket and rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan made a neat side kick.

Kick Chen Haonan in the abdomen.

This kick sent Chen Haonan flying for several meters, and then he hit the wall before stopping.

When he fell to the ground, he was already unconscious.

Qian Feng found that the situation was wrong and he wanted to escape.

He stood up and ran out the door in panic.

Zhang Xiaofan took a step forward and kicked his ass.

The whole person rolled forward.

Just ate a mouthful of dust.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over and directly grabbed his collar, as easy as picking up a chicken.

Without further ado, he slapped him a few times.

Slap him in the face like a pig's head.


"Stop fanning, I was wrong."

Qian Feng was so slapped that he almost lost consciousness.

He felt like his entire face was gone.

He knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Let me ask you! Did Kangkang poison you!"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

Qian Feng quickly replied: "I poisoned it, I'm a beast, no, I'm not as good as a beast."

Qian Feng knew that since Zhang Xiaofan asked, he must know the truth of the matter.

At this time Zhang Xiaofan is like a cruel killer, if he doesn't admit it, the end will be serious.



Angry together, Zhang Xiaofan immediately twisted off Qian Feng's other arm.

Ah ~!

The pain was so painful that I cried for my father and mother.

"Where did you get that medicine?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"I bought it."

Qian Feng lay on the ground, his face pale with pain.

"Where did you buy it?"

After the questioning, Zhang Xiaofan took Qian Feng to find Zhou Zimei.

After seeing Zhou Zimei, Qian Feng knelt down to apologize and beg for mercy.

Probably because of anger and disappointment, Zhou Zimei didn't say much.

She just told Zhang Xiaofan that she hoped that such a person would be punished as he should.

So, after Qian Feng and Zhou Zimei completed the divorce procedures.

Zhang Xiaofan directly brought him to the police station.

And Qian Feng honestly and obediently confessed his domestic violence and wanted to poison his "son" to death.

When #cha asked what happened to his injury, Qian Feng could only explain that he was beaten when he lost a bet.

Having felt Zhang Xiaofan's fear, how dare he speak nonsense.

Moreover, he would rather go to jail than see Zhang Xiaofan again.

This god of death, who is going to destroy people if they don't agree with each other, this f*cking monster.

Leaving from Bureau #, Zhang Xiaofan went towards the pharmacy that Qian Feng said.

"Can you buy that kind of medicine at the pharmacy?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't believe it at first.

But no matter how I asked Qian Feng, he said he bought it from a pharmacy.

It seems to be true.

Zhang Xiaofan came to a pharmacy known as a century-old store.

This place is also a good place, located in a prosperous area.

Does it really dare to sell illegal drugs?

And the poisonous drug is not simple, it is chemically synthesized.

High technical requirements.

It is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Hi, I'm looking for your boss."

After Zhang Xiaofan came in, he said to a woman in overalls.

"The boss is away."

The female shop assistant just glanced at Zhang Xiaofan, then shook her hand and said.

"What about your store manager?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"The store manager is not here either."

The woman answered impatiently.

"Then when will they be here?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask patiently.

"I said, are you annoying? Go out if you don't buy anything, don't affect our business."

The female clerk glared at Zhang Xiaofan and said unhappily.

"Grandma, you don't sleep well, you must eat more of this."

"There is also this. After taking a course of treatment, I can guarantee that I can go to bed whenever I want every night."

"Little girl, is it true?"

"I've seen a lot of doctors, and I can't take a lot of medicine."

"Grandma, we are a century-old store. These medicines are all exclusive secret recipes, and they are specially aimed at elderly people like you who suffer from insomnia."

"You can take it with confidence, and this medicine is not expensive, only 999 a box, three boxes for a course of treatment."

"Think about it, the last time you were hospitalized was more than this money, right?"

The female shop assistant then sold the product to a grandmother who looked seven or eighty years old.

"This grandma's insomnia is caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, heart-kidney disharmony, and often high anxiety."

"And yours are just health products for calming the nerves and nourishing the brain. Not only are they ineffective, but eating too much of them is actually bad for your body."

Zhang Xiaofan who was standing aside said.

Hearing this, the shop assistant glared at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.

"Look at the dirt you're wearing, what do you know?"

"Don't buy anything and still talk nonsense here to affect our business, get out of here!"

Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly: "You are just a clerk in a pharmacy, you don't understand what this old lady is doing, you just sell her these health care products indiscriminately, it's considered fraudulent sales."

"I said you country bumpkin in poor clothes, what are you, talking nonsense here."

The female clerk blushed and said loudly.

"Grandma, don't listen to him. He's just a country boy who came here to make trouble. I'm a gold medal clerk in this pharmacy. Although I'm not a doctor, I still know what kind of medicine is suitable for people."

Then he turned around and looked at the old grandma with a smile on his face.

"Girl, this young man is right. I am indeed suffering from liver and kidney yin deficiency and heart-kidney imbalance, and I am always anxious."

"Young man, how do you know about my situation?"

The old lady looked at Zhang Xiaofan and asked.

"Grandma, I'm a doctor, I can tell."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"You bumpkin, get out of here right now, or I'll call someone!"

The female clerk pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said loudly.

"Grandma, you should
Zhang Xiaofan didn't pay attention to the female shop assistant at all.

Instead, I told the grandmother about the medicines and things to pay attention to in order to cure her insomnia.

"Boy, thank you!"

"This store is too dark, even an old man like me can be fooled."

The old lady walked out of the pharmacy slowly.

The saleswoman went up to explain something, but the old lady ignored her at all.

She was so angry that she stomped her feet, and the business that she had obtained was ruined at this moment.

The shop assistant was so angry that her brows stood on end, she pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes.

"Very well, you country bumpkin is sincerely here to sabotage my business."

"The store manager! Someone came to the pharmacy to make trouble!"

The saleswoman shouted.

"Whoever has the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard dares to come here to make trouble!"

A man with three to seven points on his back came out of a small room in the pharmacy.

"Isn't your store manager here?"

"Why did I ask you just now and you said you were not here?"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned and asked the female shop assistant.

"Hehe! What are you, our store manager is the one you can meet whenever you want?"

"I said I wasn't here, but I wanted to send you away, you sour country bumpkin."

The female shop assistant looked down on someone with blank eyes.

"Shop manager, this country bumpkin has ruined my business."

"He came here on purpose to find fault."

The woman pointed to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Presumptuous! Do you know where this is?"

"Dare to come here to find fault, believe it or not, I let you walk out of this door, and your legs will be broken!"

"Xiao Zhen, how much money did you lose just now?"

The male store manager raised his chin and raised his eyebrows.

"Manager, I could have sold 5000 yuan."

The saleswoman said casually.

"You ruined our 5000 yuan business. According to market principles, you need double compensation."

"That is to say, you have to spend 1 yuan with us to solve this problem."

The male store manager said proudly.


Zhang Xiaofan replied coldly.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan refused so directly, the male store manager was a little unhappy.

"Hehe, I see that you are not dressed in the same clothes, and all the things you have on your body are not worth 100 yuan."

"You just came out of the village?"

"Boy, this is a big city, not your village."

"You can fight against injustice, or you can be brave, but you have to pay a price."

"And the price you paid for the self-righteous act of righteousness just now is money or physical disability."

The male store manager with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks combed three to seven points is really not a good person.

"Shop manager, this country bumpkin probably doesn't even have 1000 yuan on him, let alone 1 yuan."

The shop assistant glanced at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"I have money, not only ten thousand, but one hundred thousand."

"However, this money is for you, and you dare not ask for it."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly.

"Ouch! You can't be a rich second generation, right?"

"Xiaozhen, do you think we have misread it?"

The male store manager said with an exaggerated expression.

"Manager, if he is the second generation rich, you will be a billionaire, and I will be Fan Bingbing."

The saleswoman laughed.

In her eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is just a country bumpkin dressed as a turtle.

Rich people would never dress like this.


The male store manager laughed.

Maybe, Zhang Xiaofan is just a joke in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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