Murano's little genius

Chapter 310 Thank you

Chapter 310 Thank you

"It's bad, Mr. Pei fainted!"

A voice came from the door of the pharmacy.

Everyone in the pharmacy ran over.

Including the male store manager and the female clerk.

"Xiao'an, what's wrong with Mr. Pei?"

"I don't know either. I had dinner with her just now, and she fainted when I came here."

"Hurry up, call 120."

Zhang Xiaofan also walked over.

"It's too late to hit 120!"

After speaking, he directly carried the person into the bench of the pharmacy and put him down.

"Asshole! Country bumpkin, what are you doing!"

The male store manager shouted angrily.

"She has been poisoned, there are at most 2 minutes left!"

"You don't want anything to happen to her, get out of here immediately!"

Zhang Xiaofan checked briefly and said coldly.

"Shop Manager, how could Boss Pei get poisoned when he was doing well? It's definitely a trick from this bumpkin."

Just now the saleswoman said.

And the others nodded.

This person is fine, how could he be poisoned, it's too fake.

"Boy, let go of Mr. Pei's hand immediately."

"If something happens to Boss Pei, I'll ask you!"

The male store manager said loudly.

After speaking, he put his hand directly on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.


Zhang Xiaofan turned around and gave a cold drink.

That look reveals a terrifying look.

The male store manager quickly let go of his hand after seeing it, and took two steps back.

His back felt a little chilly.

"Asshole, let me tell you, if something happens to Mr. Pei before the doctor arrives, you will really be finished!"

Feeling Zhang Xiaofan's terrified gaze, the male store manager dared not go forward.

Zhang Xiaofan has confirmed that this Pei Zong has been severely poisoned.

And the development of toxins in the body is very fast.

What I have to do now is to expel the toxins from her blood and viscera before they are absorbed into the body.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan did not use silver needles for acupuncture, because it was unnecessary.

He helped Mr. Pei up and put his hands on his back.

Stimulate the vitality in the body and let it enter her body.

Force Pei toxin out.

"Hehe, this country bumpkin thinks he's filming a TV series and wants to transfer his internal energy?"

"If this can wake up Mr. Pei, what else do doctors need in this world."

"Hmph! Pretending to be, if something happens to Mr. Pei, he will die!"


President Pei spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Zhang Xiaofan gently let Boss Pei lie down.

Then he quickly walked to the traditional Chinese medicine area, glanced over, and took several kinds of medicinal materials.

"Take these medicines and boil them immediately!"

Zhang Xiaofan directly put the medicine in the male store manager's hand and said.

"Hillbilly, don't put on a show and play tricks."

"When 120 comes over, I will definitely expose your trick."

"You don't even know what these Chinese medicines are called, so what are you pretending to be?"

The male store manager said.


Boss Pei, who was lying on the bench, coughed twice, then slowly opened his eyes.

Anyone who pays close attention knows that Mr. Pei's darkened lips have returned to their normal color.

"Your family President Pei needs these medicines to recover!"

"Don't you want her to recover?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the male store manager and said coldly.

When Mr. Pei woke up, the male store manager was a little confused.

Is it really because of this kid?
As the manager of the pharmacy, although he is not a doctor, he can also see that Mr. Pei's situation just now is very likely to be poisoned.

It cannot be solved by general treatment.


There was no way, the male store manager could only hold back his anger and take medicine to boil.

Of course, he didn't think that Zhang Xiaofan had that kind of medical skills, he probably had luck.

"Boss Pei, are you awake?"

The female clerk named Xiao An said happily.

"Xiao An, what happened to me just now?"

Mr. Pei asked a little weakly.

"Mr. Pei, you just walked to the door and fainted. You scared me to death."

Xiao Anhou said in fear.

Mr. Pei looked at the pool of black and red blood on the ground, and was surprised on his pretty face: "What's going on?"

"Mr. Pei, did you spit it out?"

"I spit it out?"

"How is this going?"

"It was this handsome guy who said you were poisoned, and then used some method to force you to spit it out."

The clerk Xiaoan said patiently.

At this time, Mr. Pei realized that there was a young man with plain clothes but handsome appearance standing beside him.

"Thank you."

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's handsome face, President Pei said thank you.

"You're welcome, I'm a doctor and this is what I'm supposed to do."

Zhang Xiaofan said flatly.

"Mr. Pei, don't trust him. He's not a doctor."

"He didn't do anything to treat you just now."

"Everyone can see it."

Said the female shop assistant who had always been displeased with Zhang Xiaofan.

The other clerks nodded.

From their point of view, Zhang Xiaofan did not do any treatment, just put his hands on his back.

It's not much therapy.

"Xiao An, what do you think?"

Mr. Pei asked about the clerk Xiaoan next to him.

"Mr. Pei, on the surface, he did not do anything to treat you."

"But he was the first person who knew you were poisoned. He brought you here, helped you up, and then used some method that we couldn't see. He put his hand on your back for a few seconds. Then you spit out a mouthful of black blood."

The kind-faced Xiaofan clerk answered truthfully.

Boss Pei listened carefully, as if she only believed what the clerk Xiaoan said.

"Mr. Pei, what Xiaoan said is basically
"Xiao Zhen, you don't need to say anything."

The clerk who tried his best to say bad things about Zhang Xiaofan was stopped by Mr. Pei just as he was about to say something.

Her teeth itch with anger.

She just can't understand Zhang Xiaofan, a country bumpkin who wears a turtle.

Especially by ruining her good deeds.

"Doctor, I am the owner of a pharmacy after all, and I myself studied medicine before."

"I know what this puddle of blood on the ground means."

"If it wasn't for your timely treatment, I might have been poisoned into my whole body by this time and died."

President Pei said sincerely.

"Asshole, you're kidding me, those herbs are all black."

The male store manager hurried over, pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and began to curse.

"Do you use slow fire or strong fire?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Of course it's Wuhuo!"

"That's because you lack common sense. Anyone who understands the medicinal materials just now knows that they can only be tormented with gentle fire, not strong fire."

"The fire is too fierce, it will dissipate 50.00% of the properties of the medicinal materials, and there will be signs of blackening."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You bumpkin, what are you talking about!"

"You mean that I, the manager of a pharmacy, don't understand medicine!"

"Don't think that you are lucky to save Mr. Pei, so you think you are a miracle doctor."

"Let me tell you, you are just a country bumpkin, what happened just now is not over yet!"

The male store manager moved closer to Zhang Xiaofan, gritted his teeth at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Xu An! What are you doing!"

President Pei said loudly.

"Mr. Pei, this kid is not a good person. He came to the store just now to influence our business."

"Yes, Mr. Pei, just now he came to the store and didn't buy anything, and even told customers not to buy our products."

The male shop manager and the Xiaozhen female shop assistant sang together.

The 120 ambulance called just now has arrived.

The nurse and doctor in the car trotted in quickly.

A bald doctor asked, "Where's the patient?"

However, when he saw Zhang Xiaofan, his eyes widened, and the medical insurance in his hand fell to the ground, as if he had seen some important person discussing it.

"I've seen Dr. Xiaofan."

Dean Jia greeted him respectfully, as if he had forgotten his mission here.

Su Menglan is very clear about what Dean Jia did.

After Zhang Xiaofan and the others left, for the sake of his contribution to the hospital for so many years, he was directly relegated to the emergency room as a general doctor in the emergency department.

(End of this chapter)

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