Murano's little genius

Chapter 311 The Poison of Alpha

Chapter 311 The Poison of Alpha

"Dean Jia, why are you here?"

The store manager Xu An asked incomprehensibly.

As the store manager of Yongkangtang Pharmacy, how could he not know the "famous" director of Qingyun Third Hospital.

However, why did this majestic dean become an emergency doctor?

Zhang Xiaofan also recognized Dean Jia.

"Dean Jia, are you experiencing the normal work of an emergency doctor?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Doctor Xiaofan, this is Miss Su's arrangement."

Dean Jia adjusted his glasses and answered.

There was no embarrassment or embarrassment on his face.

After all, to be punished like this is better than Director Ma.

Hearing Dean Jia's words, Zhang Xiaofan probably understood what was going on.

"Dean Jia, do you know this kid?"

Xu An asked cautiously.

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

"Let me tell you, don't call me Dean Jia in the future, but Dr. Jia."

Dean Jia looked at Xu An and said very angrily.

"Also, pay attention to your wording, this is Doctor Xiaofan."

"We are the youngest and most skilled doctor in Qingyun City."

Dean Jia introduced it very seriously.

the youngest?The most powerful doctor?
These words are no joke.

After hearing this, all the people present questioned from the bottom of their hearts.

However, they also knew that the person in front of them was the director of Qingyun City Hospital. Could what he said be false?
Especially his respectful title and attitude towards Zhang Xiaofan, that couldn't be more true.

Xu An looked at Zhang Xiaofan in disbelief.

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be finished?"

He tentatively asked Dean Jia again: "Dean Jia, are you joking?"

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm joking?"

"Also, who are you? What are you? Do I need to make fun of you?"

"Let me tell you, you'd better not mess with Dr. Xiaofan, or I'll be the first to let you go!"

Dean Jia said impatiently.

"Doctor Xiaofan, now. I'm not needed here, right?"

"No, let's go."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said.


Dean Jia left in a hurry.

This stunned everyone.

The dignified director of the No. [-] Hospital of Qingyun City seems to have turned into a clown.

No, why is he like a clown in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Doctor Xiaofan, my name is Pei Sirou, I didn't know your identity just now, I'm really sorry."

The pharmacy owner, Pei Sirou, stood up.

She sees the situation.

The situation in which he saves himself is well explained.

As the youngest doctor with the best medical skills in Qingyun City.

It is true that he has a special ability to save himself from being poisoned.

"Mr. Pei, don't listen to his nonsense. It's true that I'm a doctor, but it's not that exaggerated."

Zhang Xiaofan answered modestly.

It's not that he is being modest on purpose, but that the old man said that there are people beyond others, and there are people beyond the sky, and there are many people who are better than himself in medical skills.

The doctor with the best medical skills in Qingyun City?Zhang Xiaofan doesn't dare to boast about Haikou now.

"Mr. Pei, I want to report a problem in your store to you."

"Doctor Xiao Fan, what happened just now was a misunderstanding."

"I thought about it again, how could Dr. Xiaofan be that kind of person?"

"It must be her. She framed you."

Xu An is looking for a way to clean himself up.

He put the culprit on the clerk Xiaozhen.

"Shop manager, I didn't frame him. You said it yourself. He is this kind of person. You also asked him to pay compensation. If he doesn't pay, his legs will be broken."

The shop assistant Xiaozhen said a little aggrieved.


"I am a dignified store manager, and I have always treated every customer who enters the store equally. I am definitely not the kind of person who sees people as inferior."

Xu An said without blushing or panting.


"I know exactly what kind of people you two are!"

"Before I thought that you had worked here for so long to give you a chance to reform, but I didn't expect it to get worse."

"Just now, I saw everything you did to Dr. Xiaofan through the monitoring on my mobile phone!"

"I'm here to announce that from today onwards, you two will no longer be employees of my Yongkang Hall."

As the boss of Yongkang Hall, Pei Sirou has the air of a domineering female boss.

Xu An and the female shop assistant Xiaozhen were afraid and regretted it.

However, if I knew this earlier, why bother.

This is the fruit of their own sowing.

"Master Xu, don't rush to leave."

"I have something to ask you."

Zhang Xiaofan stopped Xu An who walked out the door with a dejected expression on his face.

"Mr. Pei, I wonder if we can talk in the office inside?"

"Of course, Doctor Xiaofan."

Inside the office.

Xu An was fidgeting, he felt that this matter was endless, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely take revenge on himself.

Xu An thought too much, as long as he got the punishment he deserved, Zhang Xiaofan would not look at him more.

"Xu An, as far as I know, you secretly sold a copy of poison to a man named Qian Feng a few days ago."

"Do you admit it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Xu An couldn't sit still anymore, his back was wet a lot, his expression was a little stiff.

It's over!How could he know this!
And Pei Sirou, who was sitting next to Zhang Xiaofan, turned pale even more when he heard what Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xu An! What's going on!"

She immediately questioned Xu An.

If true, this is downright terrifying.

Xu An kept rubbing his sweaty hands.

"That... I didn't mean it!"

"I picked up the medicine, and someone happened to be looking for it that day, so I secretly sold it to him, thinking about earning some extra money."

Xu security department explained.

"Pick it up? Where did you pick it up?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked

"In a bar."

"What bar?"

"S&M bar."

S&M bar?

Isn't this the place where Su Menglan asked Zhang Xiaofan to meet tonight?

"You didn't lie?"

"Doctor Xiaofan, I'm telling the truth, I'm just greedy for cheap things."

"You must not call the police, or I will be finished."

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask: "How do you know it's poison?"

"It's in a bottle and it says ."

"Is the bottle still there?"

"I threw it away."

"Then do you remember the name of that medicine?"

Xu An tried hard to recall.

"It seems to be called something. Alpha Poison."

"One by one, it is like the milk tablets that children eat, and they are also white."

Zhang Xiaofan fell into deep thought.

Alpha Poison?
This reputation is special.

Is it imported?

Xu An picked it up from a bar, and a place like a bar is full of fish and dragons, and anyone can go in.

If the poison was picked from inside, it would be more difficult to investigate.

"Xu An! How dare you sell poison in Yongkang Hall!"

"You are not only breaking the law, but also a scum!"

"This matter, I will hand it over to the police!"

Pei Sirou was very angry.

Xu An wanted to beg for mercy, but he knew that it was useless.

10 minutes later, #赵 took Xu An away.

"Boss Pei, the poison you are poisoning should be a kind of fast-acting and highly poisonous, which can quickly take people's lives."

"You recall what you ate, or who gave you something to eat."

Zhang Xiaofan talked about Pei Sirou being poisoned.

Pei Sirou thought about it seriously.

She seemed to remember something.

"Doctor Xiao Fan, during the meal, Xiao An had an argument with another woman, I went to deal with it, maybe someone poisoned my food at that time."

"However, these people are too ruthless and blatant!"

"That's in a restaurant."

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Boss Pei, there can be anyone in this world, just like you never thought that Xu An would sell poison."

Pei Sirou nodded, thinking what Zhang Xiaofan said made sense.

"Mr. Pei, you have to tell #cha about this, I'm afraid they will definitely attack you again."

Zhang Xiaofan kindly reminded.

"Well, I will."

"Boss Pei, I have something to go."

After Zhang Xiaofan finished speaking, he was about to walk towards the door.

"That... Doctor Xiaofan, I haven't thanked you properly yet."

"How about we add a WeChat, and I will find a way to thank you in the future."

Pei Sirou, who usually speaks domineeringly, saw that Zhang Xiaofan was going to leave now, knowing that she had a lot to say, but she just couldn't say it.

Usually those rich second generations lined up to ask for her WeChat account, but today she blushed and asked for Zhang Xiaofan's WeChat account.

Zhang Xiaofan took out his mobile phone and opened the QR code of WeChat.

Pei Sirou took out her phone and scanned, and added Zhang Xiaofan's WeChat.

Without saying a word, Zhang Xiaofan took a taxi and left.

Leaving behind Pei Sirou's lonely back.

At this time, Pei Sirou had a complicated emotion in his heart.

Zhang Xiaofan's appearance always feels like it was arranged by heaven.

Because, she thought carefully, all of this was just like what happened on TV, too interlocking and coincidental.

(End of this chapter)

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