Murano's little genius

Chapter 312 Immortal

Chapter 312 Immortal
Zhang Xiaofan continued to call driver Xiao Liu, but the phone still didn't work.

This made Zhang Xiaofan wonder too much.

After thinking about it, he made a call to Hua Chennan.

I want to chat with him about the news I got last night.

After all, due to his location, Hua Chennan couldn't get news like Zhang Xiaofan did.


"Hello there!"

The voice and thickness of the voice on the other side are obviously not Hua Chennan's.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly identified it.

It might be his assistant or something, Zhang Xiaofan didn't doubt anything.

"You are Doctor Xiaofan?"


"Let's meet up."

Zhang Xiaofan slowly put down the phone.

His face was expressionless, but under his clear eyes, there was an indescribably complicated sadness.

Brilliance South is dead!
When Zhang Xiaofan first heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, why did the person he had an in-depth conversation with yesterday die?
This formed a huge shock in his heart, that kind of shock was painful, uncomfortable, and unbelievable.

Although he has only been in contact with Hua Chennan for a short time, as a big man, he still sticks to his principles in today's society.

I really want to make a big contribution to society.

From the perspective of friends, let alone Hua Chennan, he can do what he can do.

Of course, all this is because Zhang Xiaofan rescued his wife.

However, not everyone will give endless rewards like him.

And because of this, Zhang Xiaofan also regards him as a friend.

Just such a person, he died suddenly, gone.

Zhang Xiaofan was in deep pain, he couldn't accept it.

Zhang Xiaofan knows Hua Chennan's physical condition.

Although old, but very healthy.

The person who called just now said that Hua Chennan died suddenly from overwork at work.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't believe it.

Overwork can indeed cause sudden death.

But it is too official to say that Hua Chennan died suddenly from overwork.

Zhang Xiaofan knows the intensity of Hua Chennan's work.

It is impossible to die from overwork.

There must be a mystery here.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan must go to see that person.

Brilliance Nanping is in a # car near the office building.

A middle-aged man wearing a #uniform and a face with Chinese characters, giving off a sense of justice and Ling Ran, was talking with Chang Xiaofan.

The middle-aged man is Leader Yang of Qingyun City, who is also a big shot in Qingyun City.

"The result given by the forensic doctor is sudden death."

"Detailed results await their further autopsy."

Leader Yang said.

Zhang Xiaofan asked: "Leader Yang, do you believe it was a sudden death?"

"To be honest, I also feel very strange about Chen Nan's death."

"I also know how his body is. Sudden death is too forced."

"But we haven't found any clues before. So, we really can't be sure whether someone has done something to Chen Nan."

As a good friend of Leader Yang, Hua Chennan was equally sad in his heart.

It's just that, as a person of this age and identity, his emotions will not be exposed on the surface.

"Leader Yang, show me the corpse."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

He wants to know the truth, just by looking at it.

Leader Yang thought for a while and said, "Yes."

For Zhang Xiaofan's ability, Leader Yang has no doubts.

Zhang Xiaofan has excellent medical skills, maybe he can find something.

And Zhang Xiaofan was Hua Chennan's benefactor and friend before his death.

Leader Yang knows this.

When he saw Zhang Xiaofan just now, Leader Yang was actually surprised from the bottom of his heart.

How could he have imagined that the person Hua Chennan was full of praise for would be at such an age.

Hua Chennan's body has not been removed yet.

Leader Yang brought Zhang Xiaofan to the scene.

Zhang Xiaofan lifted the white cloth.

The face that was still chatting with me yesterday was already separated from yin and yang.

Inevitably, my heart ached again.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't immerse himself in grief, but checked carefully.

Judging from the characteristics of death.

Hua Chennan is very suitable for sudden death.

However, it was definitely not sudden cardiac death.

Because Hua Chennan has no history of heart disease.

That said, it was non-cardiac sudden death.

There are many causes of non-cardiac death.

Including respiratory system diseases, central nervous system diseases, drug or poison poisoning, allergies, mental stress and so on.

Therefore, given that Hua Chennan was already in good health before, although there is no clue, the human reason still exists.

Zhang Xiaofan thought of poison.

In particular, everything he encountered today was related to poison, which made him preconceived.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle and wanted to do a poisoning test on Hua Chennan.

"What are you going to do! Don't touch the corpse!"

"Shut up! Do you know who he is!"

"Dr. Xiaofan can do whatever he wants on the spot!"

Leader Yang angrily reprimanded a staff member.

The employee was so scared that he quickly apologized to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Who is this person? Why did Leader Yang get so angry at him?"

Who is Leader Yang?That was a big man.

It must not be easy for this person to make him lose his temper like this!

"Doctor Xiaofan, this is."

Leader Yang asked.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't reply, but pierced Hua Chennan's heart with the black iron needle.

Then take it out.

Looking at the black iron needle that was taken out, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes tightened and his lips moved slightly.

"Hua Chennan died of a non-cardiac sudden death due to external causes."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.

But it didn't say so.

As soon as these words came out, not only everyone present was shocked, but Yang Li was so shocked that he couldn't control his emotions.

"Doctor Xiaofan, according to what you say"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, at least, it is not an ordinary sudden death."

Zhang Xiaofan said with certainty.

Zhang Xiaofan's words, like a bomb, suddenly boomed.

Let everyone's heart beat faster.

"Come here, bring all the relevant people here!"

Leader Li said quickly.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to check, he scanned the whole room seriously.

Suddenly, he found something in the window.

walked over.

"Golden silkworm?"

A golden silkworm the size of a little finger died in the gap by the window.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

When seeing the golden silkworm, Zhang Xiaofan felt bad.

He had seen this thing in the book the old man gave him.

"Golden Silkworm!"

This is Zhang Xiaofan's first reaction.

The golden silkworm was originally thought to exist only in legends, but it was unexpected that it really existed in reality.

If this is the case, then Hua Chennan's death can be explained.

The golden silkworm is a kind of insect formed by a special method. It is not only spiritual, but also highly poisonous.

When it actively contacts people and releases the poison in its body, that is when it dies.

At the same time, people who have been poisoned by the golden silkworm generally have no choice but to wait for death.

The poison of golden silkworm is formed by more than a dozen kinds of highly poisonous insects through special methods.

Hua Chennan's death was a sudden death from the outside.

In other words, the owners of these golden silkworms did not want people to find out that Hua Chennan died of the poison of golden silkworms.

Zhang Xiaofan guessed that Hua Chennan had inhaled the poison of the golden silkworm.

And then affect the entire respiratory system, lung problems, arrhythmia, and sudden death.

This way is really perfect.

Unfortunately, I ran into Zhang Xiaofan.

Hua Chennan inhaled the poison of the golden silkworm, so there must be residual poison in his body.

This is the biggest flaw.

Zhang Xiaofan simply told Leader Yang about it.

"If that's the case, I'll call someone from the Martial Arts Training Administration here."

"These matters are within their jurisdiction, and only they can solve them."

Leader Yang said.

"Leader Yang, if you have any news, please let me know."

Since someone from the Martial Arts Cultivation Management Bureau came to investigate, Zhang Xiaofan felt relieved.

They will definitely follow the golden silkworm's clues to investigate.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you are Chennan's benefactor and also his friend."

"That is also my benefactor and friend of Yang Li."

"I will definitely ask the people from the Martial Dao Cultivation Administration Bureau to find out about him."

"And if I find out who is behind the scenes, I will tell you."

Yang Li said.

"Doctor Xiaofan, there is something else I want to tell you."

"Xiao Liu also had an accident."


Hearing this news, Zhang Xiaofan's heart ached again.

Xiao Liu, what a wonderful person, how could he be like this?
"How could this be?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked with a heavy heart.

"Car accident."

"A large truck crashed from the direction of the driver's seat, and the person died on the spot. His wallet and mobile phone disappeared, and the driver of the truck also fled."

Yang Li himself felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Liu, he arranged for Hua Chennan.

One of his most trusted bodyguards.

"Is there anyone else in the car?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"No, just Xiao Liu."

Yang Li replied.

On a?
Does it mean that Zhang Wangcai is gone?
Doesn't this matter mean that it has something to do with Qimen Palace?
Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan was furious, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, making it hard to breathe.

As a big shot, Yang Lina has also seen all kinds of people.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's powerful aura erupted from him, he knew that that kind of person would have it.

Although he is not, he has also dealt with and experienced it.

"Doctor Xiaofan, what's the matter?"

Yang Li asked.

"It's nothing."

"Leader Yang, does Mrs. Hua know?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Got it, she fainted on the spot when she heard the news."

"I've sent someone to take care of her."

Yang Li said.

"Leader Yang, go get busy."

"I want to see Mrs. Hua."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to take you there."

"No, I'll just take a taxi."

The departure of Hua Chennan and Xiao Liu made Zhang Xiaofan feel sad at the same time.

And make him blame himself.

When Zhang Wangcai was arrested, something happened to Xiao Liu and Hua Chennan.

These are connected in series, and they are absolutely inseparable from Qimen Palace.

He wanted to tell Yang Li just now, but after thinking about it, he couldn't let Yang Li know.

What happened to Brilliance South was too strange.

Zhang Xiaofan guessed that this was definitely related to the news that Zhang Wangcai said.

Qimen Palace heard the news and made a move in time.

Although Xiao Liu hasn't seen Hua Chennan yet, Qimen Palace believes that Hua Chennan may already know about it.

So special actions were taken.

"Qimen Palace?"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were like fire, his fists were clenched tightly, and there were bursts of air crackling.

He secretly swears in his heart that he dare not say such great rhetoric for the sake of the common people in the world, but only for the two of Hua Chennan and Xiao Liu, the Qimen Palace will never be destroyed!

Zhang Xiaofan went to visit Madam Hua.

Because of excessive grief, she was unconscious.

Zhang Xiaofan helped her feel the pulse, but there was nothing wrong with her body.

But Zhang Xiaofan knew that the problems in her heart could not be solved by doctors.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't wait for her to wake up, but wrote a letter and asked the person who took care of her to hand it to her when she woke up.

Inside, there is something Zhang Xiaofan wants to say.

PS: For special reasons, QL was changed to Qimen Palace

(End of this chapter)

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